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  1. Past hour
  2. You can modify WorkshopScript in the Creation Kit, but bear in mind that will make your mod incompatible with any other mod that does the same thing.
  3. I want to request a mod where pals are really aggressive on players, bosses, and your base pals (basically they're not scared of anything). I think there was a mod here before but I don't remember at all. It's been such a long time.
  4. The utility you want is HKXPack, which will unpack any HKX file to an XML. Make sure it's in the same directory as the HKX you want to unpack, then run the command 'java -jar hkxpack-cli.jar unpack' from that directory, in either a PowerShell or command prompt terminal, followed by the name of the HKX file (including extension). You'll also need to have the Java Runtime Environment installed. Here's the list of animation events from FurnitureBehavior.hkx: <hkcstring>reset</hkcstring> <hkcstring>moveStop</hkcstring> <hkcstring>standStartFromExit</hkcstring> <hkcstring>moveStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>sitStartFromStand</hkcstring> <hkcstring>sitStartLeftFromWalk</hkcstring> <hkcstring>sitStartRearFromWalk</hkcstring> <hkcstring>sitStartRightFromWalk</hkcstring> <hkcstring>ReevaluateGraphState</hkcstring> <hkcstring>SyncRight</hkcstring> <hkcstring>SyncLeft</hkcstring> <hkcstring>sitStop</hkcstring> <hkcstring>standStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>walkStartRear</hkcstring> <hkcstring>walkStartLeft</hkcstring> <hkcstring>walkStartRight</hkcstring> <hkcstring>idlechairsitting</hkcstring> <hkcstring>idleChairGetUp</hkcstring> <hkcstring>startAnimationDriven</hkcstring> <hkcstring>SyncCycleEnd</hkcstring> <hkcstring>g_IdleSitInstant</hkcstring> <hkcstring>syncIdleStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>syncIdleStop</hkcstring> <hkcstring>g_IdleSitting</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dyn_Talk</hkcstring> <hkcstring>idleStop</hkcstring> <hkcstring>HeadTrackingOn</hkcstring> <hkcstring>startSyncIdle00</hkcstring> <hkcstring>startSyncIdle01</hkcstring> <hkcstring>PickNewIdle</hkcstring> <hkcstring>HeadTrackingOff</hkcstring> <hkcstring>sitStartFrontFromWalk</hkcstring> <hkcstring>walkStartForward</hkcstring> <hkcstring>AnimObjLoad</hkcstring> <hkcstring>AnimObjDraw</hkcstring> <hkcstring>AnimObjUnequip</hkcstring> <hkcstring>fillingRed</hkcstring> <hkcstring>00NextClip</hkcstring> <hkcstring>CharFXOff</hkcstring> <hkcstring>CharFXOn</hkcstring> <hkcstring>SoundPlay</hkcstring> <hkcstring>SoundStop</hkcstring> <hkcstring>runStartLeft</hkcstring> <hkcstring>runStartRight</hkcstring> <hkcstring>runStartRear</hkcstring> <hkcstring>sitStartLeftFromStand</hkcstring> <hkcstring>sitStartRightFromStand</hkcstring> <hkcstring>standStartLeft</hkcstring> <hkcstring>standStartRight</hkcstring> <hkcstring>On</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Off</hkcstring> <hkcstring>UncullBone</hkcstring> <hkcstring>CullBone</hkcstring> <hkcstring>CameraOverrideStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>CameraOverrideStop</hkcstring> <hkcstring>FurnitureOn</hkcstring> <hkcstring>FurnitureOff</hkcstring> <hkcstring>PlayerTerminalEnter</hkcstring> <hkcstring>PlayerTerminalExit</hkcstring> <hkcstring>NifExit</hkcstring> <hkcstring>DisablePACameraAdd</hkcstring> <hkcstring>EnablePACameraAdd</hkcstring> <hkcstring>drinkStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>drinkEnd</hkcstring> <hkcstring>CharFXBurstA</hkcstring> <hkcstring>LoopingActivate</hkcstring> <hkcstring>bRenderFirstPersonInWorld</hkcstring> <hkcstring>winStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>winEnd</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dyn_Activation</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dyn_ActivationLoop</hkcstring> <hkcstring>PathTweenerStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>PathTweenerEnd</hkcstring> <hkcstring>StartAnimatedCamera</hkcstring> <hkcstring>EndAnimatedCamera</hkcstring> <hkcstring>RenderFirstPersonInWorldStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>RenderFirstPersonInWorldStop</hkcstring> <hkcstring>furnitureEnterSlave</hkcstring> <hkcstring>furnitureIdleSlave</hkcstring> <hkcstring>furnitureExitSlave</hkcstring> <hkcstring>furnitureEnterSlavePA</hkcstring> <hkcstring>furnitureIdleSlavePA</hkcstring> <hkcstring>testBigBoy</hkcstring> <hkcstring>furnitureDeath</hkcstring> <hkcstring>FootFront</hkcstring> <hkcstring>FootBack</hkcstring> <hkcstring>sitStartFromStandCombat</hkcstring> <hkcstring>standStartCombat</hkcstring> <hkcstring>DynamicAnimationExit</hkcstring> <hkcstring>QuickExitToStand</hkcstring> <hkcstring>startSwanExit</hkcstring> <hkcstring>startSwanSplashOut</hkcstring> <hkcstring>AnimObjUnequipAlt</hkcstring> <hkcstring>startAllowRotation</hkcstring> <hkcstring>sitStartFromStandInstant</hkcstring> <hkcstring>BlockPOVSwitchStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>BlockPOVSwitchStop</hkcstring> <hkcstring>initiateStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>initiateEnd</hkcstring> <hkcstring>QuickExitTriggerStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>KillActor</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Ragdoll</hkcstring> <hkcstring>DesyncInteraction</hkcstring> <hkcstring>standStartDelayedExit</hkcstring> <hkcstring>standStartRight_Delayed</hkcstring> <hkcstring>standStartLeft_Delayed</hkcstring> <hkcstring>bBlockPipboyStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>bBlockPipboyStop</hkcstring> <hkcstring>SoundPlayAt</hkcstring> <hkcstring>pipboyLightOn</hkcstring> <hkcstring>pipboyLightOff</hkcstring> <hkcstring>PathTweenerRotateEnd</hkcstring> <hkcstring>PathTweenerRotateStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Open</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Close</hkcstring> <hkcstring>weaponSheathe</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dlg_listen</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dlg_talk</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dlg_positive</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dlg_neutral</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dlg_question</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dlg_negative</hkcstring> <hkcstring>g_archetypeDialogueStateStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Pose_to_PoseB</hkcstring> <hkcstring>to_PoseA</hkcstring> <hkcstring>to_PoseB</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Pose_to_PoseA</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dyn_DoNotInterrupt</hkcstring> <hkcstring>countDownTick</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dyn_Flavor</hkcstring> <hkcstring>IdleFlavor</hkcstring> <hkcstring>_EventForSelfTransition</hkcstring> <hkcstring>idleStopEating</hkcstring> <hkcstring>FurnitureDoneEating</hkcstring> <hkcstring>idleTalkAndUseItem</hkcstring> <hkcstring>FurnitureTalkingToEatIdles</hkcstring> <hkcstring>idleEatStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>FurnitureNextClip</hkcstring> <hkcstring>ExitDynamicTalk</hkcstring> <hkcstring>FaceEmotion</hkcstring> <hkcstring>CharFXOffWild</hkcstring> <hkcstring>weaponAssemblyFull</hkcstring> <hkcstring>weaponAssemblyPartial</hkcstring> <hkcstring>DefaultRefPose</hkcstring> <hkcstring>DynamicRefPose</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Flavor1</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dyn_NoInterrupt_Manual</hkcstring> <hkcstring>InstantExitClip</hkcstring> <hkcstring>exhale</hkcstring> <hkcstring>cigOn</hkcstring> <hkcstring>cigLight</hkcstring> <hkcstring>cigDrag</hkcstring> <hkcstring>cigOff</hkcstring> <hkcstring>matOn</hkcstring> <hkcstring>matStrike</hkcstring> <hkcstring>matOff</hkcstring> <hkcstring>LeftHandIKActivate</hkcstring> <hkcstring>LeftHandIKDeactivate</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dyn_talkGeneric</hkcstring> <hkcstring>FootLeft</hkcstring> <hkcstring>FootRight</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Play01</hkcstring> <hkcstring>StartVoice</hkcstring> <hkcstring>vatsSpinningStartSlave</hkcstring> <hkcstring>attackReleaseSlave</hkcstring> <hkcstring>idleLoopingStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>idleLoopingExit</hkcstring> <hkcstring>furnitureIdleFlavor2Slave</hkcstring> <hkcstring>furnitureIdleFlavor1Slave</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dyn_ProcessAll_idle</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Pose_to_PoseC</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Pose_to_PoseD</hkcstring> <hkcstring>FemaleAtMirror</hkcstring> <hkcstring>MaleAtMirror</hkcstring> <hkcstring>ActivateIsInFlavor</hkcstring> <hkcstring>DeactivateIsInFlavor</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Pose_to_PoseE</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Pose_to_PoseF</hkcstring> <hkcstring>to_PoseE</hkcstring> <hkcstring>BodyCameraEnte</hkcstring> <hkcstring>BodyCameraEnter</hkcstring> <hkcstring>BodyCameraExit</hkcstring> <hkcstring>dyn_FlavorLooping</hkcstring> <hkcstring>LoopCounter</hkcstring> <hkcstring>idleReadingStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>idleReadingStop</hkcstring> <hkcstring>PCapEnter</hkcstring> <hkcstring>PCapExit</hkcstring> <hkcstring>FurnitureDoneReading</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Event00</hkcstring> <hkcstring>RandomClipStart</hkcstring> <hkcstring>BasePoseEnter</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk01</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk02</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk03</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk04</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk05</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk06</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk07</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk08</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk09</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk10</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk11</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk12</hkcstring> <hkcstring>PoseA_to_PoseB</hkcstring> <hkcstring>PoseB_to_PoseA</hkcstring> <hkcstring>DoNotInterrupt</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk13</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk14</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Talk15</hkcstring> <hkcstring>HandFXOpen</hkcstring> <hkcstring>HandFXClose</hkcstring> <hkcstring>HandFXOpenLeft</hkcstring> <hkcstring>HandFXOpenRight</hkcstring> <hkcstring>HandFXCloseLeft</hkcstring> <hkcstring>HandFXCloseRight</hkcstring> <hkcstring>to_IdleLoop</hkcstring> <hkcstring>ActivateAnimObjUnequip</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage01</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage02</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage03</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage04</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage05</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage06</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage07</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage08</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage09</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage10</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage11</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage12</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage13</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage14</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage15</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage16</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage17</hkcstring> <hkcstring>weaponDraw</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage18</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage19</hkcstring> <hkcstring>Stage20</hkcstring> <hkcstring>muzzleFlash</hkcstring>
  5. Today
  6. It is an error from nvse I just tried it and got the same
  7. Unfortunately, I've refunded this game over unskippable cutscenes. I had just shy of 2hrs, and I was waiting for a cutscene skip mod, but it's unlikely anyone makes this any time soon (if ever), let alone within the 2 week purchase window. I might rebuy it in the future (at a huge discount) if someone makes a mod.
  8. Define "crashing game"? Crashing when you enter the shop and see the merchant? Crashing when talking to one? Crashing when you enter the trading UI? Crashing while going through their inventory?
  9. Moon and Star is an interesting quest mod. The questions posed are intriguing; why the Morag Tong? What is a former Great House hoping to get out of killing the Nerevarine? How is he even manifest anyway during Uncle Sheo's "vacation"... or is he manifest once more because of it? All the above said, there are a couple of problems with it. First, there's the damn Courier. On top of that, it's immediately upon your start, well before you may even know you're Dragonborn! This one's also on Idgrod for the adult mod Love Slaves but she's somewhat oracular so it can be forgiven. Not so with the Tong. Moon and Star needs streamlining and some refinements, not least of which is requiring you to be Level 10 and have killed the dragon at the Western Watchtower.
  10. Yesterday
  11. Doing build at Starlight. Using "Scrap Everything" to clear. The diner/projector and screen are intact, just cleaned of debris and trash, etc. No markers noted. Using elevated wood plank floors with pre-fabs. The problem is; I want the NPC's to STAY ON THE PLATFORM. I have porch railings and guard rails completely surrounding the perimeter and still they manage to all congregate in the middle (on the ground) of the drive-in. And then they just stand there until I put up some stairs so they can GET BACK UP. Screenshot shows temporary runway which helped for awhile. They would go down the stairs, hit the end and come back up. Now, I fast travel and come back to find them all in a just standing group under the platform or in front of the diner. Is there a cure? I'm thinking, probably wrongly, that because I'm using wood plank floors they just pop through them. I noticed placing a "Blue Team" arena platform, on a wood plank floor square which was over the depression where the water was, it sank through and could only be placed where the ground was closer. If I change the wood floor to concrete on the raised platform, would that work since it's "thicker"? I could really use some advice guys. Thanks.
  12. I was wondering if anyone could make the Heavenly Demonic Sword from the manhwa "Nano Machine". Its a pure black longsword with writing in chinese. On part of it, it says "Heavenly Demon Sword". It would give off a mix of black and red glow along with it being a legendary sword.
  13. Another option, if you are handy with image editors, is to edit the tintmask texture directly. Locate the tintmask of the NPC in question under textures\actors\chatracter\facegendata\facetint, add a solid color layer, locate the freckles texture you want and use it as mask for that layer.
  14. LOOT is generally transparent to the user for Vortex folk, as it's handled in the background during the Deployment operation, and fwiw, at least in my experience, it's pretty good at assembling things in the proper order. When it does have difficulties determining a particular load order (associated with some newly installed mod which causes some contention), it'll ask you to choose the order for the affected mod plugins. Even then, most times it will recommend a choice, and in general, using that recommendation is a safe bet. If there's still uncertainty (occasionally it can't recommend one o r the other, you'll have to sort it out using the associated mods' documentation, using your own intuition and the particular situation and what a given set of contending mods is offering. Not sure what fabled forest is, (ie I have not used it and don't know it's extent of change) have you tried disabling that mod to see if it might be the cause? To do so, Disable Fabled Forest in the mod tab - don't uninstall, just disable, and don't combine this with any other mod activity like adding another mod or removing another mod Deploy Run game, and check your outdoor FPS if it is not that mod, reenable and re deploy.\ if it IS that mod, check to see if there are any patches or other info at the mod's page (description, posts, and bugs sections) and/.or using a wide net search. (ie something like "fabled forest FPS slow problem patch bug" and decide how to move forward, either fixing, accepting its drain, or uninstalling, as the case may be. Again IFF it turns out to be that mod, otherwise you can likely remove that from the list of possible fps loss sources) Again, for this test, do not simultaneously add or remove any other mods, and make sure just to disable the mod under test.
  15. Again, a single mod probably will not do it. Most of the beautifiers are limited in scope to either a) their own spawned NPCs (be it wide or targeted like a follower) b) a countable number of named NPCs Bijin (wives, etc) is or was popular for beautifying females Better Males gives some named NPC males a less ugly appearance. HighPoly Head generally improves all NPCs, but it also requires a slew of addons to cover everything that goes with the changeover. look em up
  16. So I'm trying to work out what is causing most of my merchants and Alvor/Gerdur's starting gear trade to make my whole game crash. Merchants I know work are Hod and Faendar, which are ironically the only merchants who I have edited with mods (aside from adding a hairstyle). Merchants that definitely don't work are Lucan, Belethor and Arcadia. Arcadia does have a mod that adds a key to her attic, but I don't think this is an issue since it isn't only affecting her and also I'm sure I've used her shop since I installed that (though not 100% sure). I have a lot of mods installed and no idea when the problem started because nothing I installed or edited myself should be editing them and I have been testing what the mods actually do and apparently at no point did I trade with these merchants (it didn't help that Hod was working, who I traded with multiple times while testing the mods). Deactivating the last 20ish mods I installed di not fix the problem, and the 50/50 method won't work since it'll deactivate patches I have made and therefore cause other things to break. SSEEdit shows no mods editing any of the affected NPCs or their containers or level item lists (though I can't find the name of Gerdur/Alvor's starting item container) that I can see. I also couldn't see any quests or anything referencing the merchants or their containers that might be editing them. I tried enabling Papyrus logging but I don't really understand what I'm looking at and the last few entries are different on every log. I am using MO2 and everything is installed on a partitioned Z drive. Any idea what kind of mods I should be looking at or anywhere else to look in SSEEdit that might help me find the problem? Thanks --------------------------------------------------- External mod list (I'm still adding things, this is just where I have gotten to so far, also it doesn't show my ESLs I have made in SSEEdit, but I made them so I know that they haven't edited anything that might have caused this):
  17. There are mod combinations in that load order that remind me of Carl Reiner during the Optigrab lawsuit in The Jerk.
  18. I deleted everything in my Data folder and re-downloaded it all. All is working now. I may have had a corrupt link or file.
  19. Out < North American Parmesan Cheese, (Fermented in cow urine) In > Pagafyr's elder scrolls character, Aka Nazeem LOL
  20. Case in point - I use Taevyr Nyr preset (Thalmor variant) with some changes as Faralda replacer in my setup. So I go to Racemenu, load my Faralda preset and add some freckles. Then I go to Sculpt tab, F5, and export the head as 'Faralda_freckled'. Now, in my Data\SKSE\Plugins\Chargen\, I have Faralda_freckled.dds Faralda is a vanilla NPC with BaseID 0001C197, so I go to Data\Textures\Actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\Skyrim.esm\, I rename 0001C197.dds to 0001C197_backup.dds. Then I copy over Faralda_freckled.dds, and rename it to 0001C197.dds And here is Faralda, before and after:
  21. I ban Pagafyr for not realizing I am not an Old Fart like he claims to be, And I only shower 2 times a week LOL
  22. "I then tried to open F4SE through Vortex. F4SE appeared in my "Enabled" mod list, but doesn't show up anywhere else on my computer. Before starting the update process I deleted an older version of F4SE to D/L V.0.7.2 I decided to start the game to see what would happen. Disappointment. No F4SE . I realized that Vortex was wrong about F4SE being enabled." Downloading via Vortex, or done manually, F4SE did not show up in my downloads folder, nor did it show up anywhere else on my computer, but for some reason Vortex showed it as Enabled in my mods list on Vortex. I waited a bit and tried again, and it finally D/L'd properly, and all is well now. Thanks for your response showler.
  23. After clicking on the "slow download" button and waiting for 5 seconds, nothing happened. Later, I found out that I could only download using a VPN.
  24. CUl8r Alligators.

  25. Mainly lookin for a simple mod dat doesn't change vanilla appearances too much. Just enough to make faces look a touch more realistic. But sure I'll find somethin in your links.
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