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Drakefell01 last won the day on July 16

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About Drakefell01

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    my channel link: https://www.youtube.com/@Drakefell
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    skyrim special edition and youtube

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  1. Out < One of leonardo da vinci's loots. In > A stray dragon.
  2. The culture The nature (Trees plants flowers) The people My health My heritage The sea But to me it's mostly spain and portugal in particular that calls to me.
  3. That is one of the thousands of reasons I want to leave canada and move to spain. Because there are too many of those trees here!
  4. Zixi is banned because it is national ban Zixi day. Zixi está prohibido porque es el día nacional de prohibición de Zixi.
  5. Now you see why they must die?
  6. I am severely allergic to them my eyes get itchy and swell then ach, my breathing is bothered, I get almost an instastant headache from them to.
  7. I ban Pagafyr for a mix of advice and whatever that was extra. Prohíbo Pagafyr por una combinación de consejos y cualquier cosa extra.
  8. Suns shining here but the cedars are looking healthy why can't they just die?
  9. Have you been to the Mediterranean?
  10. I don't think I need to worry about retirement as of yet since I am still in my early 20s... But I have been saving up! My plan is to go on vacation to Murcia then go from house to house in my price range that are in that area then buy the one that suits best then move in and have canada looking around for me since I never returned from my flight LOL. My price range is from 100 000 - 200 000 canadian Dollars and that is equal to about: 70 000 - 140 000 Euros as my price range and Murcia has the cheapest housing in spain at €2,414/m²
  11. Thank you for asking I had a great day today, I was looking at more photos of the mediterranean sea, and also some houses there but I can only look because I don't have the funds to buy any of them.
  12. How has your day been any issues like trolling?
  13. I had a strange dream last night... It basically was me at a Mediterranean resort this makes me feel like my brain is trying to tell me something.
  14. I ban Pagafyr for thinking I am a her for some reason when I am clearly a dude just look at my name (George) Prohíbo a Pagafyr por pensar que soy ella por alguna razón cuando claramente soy un tipo, solo mira mi nombre (George)
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