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  1. Maybe it's me but modding a game isn't for the feint of heart - because modding at it's very core is about creating and managing conflicts. The more mods they add, the more conflict they create, and the more they need to have a solid foundation to manage all those conflicts they are creating. In other words, people need to understand they are RESPONSIBLE for their own load order and game stability - because virtually no two gamers will have the exact same system and the exact same load order. If they don't want Responsibility (and a lot of people nowadays simply don't - they shift blame and delegate) - then they probably should just play the game as it was intended to be played with no mods. ----- I went through a lot of growing pains with Skyrim and TBH I probably have a novice level of modding skill. The difference is I know my limitations - and I tailor my load order accordingly so I don't exceed them. ----- Just my 3 wooden nickels.
  2. @djinnkiller Agree. About the only people that will use a collection are people who don't want to be bothered with the details of managing their own mod experience. That is about as unhealthy of a modding experience you could create - by a mod site that promotes modding. ----- Problem is, you can't even hold Collection curators responsible for these same people that see X, Y and Z mods they just "have to have" on top of the "collection" they just installed - but have no earthly idea that what they are using already is like walking on egg shells.
  3. Every time I see these posts I can help be reminded of Monty Python - Meaning of Live - the Mr. Creosote scene. "it's only wafer thin"....
  4. No to blog links. As Stone Cold Steve Austin used to say "and thats the bottom line":.. Best character in WWE.
  5. That also is an issue to me. With so many people reporting issues and they still have a mod mess loaded - I've always wondered what are some of these fixes based against. More often than not people view "disable all your mods and test against the base game" like they'd view "stop at the STOP sign". Why? To much hassle.....
  6. This reminds me to first ask the question - are you using a Collection? when responding to future posts. I keep forgetting that when I see 400+ mod lists that these obviously aren't coming from seasoned modders - they simply wouldn't make the basic cry for help. These kind of posts would come from people who most certainly wouldn't be pulling 400+ "random" mods out their wazoo trying to make them work either - they'd be getting a collection.
  7. I'm not frustrated, I'm just selfish. Gimme now!!!!! Seriously though, I've watched enough of their DEV streams to get an idea of what it has taken to get Fallout:London to make this thing actually playable. If I were in their shoes, knowing I've just spent years of my own time, my own money and finally have a releasable product - I'd have released it as is - Bethesda patch be damned. I mean it's not like in 2024 you will have the kind of free time on your hands that you did in say 2020-2021 - it's going to be even harder to find the free time to reinvent the wheel to make this work with the latest Bethesda patch. ----- Get feedback from the Community - and at the same time take your time to see if bringing it forward to the latest Bethesda patch is even worth the trouble. ------ I've never understood the whole mindset of the "latest and greatest" is the new base - other than the fact it makes things easy. Easy isn't always better though - better is better.
  8. I personally make a point of not adding (or even updating) mods to an existing game save. I let it run it's course or I scrap it and start over. To get (and keep) a stable load order you will probably find you do more testing than actually playing the game - IF you are constantly adding/trying new mods. If you don't, then what you are seeing tends to become the norm - and it's not something to trifle with trying to figure it out after the fact.
  9. There are mod combinations in that load order that remind me of Carl Reiner during the Optigrab lawsuit in The Jerk.
  10. I'll believe it when I see it and it's pretty much the only thing I've been waiting on this year. I keep telling myself: patience grasshopper Don't envy the situation Bethesda put them in at release.
  11. Digital Rights Management - i.e. you can't play the game unless you are logged into Steam - that is a primary example. CC content is Proprietary - it's owned by Bethesda. Unless Bethesda bundles it with an official release of the game that GOG has the rights to work with - it's a no-go. Ex. When GOG eventually releases the "ugh" NG patch - it will only support the CC content that was included in the game - not what was only obtainable by being sold by Bethesda. For that, you'd need to contact who sold it to you.
  12. I can't speak to your setup. Maybe someone versed in Vortex can help. Personally, I never saw a need to switch to the "latest and greatest" (i.e. Vortex) when what I was using (MO) was working spot on. I'm an old fart, getting resistant to change - just for change sake. To me that was the vibe I got from Vortex.
  13. I have no idea how DoF is affected by 3rd person view - where the camera is positioned well, well behind you. Added: I mean essentially most of your screen should be blurred by that camera position.
  14. GOG profile? Are you trying to use MO2 in a Global Instance to manage both Steam and GOG versions?
  15. I literally use whatever I want on the Nexus - no issues with GOG version and MO2. I don't have a platform for re-creating your issue, otherwise I'd help.
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