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  1. Hi, guys! My name is Oleg. I am a novice 3d artist. Before that I was a Graphic Designer within six years. And I want to help our community to create some stuff. If you want, I can to push my portfolio if you want. I love games, maybe I can help you.
  2. Hi, I can't use 3D-programs properly and right now I don't have time to learn. There is lots of great hairmods available, but more medieval style hairs would be welcome. Could someone for example port these hairs to Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42799?tab=posts&BH=0
  3. Dear users, I've recently been curious about an idea of extracting my Fallout 4 character model with possible mods to SFM, to pose it and etc. What I mean is I need my preset to be on a female character model with CBBE mod. Sounds deliriously, I know. Is it possible? I've already discovered B.A.E. and niftools/nifscope. However, I don't know where to find the preset I need. Talking about mods, I think it's okay, because I don't need them to be extracted directly from the game, just downloaded from Nexus, converted and modified in blender. Those who know or have done it before, please explain how I can make this dream come true. Thanks in advance! =) And a picture of a character for making this topic a little more attractive.
  4. Hey, I'm a somewhat experienced 3d artist, currently using Blender as main package. I'd love to find someone to work with regularly in order to learn the ins and outs of modding this game. I have some projects of my own that I need help with and I'd love to help out with anything. Attached is an image of a current project. I'd welcome collaborations with anyone, but I'd likely be a burden to veteran modders. This would likely only benefit beginners like me.
  5. I am hoping someone can help. I know it is possible to extract single models and animation and sounds, I was hoping it would be possible to export whole levels so that I could start messing around with making the various locations in Mass effect explorable in VR. I dont want anything fancy to start, literally just the ability to walk around the Normandy. No people, or interaction effects, or sounds. Just the floor layouts exported with textures so I can import them into a VR unity build and walk/teleport around. Eventually I would want to expand to interaction and sounds and maybe some NPC's but just being on the bridge, mess hall, captain's cabin and so on would be amazing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Trying to export uncooked W2MESH files for use in Blender, ModKitchen successfully handles the export but the mesh just appears as a cube in Blender. Anyone else see something like this or know how to fix it? Using the latest ModKit and ModKitchen 1.0.1
  7. Is anyone versed in 3D modelling, and is able to delete a part of a vanilla mesh (collision too)? (Pic related) --------------------------------------------------- I tried doing it some time ago, but i'm a noob when it comes to Blender and almost got a panic attack. Here are some teaser pics of the project, to get you interested: . You'll get credited of course, and the release is around the corner (though i've beein saying that for months). I know there is almost no chance for anyone to respond, but hey, thought i'd ask anyway.
  8. Hello there, I'm new here in this site but in texture editing and 3d modelling I have some experiences so I would like to say that I hope I have a good "welcoming" as I can say for being here in this site and share some files as possible too. So, to the subject! There is a game, South Park Rally, that I want really really hard to create my own cars and also modify some characters so I can add like Sonic, Super Mario etc. But there is a problem, the 3D files are in a .rbh format (About the .rbh can be seen here: http://rewiki.regengedanken.de/wiki/.RBH ), their own textures are in .vram which can be open using an vram extractor that, if I may post a link for another forum, here: http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=14623 (South Park Rally toolkit). A guy in this site helped me a bit about the rbh but still there is so many chunks that he can't discoverer and so there is no exporter and importer of rbh to a 3D format yet. I don't know if you guys could help me with this or not, I would be really but really appreciated!!!!! (What we have so far about the .rbh file: http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=14579) Thanks once again and I hope that this will be possible!
  9. I need a partner who can convert between Blender and NifSkope as I can't get the proper setup to convert between older Blender and NifSkope versions. I use both Blender 2.77 and NifSkope 2.0.0, and I have a few armors assembled and a pair of heads I'd like to use in game, as well as release for others to use. If you're interested in working with me, drop me a line. Peace. PS I myself have followed every tutorial possible to get Blender, Python, NifSkope and all the associated programs working to be able to convert back and forth and none have worked for me. I've asked this before and all I got was suggestions on how to install the older versions, which do not work at all for me. I'm not interested in how to install Blender 2.49 or any of the older version because the *do not work*. I am asking if anyone is interested in partnering up and handling the conversion of Blender files into .nif format, in addition to working on armor mods in general. Thanks again.
  10. Hey guys I've been trying to import a hair into Skyrim for a while now and I haven't been able to do so. I have the 3d model, it's scaled, etc... Could someone lend me a hand? Or at least point me to the right direction? I've looked around extensively for some kind of tutorial or guide but I have only found one and it's not very good. Will also trade a drawing commission if anybody would like to import it for me :whistling: Thank you
  11. I love how the Redanian Halberdier's Armor and Oatbreaker Armor looks, but I hate that weird little leather bag that goes across the chest. What I'm looking for is basically someone who can knock together a simple replacer mod, that replaces both armors with versions that do not have the bag. I am aware that the bag is probably meant to be what holds your swords on your back, but I am willing to sacrifice that little bit of immersion to be rid of it. If anyone doing this would want my help for anything (I've no idea what I could help with, but still) just let me know (: I know that whoever does this (if anyone) will be doing me a huge favour, and I am grateful (: Thank you (:
  12. Alright, so I'm trying to get a model I made (In Blender) into Fallout 4. I know what to do on the Creation Kit end and also know how to make 3D models. I've followed several tutorials but haven't had any luck when trying to convert a .OBJ to a .NIF. The .NIF exporter plugin for Blender doesn't seem to work and hasn't been updated for some time. Every time I try to use the latest version, it just locks up. I have also heard that some users have used Outfit Studio to convert the models. I have tried this too, and it just crashes Outfit Studio. I know it must be possible to do as people are adding custom models to the game, so... What am I doing wrong? Before you start giving suggestions down that line, I do not own 3DS MAX, am not a student, can not afford it, and am not a pirate. Thanks. :smile:
  13. Hey There, So I am trying to create a Giddyup Buttercup Companion using the existing model/mesh from the game. I have stretched it and (mostly) gotten it so that it should be able to work with the RadStag skeleton (I will have to modify the skeleton, though, probably, which will be another problem). The problem I am running into right at the moment, though, is getting the blocks to match up. I have searched the wiki exhaustively, and youtube, and I cannot seem to find the information I need to convert the Blocks from the Giddyup Mesh to the Blocks from the RadStag Mesh. I am running Nifskope 2.0 Pre-Alpha 5 (every other version I have tried crashes on my system as soon as I try to Open or Import anything, even in Compatibility Mode). I have found guides/tutorials, but either the options they mention do not seem to be there, or (like with expanding Children) doesn't seem to allow me to edit it for that particular Block. Any help to make it so that I can put the resized/reshaped model into the game and gauge its Wonkiness Level would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)
  14. My problem is basically what the title says. I want to create a new floor tile for the workshop mode. I do my 3d work in blender. So far, I have been able to export it to 3ds max from where I export it again as a .nif file. I copied the branches of the new nif file into the file of an existing floor tile and removed the old model. All parts of my model have the following branches: BSTriShape >BSLightingShaderProperty >BSShaderTextureSet My problem is with the textures: I have done the UV mapping in blender, yet the coordinates somehow seem to get lost on their way to nifscope, where the textures do not show up and the surfaces stay white. I do not have any experience with UV mapping in 3ds max, but got far enough to see the UV editor and play around a bit in it and placing the faces all across the board, I was able to get the texture onto the nif object after exporting. HOWEVER, I do not want to do all the UV mapping from scratch again, 1st because I am not familiar with the controls of 3ds max and basically have zero workflow there, 2nd because copying and pasting the UV coordinates vertex by vertex would take ages, just like doing it all over again would (I got a whole tileset in the making and most objects are more complex than a floor tile). So my question is if there is any way to make sure vertices keep their UV coordinates throughout this conversion chain from blender to 3ds max to nifscope. Thanks in advance already.
  15. I need some help with a standalone gun for Fallout 4. I'm planning on adding the famous Auto 9 Pistol from the two films Robocop and Sin City, but I can't figure out how to use nifskope nodes to make my 3D models into an in-game weapon. Could someone with more experience/talent take over for this last portion of this small project? I'd appreciate it greatly. :laugh: Link to files: https://www.mediafire.com/?b6fl1dw1dgwtloy
  16. So I'm just looking for an OBJ, or some kinda 3D model that is the size of a follower in Skyrim. I'm a 3D animation student, and I would really like to play around with the designing of my own follower project for the game :] My apologies if this is in the wrong place.
  17. So after a brief search on the forum and an extensive search in the actual fo4 files i was wondering if the unique named weapons such as the Last Minute and The Deliverer are in the model files as their own unique items or are just a mashup of the parts and named. i would like to extract the 3d model of the Last Minute and 3d print it/ build it for a cosplay
  18. Well, just downloaded Blender on Steam in hopes of trying to learn this program again. Do you guys have any tutorial recommendations? Maybe things specific to modding for Skyrim? Specifically, I'd like to start out modeling small stuff like jewelry.
  19. So I've got the strangest probelm, i'm working on slightly editing a model in 3ds max 2010, heres what I do, if I import the model in and dont touch a thing then export it it works fine in the geck and in game, but if i edit the mesh by deleting buttons on the coat and then export it, it shows up invisible in the geck. I literally have no idea what to do about this, i tried deleting and redoing the bdismemberskininstance, and it still shows up invisible, I am at my wits end EDIT: I should add i have tried following every tutorial I could get my hands on, all to no avail
  20. Hiya, Long story short I started using Cinema 4d because i thought its easy to handle than other 3d program but its not and not many teaching videos up there. I have 3DS MAX here but its complicated to use. I'm not a 3d modeller or a programmer but I'm intrested in handling one. I have great ideas what to make and art for it to maybe use it as a base but all I saw is complicated stuff and sadly I don't have that much time as I used to. I figured out a few terms like the Boole and UV but its really not easy to figure it out without a handbook or something. I successfully made two custom shape attached into each other in it, and done some knife tool modifications but I'ts really not enough to make mods. I know that you need to choose the program in the main categories like artistic or engineering modelling, there are also programs for minor changes but I really don't know what tool I need. I use Adobe products for drawing and editing photos and pretty much gonna buy the whole shabang someday when I save up money - thats why I thought Cinema 4d would be nice because the interface kinda reminded me photoshop - and learn stuff, but I really don't know what I prefer for modelling. I kinda know how to handle sounds and music, also pictures and art, why not learn to model too. Currently I'm working on a model I got for free, for Fallout 4, but its really not easy to handle it. If you want to be part in the creation of a power armor while helping me understand the fundamentals of 3d modelling and maybe some of modding too, it would make me really happy too. :laugh: I'm also working on figuring out the protagonist voices to somehow (I really don't know yet how) make a morph setting for the game, so people could create some cool voices for quest mods or something. Also working on figuring out the ending video to be modified into a cinematic that says some words about the acomplishments in the game. So thats Plan A, Plan B, Plan C.
  21. i'm a 3d modeler - who is looking for some work :smile: just send me a request of what you want / ref images . If i see that my skills are good enough for the given task.. i will gladly make it. XD some 3d shiet i have done XD : http://izanami-no-kami.deviantart.com/art/Kaguya-Otsutsuki-3D-Done4Now-567574865 http://izanami-no-kami.deviantart.com/art/Anubis-Egyptian-God-3D-Model-WIP-2-536780090 http://pre03.deviantart.net/aad0/th/pre/i/2015/338/f/e/dsfdsfdsfsfss_by_izanami_no_kami-d9j1ksv.png
  22. Hi there. What I'm requesting should be simple enough for someone who knows his way in 3D modeling, but I know I suck at this. If someone could make me a 3D model of a horseshoe, that would be sweet. I need it for a project. If possible, make it droppable and with havok physic. Thanks a lot to people who would take this request ! EDIT - Nevermind, I found it as a user ressource: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45540/?
  23. Hello Guys! I have a request for my Combat Training Engine Mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/56967/? Currently my mod uses the b29 model from the game as a gunship but i want to implement a real model of the AC-130. I have already created a model of the gunship. But I'm not familiar with texturing and for now I have not the time to learn it. So I want to ask, if someone can help me and make the textures and uv-mapping for me, I would be much obliged. With kind regards, ColonelAutumn :-)
  24. 3d exterior rendering Perth How can New York City citizens living in one of the highest density, oldest industrial corridor, live in more ecologically intelligent ways? In permaculture design we look to our history to inform our understanding. As we learn the history land use and the communities where we live we begin to see what are the relevant areas of work to address our real needs. In permaculture we define real needs as high quality drinking water, healthy air to breathe, a vibrant and diverse local economy to participate in, healthy food grown on healthy soil, biodiverse mature ecosystems a caring and loving human community with low stress levels. These are contrasted to perceived needs and beliefs in invisble cultural constructs, such as the value of the U.S. currency GNP (Gross National Product) and the obsession with lawns. Our economy reflects the exploitation and destruction of stable ecologies and cultures as growth. Growth for growths sake is what canacer is, permaculture asks 'what do we want to grow'? True health and wealth in our forests, soils and cultural diversity, not polluted landscapes and fragmented cultures. A perceived need is status and more high tech fossil fuelled and nuclear powered devices. 3d exterior Design Adelaide The pursuit of these generally jeaporadizes real needs by contaminating them. In the U.S. our rivers caught on fire before we decided to create the E.P.A. and the Clean water Act in 1972. The stated goal at the time of creating the Clean Water Act was to have of the nations waters fishable and swimmable by 1985. Today we are dismally distant from such a goal. In fact we are approaching pre 1972 pollution levels across the entire country. Today the E.P.A. estimates that 40% of rivers and streams are unfishable and unswimmable and 50% of lakes and ponds are unfishable and unswimmable. We will look into our equally problematic air quality realities and how to address them. Our design solution set for water issues will be integrated in our solution set for air quality issues. From a permaculture design perspective, we need to shift our thinking culturally. This shift involoves creating economies that have a triple bottom line, has ecological viability, socially equitable, and economically viable. In that order, any element in our economy needs to equally satisify these three criteria to be "sustainable" or preferably regenerative and abundant. In this healthy growth economy we will manage air, water, and soil in Agriculture as a sacred and inalienable public right. No individual, corporation or government agency will be given the right to potentially cause the citizens to die from carcinoma or other military industrial infrastructure pollutants. 3D Exterior Modeling Newcastle We are creating this healthy economy now! In the midst of this unethical system we create ties and accentuate them with other ethically minded human beings. The record shows that in New York City the citizens are deprived of the right to swim in the apparently beautiful and potentially abundant waters which surround the city. According to the DEP for NYC the waterways around New York City receive in total annually, 27 Billion gallons of RAW sewage from CSO's (Combined Sewage Overflows), which are released by the sewage treatment plants when it rains. Newtown Creek sewage treatment releases over 125 million gallons of raw sewage a year. Newtown creek also receives toxic leachate oozing into it from an underground spill left by Exxon which is bigger then the Valdez spill spreading daily under Brooklyn and making residents sick. We need to address these issues from a permaculture design perspective. We need more green diverse vegetation over the entire cityscape, lush boston ivy on buildings,extends the life of the exterior and cools and helps insulate, rooftop gardens, street trees everywhere, green roofs where they make sense, wildlife corridors along streams, parks and community gardens, daylighting and reforesting streams, rainwater cisterns for gardens and integrated into buildings to flush toilets and do laundry, more on-site treating sewage in new construction with living biologically diverse waste treatment systems, biodiverse native trees and shrubs have been shown to clean more pollution from the rain. Rain in the northeast carries lead and mercury from coal burning power plants rendering all fish in the U.S. according to the F.D.A unsafe for human consumption regularly. Architectural Modeling Melbourne Biodiverse native plantings also perform more opportunities to integrate wildlife benefits and beneficial planting arrangements to create more self-maintaining plantings. Growing a lot more beautiful diverse food producing gardens. Grapes, Espaliered tri-grafted asian pears. Your own Arugula, Apricots, and fresh herbs! All this vegetation and diversity will be multi-functional, it will address the heat island effect of all this asphalt, soak up rain water preventing the CSO's making our waterways useable for recreation, and eventually oyster production again. http://3d-walkthrough-rendering.outsourcing-services-india.com/3d-modeling.php
  25. Alright. I'm currently working on a WIP called Immersive Quests. You can find the WIP thread here to learn more about it. I'm looking for a texturer and 3D modeler to help with the mod. To see what kind of work you'd be doing, take a look at the If You Want to Help section in the WIP thread. You don't necessarily have to join the team. Just working on one or a few of the jobs listed there would be really helpful. If you're interested in joining the team, PM me or email me at [email protected]. Thank you!
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