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  1. The entirety of my download history has just disappeared. I am unsure of how this happened as I could see my history yesterday. I have tried signing out then signing back in and restarting my computer but nothing has worked. Is this something on my end?
  2. Title, basically the new profile doesn't account for all images posted For example in my profile the latest image I posted, which was 2 days ago, isn't there. It used to be there before the new profile. Just wondering because I like to follow what a few users are posting and if images they post don't appear then I might miss some images. Is it slow updating? I gave it 2 days it's plenty of time Just wondering and wanted to report this. Thanks!
  3. Hello. I'm new on the nexus, really this is my first ever forum post ever. I don't know on which discussion I should post this topic in but this seems most appropriate- if it is not, I apologize. I'm not sure if this is region specific or not, but I am really starting to get frustrated with this. If you are in Australia also and are experiencing the same thing, I'd appreciate knowing. A few days ago, I tried to go onto nexusmods (I use google chrome) because I wanted to change up my load order, and add something new. However, the website wouldn't load. At all. Whenever I try to load it, the page says: "This site can’t be reached The connection was reset." I tried using internet explorer, and came up with a similar result: "Can’t connect securely to this page This might be because the site uses outdated or unsafe TLS security settings. If this keeps happening, try contacting the website’s owner." I ended up going to iidrn.com to see if the server was down, however last time I checked, it says it's running fine. So I don't know what the issue is, but it just refuses to load for me. As far as I know, my nexus mod manager client itself can connect just fine, it is just the matter of accessing the website that is the issue. I'm able to access the website on my phone's browser, yet not my computer. I may use my phone as a hotspot to load the pages until I can fix this, but it's not the best long-term solution. Searching online so far has garnered no result, and I have no idea on where to even start to try and remedy this. I'm starting to think it may be something to do with my internet connection- please note that all other usual websites are running fine though- or my ISP, because it works fine on my phone, but not on my computer. But as I said, I still don't know what to do to gain access to the website again, normally. In short: nexusmods.com is completely inaccessible (will not load, "site can't be reached") for me, and has been so for the past two days- possibly more, but I hadn't attempted to access it before then. Help?
  4. There is currently an issue uploading profile pictures in the latest Firefox 120.0.1 (it works in old versions). This issue is exhibited by the "Upload" button that shows after cropping the new image (shown below) Workaround This issue is the result of Firefox's "Enhanced Tracking Protection" feature. Click the shield in the URL bar to turn this off and upload as normal.
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