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  1. I have this plan for an item you can equip and its supposed to give the player a sample of pink paste once every five hours but I cant for the life of me figure out how to get the script to work and add to the item, I want to use this type of script for a few other items, some lore friendly some just funny. So if anyone wants to help out jot down an easily adaptable script and how to install it correctly and I am golden
  2. Hello. I've recently got back into playing dark souls 2 after who knows how long. My brother and I have downloaded Seeker of Fire and the ds2 Multiplayer overhaul, but they do not work together. I am asking for help or advice or at least getting help started going into the right direction. I have UXM downloaded, but I haven't messed with it yet because I don't want anything to mess help. Any help is appreciated
  3. Q: Is there anything I have to do for moving the Vortex application itself. Can I just click and drag it to a new drive? I followed these steps: 1: On Vortex mods-tab, click "purge" and then done exit Vortex. 2: Use Steam to move Skyrim to another disk. 3: Run Skyrim launcher once to setup registry with new location. 4: Start Vortex, you'll get a message about Skyrim not located where expected. Hopefully Vortex should detect new location of Skyrim. 5: Just to be on the safe side, re-start Vortex. 6: In Vortex, under Settings - Mods, choose new location of the "Mod Staging Folder" and Vortex will move the files for you. This can take a long time. 7: Still under Vortex - Settings - Mods, make sure deployment method is "Hardlink Deployment". //////////////////////////8: On Vortex mods-tab, choose Deploy.//////////////////////////////// *** I didn't do this step until moving the Vortex Folder *** Vortex moved both folders and Steam moved the game install to a new drive. Is there anything I have to do for moving the Vortex application itself. Can I just click and drag it to a new drive? I have 3 Drives: C (OS), D (Games), A (External Hard drive) I'm moving these files from A (external) to my D (games) drive. Hoping for better performance.
  4. i already add the preset file in /Skyrim Special Edition/Data/SKSE/Plugins/CharGen/Presets folder but why the preset didnt show up on racemenu? and i already save my own char preset but it didnt saving any preset file in my explorer
  5. I need help, I have been having missing textures, for example most of the church next to the museum of freedom is invisible, and even worse, I can’t complete the main quest line because I crash when i enter the museum of freedom, I also seem to crash when entering or exiting vault 88 and decided to just use cheats to build a settlement on spectacle island but now, 8 hours into my save, whenever i save my game freezes and. i have to reset my pc, I can’t even get into my task manager and it just “saves” forever, it started doing it with auto waves so i disabled them and manually saved, same problem, so, you may be thinking, “what does your crash log say?” and that is yet ANOTHER problem, despite having buffout4 and all its requirements installed and working (or at lease being read within the f4se log) but… no crash log generates, I even figured it might just not be i. my documents for whatever reason so i designated it to a folder with classic and had it read my logs.. no results, any help would be greatly appreciated, especially if you can help me get a crash log for my game so I can identify the problem mods
  6. Hello, I want to try my hand at making a few small mods, to be released on Xbox, first one I want to do is a port of this mod; https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6767?tab=files with the greenlight of the original mod creator, However I have now Blender 3.5 so that I can open the .mesh files the hats are saved as, along with DDS files for the textures but I have no idea how to implement them in CK IE what steps I need to take to make it possible. Any tutorials and help would be much appreciated. Secondly, I would like to make a new custom outfit based on existing outfits in the game(Whiteshirt, Akila security pants) is that called nif bashing, anyhoo then I want to Import the Fallout 4 bomber jacket and put that on the outfit as well, But I also need help on how to do begin with that. I have outfit studio and nifskope also installed. Kind regards, A lost hopeful novice guy trying to mod.
  7. I have an idea that I'd like to share with you, which involves replacing the alternative outfit of one of the iconic characters from Resident Evil 3 Remake with something quite special: Sam Giddings from the Until Dawn horror game. Imagine Sam, coming straight from the world of survival horror, appearing in the Resident Evil universe to aid in the fight against the zombie apocalypse! Sam Giddings, one of the iconic characters from Until Dawn, would be the perfect choice to replace Jill's alternative outfit in Resident Evil 3 Remake with her intro attire. The iconic red jacket and black pants would definitely stand out amidst the chaotic battle between zombies and survivors, bringing a unique atmosphere to the game. I'm reaching out to you, talented modders, to ask for help with this project. Unfortunately, I don't have a bank card, so I wouldn't be able to pay for the mod, but if there's any kind modder who would be willing to create this alternative outfit for Sam Giddings, I would be extremely grateful. Creating this mod would not only bring joy to me but also to many fans, and it would further connect these two fantastic game universes. You can find the character model here: https://p3dm.ru/files/characters/human/10997-sam-intro.html Please consider this idea, and if you have the opportunity and willingness, please help make this special mod project a reality. I appreciate any assistance! Thank you very much! Best regards, SurvivorNightmare
  8. So have 590 mods in my Skyrim mod list everything was fine until 7 hour's ago My female character walking animation started getting jittery/stuttery while turning using mouse I tried everything from turning off and on all the walking animation to nemesis animation nothing worked I made that mode in the span of 3 months i am a very busy college student so I don't want to build the entire mod list again can anyone help please
  9. Hello Guys, Is there someone who can read crash logs or mod loader settings? Iam having a problem with my game its constatly crashing. First it crashed in the Character Creator everytime i press "randomize appereance" then it started crashing in Rosymorn Monastery. I managed to get past that by completely ignoring every chest, trader, dialog. Now iam currently in the underdark and it crashes everytime i open an inventory and try to change armor or try to loot a corpse. Ive tried everything i can. I turned off the launcher, tried lowering graphics settings, deleting save files,starting a new game, veryfying save files on steam, having FPS on 60, turning off V synch. Please can someone help meee iam desperate. Of course iam playing with mods so maybe its a mod conflict? I just wanna play the game. My load order and crash log are below: CrashDump - 05-10-2024 18h 47m 44s.mods.txt modsettings.lsx
  10. i’ve been trying to get my game working for days, it will not load and just crashes to desktop, the only issues found by wryebash are ba2 files it says can’t be read correctly, how to do properly format these ba2 files? i really want to play and i’m starting to get quite hopeless
  11. I've looked a lot over the internet and, I'm not super knowledgeable about how to mods games manually, I've seen the Nexus has, or had, support for FFXV in the mods section. The game pops up on the website but when I go to Vortex the game is nowhere to be found and, I was wondering if at some point the game lost support or its because I own the game on Steam? or maybe something in my setting is preventing it from being found? I've been troubleshooting and researching for days now and I cant seem to find anything to help me. I really don't want to be stuck with Steams h*rny a** workshop mods, so, I require assistance. (Picture 1: Vortex Mod Loader.) (Picture 2: Nexus Website.)
  12. I’ve been thinking about getting back into modding. I tried it when I was a teenager but was never good at it. I have an idea for a town in Fallout New Vegas, and the Cabin Home by Lonewanderer87 is perfect for it. I could’ve sworn I saw that model listed as a Modder’s resource years ago, but I can’t find it now and I think I should be certain before using it. The cabin does not require a separate space to load into, it looks better made than the usual shanty wooden shacks while simultaneously looking like something made post-war. I can’t get into contact with Lonewanderer87, it appears he has not been on the site in years. He did credit the cabin model to “Sandro T,” but I can’t find a user by that name. I’m unsure where to go from here, does anyone know if this cabin was a Modder’s resource, or am I thinking of something else?
  13. Hey i have an issue with XPMSE.esp Loot is telling me that XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE needs an MCM by installing SkyUI SE which i already have downloaded and added on. Why is it telling me to get a mod i already have installed?
  14. Hi guys, I downloaded the mod Beyond Skyrim : Bruma this week. I used Mo2 to install it. I 've respected the right order. If I launch the game with Mo2, it doesn't start. And if I launch it from the office with SKSE loader, it works but the pale pass and the serpent's trail don't appear. When I go to the pass, there is the door which opens during 1 second but I can't pass the frontier and the guards are not here. I play on Skyrim LE v1.9.32.08 and I've SKSE, SkyUI and the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch. I've the memory patch for the SKSE. Can you help me ?
  15. I've been trying to download mods but they just won't show up. I followed several youtube tutorials and installed the bg3 mod manager twice but I just can't get any of the mods to actually show up in the game. I've done everything exactly as shown in the videos, I downloaded the mod fixer, script extender, improvedUI and everything but I don't know what I'm missing. I also enabled all the mods and exported them to the game, so that shouldn't be an issue. I know it's hard to tell what's wrong from just these things but maybe anybody knows common mistakes that I might have overlooked?
  16. Does anyone know of or have a mod that adds in a wolf head mask like that from Elden Ring? I've found the Ancestoral Wolf Armor mod but there are no eyes on it which is really off-putting. I'd also like to avoid using any custom races. I just really want a wolf head on a man's body. Custom races tend to be really buggy for me and I like having race specific dialogue untouched. Basic idea: wolf head/hood with usual werewolf eyes or color options. Would looks cool without sacrificing racial abilities or immersion breaking with race specific dialogue.
  17. Hello! I noticed that robots (and other guards with mods) fall through the foundation (homemade towers), can you tell me if there is a fix or mod that will fix this? NPC from mods :Robot Home Defence and Buildable Settlement Faction Guards Maybe bacuse i have this mod : place everywhere?
  18. Any ideas or have someone encountered the same problem? the things i have in mind is, does the SMIM or Texture Meshes mod that cause it? or the npcs/followers can't find the pathfinding to the benches? Navmesh? already downloaded patches for em ,still nothing fixed. when i ordered my follower (Serana) she said "i can't do that" same goes for other follower. The npcs are just standing if there are no empty chairs to sit on ,but benches always empty(They only sits on Chairs) please do give me ur thoughts on this... it's been 5 months on god i've been playing with this problem and frustating , and no answers from other (Reddit r/Skyrim and r/SkyrimMods).. and this forum might be my last resort...
  19. Thanks for your consideration! To be crystal clear, I'm not asking for a port. I really like the functionality and aesthetics of the scouting tower - especially the strength, steadfastness, and authority it conveys. I think it would be awesome to have it or something very similar in Fallout 4, placeable in the workshop. I wish I had the know-how to make this idea a reality and share it with others, but I'm still a bit hesitant to try making mods after all my dozens and dozens (probably well over 100 at the time) of installed FNV mods that I'd spent a good while troubleshooting to work together, were involuntarily uninstalled when I opened the GECK one single time (not trying to gripe, just explaining where I'm coming from). Thanks again for your time in reading this at least!
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