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  1. I have no issues with the ads on here in general. I understand the site needs revenue and I personally can't afford to pay the membership at the moment. However, lately I've noticed the ad at the top of skyrim pages (at least for me anyway) have been LIVE twitch feeds that autoplay. it slows my loading time greatly. is there anyone else having a problem with "ads" like this? or is there a way around it? (other than the buying a membership idea)
  2. So, recently I've had the the ad of Atlas Reactor show up. Otherwise no issues, but for the fact that it covers the entire background, and is so big that I can't even report the ad! The background is also clickable, and will take you to their sign-up page. I hope this issue could get looked into.
  3. Another ad that breaks out, and that can not be reported.
  4. Hello I've been trying to make a mod that I've wanted but haven't seen around yet so i thought I'd take a stab at the creation kit. One thing that has bothered me is the difference between 1st person semi auto animated "visual" recoil and a full auto recoil.I can't for the life of me understand why a hair trigger version scope kicks like a mule but you make it full auto and it kick straight back into your shoulder allowing you to keep your sights on target while firing quickly. Links to screenshots showing what I mean. http://imgur.com/a/8iHQ2 Using the pipe gun as an example, you can see when shot semiauto with or without a reflex it does this weird down-leftward kick and throws the iron sights way off vs full auto which kicks it mostly backwards allowing you to stay on target. This really doesn't make sense to me as if fire an full auto version tap firing as if it's semi auto it kicks differently. What I'm trying to do, and if it isn't really possible w/geck alone let me know, I want semi auto versions of guns to use their full auto 1st person recoil versions, while still counting as a semi auto gun gameplay wise and for their respective Rifleman/Gunslinger perks and other similar bonuses and not Commando/fullauto bonuses. Does the automatic animation have a tag/keyword I should be looking for? Is it easy to just switch out and I just haven't seen it? Is the full auto visual recoil linked to the automatic tag and automatic mods/guns and I just really touch it? If this is really a mod request I guess it might be but I'm trying to learn myself but I just dont know where to start.
  5. Advertisement is making it more difficult to get to my profile. :\ By the way, I tried bouncing around the nexus a little to see if it happened on all the pages and with different ads. It looks like your ads have been upgraded to the front in the layering order. Not a terribly large deal. But not cool Flo. Not Cool. http://orig02.deviantart.net/2df7/f/2016/135/b/5/notcoolflo_by_thaylar-da2jd8w.jpg
  6. I have a report: the ads are covering the notifications, as you can see in the attached screenshot. I tested the issue with both Chrome and Edge, and the result is the same:
  7. http://imgur.com/BYLAoN7 the proofs
  8. 'Afternoon. I was just confronted with a rather annoying ad that decided to play music at full volume through my speakers. I do believe the correct procedure in such is cases is to screenshot the offending ad and report it so... see spoiler for the ad in question: (the apparent double facepalm is merely coincidental btw)
  9. http://puu.sh/k0NVI/1ccb6bad33.png Occasionally I will get a little popup like this, clicking to close it just redirects me to a page that says I won an iPhone, there's no way to report this like I would normal ads so I just posted it in a thread here, not sure how to get rid of it. (Yes, It's only on the nexus and I have done multiple virus scans, so I doubt it's on my end.)
  10. I really hate this and i would really love for it to disappear, i find it insanely disruptive.
  11. hello first time posting here been a nexus user for a long time, however i feel the ads are getting out of hand when the mod page tabs, download links are covered by hidden links to off site ads. the latest one was when i was trying to download buffout 4 to my modmanger, i hit the link and got redirected to this site https://dougale.com/KHqCJhnSFddhKkYr2UeYDZLgz7n5pbqgSP9H89kIjgM/?cid=6209f258b9b33c00015215c6&sid=4_5301391-174200537-0. now i don't know what company's your working with for you ad campain's, however i feel its a big secutity risk and takes away form the user experince. yes i understand a ad block will help but when its come from a site that's got https one would think its safe. please consider the words from a user that uses your site.
  12. on every single page i go onto within the main nexus mods site the page is unusable either because of ads forcing the page to scroll to one or trying to scroll to both causing the screen to go nuts and making the site unusable they wont allow mute,pause and are on a constant loop please fix this i cant be the only person with this problem
  13. This isn't a question or a suggestion, but a very non-sarcstic thank you for the person who allows and/or limits what kind of Ads are displayed to the users. I was browsing the mod selection when I noticed the Ad for a delicious looking hoagie. You'd think "Meh, Ads are bad no matter what.", but they are a necessary evil for keeping websites like this around, and seeing that sub sandwich was a huge breath of fresh air when it comes to the mountains of porn, hentai, and political Ads that I am sure most of us are fed up with. When I first noticed the Ad I shoved my finger at my monitor and almost shouted "That's the kind of Ads I want to see more often!". Seems strange, but I was genuinely surprised and believe it's the nice little things like this that make people happy. So major kudos. PS: Yes, I have an Ad-Blocker installed, and chose to allow Ads to be shown on the Nexus website to support the people running it.
  14. Hi. I've not looked at mods on Nexus for a month or two, until today. I tried to look at mods for SSE and lo and behold ads everywhere. Never had any since I joined. My browser (IE) went haywire. I couldn't scroll, could barely bring down the categories menu and attempting to log in just had the spinning gearwheel of doom! I logged into the forums to check my membership status (no ads here, thankfully, or else I'd have been up that well-known creek). All I did was type 'membership status' into the 'what's on your mind' box. Up pops a notification saying that my status has been updated. Going back into Nexus SSE mods, all the ads were gone. It's as if Nexus suddenly lost my premium membership. I just thought I'd post this in case anyone else has the same issue.
  15. do you guys have a list of the ads you've run on nexus? there was an ad for a sci-fi ebook awhile ago and i thought that sounds cool i'll buy that after work and when i got back my browser had crashed and i lost it i can't for the life of me remember the name of it,do you have a list you can look it up or happen to remember the name? it wasn't a well know author,something about a military brat finding an alien inteligence while mining or something.i believe it was part 1 of a trillogy yeah i know this is a long shot in the dark.
  16. I was offline (power outage) for a couple of days here. Just got back on and saw the splash add for Astellia... Is it just me, or does anyone else start hearing "The Vengeful One" or other music by Disturbed in the back of their collective mind seeing that image?
  17. I'm trying to enjoy this game game But as soon as that auto aim -just calling it what it is- started to kick in, it's just been nothing but frustration Can't move my aim when it feels like focusing on an enemies footsteps or forces me to only shoot at the chest I have it on stream, me moving my camera rapidly in circles but the view would not change because it is focused on the enemies chest The only way to make the camera unlock is to have it move as far as possible from the enemy, just to have it lock again when I try to go for a headshot I'm not expecting anyone to make a mod for this inconvenience but it would b cool if it already exists n someone can tell me about it
  18. the issue with sound on ads has returned and in full force as well. almost every single ad that has loaded onto a nexus page has begun playing itself at full volume and overriding the mute that is already applied to the ad space. The new world of warcraft expansion is the first one of note that i can definitely confirm. however there are many many more exhibiting this same behavior. ii only use a couple browser add-ons like dark mode for opera. so i know that this is not the issue. i will update this post with more ads that are offending as i see them. offending ads: world of warcraft new expansion project choice, i believe. video is about a kid that has a medical condition and cant have surgery. Discount tire ad -yokohama small ad in the window with it for 20% off the best way to find these ads ive noticed is that since the ad choice engine itself keeps rotating the videos each time they finish certain ones will start playing full volume. just leave a mod page open.
  19. I'm not here very often, only when I buy a new old game. I'm always annoyed by the video ads - wait, don't judge - and I usually wind up poking around in the forums to determine the state of everything: the mood, feeling, the angry eyes of disenfranchisement... mostly I make note of signs to determine if Nexus Mods is about to rise up in a white hot fireball upon the horizon after failing a routine insanity check somewhere. This time I found something neat - a sticky post explaining ads, traffic, servers, moons, teaspoons, all the reasons why Akira ended the way it did and not some other make-believe way, and why it's so expensive to give us the various filters, categories, tags and etc and whatever that we all obviously need and use. Here I am at 4 something with my feedback: I don't use that crap: I pick my game somehow, I check out the mod categories for it, which are often duplicated and messy and not all that helpful kinda in the way a badly organized Steam library isn't that helpful, and then I get out of there and just sort mods by most downloaded of all time to get the patches and must have crap. Usually, actually, I already know what I'm after because of some other smart guy who never directs me to drill down using the hugely fancy tags and stuff but instead just gives me the exact link or name I need. I don't recall ever painstakingly filtering out the very idea of a sexy-mod, or becoming red in the face and aghast when some hair or armor mod inevitable chooses a bizarrely suggestive image to present to the casual browser who has not carefully selected various tags and filters to shield their chastity. I won't mention the decidedly quaint place I go for stuff like that, but sexy or gory or naughty-languaged stuff here is a non-issue and not worth the molten flying silicates of net gear, and neither are half the tags and other features that are only used because what the hell else are we supposed to do... know what we're looking for?! Maybe I'm wrong, you know. Maybe some day I'll be overjoyed to play with every tag and filter I can find because when I search for stuff now I definitely don't think to myself ease down, ease down... you're just grinding metal. Let me use my favorite line: "I get it, I do" lol Anyway, I don't remember who authored the sticky post but maybe they can be directed to this one. Mostly because I don't get it, but also because the post seemed peevish - in an endearing way - and I want to make sure that person knows I at least appreciate everything all of you do, despite my casual usage. And also I've forgotten my lifetime login from years ago, so don't point out that I should probably pay cash money for anything, because I won't until I get over that sad and annoying fact. I do don't get it though, and to be honest I don't care but I would hate to see this site implode in some beard-rending apocalypse brought on by the ungrateful hordes because of a lack of feedback, and so here you see I'm helping as only the ENFP can, and speaking of that I'll now crawl into bed since it's so late, so so late -- dictated not read KA
  20. Hi there, as you might know, RDR2 allow to aim down sights in first person, which is great for immersion. BUT only on foot, not on horse, which breaks the said immersion, at least for me. I wish to play without a reticle and this makes horse shooting straight impossible. The animation is there, the models are there, so if any modder could make a fix for this it will be amazing! Thanks in advance!
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