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  1. Well , i already explained everything on the modpage : https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14175?tab=description I really want to make a mod based on this story . It would be an amazing new story to be played , don't you think ? ( Maybe its just me since i really love assassin way in video games )
  2. So hear me out, even if your not as Star Trek fan or agree with this post I still think this will be a nifty mod. So understand i know little to nothing about how to mod or the complexity of how its done, but instead of simply saying I want a Star Trek mod, here an template for someone, IMO, who even if they are Star Trek fans or not they could still make it without any crazy game play unreasonable game play modifications. As iv watched a lot Star Trek with friends and family (specifically younger family who requires a lot of pausing and translations and (which is more then worth it as it leads to amazing conversations that most adults would have a hard time holding let alone a child but I digress) a simple and easey summary for the race in the Star Trek Universe called the Borg, their basically a lot like space zombies, who go around with their advance ships assimilating with force everything they find of any value., how ever the beings that in a sense represent the borg who all operate as a hive mind mentality, in many ways behave like zombies, relying on their advance technology and massive numbers to take most of their targets by force. Where most races that are Faster Then Light capable in Star Trek rely on some type on energy base weaponry. To put it simply that is :smile: Now at this point your wondering where im going, and if your not a star trek fan(or are) your possibly wondering if I ever leave my house... this reasonable.. but hear me out as i want to make sure my idea is clearly represented, even to someone who inst a fan of the show. Anywho, the borg how ever are invulnerable to brute strength and crude chemical based projectile weapons (That would be guns in English lol) Star Trek fans please reference Star Trek Destiny, combating the borg with riffles. Well, the feral ghoul in many way behave like a borg drone, hence my early zombie/walker comparison, and in my opinion while the finer details (machine implants, laser, creepy voice resistance sucks eta.) will be a pain in the but, i believe the overhaul of the ghoul to turn it into a Star Trek Borg shouldn't be that hard... then again, like i said.. I have no idea what im talking about lol. So, while all this is nice their still has to be substance, context... you know.. a freaking point to the whole thing. This is where the beauty writing, creativity and imagination can thrive at this point, even if your not a Star Trek fan. If you watch Star Trek then you should know they have a way of connecting things and events, between different universe, dimensions, crazy god like creature who flicks his fingers and brings who knows where.. or if you think Galactica, or one of SG1 strange but somewhat cool looking aircraft like ships, then your stupid... jk... kinda. Point is you can insert what ever you want, Even a differnt star trek allein agressor or friend, better yet make up a species all to your self but for a basic template here is what id put in if I had the power to put these words into Fallout 4 PC content. Worf (huge turtle head like creature who is a known and accepted psychopath but a REALLY good character) is going through time and space trying to bring back the love of his life (bla bla bla) and has lead him The Commonwealth. He became aware that small pockets of the remainder of humanity in an alternate universe where we harnessed the atom way better yet in the end still killed each other. Wile everyone is attempting to rebuild and struggle with not only getting along but just staying fed, sensor detected a borg presence. He needs someone with some influence and who can blend in to assist him in dealing with the threat. Which again, thanks to creative writing and script can be anything you want. Help out the desperate klingon looking to revive his dead wife, or steal the borg tech and see how many caps it can get you.. what ever. For those who play the less then moral path, switch out Worf with a fella called Gul Dukat. Easy writing their to accommodate all of... Fallouts more... interesting side. One may think that what kind of quest or adventure that relates to Star Trek that Fallout can do, but Star Trek, like in many ways Fallout series and other creative forms of expression (Many people from star trek do voices in the Fallout series) is, IMO, great when you can settle a conflict with the some well thought actions or the proper things to say or do. We can just have a simple quest that tells a basic story... of love, adventure, life, universe, all of the above, or none... skys the limit. Not everything needs to end with gunning them down with a 1911 or simply reducing the enemy to dust with a phaser/energy weapon. Prehaps, add the option that once everything is said and done, the drones will still occasanly show up and try to cause havok to add a lasting affect to the game. Not to mention an excuse to bring a batleth and a DS9/VOY hand phaser to Fallout 4. Again... plenty room to add your own twist. Why is this lore friendly? Like i said, Star Trek... well.. enough said. Not to mention as I understand Fallout takes place around Star Trek times, and.. ohh yeah google the game Star Trek Legacy. A cross over isnt as crazy as it may sound. Thank you for reading my idea and if its far fetch then sorry for wasting everyone's time, perhaps I inspired something in someone else. Please let me know your thoughts or if your interested in a free advisor to help with content and/or direction. Good challenge for anyone looking for a change a pace! lol
  3. Description We, the modders of Epoch Sanctum, are proud to officially announce Evermore, an epic 6 questline Skyrim mod with multiple factions and endings based on Player choice. As you travel throughout High Rock grim, you delve deep into a shifting chain of multi-faceted quests and adventures that explores three different aspects/ interpretations of the Shifting Plague; a deadly and otherworldly epidemic that threatens to tear High Rock asunder. In this, you will be expected to balance morals against the fate of the world, and explore such diverse, philosophical and free-thinking concepts such as the knife-edge between fantasy and reality, as well as the relationship and illusion of autonomy and free will between the creator and the created. As our ultimate set upon the Theater of Fate, we seek to create the entirety of High Rock in this project, as well as a custom-voiced follower, Lauren, who is intrinsically tied into all six main questlines, includes well over a thousand lines of dialogue, and speaks for the People of Evermore. In addition, Evermore shall serve as a base to tie in all of our respective follower mods in A House Divided, a centric hub/ base that combines unique elements that reflects each companion in the physical structure of the house itself, and focuses on the various dynamics between their strong personalities, with multiple quests and scenes. At last count, Aurlyn Dawnstone, Serenity, Virelda, Marcelon, Morgwyn, Clara, Xanthys, Dante, Isi and Lucius are included in this expansion for Evermore. Videos Meet the Team http://epochsanctum.proboards.com/ https://discord.gg/zBQ45C3 mlee3141, DarkRogue21, Druundev, Arron Dominion, selenameeka, Anordil87, PyroToaster, skinnytechboy, Terrorfox1234, CompletetheCircuit, JayCrane, saenokda, delightfullyshadyballoon
  4. Hey guys! A few months later than I expected, I've got a playable prototype of a beautiful little exploration/story/roleplay mod set in southwest Pennsylvania. The plot is as follows: The Sole Survivor encounters a scientist in Diamond City who believes that an influence known only as The God of the Forest has been bringing a forest back to life south of The Pitt. Though worried about the dangerous mutant tribes and slavers, he sends you to investigate. Any interested testers should PM me! I'll upload everything to a google drive or dropbox file and send it to you! Thanks! JamesAfloat
  5. There is a story about a mighty blade that can only be wielded for justice and honor. But this sword was lost in the currents of time and it's location is unknown. This is all about to change as the Dragonborn begins the hunt for this powerful artifact of a bygone era. But he/she is not alone in this search... Others are seeking it for different reasons. Who in the end will be able to reforge this sword? We are open to ideas and collaboration(with other modders or with non modders). Themes that are NOT accepted are: - vampires - werewolves - necromancy(raising dead people, capture there soul’s) We also need your help in choosing a name for the mod. You can vote on the above poll or suggest other options. Modders: MuffinDragon Foxy Fullmoon Redrakiton125 Non Modders: Swadian(raresmocanu)- ideeas and design feedback-beta tester Thank you for viewing and voting
  6. Hello! Here is simple idea for ruin: What about making some sort of underwater structure wich would be traveled throgh only if you have enouth potions for underwater adventures, or are Argonian race? Ruin specificly for Argonian so they have more usage from their underwater breathing, but also some alchemist who can manage enouth underwater breathing potions to explore said dungeon? Alternativly for enchanters who can just make item to breath underwater and be done with... For theme of ruins themself - the best option would propably be Dwemer themed ruins, because of option to make puzzles (considering there would be not a whole lot options for enemies wich would be any fair underwater...). As a reward there could maybe be something related to water, or just bigger treasures. Perhaps shout wich would work only in closed area and fill entire dungeon with water? So you could for example reach specific places, as well as force enemies to swim and therefore not be able to attack you? Third word would additionaly give you water breathing for the duration of shout, and if you have mod wich allow you to fight underwater - give you an advanage in battle? If we are making shout - why not make three ruins in that case? Each ruin containing one of the words for shout. That would be obviously a lot of work, but it would be interesting to have this kind of option. Obviously if shout is too much - artefact or something like that would be cool too. Especialy apreciated if mod was made for Oldrim wihout any DLC. Thanks for reading and have a nice day. :smile:
  7. I wanted to make a mod of Killer Queen's first bomb from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which consists of turning anything you touch into a bomb. I thought we could make this into a spell or something; basically, left click would touch stuff, and right click blows it up. If we could make the character do the Killer Queen pose when you're idle, that'd be a bonus. (included pic of pose)http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/168/825/826.jpg
  8. You head into a valley that held an automated factory that still constructs and packs shipping containers full of different resources like building materials, gun, ammo, meds,food,etc. Three major faction fight for dominance over these containers the Union (settlers), the Grim (raiders), and the Ghostfaces (wildmen that crawl on all fours and lead packs of beasts). You stumble upon the valley when you hear a garbled radio request for aid you arrive in the valley through an old highway tunnel into a crater that was once a huge industrial park filled with automated factories that now make up a torn landscape that forms the valley, above the high ridges the rad storms have made it too radioactive to survive but in the valley life flourishes as containers filled with supplies keep pouring out of the factories you start out helping the Union fight for the container with a story in which you can join either of the two other factions, as you help your faction fight for and collect the containers their bases expand adding more buildings, shops, defences, people, and more life too it's area. Each time you head out into the valley to collect containers other factions, beasts, and mother nature fights back with harsh difficulties some where you just have to retreat and abandon the container, as you fight to secure your factions dominance over the valley, and when it comes time to fight the other factions bases it also received upgrades based on containers it retrieved making each lost or gain more meaningful, the Union's amphitheater terraces like village, the Grim's terror pit sinkhole town, and the Ghostfaces Maze labyrinth cave city expand and become more amazing with each of the old world artifacts the containers spit out. At the conclusion of the adventure the Union's Traders, the Grim's Warparties, and the Ghostfaces Hunting Parties all head out into the Commonwealth to spread their influence ,conquer, or slaughter their way across new lands aiding you along the way with new perks, companions, and pets.
  9. So you have completed skyrim for the 50th time, you have every item, every armour and completed every quest and to finish it all off you have a shiny new house from the people in the modding community to put it all on display to show of your achievements.. ..and you have 1,000,000,000 gold in your pocket? Immersive Right? Where does it go? How have you managed to keep it all and how can you show it off to all the sweetroll loving guards? So here is what i have: As i'm sure many of you have experienced already the nexus community has a wide and varied choice of player homes and npc buildings, but there is something lacking in my opinion or if its here already i am yet to find it. What i would like to see is a display of wealth. Not through giant homes or shiny armour im thinking that there is a bank somewhere in skyrim and that you can go into it and display your vast unneeded wealth in this bank. The way i would imagine doing it (Keep in mind i have not ever made a mod) is by having this "Vault" and within this secured vault have an NPC called "banker" Now this is the cool bit (In my opinion) You would have a few meshes of Gold piles varying in size possibly containing gems or gold bars? So for the purpose of this lets say we have 5 sizes: 1-Tiny 2-Small 3-Medium 4-Large 5-Giant Now the banker would have a check on his inventory which would count as a safe container upon adding something along the lines of 0-1000 gold you would have Mesh #1 and 1000-5000 gold Mesh #2 and so on so forth. Imagine it like some cross between the Fable Wealth Display System & Smaug's Hoard Within Erebor, Hell throw in a bit of Harry Potter Gringotts Bank Style of thing in there. I don't know a great layout but i think that an npc building or player home with this feature amongst all the weapon displays would really complete a true adventurers home with everything he has achieved on display. Sit on your throne among the masses of gold you have collected from your spoils of war and adventure! I mean who wouldn't want that? Oh and if you could port it to XBONE that would be great but if not i would still love to see this happen. Thanks Guys and let me know if you like the idea or not!
  10. Hi guys. I am currently doing a video series, which right now is a lets play but I want to gradually make it feel more like a story. I think I am supposed to put this kind of content in this subforum (please correct me if I am wrong, I didn't see anything specific about this in the guidelines). Also a at the start of this video (and the end of the previous part). There is an issue going on with the magic duel mod. It takes a really really really long time. I was wondering if anyone else had used that mod and if they know what might be up with that. Anyways if you guys do take a look. Thank you for your time. Latest Episode:
  11. COPY RIGHT NOTICE - NO ONE has any right past, present, or future to use any of my story for any reason at any time, except https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/user/5528329-bradhl55/ Name - Epihony Name - Gromulos Name - Belrak Name - Himner Race - Nymph Race - Human Race - Scar-Dale Dwarf Race - Wood Elf Age - Unknown Age - 20 Age - 80 Age - 130 Home - Wilderbrandt Forest Home - Wilderbrandt Forest Home - Scar-Dale Mountains Home - Wilderbrandt Forest Profession - Nymph Beastmaster Cleric Archer If anyone wants to make their weapons for me ( pics only, no mods ) get with me and I will give you the details :smile: Gromulos woke up and instantly knew something had happened the night before that he was going to regret. His throat was sore, he was hung over, and he felt like he had tumbled down the entire side of a mountain. Looking over at his best friend in the entire world he said,"So, what did you let me get into last night, huh?" Rosco just looked at him with his usual dumb look and went back to watching a hummingbird through the window. "Well, Rosco. Let's go see what the end result of last night was." Getting up Gromulos stretched his entire body, grabbed his staff, and walked outside only to hear Himner and Belrak arguing over something. Walking over to where they were he sat down and helped himself to some rabbit that was cooking over the fire. Himner proceeded to stare at Gromulos while he ate, always being the antagonist he was. "You know Grom, you put on quite a show last night for Belrak and I and several furry friends of yours." All the while chuckling under his breath. Gromulos looked over at Belrak and Belrak just simply said, "It's all on ye laddie, this is all yer doin'." Gromulos peered at first Belrak then Himner then simply asked,"Ok, what happened last night?" "Well, to put it simply Grom ole buddy, ole pal, friend of mine. Never bet a nymph you can drink more wine than her." Gromulos jaw hung open as he said, "I did what?" Belrak just simply started laughing as he started to tell the tale. " Well lad you bet Epihony that you could drink more wine than her and after about 14 bottles between the two of ye, she started to get a twinkle in her eye like all Nymph lassies do. She cast some kind of little spell on ye and after that it was all we could do to keep up with ye as ye went streaking through the woods with nothing but ye staff and that cursed mountain lion ye have. Gromulos stopped eating and seeing this Himner and Belrak backed away from him cautiosly. Just then Gromulos busted out laughing so hard that he scared several birds in the trees. Looking up at the birds Gromulos said, "It's alright Jack, Katy, and Lee, come on down and get some nice berries from my pocket." The three birds floated down and dug around in Gromulos pocket each taking a berry and flying off to thier nests. "Well, I suppose I better go find Epihony and make sure she is alright. continued Gromulos, Himner, and Belrak trudged through the woods and while Himner and Belrak were obviously in good moods, one could tell that something was troubling Gromulos. As they walked Gromulos kept an eye out for anything that might be wrong within his forest, and yet could not find anything. He knew that something was just not quite right. The walk took nearly two hours before they finally arrived at the clearing that marked the boundaries of Epihony's home, Gromulos called out to her. "Epihony, I'm here and we need to talk." Gromulos watched as Epihony walked out of her spring water pool towards him while Himner and Belrak immediately turned away wishing to avoid her gaze. "Gromulos my dear, what ever is wrong with you, I have never seen you so worried." She then handed him a water saphire knowing full well that he was running low on supplies back at his lodge. "Epihony something is not right in the forest, I can literally feel it." Gromulos said as he scanned around him for any signs of danger. "Gromulos, I can feel it also, but all our friends in the forest have told me that while they can feel it also, they can not find the cause of it, so it must be out of our reach for now." Gently pulling him by the arm Epihony said as she giggled, "Come, relax with me in my pool, I promise no tricks today." Gromulos sat down in her pool while Epihony gently rubbed his shoulders and helped him relax. "Gromulos, I will always be there for you for as long as we both live. We both know that we cannot join together but that doesn't mean we can not love each other." Gromulos peered at her over his shoulder and realized instantly that she was being honest and sincere. "Epihony, I will always be here for you." Gromulos said as he took her in his arms and then promptly dunked her under the water. The four of them roared with glee and laughter as Gromulos and Epihony wrestled with each other to get the upper hand in their playful struggle, never realizing they were being watched by someone, or something, else. The creature stood just off to the side of the tree he was behind while watching. Thinking to himself he knew that he had finally found the right area, now it was just a matter of time before he could pinpoint what he was looking for. He would not be denied this time. He would not be swayed. He would have what he came for and anyone who got in his way would suffer his wrath. Continued "Let me see what these people can offer.", he said as he cast a spell. The spell revealed what each one of the four people were adept at to him and he silently dismissed each except the Nymph. "Now she may very well be a problem to me. I will have to see if there is something I can do to ensure she does not become bothersome." Just then the creature heard something behind him and instantly melded into the ground as a huge mountain lion came out from behind a large boulder. Rosco walked cautiously up to where the creature had just been standing and sniffed, his senses were instantly relayed to Gromulos. Gromulos stood straight up, grabbed his staff, and was off and running before Himner, Belrak, and Epihony knew what was happening. "Come on lass and Himner, something be wrong." The trio chased after Gromulos stopping just behind him as he walked up to Rosco. Seeing how Rosco was reacting, Himner instantly took to the trees and melded into them becoming completely invisible in the dense foliage. "Nothing up here." said Himner. Gromulos knelt down where Rosco was standing and instantly froze, at this Belrak pulled out his double bladed war axe and assumed a combat stance."What be wrong lad?" "I am not quite sure but something or someone was definitely here." said Gromulos. "I can sense it as well Belrak, both from myself and from Rosco." said Epihony. The five of them searched for over an hour and could find no trace of what ever was there. Something had eluded them. Gromulos, Rosco, and Epihony all could sense that what ever it was, was pure evil in intent. What could it have been they all wondered, or who. What was it doing at that particular spot, within easy distance of watching them, or worse. The five of them made their way back to Epihony's pool only to discover that the spring water was now a dull black with algae floating in it. continued Stepping up to the pool Epihony started to cast a spell and when it finished she just stepped into the pool and as she did the pool was once again a vibrant crystal clear spring water pool. The moment her foot touched the water the algae receded back and disolved at the same time. "We'll never need to worry about fresh water as long as we have Epihony as our friend." said Himner as he was chuckling. Looking around he could see the stern looks from the others and simply said,"Ok, ok, not the time for jokes I see." Suddenly there was a great flash of light directly in front of Belrak and the others were thrown back a little. There in all his resplendent glory was none other than Clanggedin Silverbeard. No one could move, talk, and they could only barely breathe. "Belrak! You are now MY cleric. said Clanggedin, and with that Clanggedin was gone in another flash just as instantly as he had appeared. Now able to move the stunned group looked around at each other and as they did so their eyes were directed to a package in front of Belrak's feet. Opening the package Belrak found a set of robes, a holy symbol of Clanggedin, and small rock about the size of a peach pit. Gromulos, Himner, and Epihony all said at the same time to Belrak, "What just happened?" The four of them looked in surprise at each other in astonishment and then Belrak was inundated with a barrage of questions from the other three. Belrak stepped back and simply said in just barely a whisper, "Hush, let me think on this me friends." As soon as he had finished his sentence they all went quiet as if it had been a command from mother nature herself. Belrak could feel the change, he still knew how to fight with his axe, but there was more to him now. He could feel the divine power rushing through his entire body as if it was his own blood. Looking down at the holy symbol he had picked up Belrak knelt down and started to pray, as he did this his entire world changed as he started receiving the individual knowledge of holy spells from Clanggedin. After a short while Belrak stood up, looked at the three others and simply said. "Well now, that's somethin' ye nay be seein' ever' day." continued The four of them sat around the pool quietly discussing the days events with each other. "We all need to get going if we're going to make it to town and back before dark." said Gromulos. Gromulos, Himner, and Belrak all stood up as Epihony was casting a spell. When the spell completed Epihony no longer looked like a Nymph but instead an old woman who might be tending her chickens. "Come on, let's go." said Epihony as she started off towards the town with the other three in tow behind her. It was a beautiful summers day and the group enjoyed the walk almost as much as they did meeting all the new little ones on the way from all the different families of the forest. Arriving at town the group spread out and Gromulos and Epihony headed straight off to the vendor's market. After everyone had done their shopping they all meet for dinner in the town square. Himner had picked out a nice little family run inn and was already seated at the largest table in the inn with Belrak and another wood elf. As Gromulos and Epihony joined them Himner introduced the strange elf as Riley. "Himner I am telling you it's not just your group that knows about this, there have been several groups that have come in saying the same things as yours." "Excuse me Riley," said Gromulos "but other groups have reported what?" "Well, there have been at least 4 other groups I know of that have reported the strange feelings and occurences that Himner and Belrak had filled me in on, but none of the groups had such close dealings with what ever is behind it all as yours." Gromulos continued to eat his food as he listened intently to Riley and when Riley was done had made a decision. "Riley, summon the rangers and have them inform the collective." Riley just blinked at Gromulos. "Gromulos you can't be serious, no one has dared summon the collective since..." his voice trailed off as he knew better to mention what had happened in the past. Riley just looked at Gromulos one final time and knew with out a doubt Gromulos was serious. "I'll send my people out but what ever happenes is all on you Gromulos, let me know if you need anything else." With that Riley swiftly got up and was gone before anyone could say anything. Continued The five of them continued eating their food while watching the towns inhabitants go about their daily routines. "Just think, all these people may very well be on the brink of not existing anymore and they have no clue at all." said Himner. Gromulos, Belrak, and Epihony all looked at him like he had just lost his mind. "I think that's the very first time I have ever heard you say anything serious Himner." said Epihony. "Yea well, desperate times call for desperate measure and all that." Himner retorted back at Epihony. Rosco was busy under the table eating what ever Belrak decided to feed him and when Belrak was just a little to slow to give him something Rosco promptly chomped his hand. The young dwarf shrieked with pain and flew out of his seat, onto the table, and then onto the rafters, an amazing leap for a four foot dwarf with the rafters being 6 feet above him. Belrak yelled, "I told you that cursed feline had it in fer me Gromulos!" "Non-sense you dottering dwarf, you were just to slow to feed him, which I have told you countless times not to, so it's your own fault." said Gromulos. Just then the three of them could hear Epihony giggling with glee as they looked at her they could not see why at first. Leaning over Gromulos could now see why she was giggling. Rosco had decided to jump into the rafters and at this point was stalking Belrak like a large piece of venison. Belrak saw this and immediately jumped down onto Gromulos back. About this time the inn keeper had had enough and had called for the town militia. Continued Epihony, Gromulos, Himner, and Belrak were all escorted out of the inn by several town militia and ordered to stay out of that particular inn for a week. After paying the fine for the damages Belrak and Rosco had caused, Belrak found himself direly in need of funds or he was going to have to go back home. As the group was walking back to Epihony's pool in the clearing Belrak needed to rest and sat down on a large boulder off to the side of the road. "Belrak, what on this world is wrong with you, why so sad my little portable rug?" Asked Epihony. "Epihony, if I can't find a way to make some funds I will have to go back home, I am almost broke after paying for those damages, and aye lad, thank ye Gromulos fer paying half." Epihony walked over to where Belrak was seated and gently took his hand and placed it on the surface of the boulder he was sitting on. "Now you know very well my little furry friend, I will have none of this talk about you going home." As Epihony said this Belrak could feel magic flowing from Epihony into his hand and then into the rock, he had never felt magic actually being used before so now he knew what to expect when he finally started casting his own holy spells he had received from Clanggedin. Epihony gently pulled Belraks hand away so he could see and once the rock was revealed Belrak could see an absolute flawless Amethyst where the rock had been before. Looking at Epihony with a tear in his eye Belrak could only mutter a few words at best, "Thank ye lassie, ye be too kind to this young dwarf." Belrak dug out the gem and looking at Epihony for approval slid the gem into his pocket and then gave Epihony the biggest smile he could. "One day lassie, yer gonna go to fer and I be stealin' ye from Gromulos." As Belrak said this, they all laughed and continued their walk home. Continued Walking along the road our little intrepid group came across an older woman sternly lecturing a young adult woman. "Do I really have to Jannifer?, asked the young woman. "Yes you do Kat, now get to it." said Jannifer. Kat walked up to the group returning from the town and approached Himner. "Sir, will you please help us, we're lost and not sure where we are." said Kat. "What exactly do you need help with young lady?" said Himner. "How far and which direction is the town of Providence?" asked Kat. "Oh, you're not lost, the town is that way about two miles." said Himner as he pointed back the way his group had come. Jannifer walked up beside Kat and said "See, i told you he was nice." Kat replied to Jannifer, "Yes Auntie, he is." as they walked away towards town. Gromulos then walked up to Himner and asked "Fan club Himner?" To which he replied, "No idea Gromulos, I thought that was your area of expertise, and stop stealing my jokes." he said with a snort. The group continued on their way back to Epihony's pool arriving shortly there after and decided to have dinner as it was now getting late. After Himner had gathered and prepared several different wild berries, roots, and fruits, and Gromulos and Rosco had hunted down a boar, the group settled around the campfire Epihony kept for just such occasions and they all had a very enjoyable meal while they chatted and joked about the last couple of days event. Little did they realize that at this very time a lone dark figure was watching them intently from behind a large boulder on a small hill behind them. "Soon, so very soon, you will know my power and you all will fear Dark0ne." Continued Dark0ne was extremely happy with himself over finding such an excellent specimen as Epihony. He thought to himself, "Now all I have to do is set my traps and wait for my prize. Finally I have found a key to my lock." With this he withdrew further away from the Nymph and her friends and proceeded to cast his spells, all the while watching out for anyone or anything that could discover him. After several hours had passed he was done and his spells were now in place, it was just a matter of time before he started collecting his rewards. He melded into the rock under his feet and with that he was gone. The next morning everyone started to wake up and went about their usual activities. Himner and Belrak were in jovial moods as they both always enjoyed a campfire and a good meal at Epihony's. Gromulos and Epihony were busy making sure the fire was out and were cleaning up. Rosco came trotting into the camp with another mountain lion slightly smaller than himself. As he did everyone stopped what they were doing and sat down while Gromulos approached the two lions. Gromulos could sense the female was uneasy and weary and softly cooed to her. "Rosco, and who might this friend of yours be?" Rosco sent Gromulos a mental image and at the same time reassured the female. Gromulos slowly approached the female and reached down and started scratching her behind her ears. As Gromulos did this s he relaxed a bit and laid down next to Rosco. After Gromulos had relaxed the young lioness he turned back to the camp fire and sat down and ate some breakfast. "I'll ne'er understand how ye do that Gromulos." said Belrak as he went back to fixing breakfast for the others. Everyone sat around the camp fire and let the young lioness get to know them one by one and after a while her and Rosco were play fighting besides Epihony's pool. continued Gromulos and Belrak went back to his cabin while Himner, Rosco, and Epihony stayed near her pool. "Ye know Gromulos I fully expected ye and Epihony to be married by now lad." said Belrak with a twinkle in his eye. "I know Belrak but who would marry us, most people would rather just kill her because of what she is." Gromulos said as he gave Belrak a questioning glance. "Are ye daft boy, I now be a Cleric me self, and, I'll do it fer free, all ye have to do is ask laddie." said Belrak with a broad smile. "Then it's settled, I'll ask her when we get back." said Gromulos. Belrak noticed that as Gromulos said this his step lightened and he had started to whistle a joyful little tune. "Soon, very soon, my plan to get those two dolts together will be achieved." As Belrak thought this he let out a loud cackle of glee and when he noticed Gromulos looking at him he thought quickly and he just simply said "Himner and Rosco in the rafters back at the inn." Gromulos also started to laugh with Belrak, though not for the same reason. Gromulos and Belrak arrived at his cabin only to find it a smoking pile of ashes. They both drew their weapons and approached cautiously but who ever had done this was long gone. Gromulos trudged through the ashes to a corner of the cabin and removed some floor slats and took something out of the hiding hole that was there. "Is it safe lad?" asked Belrak. "Yes, but we need to get back to the others, and fast." Gromulos breathed in deep and let out a loud fearsome howl and soon they could both hear trees bending and limbs cracking as something approached from deep within the forest. It was a large Worg followed by several smaller ones. Gromulos walked up to it and laid his hand on the large beasts head and after a few moments said, "Belrak get on the grey one and let's go." Gromulos got on the leader which had a pelt the color of rust and was easily twice the size of the others and headed back to Epihony's with the other worgs and Belrak close behind. continued Gromulos and Belrak arrived back at Epihony's only to find the entire clearing engaged in a massive battle. Forest creatures of all kinds were helping Epihony and Himner battle the large force of undead. Gromulos let out a long mournful howl as he dismounted the large worg and proceeded to scan the battle for Epihony, Rosco, and Himner. Behind him Gromulos could hear Belrak fending off a few of the enemy as the pair were noticed. Spying Epihony next to her pool, Gromulos made his way to her slashing with his staff. As Gromulos neared Epihony he could see his friends coming to his aid. From the southwest came three large figures through the sky cutting the horizon like dark streaks of doom. Each one easily the size of a house. As Gromulos reached Epihony a blue arrow landed at his feet, Himner's signal letting Gromulos know he was safe. As he turned to speak to Epihony another arrow struck one of the ghouls and caused it to stagger away in pain from Epihony. "Epihony, are you alright?" asked Gromulos. "Yes, i am fine the pool has not been desecrated, yet." answered Epihony. Just then the 3 large black ravens joined the fight and proceeded to feast on the undead. Other animals were now rallying to Gromulos. As he scanned the battlefield Gromulos could see several bears fighting a revenant while off to another part of the battle Rosco and his new mate were dealing with several skeletons. "Epihony, watch my back as I do this please." Gromulos knelt down and sunk his hand into the earth and started chanting. All around him the forest animals could feel the earth magic flowing into them and making them stronger. The bears grew double their size as did Rosco and his new mate. Sevaral foxes were now the size of a normal wolf. Standing up Gromulos surveyed the battle and proceeded to assist Epihony and Belrak in clearing a path to where he thought Himner should be. Arriving at the tree Gromulos thought Himner was in, sure enough he heard the familiar twang of Himner's bow. In a few moments the battle was over and the group returned to Epihony's pool, the animals still in the area were dragging the corpses of the undead into a ravine at the edge of the field. Belrak walked over to the ravine and started chanting a spell and as he finished the entire pile of undead were consumed in a bright purple fire, he then walked over and joined the others. Continued Belrak sat down and just as he was about to light his pipe he heard "IT HAS BEGUN!" Startled completely by this he looked at the others but they seemed to not have heard the bellowing voice he had heard. "Um, lads and lass, did ye hear that just now?", asked Belrak. Gromulos, Epihony, and Himner all looked at Belrak with uncertainty. "I swear I just heard some one say in a booming voice "It has Begun." Gromulos and Himner just kind of looked at Belrak as Epihony said as she smiled at him, "Belrak, that was your God letting you know that you had done right. Do not be afraid, but be proud as any other dwarf would be." Belrak blushed alittle bit and the other 3 all rushed him and congratulated him. Rosco even walked up to Belrak and nuzzled him softly. As the forest animals started to wander off back among the trees and bushes the little group all sat around the campfire Himner now had going and proceeded to eat and talk about what just had happened. Epihony suddenly changed her clothing using magic and just after the spell had finished a rider could be seen approaching the camp. This person was a large individual riding an above average size Worg. As the rider reached the camp he dismounted and approached Gromulos saying, "Commander Ulag of the Silver Mountain and Silver Haven reporting in sir that we are ready when you call us." He then handed Gromulos an ivory horn rimmed with silver lace, mounted his Worg, and rode off back the way he had come. continued As Gromulos turned to face his friends he could see Kat, Jann's apprentice, running towards the group. As Kat approached them she started yelling for help and hearing this the entire group started running towards her. Topping a small hill the group could see that Jann was engaged with various undead and the only thing stopping them from getting to Jann was the barrier she had put around herself that was coming from her staff. The energy in the staff would not last long and she would then be at the mercy of the undead. Gromulos could hear chanting from behind him and as he turned to see what Belrak was doing , Belrak stepped forward and an intense bright light leaped from his hand bathing the undead, completely and utterly destroying them in a single moment. Jann lowered her defenses and approached the group walking straight up to Gromulos. "Gromulos, the undead are getting worse in this area, that is the third group that has attacked me directly." Gromulos responded by saying "I know Jann, i think it's about time we started moving everyone into one location, but as far as I know there are only 2 locations that would be large enough to hold everyone and one is poorly defensible while the other is infested with turn spiders. "Well I say we clear out the spiders then." said Jann. "Should be easy enough with the right group if everyone pools thier resources together under your banner, which reminds me, I have a gift for you." Jann then reached into her cloak and pulled out a large bundle that she had been carrying, handed it to Gromulos and stepped back while he examined it. Gromulos opened the package and unfolded the fabric he found inside and laid it out on the ground so he could look at it fully. Displayed on a very large turquoise colored background was a large oak tree. "Jann what is this?" asked Gromulos. "It is your battle flag that the collective can rally around. Anyone who joins your cause will be given a cloak to wear with that symbol on it." stated Jann. "Very well, if we are to do this, then I suppose it should be done right." Gromulos then folded the banner up and stored it in his backpack. Epihony walked up to Gromulos, softly kissed him on the cheek, then turned and walked into her pool untill she could no longer be seen. continued Jan blinked, rubbed her eyes hard, then blinked twice more, "Did I just see Epihony do what I think I just saw?" Gromulos turned to Jann and explained who she was and what thier relationship was. As Gromulos had just finished Epihony reappeared from the pool this time wearing completely new clothes and holding a staff. The clothes looked like they were made of pure coral and glistened in the sun while the staff looked like it was made of water and the water looked like it was actually moving. Epihony turned to her pool and cast a spell on it and where it had been there was now only a dirt mound covered in grass. "I will have to find a new spring after this is over Gromulos." Gromulos said nothing but looking at him everyone could see that he was visibly shaken by what Epihony had just done as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. Turning to Belrak he said, "Belrak, do it, the worst that can happen now is if she says no." Belrak was taken back a little by this but mustered what courage he could and spoke loudly, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Epihony and Gromulos in holy wedlock ....." As the ceremony continued animals from all over the forest gathered and formed a circle around the group of humans, all the while watching intently. When the Ceremony was over , Belrak pronounced them husband and wife and Epihony and Gromulos kissed deeply. The animals all walked up to Epihony and Gromulos and nuzzled them softly, mother nature it seems had given her blessing as a small basket of flowers and berries appeared at Gromulos and Epihony's feet and all could hear a very aged womans voice softly mutter, "Well it's about damn time my children." followed by a hearty cackle of glee. Jan, Himner, Belrak, and Kat instantly rushed the new couple and started hugging and kissing them, when all of a sudden everyone except the couple were knocked on thier feet by the ground shaken, Belrak walked up to the couple and immediately grabbed them both and hugged as hard as he could, all the while tears streaming down his face. continued As the group settled into a marching order and started towards the area where the turn spiders were, Gromulos suddenly came to a complete stop and was looking high into the sky. As the rest of the group followed his gaze thy could see a lone figure mounted atop a giant eagle. As the eagle drew nearer Gromulos relaxed when he could make out who the rider was. "Belrak, it's our old friend Menorius." Menorius landed in front of the group, dismounted and walked towards Gromulos. "Gromulos you old bear, how are you?" Gromulos just smiled and took Menorius's hand and shook it as he replied, "Married! Menorius this is Epihony my wife." Menorius stopped dead in his tracks with his mouth hanging open as he peered curiously at Epihony. "I didn't think anyone would ever get him to marry him, Miss you must be one special lady if Gromulos actually said "I do." With a look from Gromulos , Epihony let her guard down for just a brief instant and let Menorius see her true form. "Well now, i guess you are special after all. but enough of that, Gromulos i am here to inform you that the eagle riders of the hanging cliffs are with you. When you need us burn this feather and we will come as fast as the eagles can carry us." Menorius then handed Gromulos a feather that reeked of something foul. "Now that the official business is done I can rest a little bit and we can all catch up." Hearing the magical words Himner had a camp fire going in less than five minutes, and fifthteen minutes after that was happily eating, again. continued As Gromulos and the others all sat around the campfire enjoying the meal, Rosco suddenly stood up and started growling. "You know Gromulos, i hate that damn cat of yours." Said Commander Ulag as he came out of the bushes. Gromulos retorted back saying " Ulag, Himner and I heard you 5 minutes ago, Rosco was just being nice to your ego. What are you ding here?" Ulag skirted around the campfire staying on the far side away from Rosco and answered, " I was out hunting when I saw Menorius land and figured I would come and see what was going on." "Well you're just in time then, we are all on our way to make base camp but first we have to get rid of a colony of turn spiders." said Gromulos. "Well count me in then as I should be there to represent my clan. Besides, with me there I may be able to strike abargain with the spiders so we don't even have to fight them." said Ulag. "What do you mean by strike a bargain Ulag?" asked Himner. "Don't you know Himner? Orcs and turn spiders can understand each other, that's why no one has ever been able to conguer our clan." said Ulag. Jann, Kat, and Himner all let out a collective whistle as they realized just what kind of advantage that would give them all in combat. Continued After an hour of traveling the entire group came to the nest area in the forest where the Turn Spiders were known to be. Commander Ulag pulled out a torch but instead of lighting it he poured some honey on it and promptly stuck it into a bush and then pulled it back out. Everyone nervously chuckled as he led the Turn Spider around like a puppy dog with a bone. As everyone watched, Commander Ulag and the Turn Spider had a short conversation. "Well, it's done. The Turn Spiders will be ready when we need them. What one spider knows, all the rest know as a collective so it was easy to get a response and more importantly, an agreement. Now we just need to pay them." "What exactly do they want as payment Ulag?", asked Gromulos. "Four wagon loads of barrels filled with honey, so about 24 barrels should do it." stated Ulag. " I can help with that easily guys, my family owns a honey reserve and I have not collected my share in over 6 months." Said Himner. "Well let's get started for the Wilderbrant Elven city then and get those barrels of honey, the sooner we pay the spiders the better the deal will go." said Gromulos. The entire group headed out never realizing they were being watched by a single raven perched in a tree outside of the area of the spiders. (more to come on a daily basis health permitting)
  12. I am fairly new to modding and could use some help because I am making a new worldspace. Not very large and with a number of quests. How would I get the player there? I initially thought about having the player be taken to a kind of transportation center, where the player would choose where in my worldspace they would like to begin. I thought I could add several different doors to different places within my world. Then the door disappears and the kind of adventure begins. But when I test out my transportation center, the world is weird, in that it has split into different floating surfaces and there are no doors or anything. What did I do wrong? I am thinking it had something to do with my creation of the world, but I don't know. I would be thankful for any help anyone can give me.
  13. Ok, for those of you who have played either Slender: the eight pages, or Slender: The Arrival you know what I am talking about. Basically I would love to have a quest involving children getting kidnapped in the commonwealth and the player would then get contacted by one of the families of said children. After that you could go on a journey (preferably to a new worldspace/ land) and attempt to find the missing children. Obviously you would eventually run into Slenderman, try to shoot him, then run like hell when you realize that he cant be killed. It would be nice to actually have some kind of story or plot instead of just finding 8 pages, and I dont know maybe go and actually rescue some of the children that he took? It would also be nice if there were side antagonists besides Slenderman that can be killed while running away from Slenderman. I know that is ambitious, and the CK would probably need to be involved, but I wanted to get it out there fairly early so that when the CK is released it can hopefully start production. I myself would just go and make it, but I have no clue how to mod in any shape form or fashion. If anyone wants to make this then please do! I absolutely love Slender, and Fallout 4 and bringing them together would be just epic! If anyone needs a reference for slender just go to YouTube and look up Slender: The Arrival and that would probably be a good starting point.
  14. This Fan Fiction is set in the world of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in the style of a Journal kept by our Hero. If you like what you read, please go to my Blog Page: Valenwood Verbiage and if anyone has Facebook please use the link to LIKE my Promotion Page there as well. Thank you so much. I hope you continue to read along. This is only a short sample of my story. http://i1374.photobucket.com/albums/ag403/ValenwoodVerbiage/Valenwood%20Verbiage/1abf97dd-e904-45b2-b596-a0af8a545f7d_zpsc612ec17.png The writings in the pages ahead of you are out of the Journal of Alastríona Bosmerí, a Wood Elf on her life's journey. 4E 168 Fredas, the 8th of Rain's Hand On the day that Emperor Titus Mede II ascended the throne, I was born into this world. My life began in the northern city of Arenthia, Valenwood. My father, Daibhí Bosmerí, was a Woods Guide, making a living leading travelers, mostly from Cyrodiil & Elsweyr, through our dense forests to cities around the Province. In his free time he would travel evermore with the Aldmeri Traveler's Guild in a group called the Huntsmen, learning what he could about the flora & fauna of Tamriel. My mother, Sinéad, was a simple She-Elf, spending most of her days caring for, nurturing and teaching me the ways of our people. We Tree-Sap People are blessed with gifts unique to our Race, bestowed upon us in the Dawn Era by Y'ffre, Goddess of the Forest... _______________________________________________________________________________________
  15. There may be a chance some of you heard about a new mod known as Atmora Calling, but in case you haven't it is a survivalist adventure mod. Started by Rhodiera, this mod has been working towards a community project to bring Atmora to life in the game of Skyrim. It has recently garnered some attention from Reddit (r/teslore) as well as several other places. I myself have joined in their team, though I had started working on Atmora mod myself, I saw a chance to pool what I had into this project. I had initially begun my beginning mod to remember & honor an old Minecraft server I had been admin on, which was set in Atmora. You can still find the old forums for this at http://tesatmora.enjin.com , so I welsome you to see that as well. There have also been other mod authors who were working on making an Atmora mod come on board. The mod in essence, is a chance to explore Atmora on a new expedition. You & the expedition crew land in Atmora but must survive the harsh weather among other things. You as a player get to explore the ruins, seek treasures, & search through the legends of Atmora. The Dragonborn may also face some surprises & possibly get lost in time. We do plan to get the initial mod out sometime within a year or so, but may well work on further expansions. We can be largely found at http://atmora-calling.freeforums.net/ so do check it out. Do feel free to discuss this & share as well. We are currently looking for voice-actors, but modders are welcome just as well. Let me know if you want more information by commenting or messaging. I can also give the information if you are interested voice-acting. It is also on the modding forum as well (posted by Rhodiera, here is a link), but here is just a spot for more general purposes & discussion. Thank you all for reading
  16. Hi, im looking for a fun quest mod with a good story and lots of fighting. I don't really like puzzles (gray cowl of nocturnal). I've allready tried: moonpath to elswer, falskaar, helgen reborn, moon and star, agent of righteous might and inferno envoys of end. I wanted to try molag bal's inferno, but the comments about ctd's kind of scares me off. Any recommendations?
  17. I used to be an adventurer like you... Where? there is no single adventurer! how about random adventurer encounters? Im not asking especifically for them to do side quests that you can do but it'd be a nice touch. All I ask for is for adventurers like in FO 3 and NV where you could trade or battle them.
  18. Note: This mod is currently a work in progress and will not be uploaded until it is complete. I consider it to be in pre-pre alpha. Projected release date: Late Summer/Fall 2015 The Ashlands This mod will be the story of a particular wastelander's experience in the "Ashlands", named by the inhabitants of the Asheville ruins and surrounding area. Set in 2281, the courier will delve into the ruins of the post-great war Asheville, and join the fight between the Nova Portus Rangers and an expeditionary BoS force. The story will focus on the hope of salvation and the Brotherhood's lust for control over technology. Now you may be thinking to yourself: "Well this is great and all, but do you have anything to show?" Yes indeed I do! Images! (contents of which are likely to change) More images to come. Curse you picture posting max! FAQ: Q: How long has this mod been in production? A: Since September 17th, 2014. I've taken probably a total of 2 months in break time. Q: Why the long production time? A: Why is BGS taking so long for Fallout 4? Quality over quantity. Q: Do you need help with anything? A: Yes, see below. Q: Can I play test this? A: Yes you can, and I will appreciate it very much. PM me. Q: What exactly are you looking for? A: I will really need experienced scripters, armor modelers/texturers, and voice actors. Q: How big is the worldspace? A: It's about 18x18 cells. So think Big MT or Zion. Q: Does Nova Portus mean anything? A: Yes, Nova means "new" in Portuguese and Portus means "haven" in Latin. Is it an incorrect and unethical thing to improperly combine to languages? Maybe. Do I care? No, I like how it sounds. Q: How will this mod be implemented into Fallout: New Vegas? A: It will behave like a DLC. Q: Do you think Fallout 4 will be announced at E3? A: Yes. Bethsoft cannot mess this up, right? Q: What will this mode require? A: The masters for this file as of now are: LR, HH, DM, GRA, OWB, Speedy Resources, and FNV Interiors Core. This may or may not change. Q: How much custom content will be implemented into this mod? A: I don't know. I plan on having some custom music, but that is a big if. I also plan on asking Millenia if I can implement WotNM as an optional version. I like to plan on some custom armor and unique weapons, but that is a big if as well. Special thanks to Someguy2K for the inspiration. Big thanks to dangman4ever for saving my sanity and mod by informing me of the backup folder.
  19. - Olá, meus caros colegas. - Venho aqui para informar, a quem quer que esteja lendo isso, que estou assumindo a responsabilidade - talvez por enquanto ou permanentemente, de administrar a tradução do mod de Skyrim, Amorous Adventure. - Sim, você já deve ter visto o tópico sobre este projeto em outro lugar do fórum, se não viu ainda, veja: Traducao PT BR para o mod Amorous Adventures - Terei de ver um jeito de creditar os criadores da tradução. - Bom, por algum motivo, os tradutores não enviaram mais notícias, apenas o administrador que informou, dia 17 de Maio, que voltaria a traduzir dia 25 (de Maio, acredito eu), mas acabou que não se teve mais respostas. - Por conta de um amigo meu, ele insistiu para que fizéssemos a tradução deste maravilhoso mod romântico, ou seja, estou tomando as responsabilidades para ao menos tentar terminar o projeto. - Mas aí você me diz: - Pô, por que cê tá fazendo isso, o mod já existe, filho da- - Bom, infelizmente muitos arquivos que peguei contém erros de português, outros não - e provavelmente eu sei a quem pertence os arquivos sem erros ortográficos. Por isso, por agora, estou realizando apenas a revisão dos arquivos, e meu parceiro está traduzindo algumas coisas. Sim, eu também irei traduzir, mas como eu disse, há muita coisa para revisar antes disso. - Estamos com apenas 2 tradutores (Eu e zMews), e estamos trabalhando na tradução de outros 2 jogos, por isso, fica complicado. Lista: (Atualizações Constantes) (AMANTES: Conversas) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Adrianne) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Aela) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Annekke) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Aranea) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Brelyna) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Carlotta) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Elisif) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Illidia) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Jenassa) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Jordis) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Lisette) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Lydia) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Serana) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Converse com Ysolda) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (AMANTES: Iniciar missão) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Caçado a Caçadora) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Amor e Morte em Riften) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Liberação de Annekke) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Feitio) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Os pretendentes de Camilla Valerius) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Uma chave para o coração dela) (Traduzido) (Revisado) ([WIP] O Conselheiro Dibellan) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Uma Sacerdotisa Apaixonada) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Um Cadáver Requintado) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Amorosa Serana: Profeta) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Amorosa Serana: Perseguindo Ecos) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Amorosa Serana: Além da Morte) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Amorosa Serana: Visões não Vistas) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Amorosa Serana: Tocando o Céu) (?) (Amorosa Serana: Julgamento Kindred) (?) (Queimando por Dentro) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Hora do Lanche de Serana) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Serana e a Marca da Dibella) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Uma Viúva Recém-Nascida) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (A Besta Dentro) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Hospitalidade Nórdica) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Cego de Visão) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Desejos de Dragonborn) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Sombas e Cicatrizes) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Uma Canção de Luxúria e Guileira) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (SexLab - Aventuras Amorosas) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Mágica Estranha) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Segredos Profundos de Njada) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (A Briga de Njada) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Maldição da Noiva Morta) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Meus Amantes por Persuasão) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (A Arte da Dibella) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Um Anjo no Aço) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Colmilhos de Desejo) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (A Marca do Amor) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Enfiando a Agulha) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Materiais mais Finos) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (O Lobo Solitário) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Uma Viúva Muito em Breve) (Traduzido) (Revisado) (Lição Dura de Ysolda) (Traduzido) (Revisado) - Acompanhe por esta lista como está indo o progresso até agora. - Obrigado por sua atenção.
  20. Would love a datapad that I can journal my adventures in, you know the kind of thing "Captain's Log.....". I think it would be the perfect addition to an RPG life. I had a similar thing in FO4 and it was brilliant. Please and thank you in advance to any Mod author who takes it up. xx
  21. Can somebody make a quest and a scene that winterhold bridge is collapse.... And the quest is to get an alteration spell dan can lift the ruins or make a conjuration bridge.... I think it'll be cool Or.... A replacement for magical looks like for winterhold.... I mean.... It so looks.... Boring after these years
  22. I saw this video on youtube about unreachable cells and test cells and the like. places you need the console in order to reach. as i was watching this it got me thinking. These are Test cells why are they still in the game? you know like rooms with a few non hostile bandits that are doing animations and walking back and forth and so on or a black void area with a bunch of empty chests with like 30 naked NPC clones all named planter glitching into each other and falling off the chests and into the void. why are these places still in the game? so i was thinking what if i opened up the CK and just removed these useless cells. maybe would make the game cost less in memory perhaps, or..would that like, break the game for some reason?. Here's the video in case you're wondering what i'm on about..
  23. I have this idea for a mod that creates a new faction or group of soldiers that are dressed in either the High Desert Tactical Gear or something of that caliber. They would have a well-put together base somewhere away from settlements and other locations. If anyone wants to do this please comment and message me!!!
  24. I've been thinking of this idea for the longest time. By all means this doesn't mean anything has been actually made yet, but using Skyrim's gameplay systems as a framework for a completely unrelated adventure is an incredibly interesting idea for me. Here's what I thought of: - An original universe, allowing for a team of modders to write the rules and aesthetics as they please. - It would be pretty rooted in a Sci-Fi background; the polar opposite of Skyrim's fantasy sensibilities, yet not straying too far from the things Skyrim is good at. (There won't be pilotable vehices or a crazy amount of guns, although it's been proven that guns in Skyrim are possible). Adventure, open-ended gameplay, character interaction, stealth, and melee-combat are all still focuses, and environments will take advantage to the impressive organic assets Skyrim already has, in addition to some obviously techy stuff too. - There would be a Main Character this time around, which would have a voice in conversations as well as be referred to by name throughout the adventure. - The primary goal is to ascend. Some way to monitor your altitude would be implemented, and quest markers would provide vertical information. - Currency is handled differently. Instead of physical currency, it has to be hacked from accounts and from NPCs. This would allow a version of the lockpicking system to be viable in a Sci-Fi setting. - Your character would be a well-sought-after fugitive to this world, but not everyone has to know that! This will change the way you approach populated areas and conversations. Why Skyrim of all games? Wouldn't something like Fallout work better for this sort of thing? - It could, but Skyrim does plenty of different things Fallout 3/NV don't do, and I believe that the amazing tools offered by the Creation Kit as well as the improved engine would provide an ultimately superior experience than if Fallout 3/NV was used as the framework. Also, the Modding Community is much more capable and talented, and the lack of guns or VATS isn't an issue, since gunplay won't be a focus. This is an open-world adventure through-and-through, just with a different theme and universe, and a primary goal (going upwards). This is a lot of work of course, but I think it's a cool enough idea to share. This thread is created because I'm wondering what the community thinks of a concept like this. Would you download something like this? Would you be interested in developing something like this? I want to hear your thoughts.
  25. HI!... I am not a modder and i have awesome ideas for a MERCENARY CAMP Description ------------------------- The mercenary camp would be like a big bandit camp with wooden fences and fur tents and at least 1 fire. But instead of BANDITS, the npcs would be MERCENARIES that you can HIRE for 500 Gold! Détails ----------------------------- -Lot of respawnable mercenary with different skills and races with FUR and IRON and CLOTH... I dont want OPS with dwemer etc... -Near water with a small kayak and fish rack -Anywhere in tamriel, find a cool place :smile: -Merchants (food)(drinks)(horses maybe :O) -Complete blacksmith with tanning rack etc.. -NO door and house i want it all open :smile: ! -Mercenaries training on dummies like 4 mercenaries training for 10 dummies -A lot of tents and tables and food -A small bar with tables and chairs where mercenaries relax but still inside the camp! Not in a house where you have to open a door! -If possible a Carriage, and also you could go to the Camp using other carriage like, from whiterun to Mercenary camp ;P ! -I want at least 15 mercenaries Excluding Merchants -Make it believable i want it to look like a big camp frequented by mercenaries so you can do tables with weapons on them and weapons rack and stuff lik that. A lot of decoration is cool :smile: !!! -Dont forget the tentsa with sleeping bags and etc. -U can use FROSTFALL for items and backpack. And BANDOILDER for pouches if you want. !! -Maybe mercenaries fighting together for training :O -Make the mercenaries ballanced for ADEPT gameplay I think this mod is gonna be FAMOUS if someone is capable of doing it GOOD LUCK :D ! [email protected] for questions thx :wink:
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