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  1. Could someone please make the M41A Pulse Rifle please? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13682/? This is the model... or at least one good enough to pass as the M41A. Would be awesome if you could add in their combat armour too. Similar to the one in game tbh.
  2. So, while looking through Youtube comments, I saw someone state that they wanted Jarl Balgruuf as a companion in Fallout 4. As strange as that sounds, it did give me an idea for a big DLC sized mod that I thought would be really cool. I'm not good enough with creation kits where I could do this myself, but if I could build a team, we could create something like the Mothership Zeta DLC where you get captured by aliens. In Zeta there was a part where you open some cryo pods and release some people from different times and places, like one of them was an ancient samurai. There could be something similar with the mod where you get a big escape mission and you can break out these different characters in the pods and work with them to get out. At the end, all of the people you work with take control of the ship and become available travel companions. Possible companions could include: Jarl Balgruuf, the bizarre request that somehow made me come up with this idea.An Oblivion Guard.A unique alien different from the ones running the ship.A super intelligent deathclaw with a shredded up lab coat, glasses, and a delightful British accent. He could also serve as a major part of the quest by hacking parts of the ship and taking control of things, allowing the escapees to continue.Spy from TF2, because why not? He's a suave dude and would be fun to have around. He could be built for stealth characters. Plus, he's got some good voice lines. There's a mod that adds more unique weapons, and it includes a knife that does more damage from behind, so that would pair really well with this. Kind of where I got the idea for this companion.The list could go on, but these are a few ideas for characters. As for making the mod, I do have experience in sound design, writing, and voice acting on a professional level. I can take care of any writing and sound effects for the mod, but I'm not experienced enough with the creation kit to make the mod itself the kind of quality I'd like to see, so with that said, I'd love to hear from people if anyone is interested in working with me on this project. The things I'm going to need are: Modelers who can create assets such as new set pieces, clothing to fit the deathclaw, and the friendly alien in the same quality and style as the game.Scripters to make story events work.Builders who can design the ship and piece everything together in the creation kit. I imagine we could build something amazing here right on par with the original Fallout 3 DLC. I do fear though that this might be a little too ambitious, but it doesn't hurt to share. Who knows?
  3. hey guys I want a companion mod of the little green aliens from toy story, I want them to waddle and even say the dialogues from the movies, I will pay if needed I really want this mod I think it will be funny, and I think a lot of people will enjoy it as well, please contact me through here or my email if you are interested <email address removed> THANKS!
  4. Fallout 4 has many aspects that have not yet been explored. Such as aliens, much can be added : armor, weapons, Power Armor, ship creation like automatron, even new races. Their technology has not yet been explored and I think the modding community can use this to create several mods , keeping Immersion . The sky is no longer the limit , because the aliens come from another planet , which means the possilidade new maps technology never before explored , exploration of space, you name it. Modding continues to grow in Fallout 4, which makes this idea more and more a possibility. For those who think that this idea does not make much sense in the game, the Nuka World Dlc shows the idea or the dream of creating a vault space, as an escape from apocalispe, this concept can also be used . Well, this is my idea, I hope at least you guys read it, it might inspire you.
  5. Hi this is the only thing i m thinking about while playing this game - such a mod would be awesome! perfect fit for this game in my opinion! :)
  6. Greetings Nexus! After taking a long break from playing Fallout New Vegas to play some of those "other" games, I'm back playing New Vegas again because, just like a stray cat and a bowl of milk, I just can't stay away! Deciding to do something very different than just a pro-NCR or pro-Legion play through (never done pro-Legion yet!!!) I've opted for a challenge based on availability of resources and rarity of gear, precisely imposing strict rules on a RPG style play through where every action my characters makes, has to first "make sense" within the characters beliefs and values. So far I'm having a blast, and it's been both challenging and rightfully easy at times, using the right choices for the character. For this play through our character is Samus Aran, intergalactic bounty hunter and space pirate nemesis. Samus has crash landed on this planet (is it earth? was she in cryostasis aboard her Hunter class starship? Who knows?).. and it's up to Samus to figure out this world, it's players and ultimately how to escape the surface and return to space bounty hunting. After crash landing Samus was depleted of energy required to maintain her powerful Varia suit, with the desert sun beating down on her, Samus left her disabled Hunter starship and searched for a means to refuel and repair the craft. It was then, after being watched form the foot hills that a group of raiders attacked. Armed with only her emergency pistol, Samus could at best stun her attackers, who in return where armed with crude but effective ballistic weapons and blades and bats. Samus was quickly overwhelmed, at least that is how Samus remembers it. Discovered by a Securitron named Victor, Samus was taken to Doc Mitchel's for urgent medical care. http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww277/RedSarge/001_docs.jpg Samus remained unconscious for some 12 hours before awakening, with only an old vault suit to her name, he bright blue Zero suit and her emergency pistol, both sold to Chet as they were deemed damaged beyond repair but worthy of trade. Samus would have a word with the Doc about that! http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww277/RedSarge/001_docs2.jpg Humoring the Doc, Samus took his small exam in order to see if she "had all her faculties", she assured the Doc, that she did. Specializing in science, bartering and energy weapons, her background with the Galactic Federation gave her an edge over most combatants. Of course, crash landing on a strange uncharted world left a lot of questions. But Samus resisted to urge to question the Doc, nor mention the Galactic Federation. http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww277/RedSarge/20160526223859_1.jpg Being a skilled bounty hunter, despite her injuries Samus skill level was still at a comparable high to average test results. This is a wacky wasteland however, and many strange creatures and factions do inhabit it. With this vit-o-matic test complete and a few parting words about the local area, Samus set out. http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww277/RedSarge/20160526225137_1.jpg UNTIL NEXT TIME... http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww277/RedSarge/20160526225147_1.jpg
  7. Ok, so basically I have no real experience with creating mods, i can kinda mess with existing meshes but thats pretty much it, so thats why im here. The mod would be dlc size im assuming, the quest would be kinda long and centered around the enclave and the brotherhood (sorry institute players). The quest would manly be about how a falling spacecraft would be seen reentering the atmosphere by the player, the player would go to the location that pops up where it says it crashed, you gat there and its in pieces, with the main fuselage still intact but heavily damaged. Seeing that all the hatches to the ship are now melted shut you go to the brotherhood to see if you can get an engineer to come with you and cut it open, this is where a possible new companion is introduced, I was thinking female, about the same age as Maxon if not younger, and wanting to become a knight. So she goes with you and as you approach the craft she recognizes one of the symbols as the enclave, which scares her immensely. She opens a hole in the ship and only you go in, you see burnt corpses in strange uniforms resembling a Hazmat suit mixed with an enclave officers uniform, now the real thing that stands out are the two dead pilots in power armor, i was thinking a modified X-02 but with extra tubing, different helmet (more astronauty) and maybe white black and orange in color. this is when you invite her to come in and she finds multiple documents in one of the sealed compartments, they contain different mission briefings about the enclaves space station, and a project "Albatross". From there i dont really have much more planned out except you get to modify t-60 to survive in space, create a thruster pack that lets you move in space (also possibly let you do quick strafes on the ground like in Armored Core) and new weapons modification, like a high cap laser rifle mod that lets you use a fusion core. eventually the enclave come to the commonwealth to salvage whats left of there shuttle, the encounter the brotherhood there and the battle begins. later in the quest you find out how to board and steal an enclave shuttle and head to there space station. When you get there you find out they have been recovering multiple alien tech and using it to further there equipment. Another thing you come to learn is that "Albatross" is actually a ship, and when you board it right before it luanches from the station you also learn that it has the first warp drive on it (alien tech) and while your fighting the enclave the ship warps to mars, but aliens see the warp signature and a huge mothership appears, takes out some of the systems and then you destroy the mothership, you then have to EVA to fix up some of the ship (this is after you have already killed most of the enclave on it) and you warp back home and crash the ship back in the commonwealth. Thats all a really have so far. This mod would add a ton of new mechanics, quests, items, and NPCs. The CK would most definitely be needed along with multiple very skilled moders. Like i said i dont know much about moding but im willing to learn if it will make this happen. Theres also a ton of more stuff that could be added to this story, what i wrote is just the frame work.
  8. http://orig05.deviantart.net/811f/f/2016/113/d/5/8195197adc610e7e7830832712999f1f_by_jay_hunter_frost-d9zzcon.png The Otaru Empire is a alien civilization which has thrived for over more than a millennium. It uses a modified version of imperialism and democracy to run its own civilization and has gone through multiple disasters. it created [or at least forming the creation of them and others added onto it.] humanity and they begun observing humans. eventually they saw humanity explore, expand, and evolve thus sending a ship to earth after several centuries. They didn't publically appear yet, but they began to live coinciding with humanity. This lead to eventually more of their bigger discoveries such as the first artificial intelligent robot... However russia began being hostile towards most of its neighboring countries for spying, and or stealing technology or sabotaging it. thus lead to a war which lasted for fifty years until russia decided to nuke everything on the eastern side of the world, also mainly due to sabotage of their directory systems of the silos. The otarus and regular humands began to "breed" with eachother and in most areas even made secret programs for such, while others already knew and simply didn't care. they left the earth when wary citizens thought they were here for a invasion, and attempted to attack. Which they then attempted to over throw their governments in the process. that was retaliated with the entire nuking of the earth. The empire has multiple names, including otaru order. and is led by a royal family following the name of "Kazami" the emperor is named hunter kazami. while there are also differing queens and empress's. the population is over around 10 billion+ on their home planet, and various more. which are simply mostly planetary citizens, or guards unless a war happens. they are very adaptive, but Abide by a strict code. which in short is basically: If a civilization we fight is Lower in tech or population, The war will adapt to fit with it. as they enjoy to fight. however, They will retaliate with necessary force depending on how the war goes. They returned to earth and took over new mexico, columbia, vietnam, moscow, puerto rico, a embassy in morocco, and even made a name of "vietstotzka". [This is a faction thread, which means it is a thread which will be used for primarily faction roleplays. how it works is, It is easier to join in a Faction rp, and you state your story and or limitations. people are allowed to "join" and if/when a rp starts, they can also RP as part of the faction they're in. If this is in the wrong section, please move it. as i am new here.] @gadethyn onmarothi
  9. Could someone add in a Xenomorph Race, or ask/get permission to import the Oblivion Xenomorph Race to Skyrim. I would be very grateful if this is made. Also, this is my first post, so please criticize
  10. Hi! I am in the process of making an alien mod in New Vegas, and i want to use assets from mothership zeta. I woudnt be including the bsa's themselves obviously, but my question was would it be legally ok to upload as a part of my mod a modified esm that basically makes it so i can use the mothership zeta assets in the new vegas editor without having to reimpliment every individual asset in new vegas, and then worry about making sure users would only need to copy the bsa files from their fallout 3 folder to make it work. Is this still not in the legal safe zone as far as what can be uploaded to the nexus? To be clear, I WOULDNT be uploading any assets, just some of the geck metadata that makes the assets usable in the geck. The quests, worldspaces, and cells would NOT be incuded in this file. Thank you in advance for the help!
  11. I say theoretically, because I love this Idea and the fact that I could make this, but I don't know if i will find enough time to do this. Depends of feedback. Well, before I forget. I felt compelled to post about an Idea I had, and plan to actualize. Basically, Alien Creatures that are significantly more advanced, not in technology, like the dwemer, but in the ways of a more refined magicka (Mana if you will, or not I don't judge). As such, these being will be ethereal and almost immune to physical damage, but extremely sensitive to more primitive magical effects. I am Imagining something with the potential for nigh unlimited magicka, but with a constantly decresing supply, as manifesting on the physical plane of nirn is extremely taxing . On the opposite end of the spectrum, some aetherians have specialized in manifesting hyperdense beast forms for dealing with foes on a more physical basis at the cost of their immunity and slight damage to their sanity. Therefore these varieties will be labeled as Aether Beasts. (Perhaps a sort of werebeast alternative specifically for Aetherians) If I were to ever become good enough to create a questline, a sort of invasion would have to manifest, brought on by the massive magicka disturbances during the dragon rebirth, great civil war, emergence of the mora, and dawnguard crisis. If you feel like joining the invaders, I imagine an ending that would bring to mind the finale of 2001 a Space Odyssey. (After all, what good is a new race without being to play it.) The racial ability would be Mana Surge. Having become aligned with higher planes of magicka, you may will your body into a ley magnet, causing an overlap at your location and a increasing surge of mana (pure 4th planar magika or something). The downsides would be imobility and physical vulnerability while charging and a severe penalty if disrupted mid surge( a magicka burst would push back all foes though and damage you as well) Any thoughts? And any pointers as to where I should begin creating a custom race?
  12. In the Fallout 4 concept art, you can find drawings of an alien: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Alien_(Fallout_4)?file=Alien_(Fallout_4).jpg What intrigues us about this picture is that it doesn't appear to be a generic alien design concept; it appears to be a *specific* alien drawn multiple times. His broken helmet suggests that he has some sort of backstory and may in fact be a character you can interact with. Perhaps even a recruitable companion? What are your thoughts on this? What do you think of the aliens in Fallout in general? Do they fit with the atmosphere and lore of the games? Let us know what you think. If you're interested, we discuss all this and more on this week's podcast: https://youtu.be/X21ugDQ-KLM
  13. I've been doing lots of .ini recently to customize the game to my liking, and I was wondering if there was a way to give aliens XCOM perks just by .ini editing? For example, if I wanted to give Sectopods HEAT (not that I would, that sounds terrifying), how would I go about that? Would I add eCP_HEATAmmo (or whatever the HEAT perk is called in the .ini) in the properties section? Or would I add it in the abilities? Any help is appreciated, thank you.
  14. Before I begin I must state clearly that I am not a writer and I'm not trying to be perfect! Even when i am trying i write in long rambling run-on sentences. I am doing this to get it out of my head. I've been thinking about this for days! I've always loved the idea of game mods and i spent hundreds of hours playing modded versions of gta games battlefield 2 and arma! and now fallout 4 which is one of my favorite games ever without any mods but the way its almost perfect has awoken a desire in me to see if the modding community could be pleaded with in hopes that a beautiful perfect conversion of this game was possible. How to fix fallout 4: 1.introduction First things first, I'm not a hater but I am new to fallout. having said that this is the single most fun game I've ever played! it crosses zombie survival, tactical shooting, with rpg, and adventure with an amazing settlement system. however I do have to agree with the critics that the story is utterly broken... in my first play through I used a Samus Aran\Liam Neeson character build which means that I lived in my power armor and I was on a mission to rescue Shaun before I allowed myself to indulge in wasteland exploration or side quests. Sadly however once the final chapters of the story began to reveal themselves I quickly lost interest in the nonsensical and plot-hole filled story-line. After that I just began to wander aimlessly in the wasteland, did a little settlement building, but mostly just went after a few choice mods on nexus that I felt improved game play and immersion so much that they should have been included in the original game. Some of the smaller changes I'd like to see already exist in a simpler form made by mod authors way before the upcoming creation kit release. This community gave me hope that it may be possible to transform the funnest game I've ever played into one of the best games ever made!!! 2.Mod List Here's my list of mods i felt improved game play or added a deeper level of immersion, or fit my vision of the new "Fallout" I hoped to be a small part of creating. 1.Cut Weapon Mods Restored: Who doesn't want more weapon options? Also the Broadsider plays a major-major part in my redesign. I desperately need some one to create a pre-war military version of a "man -portable tank gun" to be carried by troops wearing power armor into battle! Finally justifying the nickname "walking tank" and a simple re-mesh or texture could transform the broadsider into such a weapon after that just add the receiver options from the cut weapons mod to add the necessary firepower and I would hope such a change would excite fallout loyalist and be symbiotic and reasonable at home in the existing lore. 2. Slippery Chameleon: This mod allows you to move around while using a stealth boy without breaking the stealth field visual! JUST LIKE THE ENEMIES CAN! Seems fair to me, also should be drawn from fusion core rather than ap while in power armor and player held one will have fusion core battery or one time charge and be disposable forcing player to ration use. 3. See Through Combat Scopes: Awesome! very lore\immersion friendly. 4. Overmodded Power Armor: Don't make me choose between a targeting hud and recon sensors when they so excellently compliment each other - or a stealth-boy and a jet-pack especially when I fixed the stealth boy already. I won't do it... I'd rather mod. 5. Lasers Have No Recoil; A youtuber made a video and a modder fixed it! I love that! besides whats the point of technology if it doesn't feel like cheating? Balance with rarity and ammo cost this is a must! 6. Advanced Institute Weapons; Changes institute weapon projectile to the alien weapon projectile. Why? Cause in its current state it is just a lame laser rifle with blue beams. Why else? Cause it was reverse engineered from alien technology! More on that later... Also can somebody speed up the projectile? I tried to snipe and it shoots like a railway rifle yeeesh! 7. Immersive Fast Travel; This mod gave me tons of great ideas. The teleporter is cool it just needs an institute relay flash when you activate. You must side with institute at some point to unlock (along with other goodies). The Vertibird already has a working interface in vanilla but the motorcycle and car from the mod gave me a great idea. Settlement to settlement transport vehicles you can build or discover and repair. Here's how it would work in-game... Approach vehicle, hit E to enter (cut-scene of player opening door and sitting in car then closing), pipboy map or vehicle nav is brought up, destination is selected, here's the cool part an cut-scene of vehicle driving off a short distance as screen fades to black\loading screen(immersion) load screen fades to cut of vehicle arriving at destination settlement and parking then exiting and control is returned entire sequence can be first or third person and car truck jeep or motorcycle. maybe these vehicles can be unlocked by atomcats garage? I know that's a reach and I swear that's the only time I'll mess with lore in such a way. Maybe at some point you unlock a fast travel ufo that beams you up then teleports to anywhere on map? 8. Robot Home Defense; In a world where hack-able robots exist wasting resources on turrets and guard stations seem pointless. V.A.T.S. please don't hate me for this... I imagine if the player wanted to use vats outside of power armor they would need some type of technology like the eye piece thing from dbz power scouter I think they call it ours would be more steam punk of course and could be integrated into helmets and mask at an armor station by scrapping it into components. The vats system is already built into power armor as standard. This should be simple right? Build a vats eye thing as apparel and disable vats unless player is wearing eyepiece power scouter vats module? Or wearing power armor or wearing a helmet\mask with "vats integrated" in the title. I know this is a big change and everybody may hate the idea but I felt there was untapped immersion and realism possible and it just seemed odd for a non robot to do vats. CHANGES NEW IDEAS AND IDEAS I WOULD LIKE TO SEE EXPANDED UPON: COMPANION BRAHMIN: The cargo one with all the luggage maybe it can be bought from a specific trader and act as a walking cargo hold with insane cargo capacity like thousands!! balance? gotta keep it alive or use a lot of stim packs, but it will definitely come in handy when you go resource hunting for the large-scale settlement projects... What large-scale settlement projects?? THESE... LARGE-SCALE SETTLEMENT PROJECTS: Given enough settlers maybe a leader can be appointed when your away and they can unlock these over time things for settlers to work on like actually restoring existing houses over time with different levels like patchwork like new and better than new or border fences junk metal fortress\castle that are prefabbed along the border, you just say go and they are erected overtime while you are away given enough labor and resources. GHOULS EVERYWHERE: If all living things went hostile tomorrow you would run into more of us than anything right? Either way who doesn't love killing zombies? The wasteland outside of cities should be stocked with ghouls ghouls should be a constant menace in the wasteland forcing the player to use more tactics while moving in the open in the early game there presence may be hedged in the late game by the presence of such powerful factions but they still remain a persistent growing threat to humanity. Here's where i found an opportunity to do some lore bending for the benefit of my reworked not rewritten storyline. I did research on the ghoul lore online and didn't see any reason a ghoul virus couldn't exist in the fallout universe - "radioactive-necrosis" huh huh? No reason the institute couldn't have discovered the virus and now the twist Shaun was sought out for his immunity - I know it's not mind blowing but it makes him much more rare than non-irradiated and could have been inherited by the chosen genders side of the family making the spouses killing less irrational. THE INSTITUTE: I felt the institute needed a master plan to go with their synth project, I mean a better plan than "building the perfect machine". The first 2 generations provide the institute with slaves and soldiers - same weapons. same armor - but I want to see synth heavies in institute white x01 suits. They are cutting edge right? I felt the third generation needed a job more substantial than replacing strategic people on the surface, don't get me wrong it's a fine side project but given their complexity I felt they needed a greater purpose than espionage. A lot of games look to movies for inspiration and I'm aware of the influence terminator and blade runner has had on the synths of fallout 4, but I kept coming back to the movie appleseed and the bioroids. I was like that's a way better reason for making all these synths! The institute is afraid of the surface but feels it is their destiny to control the way civilization is rebuilt so in their arrogance they start by re-designing man. Ghoul and rad resistant better faster stronger etc and limited free will due to a chip in their head that gives the institute the ability to issue directives that all synths must obey without question the institute claims this is a safety\update feature it also limits their negative emotions to remove the possibility of man 2.0 repeating its own near extinction, or so the institute claims. This chip also facilitates a service the railroad can provide the escaped synths by removing the chip and giving them true freedom... cool right? So that's my major re-write. Save the world and rule the world by building a perfect man they control - but that's not all the institute has in store... ALIEN TECHNOLOGY: So I got a mod that changed the projectile of the institute rifle to the alien blaster one and it felt way cooler to be shooting a copy of alien tech than just a blue laser rifle. Then I started thinking about that memory den pod thing seemed out of place. What if it was recovered from a ufo? and somehow ended up in the memory den but the operator could only use it as a brain vcr or tivo and is not aware of the potential of the device. When the institute became aware of the technology they were able to procure their own and it turned out the pod was used by aliens to encode their brainwaves and communicate with a hivemind on their home planet x million light-years away, and the institute hoped they could use the pod to extend lifespans exponentially by copying their mind into synth clones of themselves. The original copy vessel dies when a full transfer is preformed so it isn't taken lightly by those who believe in a soul and aren't sure it will make the jump with their memories and personality and the new synh is just a souless copy. Ok here really goes nothing... SUPER MUTANTS: the fev right? It was stored under ground before the war. I didn't see any mention of it being successfully tested before the war and after the war it seems like it never works so maybe the rads corrupted it? Where did it come from? ALIENS! Why not? Maybe old world governments swapped tech with aliens, but that doesn't affect the way I want to see super mutants changed in fallout. Right now they are like buff raiders with creepy decorations and terrible dialogue. In fo4's lore the supermutants of the commonwealth are not native to the area and the cw is across the country from where they originated they are released experiments of the institute carried out on a much smaller scale due to the fact it doesn't freaking work so they would not be organized in armored clans but scattered alone, or in small packs still dangerous but just trying to survive, not offensive unless hunting but will attack if threatened or its home is invaded they will wander the less urban areas solo attack with mutant specific mostly melee weapons crude poolstick spear, sledge axe, nail bat, satchel of throwing nukes? This guy can have his bag targeted at range and the secondaries will kill the whole pack this one will always accompany packs when close its best to just headshot. I want the s\ms to have a bigfoot vibe. Cool right? I always thought big foot was a released govt experiment seems plausible. GUNNERS VS RAIDERS: The two gangs of the commonwealth should fight each other for territory, makes for a more lively commonwealth and player should be able to play optional raider\gunner quest where you pick up a special item like a recruitment letter or disguise or something that turns the specific side friendly and when you assist them in combat an npc will ask for help at another nearby battle site when talked to after. Gain exp, legendary drops and special thing for completing x quest. Good idea bad idea? Idk. THE STORY: There are already synth settlers that are indistinguishable from regular ones, just need more of them and they should be shown as victims of raider violence, like finding dead settlers in raider camps with synth components and prejudice from other settlers when suspected like verbal harassment. So the story remains pretty much the same until you enter the institute where you meet synth Shaun and real Shaun who is suffering from very early stage brain cancer he explains why they make synths. A NEW WAY TO PLAY THE END GAME: I liked the idea of the railroad and minutemen both contributing to one of the endings but why not include the brotherhood? I call these multi-faction endings like convincing the boss to help you break back into the institute then let the minutemen take the lead on the invasion into the interior which Maxson believes to be a suicide mission, and while inside the institute you can keep a promise made to the railroad and assist a mass escape of a group of gen3's seeking freedom. THE PLAN: If you stick with the institute long enough you will be sent on a quest to clear out a general atomics factory so that it can be re-purposed for mass production of the robo synths so urban areas can be occupied and patrolled in their words to keep the peace and end the violence against synths. You will also be asked to help destroy rival factions by multiple factions but can refuse leaving factions intact either way - I don't want to see the bos completely destroyed. Prydwen goes down but the brotherhood sticks around in smaller numbers so you can fight them post game they will randomly be occupying buildings like outpost you can find by looking for guards outside or will drop off scout/recon teams by vertibird like before the Prydwen goes down. Also I don't want to see that puffy scribe armor I have a hard time shooting those guys, they don't look intimidating or even combat ready. I want to see the bos jumper uniform with bos combat armor of varying levels and power armor that's it. GAMEPLAY CHANGES: 6TH SENSE: I hate wandering into enemies, so I end up spamming the q button then exiting vats this has a really useful end result of having your characters direction changed to be facing the enemy then you can scope and kill. So here's an idea and it can be disabled by the player but why not have a better reason to buff perception? For instance when you come across an enemy or one wanders into line of sight you will have a vats style slow mo effect triggered and the players camera will be re focused in the enemies direction after a second the player is released and free to enter vats manually aim and attack sneak closer for a better shot or evade all together. So the idea is random encounters will draw your attention automatically and the range will depend on your stats, this will allow tactical players to approach enemies way more carefully. Again its optional in my vision and you can also be prompted too enter vats while the slomo effect is happening, or if your quick enough you can draw your weapon and prolong the slomo effect for as long as ap holds out just like having the drop on somebody. It should also have a cool down time to prevent multiple slo mo effects when encountering groups who enter l.o.s. one by one. PIP PHONE? I wasn't the biggest fan of traveling great distances in order to have simple quest convos. What's all this technology for? So why not have the ability to communicate with the most important npcs over ham radios and through terminal on their side with audio and\or video transmitted to your pipboy you can also receive those on screen text alerts through a messenger on the pipboy to deepen immersion. Super simple and you can still watch your beautiful character in third person talking to his wrist with a grainy voice talking back or go back and forth between the player and his pipboy screen displaying pixelated video of the npc you're talking to. INSTITUTE BENEFITS: Now you have a better reason to take down the institute to prevent an army of clones and terminators from surpassing humanity allowing their mad scientist creators to control the destiny of the planet. Why end the game sided with them? Well I assumed joining the institute would benefit the settlers under my jurisdiction with some of that high technology - I mean we are allies right? How would this work? Maybe you can complete side quest for different institute departments and be rewarded with institute benefits, like synth robo guard and workers for settlements that cost no resources and consume none, or super seeds that unlock high yield farm crops or high output water purifiers and generators or even swanky institute beds that boost happiness simple obvious but overlooked. SURVIVAL: In survival mode food water and rest become necessary, but rather than stat bars that tick down how about a rule of thumb to eat sleep once a day and drink twice - neglecting to do so will trigger an inner dialogue like I need to eat soon, I need a drink. Failing to do so will result in negative stat effects or the inability to run or less carry weight taking more damage in battle passing out etc, and also breakable limbs that can be repaired by a doctor in diamond city or the institute or railroad and a rare npc who can be sent to a settlement for a personal doctor when these limbs are damaged player may limp unable to move any quicker or be restricted to pistols/knives until pain drugs are taken as a temporary fix or doctors repair it. Maybe the doctor can put on a cast that can be removed by doctor in xx days... idk just a thought. Also while sleeping in areas with enemies near by you may be awoken abruptly if an enemy enters your sleep perception range like you heard a noise and maybe if hidden well you can choose to continue resting in hopes the enemy just passes by based on luck maybe? SHAUN: I hated the way Shaun's death was handled, especially if you choose not to side with his borg collective he basically tells you to go to hell before he dies, it sucks. I would rather he be found " dead" when raiding the institute or after returning from your last mission. Upon discovering this the crib ending should play then later when synth Shaun asks to go with you either because the place is about to blow or father is dead and he sees you as his only other family, but then Shaun's holotape should reveal that the same alien tech used in the memory den was replicated inside the institute in the hopes it could save Shaun's life by having his mind put in a synth body but rather than just body swap he decided to have all his memories after the age of ten locked away and his mind was put in synth Shaun so that he could give his mother what she wanted most in the world and also to give himself another chance at life with a loving parent. JET PACK: Why can#t you fly forward with the jet pack? Maybe a hover button, but definitely want forward flight for jet packs, they did it way back in San Andreas! Just pivot the two outside nozzles. DOORS: So the player can be seen climbing into a suit of armor, but can't turn a doorknob with their own hand and walk through a black hole to a loading screen? NEW CONTENT: NCR RANGER MASK: I downloaded the ncr ranger outfit off nexus, it's cool but I messed around and wow, that mask looks great with combat armor so good it should come with the helmet in a version like combat mask. ANCHORAGE FRONT: I imagined a flashback mission where a group of u.s. soldiers, some with power armor are being flown in vertibirds through a blizzard to be dropped at an oil drilling out post that was captured by Chinese paratroopers your mission is to retake it so this is the very beginning of the war before the nukes and would be a really cool quest idea. PHONE HOME: If the alien institute connection in my vision of fallout catches on then I would like to see a mission where some of those giant radars at the listening post are used to signal aliens and request a fresh uncontaminated sample of fev or something. REPAIR THE PRYDWEN: So there's a giant jet engine in the wasteland on the back of a truck somewhere so why not have a quest in which you recover it to repair a damaged Prydwen engine or something. LIBERTY PRIME BOSS FIGHT: I don't care how or why! HOLSTERED\SLUNG WEAPONS: Freaking let the player sling or holster the weapon. I saw this in a promo video was it too hard? Is it too much to ask that the player puts food and drink to their face the way they inject stimpacks? That's it for now. I really do love the game - maybe too much... ​
  15. So I've had this idea for a little bit, but am no way good at scripting or modding any of the sort. Unless you want a somewhat custom NPC in Doc Mitchells house, ha ha. I would love to see planes flying across the sky, along with UFOs and shooting stars. I would think it is possible because I had thought of how it could be possible. Example being, you already see a plane flying across the sky in the ending of the game. All you would have to do is shrink it to give it a better believeable look. And there are already UFOs in the game in good condition. So replacing the plane with a UFO would be pretty nicely done, too. Of course, the shooting star would probably be more difficult, but maybe possible? :) TL;DR read the title, I think it's possible.
  16. Looking at past requests, this was discussed in early 2016, and as recently as May of this year. I have thought of a way to make a Stargate that fits the Fallout Universe. The lone survivor found a map hidden in the cave near the crashed spaceship. Using Jack Cabot to decipher the map might be most lore friendly, given his father was an archaeologist. It's been discovered that the crashed spaceship is just one of may to visit earth. Thousands of years ago a spaceship landed and built a Stargate, after many years it ceased to function, this resulted in a physical ship having to be sent to investigate. This could account for the aliens in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. The Institute and the BOS are protagonists because they both want the technology for themselves. I predict that if someone tackled this it would hit the Hot files in no time. I realize this idea is going to be a time consuming project, but I cite Maxwell's World by Trainwiz and TRAIN POWER ARMOR also by Trainwiz as examples of how this could be developed. I sincerely hope someone will consider this a worthwhile venture.
  17. The idea is to use the life cycle of Xenomorphs to create a "scorched earth" attrition clock for the player to fight against. Yautja and AVP ideas are excluded from this mod to focus on detailed xenomorph addition, but I don't see why Yautja race wouldn't eventually be added later-on or in separate race mod. Core Mod Idea: - Utilized the procgen and size of Starfields planet generation to simulate a planet-to-planet infestation of xenomorphs. A planet can become infested, cleansed, or reinfested if proper quarantine is not handled.(Only non-critical planets to the story to avoid large scope of game breaking issues) - Utilize the outpost system to attempt to keep planets free of infestation by increasing anti-xenomorph presence on the planet. - Utilize the wildlife system to develop unique xenomorph types based on Starfield's wildlife. - Develop an agent based/finite state AI for xenomorphs in which they simply desire to populate (can have a pheremone link to a unique queen and if the link is lost they can become a queen themselves), the infestation is simulated by chance as a ship travels from an infested planet to an uninfested planet(did a xeno stowaway some how/ infect someone) - Possible Hive vs. Hive Conflict Content Additions: Factions: -Weyland-Yutani -USMC -Maybe Space Jockies -Misc. Colonies Can get a lot of money for bringing a live specimen to Weyu or you can get a lot of support from USMC by waging all out war on the infestation. Questline: - Mod triggers from a "hadley's hope" style distress beacon. - Decision tree's for USMC or Weyland-Yutani story progression - Can completely wipe out all Xeno's on the map or lose the outer systems. Models, SFX, Anim: -All lifestyle of xenomorph -USMC armory/tech/ships -Weyland Yutani armory/tech/ships AI: -AI have a predefined loop that conditionally changes based on their senses/needs -Xenomorphs are trying to infest, consume resources, capture victims. -USMC are hunting down xenomorphs, placing quarantines, exterminating. -Weyland Yutani are scouting xenomorphs, trying to break through quarantines, do research and development for profit.
  18. I have like zero skill left in programming having stopped in high school after learning Basic and FORTRAN. I know it makes me seem really only but I am in my 30's lol Any way I have this idea for a fallout 4 mod where you turn it into a more of a proper survival horror game either fallout 3 or 4 would work three has the aliens already coded but four has a lot more potential. My idea is that you get one settlement 30 people in it and you have 5 days to find reasources, build defenses and prepare.... After the 5 days are up Aliens and monsters start spawning trying to kill everyone. It could work really well set in far harbor I had a similar experience when I deliberately kept the fog generators off. The game spawns more and more and seemingly harder and harder waves of monsters it was a lot of fun. Perhaps such a mod already exists in some form. However I know a lot of people were a bit disapointed with fallout 4's base defense part of the game. A mod or side story centered completely around it might be a fun project. If anyone is interested in helping make such a thing or talking about it post a comment or email me at [email protected] God Bless and no matter what have fun in post Apocaliptia [email protected]
  19. Also, and this maybe just me as well but would someone my making a Ellen Ripley from the original Alien Movie, Slider Preset.
  20. Good morning everyone! I'm not really requesting this mod, but I'm throwing this idea out there because well, why not? And I think its a really interesting idea. Those of you who are sci-fi buffs or movie buffs in general will get what I'm talking about real quick; but heres my idea. Very basic and simple. The pyschlos from Battlefield Earth. A trans-dimensional species that rules over thousands of realities and dimensions. Heres a brief description of the alien wiki. https://aliens.fandom.com/wiki/Psychlo "The Psychlos are a race of hairy, 9 foot tall, 1,000 pound, sociopathic humanoids. The face of a Psychlo was composed of a series of shifting, bony plates with a limited range of expression. Their home planet, Psychlo has an atmosphere very different from that of the Earth, and their "breathe-gas" actually explodes upon contact with even a trace amount of radioactive metals, including uranium." And heres a clip for extra measure. In general however; there aren't that many extra terrestrial mods as it is. I personally believe there's a big market for extra terrestrial mods. Anyways that's my epiphany, hope you guys can see the value in it.
  21. Hi there ,i hope you can help me. I want to replace the night of the creeps ghouls with the xenomorphs from the Alien of the commonwealth mod. https://bethesda.net...-detail/4045023 I already have done this with the creation kit but it wont work. I loaded fallout.esm Aotc as active plugin +night of the creeps The mod wont load sometimes and when it does the ghouls are still there. What can i do. I just want Night encounters with xenomorphs. The NOTC is scripted i have no idea how to script. greetings Tim
  22. OK. First let me state that this idea is COMPLETELY uncanon. And it is not a thing I am working on but a free concept for anybody who thinks they have the talent to create it. I do not have a name for it, but the main idea is to bring in an Extraterrestrial Empire i've dubbed the Rak'Shea. These Aliens have come to Skyrim to place a foot hold on the world and bring it to its people to its knees and use them as slaves to rebuild their alien society. It starts out with large metal probes that made out of black metal and glow purple on its inside. These probes land in all the major cities like Whiterun, WinterHold, and the Imperial city. As the dragon born you come to Whiteruns rescue and to inspect the probe. As you try to inspect it, its defenses turn on and a bright purple light blinds you and the entire screen goes black as you pass out. ((Cliche 'year-or-so-later' thing)) The Rak'Shea have been in power over Skyrim for awhile and even have begun to attack nearby kingdoms and lands, spreading their armies. Skyrim has changed, its lands are spotted with Rak'shea command posts, soldiers, and hovering warships in the sky ((Would have to find non-skyrim resources most likely)). The Aliens have brought along heavy rifles (Which could be easily made from crossbow animations) and large war beasts. Skyrims spirit has been broken as its people are enslaved by the Rak'Shea. You, the Dragonborn, have been in captivity, kept locked away as a trophy to the Rak'Shea king, Vulpes. But, you are suddenly set free by an unknown source. After fighting your way through the bowels of Vulpes's command ship, you finally find an escape pod with the help of your mysterious ally and escape to the surface to find the drastic changes of Skyrim. Throughout the rest of the mod, your missions consist of taking down Rak'Shea command posts, killing generals, freeing slaves, and building a successful revolt agains the Alien empire. Weapons would consist of: Alien Heavy rifles Alien Heated Blades Vanilla Skyrim weapons Armor: Alien armor of different types And vanilla armor And thats what I've brought to the table :/. I hope people enjoy the concept and might even take a crack and making it. It would be a pretty good sized Story, Quest, Weapon, Armor, and aesthetics mod and would probably take alot of time and effort. But yes, please enjoy the concept and leave any comments about it below :D
  23. So, i have been thinking an idea fr a new mod. How about this: Early in the game after, after completing a few missions succesfuly, you start to receive mysterious transmission messages from some unknown place telling you about secret locations of alien landings. you can decide wether to accept or ignore the mission, but after succesfully completing three of this missions you will receive another transmission, this time requesting for your help because the invaders have located your mysterious informant's hiding spot nd are planning to kill him. THe place is a small abandoned town (in the desert, maybe?) and as you advance you start to see sectoid corpses over the place. you find and kill the enemy forces and your informant tells you were you will find him and the rest of the survivors, but warns you to not be afraid for what you see. and then your troops find the mysterious informant is...A SECTOID COMMANDER!...oh, and four normal sectoids. Ahem...now that that is done. the idea for the mod would be that there is a sectoid commander who had developed a mind of his own during his creation and tried to use his mental powers to do the same with his "brothers" but the ethereals discover him and he deserts to X-com. you can then create aliens after taking down an alien ship and recovering a birth chamber like the ones the aliens use to increase their numbers(because i believe the aliens we face are artificially created instead of the natural process their ancestors probably had before the ethereals conquered them) and installing it in your base and you can then send them on missions while the sectoid commander stays behind. And then it is all the usual gameplay with some comments from the sectoid commander about his insights in the aliens mentality. some musings about humanity and how different/similar they are from the ethereals and all that good stuff.
  24. "The World's End" is a film in which five friends go on a pub crawl in their hometown, the same pub crawl they tried 20 years ago but failed. They soon find out the town has been taken over by aliens, and must finish their crawl in order to survive. - movie trailer I think it would make for an interesting mod. It doesn't have to be linear, there could be some side quests that maybe linger off the main story line, add some more depth to the world. All the enemies (the blanks), who are basically giant action figures with blue goop inside them, would take a lot of work though. It would take some very skilled modders to get it right. Voice acting could be omitted, since I think it would be better to have no voice than the wrong voice, unless you can somehow get the actors to do it. I'd appreciate any thoughts
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