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  1. Hello, I'm trying to make a simple script which adds a custom perk to the player. Scriptname aaaChumExhaustionScript extends Quest perk property _ChumExhaustionPerk Auto Event OnInit() Debug.Notification("Loading C.H.U.M. Exhaustion...") Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(_ChumExhaustionPerk) Debug.Notification("C.H.U.M. Exhaustion is up and running") EndEvent I attached this script to a quest. The script runs - I get the messages, but the player doesn't receive the perk. I followed all the guides I could find online on this and related topics, and I am completely certain the name of the perk is correct. Edit: forgot to mention this applies in both LE and SE. Edit: This also doesn't work: Scriptname aaaChumExhaustionScript extends Quest Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Perk Property _ChumExhaustionPerk Auto Event OnInit() Debug.Notification("Loading C.H.U.M. Exhaustion...") PlayerRef.AddPerk(_ChumExhaustionPerk) Debug.Notification("C.H.U.M. Exhaustion is up and running") EndEvent
  2. Hello, I am kind of new to using Vortex and this forum. I apologize for any mistakes in advance, please let me know what I have to change for this post to work. Yesterday I installed Vortex to download a collection - A Storywealth - for Fallout 4. I wasn't able to finish downloading/installing all the mods. Today I am continuing, but noticed that the collection was updated 2 hours ago. What does this mean for the collection? Does it update automatically? I really want the latest version, do I need to uninstall/reinstall the collection? I'd really rather not. I would really appreciate any answer.
  3. Im currently on a powerarmor playthrough and think that the light on the X01 is very cool. And i like to use the red eyes glowing in combat to show "how badass" i am. But if im not in combat the red light is just annoying. So i wonder if there is a talented modder out there that could make the light go on in fights and turn off after them automatically. Would be cool if you can still use them manualy but thats not necessary, at least for me. Thx in advance
  4. Hey! A mod where you can automatically sell specific items would be really cool. I mean why didn't anyone do that already? Is it not really possible because of the way the shop system works or what? Just an idea for a (in my opinion) really cool mod :) regards, TPRammus
  5. What , and where i have to write/change to change my FOV automatically after i start game? I guess in Skyrim.ini but what i have to change ?
  6. I'm looking to create a script that automatically change's items' weight when picked up, based on the class of item. I'm planning to use Event OnItemAdded and a few if statements, but I don't know syntax for how to check if the item is armor / a weapon / food / misc / etc, and I don't know what syntax to change the item's weight. I've looked through what documentation I can find on papyrus and skse, but nothing seems to apply to item properties. I just keep seeing things on doing things manually in the creation kit, which obviously doesn't work for modded items etc. Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm a total novice to papyrus and skse. :tongue: Thanks!
  7. This was a problem a long while ago, but now it seems like it's happening again. The problem occurs when you open a new page on the site, and an ad plays that may not even be on your screen with sound turned on by default, often at maximum volume. I can't point out the exact ads, but I have so far seen it happen today with an one advertisement for almond milk or something, and another advertisement for something Final Fantasy related. There are likely more ads than those on the site that are doing this, but I haven't seen any yet myself. I experienced it twice and just muted the site altogether to protect my years. This is problematic since you spend a lot of time going from page to page on this site, thus loading a new advertisement with the potential to automatically play sound on a regular basis. I don't know why the ads are even allowed to play sound to begin with, although I suppose that probably requires a greater understanding of the site's code and the ad services used. The only way for someone not in charge of the site's code to efficiently deal with this is to mute the entire site altogether. It's the nuclear solution, but unfortunately it's the only solution.
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