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  1. I made a recolor of Zur En Arr suit and maybe someone want make a mod based on this?
  2. Can someone make a mod for Black Noir from The Boys series for Batman Arkham Knight?
  3. Roxyc89

    Red Sky

    I find it kind of interesting that Asylum and City (and Origins, from what I hear) had red sky mods, but no one seems to have done one for Knight. I tried googling, but all I got were results about changing skins and Batmobiles. Anyone know why this is? Is there something about Arkham Knight that prevents changing the color of the sky? I think it would look really cool.
  4. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make a Tell Tale Batman ReShade for me? I love the Tell Tale graphics style and I am surprised that no one has made this as a reshade yet so if anyone is interested in making this for me I'd really appreciate it.
  5. So, Steam lets you remap the buttons of a controller, and I remapped my Xbox360 (PC) controller to more closely match those of the previous games. I'm looking for a way to change the button prompts in game, to match my controller remap. The game is running on UE3, as far as I understand. Now, with some knowledge of how these things work, but without any real modding knowledge, how would I go about doing this? And I really really want to do this. ANY help at all would be greatly appreciated, as dead as this 'Arkham Knight forum' seems to be! TBH, I should probably look for some UE3 modding guides, but I wanted to start here, and see if anyone can help me :smile: However seeing how few mods there are for this game compared to to the previous ones, I'm not holding my breath. The previous ones mostly had only skin mods too, as do this one. I wonder why that is? This would also technically be a reskin. I really hope it's possible. REpeating myself here, ANY help at all would be greatly appreciated! I'll do the work myself if someone could just show me the right direction. :smile:
  6. Hey guys anyone here a game Modder? I have been wondering if it is possible to add solid textures in Batman Arkham Knight. Anyone knows if this is possible or if they have done it themselves? Imagine a Mod that imports all locations from the other 3 games (Arkham Origins, Arkham Asylum, and Arkham City) and makes them fully explore-able with all traversal options (grappling, gliding, by-foot, and car). (Reference pictures of the Arkham-Verse Full Gotham City map attached) I'd love to hear more as i'm interested in maybe doing this and/or finding some people to team up with this on!
  7. For some reason these .dds files are not loading in my game. All my other Resorep files are loading fine. There's even two different versions by two different creators and neither work.
  8. Can someone give me christina bell mesh code
  9. I have a mod idea that I imagine that's simple to do, I know nothing about create a mod for Batman Knight, but I hope that's simple to do. Since Christopher Nolan's movies came out, and now with the Pettinson's shiny bat, I've been wondering a game with a more "realistic" approach. Anyway, what I have in mind is removing the slow motion when the combo counter is high and you not get hit by a enemy, I think the term used is "freeflow combat". And decrease limit Batman's in melee combat range, so he doesn't jump from one enemy to another in a superhuman way across the map forcing me to use some of his gear on the belt in situations where I'm surrounded instead of just smash the attack button.
  10. Hey everybody, this post is regarding the walk animations of the playable characters in game. Can any modder please make a mod in which the character can walk in 360 direction/ 360 walk cycle like it used to be in Arkham asylum, city and origins. Alot of players that i've discussed this with in some other forum were needing of this mod. any modder that can do this please let me know, Thanks.
  11. jaw10

    Mod request?

    If anyone actually reads these forums still, i only ask for one thing and one thing only, a robert pattinson "The Batman" inspired suit.
  12. Is there any way to adjust the game difficulty of NG+?I need this kind of mod or cods
  13. Could it be possible to make a mod that unlocks all upgrades from the start of the game?Please,I really need it.
  14. So, back in 2018 or 2019 when I first played Arkham Knight, I remember being excited after getting the Matter of Family DLC so I could select Harley's Matter of Family/classic skin and replay through the main campaign with her in her first appearance look. But I was hugely disappointed when I realised it didn't work like that. I mean, it worked like that for Batman, Robin and Catwoman. Was I really wrong for assuming it wouldn't be the same for Harley? So, whenever I buy a game for PC, I always look forward to the mods people share to alter the game experience and looked forward to finally playing the campaign with Harley wearing her classic skin. But as far as I can tell, there isn't a mod that does this. So, is it possible to swap Harley's default skin with her Matter of Family appearance so she has her classic costume during campaign? I realise they're separate entries in the series, but there's a mod for Arkham Asylum that basically does what I'm trying to describe so Batman wears his challenge map exclusive armoured costume during the campaign. That's what I'm trying to ask for basically. I don't really know how to do it, so I thought I'd just ask. I can't be the only one who prefers her classic look.
  15. I know it's definitely a hefty task to do and make but was it was a question I had for the longest on if someone could do mod support to make the game have co op. I got the idea from seeing other games that have no features that could past for mp In them get mod support and just with the release of Gotham knights being skeptical, if possible would be a great mod to mess around with especially with the vast rooster of characters to potentially play as in the mp mod
  16. Would it be possible to make the main story batmobile black and get some new skins for Joker without resorep?
  17. I know they weren't everyone's favorite Batman movies, but it bothers me that they are the only batsuits and batmobiles from the movies that aren't included in the game. Hoping someone with the skills would be able to pull this off.
  18. It would be cool if someone made a mod for the Zur En Arrh Demon Batman outfit that doesn't require resorep. Just download, extract and upload to the appropriate folder. Unless someone has already done this and I'm blind and couldn't find it.
  19. im trying to make a mesh code skin for nighwing (Arkham knight) to have batman beyond helmet and cape but i cant get rid of nightwings head the mesh code i made for his head to go away didnt work only made his body disappear if any one has a mesh code to get rid of his head i would love you LOL
  20. The two tone helmet and translucent mouth guard have always seemed a bit incongruous on the Batman Beyond costume. Why didn't they give him the black skin covering instead of the translucent mouth guard? Why didn't they make the helmet a single colour and give the mouth cover a cloth or metallic texture? If anyone would like to give it a go, I'd love to see his helmet a uniform grey, like the rest of his armour plates, rather than grey and black. Get rid of the translucency on the mouth guard and give it the same type of texture as the rest of the armour plates to make it look more uniform with the upper face guard, as if it's all one piece, or at least all the same material. Same with the bat ears; they look so out of place and should be the same type of texture as the rest of the armour. I wonder if the armour plates would look more Batman Beyond if they were all black metal instead of dark grey.
  21. Can any modders out there reskin/recolour the prototype Batmobile to be black, or even black with red pinstripes like the PS4 exclusive Batmobile skin?
  22. Is it possible to mod in the costumes exclusive to the PS4? (according to IGN, anyway) Justice League 3000: http://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/batman-arkham-ps4-xbox-one/a/a0/Batman_3000.jpg Earth 2 Batman (Playstation E3 Experience exclusive) http://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/batman-arkham-ps4-xbox-one/1/1d/Bate2.jpg As well as the PS4 exclusive Batmobile skin, the "Batmobile 1966" http://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/batman-arkham-ps4-xbox-one/7/75/Batmobile_1966.jpg
  23. Have been looking for a red x skin for robin in Arkham Knight. I know there is one for Arkham City but I feel it would be cooler to explore Gotham as Red X
  24. I dont know if anyone pays attention to this forum anymore but I have a very big problem against the fixed camera in this game, all previous version allowed the user to maneuver the camera as he saw fit around batman even while in motion but now we are forced to have tunnel vision over the character's right shoulder. Its really annoying and a huge problem because you completely oblivious to your surroundings. can anyone please allow the camera to be like it was in all previous versions of the franchise instead of this insane tunnel vision idea. thank you, Valentin BIGUINE
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