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  1. Is there anyone able to create a mod that eliminates the incessant jingling sound produced by walking in the Cinderclown shoes? The constant noise with each step has become unbearable. Thank you!
  2. Is there anyone able to create a mod that eliminates the incessant jingling sound produced by walking in the Cinderclown shoes? The constant noise with each step has become unbearable. Thank you!
  3. Hello everybody, one of my mod add this icon, below left, like a bell with a number. Does someone know which mod it is.. ? Thanks a lot !! http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/3709762015082100002.jpg
  4. i was hoping that someone can create a set of armor that looks like bell cranel armor from the anime danmachi... pls i beg someone good at modding plss grant the wish of this poor guy
  5. Something I haven't found a mod for yet that would be very helpful.. Suppose at some point you decide to reorganize your supply lines. You have to run all over trying to track down your supply runners or wait for them to return to each settlement. That takes forever. It would be really nice to build another version of the bell that lets you summon all your provisioners to one location so you can reassign them.
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