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  1. All my BOS folks are in their good old space ranger outfits. Problem is, their bland vertibirds don't really match. Can someone fix this?
  2. Hi I'm posting this becuase I can't find much information on the topic of marriage in the Skyrim Beyond Bruma mod. I did find the article where the team decided not to put marriage in the current release of the mod becuase the reasoning was the marriage would have to take place in Bravil at the Temple of Mara which hasn't been done yet. However.... Playing around with the console it looks like there is a marriage quest available. type "help CYRMarriage" into the console brings up the quest id's for the quest. There is also a global variable that looks like a wedding scene takes place in the Bruma Temple. So far I'm unable to determine how to trigger the dialogue options to start the quest or if it's even possible to do so. The content may not be completed and could possibly bug out your game. Maybe. But it looks like it's all there. If anyone else has more information on this or has triggered the quest or the dialogue, I'd like to know. It also looks like there is a lot of content in the Bruma Beyond mod itself that is in preparation for the eventual Cyrodiil release. Npc's you could cheat in like guards for other towns, factions for other towns, etc.
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