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  1. Not sure if this is allowed, but I've been looking for a voltorb/electrode mod to add to my Pokemon mods, there was one, but I didn't download it at the time. Well, the mod is gone now. I didn't know if anyone had a spare they could email me. That and a Pokemon sprinkler mod(because that one is gone too). I have reached out to the mod author, but I've gotten nothing back. I know people are busy with their real lives(I know I am), but it's been a bit, so I wanted to reach out to the community at large to see if anyone had the mod. Thanks.
  2. Is there a console command or script I can use to have the bomb detonate before getting onto the elevator and retain player control? I'd like to look at it/explore with while it looms in the distance. I can't seem to do it normally, triggering it via walking out of Sanctuary leaves the screen completely white and going down the elevator breaks player control. On top of that, would it be possible to have it detonate again in the post-war environment?
  3. I wanted to make a mod of Killer Queen's first bomb from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which consists of turning anything you touch into a bomb. I thought we could make this into a spell or something; basically, left click would touch stuff, and right click blows it up. If we could make the character do the Killer Queen pose when you're idle, that'd be a bonus. (included pic of pose)http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/168/825/826.jpg
  4. This one goes hand in hand with the Handcuff mod request I just made, but would be well suited to existing without it. I'm hoping someone can make programmable Bomb Collars that we can stick on people we pacify with Intimidation. Maybe even add some sort of slaver faction we can send them off to for a payout.
  5. Has anyone ever wanted bombs in skyrim? Because I have, and I have seen multiple mods that already have mines, bombs, etc. but they only have the elements and maybe poison ones, which could be replaced by spells. My request is that someone can make a mod (possibly even me) that adds stealth/tactical grenades and mines to the game. I'm talking about smoke bombs, knockout gas, natural gas bombs, ash bombs and more. Each one would have its own use for a situation such as the smoke bomb for when you need to make a rushing escape, ash for when you want to paralyse your opponents for a quick escape, knockout gas for a pacifist playthrough or to KO high level enemies and natural gas bombs could be used to add more oomph to fire traps or to set up ambush for a fire mage. Even elemental bombs could possibly be used for a specific use, frost for slowing down opponents, shock for dealing with groups (chain lightning) and fire for... explosions? I don't know but the possibilities are endless! So does anyone think this would be a cool idea? also what else should be added to make this arsenal truly useful? Thanks for reading this wall of text :wallbash:
  6. i love the bomb queen comics and my current playthru is an explosives based character named, obviously, Bomb Queen. for anybody who does not know who Bomb Queen is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bomb_Queen she is evil as hell killed house and benny first chance she got and is working on wiping out the NCr and Legion next. good times and lots of bombs. right now i am currently using Ghost Variants (http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/41657/) with the red and black bikini out fit to match Bomb Queens style best i can. i was hoping somebody might make a few simpler costumes based on her original appearance, whish is basically this in black http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2007/008/8/5/Bomb_Queen___colour_by_Meshsmoother.jpg or just decorate some skimpy armors witht the Bomb logo. what ever works. :) thanks. and to all the people who are about to experience the epic hilarity that is Bomb Queen you're welcome.
  7. "Through the primitive wastes, science shall prevail." -Alain Thorsten, Head Scientist, Defcon Corporation The wasteland is a desolate place, inhabited by primitive savages. Each day is a fight for survival. And the people of the Mojave simply learn to live with it, and try to move on. But there are some who understand that the horrors left behind by the apocalypse can be avoided. That the world can move forward. And that science is the answer. In the clearing dust, a new casino is rising in the wasteland. At first, it appears to be a den of sin, a Gomorrah of the wastes. And in some ways, it is. But, unknown to the simple people of the Mojave, this casino is not what it appears to be. The Defcon Corporation, a faction of those who know that the apocalypse did not spell the end of the world, are seeking a way to restore the entire planet to it's former glory. They reside in The Eye, an intensely-complicated vault located below the casino. And they are developing spacecraft. Using the remains of old, unused REPCONN rockets, the Corporation's team of scientists have been working to create a new life for themselves. A new life, on the Moon. And, as the courier, what will you decide to do? Will you aid the Corporation, and their private army? And will you stand among them on the surface of the moon? With the Defcon Corporation mod (WIP), you will be given the opportunity to explore the new, and mysterious faction, which has arisen in the wasteland. I am currently looking for voice actors to join our team, so, if you would be interested in voicing one of our characters, then please feel free to send me a PM, and I'll get straight back to you! Remember to keep looking out for the first official release of this mod! I am working around the clock to develop this questline! Thanks for reading, guys, EsvDefcon. :)
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