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  1. done a bit of looking but cant seem to find any mods that add a placeable chain build piece.(if one exists id love to know about it) so the piece would hang down from a surface.. such as ceiling or beam etc (like the hanging brasier) and would be connectable and act as a regular verticle beam but look like a chain to achieve a suspended ascetic. but within perhaps iron beam stability limits
  2. A No Building Restrictions mod for dedicated servers. I don't know much about how mod making goes but would love to see a mod like this made for specifically dedicated servers in mind
  3. Hi, I have some problems when donating items to the museum, or placing buildings. The mouse in that moment stays frozen, and i can´t move it, i found a wierd solution, pressing windows and moving the mouse to the direction that i want to move the mouse I really would like to avoid doing all of this, idk if it´s caused by some mod incompatibility Oh and also the mouse it´s a pointing finger, this happen also when i run the game through steam Here´s my SMAPI log SMAPI log parser - SMAPI.io
  4. Argh! Has anyone encounter this bug/reset problem where you have your settlement/s scrap everything scrap-able, then build it up nicely to how you like it; play through for awhile and then suddenly return to one or more settlement and find the old houses, shrubs, rocks, trees, etc suddenly return to it's original starting state? I returned today to my game and my nicely built concrete building is inside the settlement's original house and i can't get inside or scrap it because the two building are inside each other. Original scrap-able junk also returned and i can't re-scrape them either; only items i can scrape are what i put up like new walls, crafting stations, etc. Is there a fix for this bug or would i need to restart all over again? Yes, this has happened to me before almost in every play through. I use the mod "Spring Cleaning" to clear up as much as i can, no other mods. Any ideas, fixes or alternative mods to fix this settlement reset bug would be appreciated! TIA.
  5. Hey guys, you know how you scrap the heavily Damaged houses and got that foundation left over, it's hard to build on top of it, and not look stupid, so anyone want to take the challenge and make those foundations snappable? thanks
  6. so i started searching for a mod that lets you "build" the D.I.A sign from the switchboard but i cant find one, can you guys help?
  7. so i started searching for a mod that lets you "build" the D.I.A sign from the switchboard but i cant find one, can you guys help?
  8. The Idea is in the title, Prewar Houses in sanctuary, Postwar textures. Dont get me wrong i love the nuked look, but as for using it as a settlement and decorating, there is no way to fix the broken down shelf's interior roof tiles, walls leaning into the rooms ect. Just an idea thrown out there :)
  9. Yep, barns. How about a simple mod using vanilla assets that makes actual barns, and not those ridiculous lean-tos and open-sided mangers the vanilla game tries to pass off as a barn? Even wooden barns would be something, but I seriously doubt major cities wouldn't each have a large barn or two for lodging horses, if for nothing else than for the soldiers' horses...which begs the question why we don't see mounted cavalry in the game, but I digress. Every inn should have some kind of barn attached to it, and farms would, too, because most peasants would utilize the heat generated by the animals to help keep out the cold in an enclosed space. A good example of a barn that even looks lore-friendly: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LfDoPYdzAkg/T0vYEtUqB4I/AAAAAAAAALc/r4xuuI25WzI/s1600/Medieval+barn.jpg And it would also help give the villages and cities a larger feel.
  10. So, i was wondering. We can build powerlines for electricity and anchor them anywhere with conduits, yet there are no ropes or chains which could be used to suspend platforms etc. I don't know how the powerlines are generated by the engine, but if they are merely ordinary objects made of polygons painted black, then shouldn't it be possible to also make ropes and chains the same way by simply adding a repeating texture and some universal anchor points or hooks? Anybody already looked into the matter or wanna have a go at it?
  11. As the title states, I'm looking for an older version of a mod called ''Simply Modular Housing'' or as it is now ''Modular Housing (Carpentry)''. Link: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15108/? Why am I looking for an earlier version? It is because the mod author left the project (I think, not sure and not going to dwell into it) and left the mod pretty much... incomplete. It used to be more complete, but not anymore. It's missing, roofs, ceiling building, window glass, etc. So, if anyone has the version 0.5 or whatever it was before the current 0.6 version, I'd be more than glad if anyone could provide the file for me since I can't find the old version anywhere. Thanks.
  12. Okay so I know that there is a mod out there that does this. The only one that I can find though is one that requires me to download cheat engine in order to remove limits from my settlements. There used to be one that could do this without the need for cheat engine but I cannot find it. Can anyone help? Is there another way to remove the building limit from settlements?
  13. so in fallout 4 all settlements have a happiness rating made by all settlers. now as an oversight robots have a maximum happiness of 50 rather than 100 the same as the human settlers. so any time you have too many robot settlers it can tank your settlement happiness. and with robots being the most efficient at certain tasks and the only ones available at certain locations this can cause false negatives and impede human settler growth. if possible just setting their max to 100 would be best. but other solutions to fix this issue would be great.
  14. Hey, fellow dwellers (That Sounded Nerdy)... Hey. I was watching a video of where someone built an oil rig in Fallout4. and I was replicating it but I'm wondering how do I get a pipe look like object. I don't know if it is a mod or already in the game and I'm dumb. this is why I came to the forums. There should be an image of what I'm looking for (Video Link)
  15. What I am looking for is a wall gap filler/spacer/trim that snaps between the first and second story walls. IE: I am building a loft style house and much of the upper floor has no floor. So I don't want to use the second story floor. There is an example included below. I would make it myself, but i wouldn't even know where to begin.
  16. I was building last night and happened to notice the simple design I was trying to accomplish could not be completed. The roof pieces to the barn, the slanted roof sections to be exact, cannot be arranged in a way to complete an "L" shape. They give you the outer corner piece but left out the inner corner piece. This isn't a complex design. It's a simple 90 degree turn. It's simpler than the barn designs we can make with the already given pieces. I'm not really sure why Bethesda would have left this piece out when you would be able to make a lot of different things with it. Any capable modder out there able to make such a piece?
  17. When I first went to build in Vault 88 I searched the Buildings tab in my workshop menu and I cannot find any category for Vault, I do have mods and it is just building mods such as Homemaker, OCDecorator, SSE, Snap and Build, ect. I figured this may be a mod issue so I came here instead. I know this is new but would anyone know of a fix?
  18. Hello! I have an error that I need your help with...Whenever I enter the building mode of my settlement and hover over an object/try to place something down, I get a VERY annoying visual error which makes it nearly impossible to see. I need help! Screenshot link is in the title.
  19. I've looked throughout the Nexus and several pages of the forum and haven't seen this settlement feature. Are there any wooden settlement walls with a doorway for interior rooms? The only one in game with a door has an overhanging roof which makes it impossible to put it inside a structure. Also there are no wood settlement walls with a window. If there is already a mod that does this a link would be appreciated, as I can't find one on the nexus searching doorway, or doors. Same with the windowed flat wall. If not perhaps some talent can take up the call, as I can't imagine I'm the only one that would find this useful. Since I've started a thread I've got another question, although not a request as there are already several mods that name settlers. Is there some hardcoded reason why you can't name settlers like you can custom name weapons?
  20. Now before anyone jumps my case, I did do a search for a simple computer terminal mod. So far, I found only cosmetic mods related to the terminals. Yes, I know there is a terminal in the build menu under Misc power. But I hate it. All I would like is a computer terminal (like the ones on desks that you hack all the time) that can be built and placed on a desk. I don't care if it needs direct power or if it just needs to be nearby a conduit. I like the look of a computer on a desk. If they made that other terminal to be compatible with desks, awesome. But they do not. :C Now If I failed in my search for a functioning terminal like I described, Please by all means, link it! I had no luck searching in the Bethesda (in game) mods either. Thank you! xoxo
  21. So I have the weirdest bug I have ever seen in my 20+ years of computer games.. :confused: after the last 2 patches I started getting some drastic frame rate drops and a odd graphics glitch. :sad: So I decided that i was gonna try starting a new game because I really LOVE to build up settlements and was worried that is what was tanking my FPS.. restarted get to sanctuary after rescuing Preston & party and almost none of my settlement building mods are in game. So I start the lengthy process of crafting all the uninstall objects, using them, saving exiting the game and reinstalling them AND SKE & SKI. To log in systematically going through each category making sure they are installed. All but like 2 are. One being snap 'n build. So I craft it's reinitialize item use it. and low and behold it's there and ALL the others are GONE. :mad: . So I repeat this. Again same thing. 3rd time I decide to not try the SnB reinitialize. It STILL happens. 4th time I repeat and notice that the issue doesn't seem to be SnB but first time I access the build menu they show up as there. Second or later times ALL mods that have added categories via script have vanished, and I don't mean just gone invisible, the categories are gone. :confused: It's like the scripts have uninstalled themselves or something And before anyone screams i have to many mods.. No they ALL worked just fine before I started a new game but I was getting HUGE FPS drops/halts and some odd texture thing, Is why i tried a new game. Am open to suggestions. LOOT shows no issues. Here's my mod list
  22. I have been working on a mod for some time now and gotten pretty far and now i have encountered my first problem. I have used the Custom Material Swap few times, have always made a copy and then edited the objects the objects is a wall, wall with windows, wall with door opening, roofs and such so i can make different building layouts and have different material on them to get as much diversity as i can but for some reason when i copy something too many times with different material some buildings get different colour schemes. The buildings are the one in the main game "decohouses" 1, 2, 3, 4 and the decogarage I usually use the "DecoMainC" objects and just change the material on them. But this should not make the houses change colors unless there's a limit in the creation kit. Here's a link to a picture that sums it all up. https://s31.postimg.org/ptkrkfuh7/Deco_Houses.png Also add that i have copied the decogarage few times and changed the material on that aswell and they are also changing the material colours.
  23. There was an excellent mod for Fallout 4 that did away with the old red tinted build item telling you that it was impossible to build in that location. It would be marvellous if someone could do the same for No Man's Sky, allowing us to build anywhere we chose and add snapping between the modular building pieces (wood, concrete, and metal) to the square building blocks. Build a foundation on top of a trading post, then snap a set of stairs to it and build them down to the landing pads, allowing them to clip through the deck so you don't have to hop to get up on the stairs. Snap support columns to the bottom of modular (wooden, concrete, metal) floor tiles, snap a wall tile to a cube structure, snap ladders to the INSIDE of cube towers, place oxygen harvesters on the roof, snap modular tiles to a landing pad, attach the galactic trade kiosk to modular walls, etc. Is this possible?
  24. UPDATES: The article on the Creative Clutter mod will always be more up to date than this thread (I don't feel like maintaining both). Latest version: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/384/ I've been working on a large clutter mod with Dinozaurz, Evanpox, and MsRae that will be called CREAtive Clutter. The mod combines all the cluttery bits of their current mods, new stuff they've created, Lazy Furniture (pre-decorated furniture I've made) and additional clutter I've made. The Lazy Furniture portion includes themed cluttered furniture: Prewar, Postwar and Institute. So I've also tailored my building and decor guide around supporting those themes. We're finally wrapping up all the stuff needed to publish. One of the things that will be published as both an article and a downloadable PDF is a guide to the best settlement building and decorations mods on the Nexus. I'm publishing my current draft here for input. Yes, I know it's long. General rules of thumb for inclusion:-Structural building kits-Cluttered objects-Furniture-Retextures that affect the above (but I'm not going to go overboard here)-A few useful tools Not being included:-Mods I consider too buggy or lacking support (if needed)-Wall decor such as flags, posters, artwork. There's just too many and it's too subjective.-Mods that only add/change one or two items only-Insufficient popularity Most mods listed below are cross-referenced as appropriate, for example if it's both prewar themed and a structural building mod it will be in both categories. The full list: Prewar Themes Postwar Themes Most mods actually fit here, but I'm not going to list them all here, just a few stand-outs. Institute Themes Vault-Tec Themes Structural Mods Clutter/Furniture Mods Redecorated/Filled Brahmin Trough mods Decorated Vendor Stall Mods Everything and the Kitchen Sink Retextures Brahmin Retexture mods Useful Tools
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