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  1. Before I start, I would like to make some comments about that thread that inspired this. I must make it clear I still stand by what I said in that thread, though after doing some research in fallacies I do acknowledge that I didn't debate it very well. I have been questioning if I did make fallacies myself, which I don't really believe I did, but I'm still learning about this stuff so that may yet change. Also, contrary to that one user's comments I wasn't trying to claim that someone there made a fallacy. I do genuinely apoglize if I came across that way, though I have a hard time seeing how (also, as I said that guy was obviously trying to gaslight me). Really, the main reason I brought it up multiple times was because I simply found the idea fascinating. Point is, I wasn't trying to argue that someone there made a strawman fallacy, I simply was correcting their definition and then proceeded to lose focus. That was my bad regardless. Also, regarding these posts I plan to only release them every 24 hours to avoid flooding this thread with them. Of course, given how few posts this place gets the front page is probably still going to get filled with my posts. Also, I sorta apologize for my last post. I didn't intend it to be that long. I believe part of the reason why it was so was because I ended up bringing up three fallacies rather than just one. I'll be avoiding doing that, and I also may make posts about the latter two later simply to expand on them further. In particular I've learned a bit more about the 'appeal to authority' argument I brought up. I also suspect I may have at least partially misunderstood it, so there's that too. I also accidentially referred to the 'ad hominem' fallacy as a genetic fallacy. I think it would constitute a type of genetic fallacy, though not all genetic fallacies are also ad hominem fallacies. That said, I think I'll get to the topic now. In my eyes, the no true scotsman fallacy may be the most rampant and damaging fallacy in our society today. To put it simply, its feeding polarization. Simply put, its a fallacy where one disregards counter-examples. Let's say Bob claims that no true scotsman drinks bear. Billy then retorts that he's a scotsman and he drinks beer. Bob then replies by saying that means he's not actually a true scotsman, thus his original claim still holds. This I see as the most rampant and possibly damaging in the current era. Anyone who isn't hard left or hard right often gets accused of being part of the opposite faction. For instance, if you're anti-abortion, people will all assume you're right-wing and misogynistic. Of course, these don't coincide; there are left-wing anti-abortionists, in fact the democratic party was ousting them for a while. Basically, they were making the no true scotsman fallacy, basically claiming you're not actually a democrat if you oppose abortion. Republicans could be said to be doing the same thing in the past with the 'rhino' concept (short for Republicans In Name Only). Also, there are entire feminist organizations who are anti-abortion, and some date back to the 70s. Are those feminist organizations actually misogynists? That seems rather unlikely. So, people assume you aren't actually a part of the party you identify with unless you believe all of x, y, z, etc... This is obviously a really serious problem for centrists. However, in reality most people are centrists to some degree. Its rare for everyone to believe with ALL of the tenets of their party. This means that most people could actually suffer the consequences of this fallacy if they speak their minds. Even if you can make an argument that opposing x IS compatible with your party, people probably won't believe you anyway since in their eyes you're not actually a part of the party anyway. As this example demonstrates, this also means the no true scotsman fallacy has encouraged self-censorship. People who hold contrasting views with the rest of their party must remain silent to avoid being ousted, or worse yet branded a member of the opposite party (that itself is part of another fallacy which I will also bring up in another post, just so we know). So in summary, this fallacy is wide-spread, its feeding political polarization (though its obviously not the only factor, just so we're clear), and its discouraging debate by making people wary of expressing contrasting opinions within their own circles.
  2. Ok, simple question. Why remove mods that do no harm? Simpler, why remove the Starfield mods that remove the California cult pronouns? It's harmless, and it is a personal choice whether someone wants to use it or not? If you agree with the cult, don't download it. And those who don't, do? Isn't that the foundation of freedom of personal expression? What someone chooses to have on their mod list is up to them and no one else. They bought the game and if they want to play it in a certain way, it is their choice to do so. To prevent that freedom is the very definition of fascistic censorship and thought control. P.S. I don't even live in the US, I'm in Eastern Europe and to me pronouns are insulting and in my culture and language we don't even have anything more than male, female and neutral is used to dehumanize like calling someone not even a human but an object. So why can't the cult accept my cultural identity and views? When I don't want to view something as not human? And if you argue against that point, you're a hypocrite.
  3. Well, Blizzard have spoken about why they censored and made ugly the Amazon (and all characters in general), here: https://gamerant.com/diablo-2-resurrected-amazon-face-change/ Basically they claim that didn't want characters looking as if they "come out of a nightclub." So... a woman can kill hundreds of demons with lightning spears but the unbelievably thing is her beauty. Thanks for making fantasy a bit more BORING Blizz. Ok, let their wokism alone and let's focus on what we want: I also read that now it is more difficult to mod the game, I think it is mainly a thing about TCP/IP, to LAN multiplayer or so, not affecting visual changes. But since there aren't yet mods that fix appearances (including the always popular nude mods), I want to understand how difficult is to change appearance of the characters. It is just the necessity to make all the 3D model again? (which it is understandable that it is the most time consuming thing by far). Or there are also major problems to edit the main game? I want to understand this cause I won't buy anything until I can remove at least the main wokism from my entertainment.
  4. Just a bit of cross-pollinisation on the growing debate around creative freedoms and copyrights: Here is a debate on DeviantArt: The Art/Theft Debate Here are a few related articles that may also be of interest: 1. PC Gaming Support and DRM in Windows2. The Future of Consoles and PCs 3. Batmangate and PC Gaming Support 4. The Preservation vs. Hacking Debate 5. Downloadable Content and Paid-for Extras 6. This message will self-destruct in 5... 4... Share thoughts...?
  5. My 11-year-old son watches me play Fallout 4 and keeps begging me to let him play it. I keep telling him no because of all the foul language. I don't know if it's possible to sensor the the dialogue at all. Maybe bleep out the F bombs in the Raider combat dialogue? Maybe just delete the lines all together? Is anybody even willing to fix this for me?
  6. I hope you guys like Conspiracy's Theories, a while back on a previous post I had made, I stated I would make a thread about this subject, and since I'm bored I figured I'll do something to alleviate my condition. My goal here is not to convince you that this is real or fake, my goal is simply to list information for your digestion, because I am bored. Also keep in mind everything I've written here, is all available on the Internet if one knows where to look. With this post having it all condense in one place, with everything from; declassified government documents, to archaic writing, and works, and various other sources of data. I've attempted to remove my affiliations from this post as much as humanly possible, with out messing up the data. Unfortunately because this discussion is so massive there exists no single object I can reference my facts to besides the internet although I shall attempt to. The point of this post is the following. (1): To alleviate my boredom. :D (2): To start a debate on how much of this is information is accurate and inaccurate or down right completely fraudulent. :blink: (3): What is a Conspiracy and when is it not a Theory. :huh: (4): The Human Condition in Conspiracy's Theories. :ermm: (5): To try and see if people can debunk it and how. :cool: (Related to number 4: Why do certain people believe in Conspiracy's Theories.) Edit: Okay I was just informed by a friend of mine, after showing him this post, and asking what he thought of the matter. That after reading it, he told me that he swore he had seen something similar, to this exact same thing. I told him I got this article from another website and I posted it here, and tried to edit it to fit into the layout of the forum. Because for some reason or other it was giving me trouble posting it. (I think it was due to the size.) After a few hours of digging, because it was annoying him, he found the original article and where it came from. (Apparently the website I got it from neglected to mention where it got it from.) And another article which is basically the same thing as the original but wrote by a completely different guy. He also found two good website on money. (From the Conspiracy side and the normal side I'll let you read them and make up your mind.) The Article in question was wrote by a man of the name Andrew Hitchcock. I'll create Hyperlinks to them at the bottom of this post and you can read them if you like. Also I'd like to add if anyone else feels the need to comment on the origin of this Conspiracy Theory. I'd like to refer you to Page Two and the First Post where I attempted to explain a bit of where I think this was going and what I think this particular hypothetical situation was implying. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1040226-the-human-condition-conspiracy-theorys/page-2 Here's the preface: By Andrew Hitchcock, 26 Feb 2006. He also wrote the Rothschild timeline. (Which I will put a direct link below) Here is an illustrated version of this timeline. Economists continually try and sell the public the idea that recessions or depressions are a natural part of what they call the “business cycle”. This timeline below will prove that is simply not the case. Recessions and depressions only occur because the Central Bankers manipulate the money supply, to ensure more and more is in their hands and less and less is in the hands of the people. Central Bankers developed out of money changers and it is with these people we pick the story up in 48 B.C. below. Read at your leisure. DISCLAIMER: THREAD MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE TOPICS VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED. The websites below have a much more readable layout then anything I could get to work here. If you don't like that conspiracy I have another one for you guys titled: The United States is still a British Colony. I happened to have found this one around the back alleys of the Internet and it is actually one I've not seen before. Notice: And before anyone points it out, I am, well aware of the fact that theory in plural, is spelled, theories. :dry:
  7. Is it actually possible to unlock this feature? If its a feature at all, i imagine it isn't as easy as to flip a certain switch in the code and do exactly that but here's hoping that's the case. I actually got re8 as a gift but its the Japanese version. It was a shock to me that instead of losing almost 3 fingers all I got was a small bit mark on Ethan's hand in the intro.
  8. Hello, I would like to replay the legendary edition like everyone else, though I am holding out hope--like some others--that what was censored out of the game would be restored. Namely, Miranda's butt shots that were removed. To some, it probably seems really trivial, however there are people out there that would like to see the silly changes undone. If anyone has the time and resources and would like to help restore the game to its original state, we would be very grateful!
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