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  1. Notes Index A-Z ANCIENT STUFF, THE WEIRD AND WONDERFUL OR NOT SO WONDERFUL Guardian Entities close to ancient treasures unless the treasures are already taken FEATURES, LANDMARKS, ETC. Asgardia: home of the 'ancient' Norsia Gods. Mount Olympussukko: home of the 'ancient' Greeken Gods. Paradise Tower Markets of the PTMSyndicates. SteyelCitadel of the SteyelOrderhood that used to be the CentroPentagon of false public relations front, secret activities and even darker, more hidden, secrets and mysteries. Vaults full, partly full, or empty; can have dangerous to extremely dangerous contents GENERAL TERMS Centropolis: megacity at roughly center of Centralia. Postdoomsday; after Doomsday Predoomsday; before Doomsday Postwarday; after Warday Prewarday: before Warday GENERAL FACTIONS ASZAC: Azlandic South Zealandic Assault Corps. BabitQuins of Bab, Beb, Bib, Bob and Bub. Bab, and Bob, the permateens, Beb the permainfant and the permababies Bib and Bub. Battadom of nervous battaby entities in their battatech bodies such as battacones, battaspheres, battatanks etc but not battered fish. Monowheelbots as in annoying, semiuseful, robots from the world of but not all of them! -Orderwheels, Wildwheels and others yet to be presented and defined. -The amazing Magnificent1234567 PTMSyndicates such as the HighSyndicate, SlaveSyndicate, TheftSyndicate, MercSyndicate, SexSyndicate, DeathSyndicate and more. Domains of the Family Majestic: Kingdom of Edgar, Commonwealth of Ellie, Republic of Damian, Collective of Charlene. Ghouls of ghoulants, ghoulnoids, ghoulmans, ghoulmals and ghoulers. Greyliens: the grey aliens of five tiers and multiple castes; the higher the tier, the less natural, more alien, and more lethal they are. (The fifth tier are not really greyliens at all except officially.) HMCs: Heroic Mutant Champions. Mercenaries: Ironsides, MercSyndicate, others. Randtech Rangers being androids. SteyelOrderhood of SteyelOrders and special units such as StryperStrykers of the StryperStryke. Punishment unit of the SteyelMisfits. TechnoCorp survivors as the TechnoConsort(ium) dwelling in their Technobunkerplex of Technobunkers. Timespacelords from the Temporalisia Universe. Timespaceguardians, Timespacesaders and Timespacemasters. I wish I had a TSASTT (Timespace Alternating Spacetime Transport) to call my own! Linked to TSAST (Timespace Alternating Spacetime). HMCs: Heroic Mutant Champions. TNMA: Terribly Nasty Mutant Abominations. XenoXtremes; extremely unfriendly hivemind creatures of tiers and castes. XARFIEA: Xenodata Archives Research Investigation Enforcement Agency Zatariz: With them Zatarhybrids such as zatarboms, zatarnoids, zatarmans and robots such as zetarbots and zetardrones. Sneaky, nasty, raiders and abductors.
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