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  1. Anyway someone could make a wolf armor such as this? I'm quite surprised something like this isn't made yet. I know there's the Mantle of the Silver Hand but that's not quite what i'm looking for
  2. I want a mod that retextures cities because i got a mod that makes the outside of skyrim everywhere but cities winter because im playing with frostfall and always snow mod but cities look wierd i found a mod for whiterun but thats it :(
  3. Hot and Cold areas and times... Descriptions. Too Hot... During 11am to 2pm, the heat is too hot to bear with heavy armour, or power armour. Forcing you to strip down to lighter clothing to stop you receiving a slow loss of health because of heat stroke. This would force you to halt combat, or at least rethink it to later on in the evening when it is cooler. You would need also a second armour set, for hot weather, this would work well with the mod OUTFIT SWITCHER, which I think is essential for changing between Battle, Trading and Experience outfit set-ups. Too Cold... At 10pm to 3am, it is very cold. You will need to wear heavy armour to to keep warm, or a suit of power armour. You will lose health if you don't wrap up, until you die. This would make night times tough to be out in, forcing you to find an indoor cell. - Fans reduce heat, area of affect... - Fires increase heat, area of affect... - Certain food items give Hot and Cold immunity or reduction, for varying times. - Drinking water buffs against heat, for a time. - Drinking water accelerates your cooling down at night, drink it near a fire to help stop its effect. Areas such as Saugus Ironworks would be hard to be around, as it would be too hot.
  4. I was wondering if anyone could make a cold war era soviet uniform(the one with the overcoat and ushanka). I have always wanted to wear this on the wasteland.
  5. Okay, so here's a little secret I learned. During the Brewing Trouble quest, once you find Buddy, you can use him to get that precious, oh so precious FO3 drink: Ice Cold Nuka Colas! As well as Cherry and Quantum! Follow the Brewing Trouble Quest as usual, up until the part where you find Drink Buddy and talk to him. Take him home with you. Once he's at home, talk with him, and ask for a beer. This will open his inventory. Give him all your Nuka Cola/Nuka Cola Cherry/Nuka Cola Quantum Wait several hours. Check Drink Buddy's inventory again. If you waited long enough, those nuka colas will be Ice Cold!
  6. Hello! First of all, sorry for my bad english and thanks for reading! I have a problem with Skyrim: I've got Frostfall and Campfire and when I put a fire and try to put a campfire, it doesn't glow orange when it is near the fire, it stays blue. When I'm inside the campfire it says that I am warm because of the shelter and fire, I don't know if that's supose to happen, maybe it's just a visual bug but maybe the problem also affects the temperature inside the campfire. This is my plugin list (I've got Skyrim from Steam without any DLC except for the High Resolution Texture Pack, I've got SKSE from Steam and the Seasons of Skyrim ENB, but without it the problem still happened): Skyrim.esm Update.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp ----> In NMM it says "WARNING: This plugin has the file extension .esp. but its file header marks it as an esm!", but I think that's not the cause of the problem. Campfire.esm HighResTexturePack01.esp HighResTexturePack02.esp HighResTexturePack03.esp Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp SkyUI.esp iHUD.esp Purewaters.esp Convenient Horses.esp WetandCold.esp WondersofWeather.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp ----> (It's from Immersive Armors) AOS.esp 3DNPC.esp Breezehome_Fully_Upgradable_NoDLC.esp Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp ----> (Also from Immersive Armors) Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp Immersive Weapons.esp aMidianbor_Skyforge_Weapons.esp Populated Dungns Caves Ruins Legendary.esp ----> I had the same problem before instaling it, so it is not the cause. Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp Original Opening Scene.esp ----> I had the same problem before instaling it, so it is not the cause. Cloaks.esp ----> LOOT found 2 ITM records, but I think that's not the cause of the problem. Run For Your Lives.esp Frostfall.esp 1nivWICCloaks.esp ----> (It's from Winter is Coming - Cloaks) 1nivWICCloaksPatch.esp ----> (It's the compatibility parch between WIC Cloaks and Cloaks of Skyrim) Auto Unequip Ammo.esp Better Stealth AI for Followers.esp Black HorseCourier.esp ----> I had the same problem before instaling it, so it is not the cause. TorchRadius.esp DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp FixCombat Music.esp FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp Harvest Overhaul.esp Harvest OverhaulCreatures.esp HoldBorderBanners.esp iNeed.esp ImprovedSneakDetection.esp AHZmoreHUD.esp moveit.esp No Sneak Attack Sound.esp PumpingIron.esp Thundering Shouts.esp TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages.esp Unique Uniques.esp AOS2_WetandCold Patch.esp AOS2_GDO Patch.esp AOS2_Unique Uniques Patch.esp Helmet Toggle.esp RevampedExteriorFog.esp ----> I had the same problem before instaling it, so it is not the cause. ENB Snow FX.esp Warbug's 3D Paper World Map - Texture 2.esp ----> LOOT found 10 ITM records, but I think that's not the cause of the problem. My computer specs are: GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 960 CPU: AMD FX-6300 RAM: 16GB VRAM: 2GB Motherboard: Gigabyte 970A-DS3P Hard Drive: 1TB Thanks for helping!
  7. Ideally, found or crafted potions and items of Frost Resist should logically also help reduce Cold (Restore Cold) and/or add Warmth (Fortify Warmth); depending on logic for each. Frost Resist potions, logically, would additionally Restore Cold and mostly Fortify Warmth. As a very noob modder (just using SSEedit), I did not find an easy way of doing this, maybe adding the effect to Ingredients or potion results. Maybe someone else has an idea how to do this. Currently, even with full fur armour and holding a torch, very cold regions reduce HP. The player would naturally think of using potions and items that resist Frost... Only Hot food (Fire Salts) Restore Cold (heal Cold) and adds extra Warmth at the moment.* It would just make sense that if you can resist violent Freezing attacks, it would also reduce Cold. * https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Survival_Mode_Items
  8. TL;DR: New versions of Dragon Priest masks combined with hoods from Winter Is Coming, Cloaks of Skyrim, and/or Frostfall hoods for unified aesthetics and benefits of exposure protection and the Dragon Priest masks' inherent enchantments. So there I was.. I was traversing the harsh cold heights of Solstheim in my wintry Frostfall clothing -- armored fur hood, winter travel cloak, lined gloves, trekking boots -- the works. I stumble into a barrow hoping to find refuge from the cold. I made camp in a cistern. After warming up I decided to venture farther into the tomb. I eventually ran into a Dragon Priest, Dukaan, and vanquished him. I picked up his mask as a token of my victory. Being the best piece of heavy armor I now owned, I equipped it over my heavy armor frostfall hood, unequipping the previous hood. Now that I had no exposure protection I equipped a different hood that equipped along with my new helmet. Now I had a heavy piece of armor on my head with a Frost Resistance enchantment to boot, along with a hood that gave me a 15% exposure protection; invaluable in the harsh conditions of Skyrim and Solstheim. Here's where things get ugly. I noticed the clipping of the Dragon Priest mask and the fur hood I'm wearing... Oh the humanity! What I propose is some new Dragon Priest mask versions for Skyrim and DLC which combine Dragon Priest masks with hoods from various hypothermia and immersion mods like Winter is Coming, Cloaks of Skyrim, and Frostfall. The main goal is to have the enchantments and aesthetics of the unique Dragon Priest masks to have the look and feel and the exposure protection benefit of Frostfall. I am new to modeling. In fact, I only decided to start learning shortly after this little journey. It would take me a while to get to the point of doing the model work, but I think I could do the scripting stuff for the Frostfall exposure protection on them. Thanks in advance for anyone who reads this or considers it. :D
  9. It would add to the immersion of this mod if there were random npcs that were effected by the cold weather of Skyrim. They would ask for your help, things such as fur, maybe firewood...if the player chooses to help :P most likely not lol Its a GREAT mod already but its not fare that only the player is effected by the cold :down:
  10. Like the tittle says, hopefully a modder would be capable of making stalhrim weapons possess the dry ice- like effects. The sublimation would greatly increase the look of the weapons and be more immersive and logical than just having plastic like blue weapons. Would be greatly appreciated :)
  11. Hello all, I've begun to showcase my favorite mods that I use in my own playthroughs. I could careless to debate them. I only hope to give justice to those people who have worked countless hours for free to make my Skyrim experience better. I hope that you guys enjoy and find this helpful ( or at least entertaining). -Michael (Richard Pellets) gamerpoets Wet & Cold & Ashes Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYrDp1qkPDA
  12. Hi guys! First, I apologize for any grammatical mistakes, my french is much better than my English... :biggrin: I recently reinstalled all my skyrim mods and everything was running fine, no CTDs, no freezes, even while running more than 150 180 mods. :cool: But, since I installed Wet & Cold mod (started a new game on a clean save after helgen), I get a lot of script errors in my Papyrus logs. I know that most of them are harmless because it's written at the top of the logs so I continued to test the other big mod that I installed after (like Immersive armors...), but today I ran into my first CTD :blink: (after 1h of playing, I just waited 5 hours in Ivarstead to get the day lighting before going to Highrothgar and BOOM ), and then saw a huge amount of line in my log file, talking about dumping stacks concerning the WetCloakAttachCr.psc script... - Does anyone knows what caused that? - Could anyone explain to me what are those dumping stacks ('cause I didn't found anything on the internet) - Was my CTD caused by these stacks and the Wet & Cold mod, or by the dunTransmogrifyAnimal.psc script which is the last error on the log before the crash? - Or do you think it could be something else? Because I tryied to play three time after that and didn't get any of these lines and no CTD :dry: (But I haven't played for 1h neither) Here are the last lines of the Papyrus log before the crash :geek: : My mod list :biggrin: (Most of them are cleaned with TESVEdit): Thx a lot for all the help that you could give to me ! :biggrin:
  13. Shouldn't a potion of Resist Frost (capable of blocking big cold blasts) also help you resist Cold in Survival Mode? Obviously yes. If a Hot meal helps you resist Cold and gives you Warmth (heals Cold effect), a Resist Frost effect should at the very least give you decent environmental Cold resistance. A robe of Frost resistance could also, for example, give a good Warmth rating. WHAT I TRIED : * added the survival resist Cold effect to some Ingredients (with SSEedit). I failed: either ingredients have 4 effects maximum, or I just did not do it right. --- the above method seemed like the logical approach for potions. * Items would be easier I think, at least unique items that have a clear record in the Skyrim tables. Anyone plan on doing this ? If not, any tips or hints ? I am a noob and do not plan on doing this in the following weeks. Feel free to use the idea to make a mod/patch. And, yes, Bethesda, feel free to patch this in.
  14. I think a mod that adds more marijuana usage to the game would be more like "Gothic" games from :Piranha Bytes.... just adding my 2 cents when you didn't ask for my ha'penny.... and I know this is not even out on the web yet, but a if there could be a way that "Mana" lowers your Cold levels, that would be an amazing mod too.
  15. Overheating mod for Frostfall, etc... You get cold in the North, or at night. You can die of the cold, armour affecting your cold levels. Warmth should do that also. Be good as a mod, or Frostfall Add-On... Too hot... Similar to too cold, but you get wet as well. Pass out at overheat, and possibly die. Hot regions... The hot springs would fall into this, on the Eastern side of Skyrim. Clothing... The clothing you wear, affects your heat. Wearing metal armour, or Fur armour, will greatly increase your heat increase. Dresses, or cloth trousers are cool, as are topless variants. Foods... Hot soups, made with hot ingredients, increase heat. Cooling soups, made with cooling ingredients, make you cooler. Alcohol increases cooling effect, good or bad. Drinking water cools you. Skin coverage... No clothing can be bad as well, as the direct sun on your skin can cause you to overhead. Water Temp... Water can be hot, as well as cold. Hot springs burn you, or heat you up. Fur Tents... They trap your heat, and are death traps in hot areas...
  16. Has anyone already looked into dropping the cold storage limit?
  17. i like regular fallout as much as the next guy but i like changing the way the game looks, its almost like fallout is new again, one way i like to do it is by using the winter overhauls,frost or the winter wonderland mod, but im also a glutton for punishment and id like my character to feel the chill of night the hypothermia the damage id like to plan carefully on what i carry a torch? whisky? can i keep going should i camp and get have a warm stew? id like to see some frost on my pip boy, but hey its just an idea to revitalize fallout4.
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