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  1. So, I've been having problems lately with CTDs, and I saw lots of people recommending others to use ENBoost to help with this. I currently don't use an ENB for graphical puposes, I only installed it to use ENBoost. However, whenever I have ENBoost installed, my whole game becomes blindingly bright. The sky and mountains become white even at midnight, and all of the colors are washed out. The only mods I can think of that might affect are Climates of Tamriel, Realistic Lighting Overhaul, and ICBINE 4. I followed the instructions involved with using ENBoost and ICBINE 4. I also use Sounds of Skyrim and have all of the compatibility patches installed for RLO and CoT. Everything worked fine together until I installed ENBoost. I tried to run the ENB regularly to see if the boost itself was the problem, but it just crashed before it even loaded. This brightness also affects the loading screen models and the fog. It's the entire game. I've tried forcing weathers from CoT, and waiting 24 hours, but nothing works. Interiors and exteriors are equally affected. I started a new game, but it was the same. I reinstalled everything. I'm just not sure what to do. I'd really like to use ENBoost as it keeps me from crashing, but it makes my game extremely ugly and almost unplayable. I tried using imaginator and adjusting brightness but that only somewhat affects the ground and the shadows. The sky and mountains remain bright white. The following screenshot was taken at like, 1 am: Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. http://imgur.com/ZDd0k3H.png Title and image above says it all. Ive tried disabling CoT, and Supreme storms, but game crashes when I do that. It happens with ENB on and off so that isnt related to the problem i think. Thinking it may be two textures conflicting? Maybe? idk. I'm at a loss. That's why I'm asking here. I have some screenshots of my installed mods that I believe are possibly relevant below.
  3. So I've just starting downloading a couple visual and color mods, and now my sun texture is overexposed and a large octagon in the sky. The only weather mods I have say they should all work together: Climates of Tamriel VRealistic Sun for COTV - Realistic Sun and Sunglare - Vanilla Ed - V2COT Weather PatchSupreme and Volumetric Fog v2 for COTEnhanced Lights and FXI've tried re-installing Skyrim and all of the mods listed above, but the problem still persists.
  4. So I've gotten a SkyRe setup to work near-perfectly, and I'm about to hit level 35 with my character. I've been using Climates of Tamriel with ELFX for the entire time, and it's been fine. However lately I'm realizing that any time during the day, the sun is way, WAY too bright and washes out a lot of the color. It's like there's a permanent sunglare, but it's not just at noon, it's any time during the day even into the late afternoon and early evening. I use the sw 15e and fw 15e console commands sometimes, and this does change it, but then it looks kind of like a muted blue and strange. Has anyone else run into this problem using CoT? I don't know why it started doing this or what caused it, but my other profiles/playthroughs that are using CoT look fine and don't seem to have this issue. It's apparently something that happened over the course of my game and I don't know what I could do to fix it. Would've posted this in the CoT forum, but there isn't one.
  5. So I've installed Realvision ENB and CoT along with ELFX, the problem is the dungeons became pitch black and the interiors are way too dark. I've tried reinstalling CoT cause it had an option for darker dungeons and I checked off the darker dungeons option during the reinstallation but the problem still persists! Also, can I use campfire with SkyRe ?
  6. cot 3.1 is awesome 'with the weather patch' but the problem with is it that mods that adds new worlds doesnt have cot's weathers and sometimes even in skyrim it gets back to the vanilla weather ,so my request is is a patch or something to completely replace all vanilla weathers with weathers from cot not just the regions ,or direct me to a guide so i can do it myself if possible.
  7. I know some choices include RealVision, Project ENB, and Vividian. Are there any more? Has anyone tried ones such as Tetrachromatic, K, or Kountervibe etc which aren't 'technically' compatible but have got a good effect with these mods?
  8. Hi Guys :happy: I'm currently new with this mod and i'm going to ask is this work together between Climate of Tamriel and RLO and take a look here on my screenshot which after extract the both archieve is it correct? Also for installing this i'm using Mod Organizer which is more friendly to use for me. The mod i used for now is Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch SKSE Latest Version SkyUI Latest Version Lantern of Skyrim Apocalypse Spell Blaze of Eventide Leaf Rest at Skyrim Home The Asteria Saturation Boost Enchanted Blood Illumination Spells Black Sacrament Armor Immersive Weapon Elemental Arrow Deadly Combat Sound of Skyrim Wintermyst - Enchantment And for Load Order I use LOOT for optimizing load order :unsure:
  9. So im trying to install Climates of Tamriel, which of course includes the patch. When I started it up after installing the patch, it shut down directly after the bethesda intro. With further investigation via LOOT, i figured out that the climatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp file, which is required for another file to work. I tried reinstalling, and checking through all of the files to find the file, but couldnt. Anyone know why this file is missing, where i can find it? Any help would be much appreciated.
  10. So I recently added COT to my Skyrim, however when I first uploaded skyrim I noticed nothing was different. I tried wating 24 hours and still nothing changed. I closed out of Skyrim to run BOSS and when i started Skyrim again, it crashes when I select to load my clean save game. I have tried restarting my computer, deactivating and reactivsting COT, adjusting my load order so that to verify that all ESM were at the top and still no luck. Below is my load order, if anyone can help on why this is happening, I would greatly appreciate it. Skyrim.esm Update.esm Unofficial Skyrim Pytch.esm Dawngaurd.esm Unofficial Dawnguard.esm Hearthfire.esm Unofficial Hearthfire.esm Dragonborn.esm Unoffical Dragonborn.esm Climates of Tamriel.esm SkyMoMod.esm Highrestexpack01.esp Highrestexpack02.esp Highrestexpack03.esp Highrestexpack04.esp Unofficial highrespatch01.esp Climates of Tamriel sound.esp Dual Sheath Redux.esp lockpickpro.esp Skyrim immersive creatures.esp Skyrim immersive creatures DLC2.esp SkyUI.esp IHUD.esp Archer's,esp DemonHunter.esp Hothreooper44 armor Ecksstra.esp Hothreooper44 armor compilation.esp immersive weapons.esp infidels ranger set.esp Dr.Bandolier.esp Amazing Riverwoood Stater home.esp buildablehouse.esp oldehomestead.esp quest_pitfighter.eso Quest_pitfighter DLC.esp Riversidelodge.esp Syerscote.esp armored-horses.esp better blacksmithing.esp merchant gold increase.esp dD.Enahnced bloodmain.esp dD-DG-DB-MM-SiC EBT PAtch.esp dD-larger splatter.esp climatesoftamrieldawnguardpatch.esp climatesoftamrieldragonbornpatch.esp climatesoftamrielnightslevel2.esp p1flyingring.esp the dance of death-ultimate edition.esp purewaters.esp testplace.esp DF127Riverside Shack.esp Blade of Tiber Septim.esp climatesoftamriel sound dawnguard patch.esp crimsontwilightarmor.esp talosgifts.esp dualsheathreduxpatch.esp Intel® Core i7-4710HQ CPU @2.50GHz 12.00 GB RAM 64 bit operating system NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850m
  11. Anyone know why the hell this is happening? /:< I'm using Climates of Tamriel, along with Realvision ENB, and Supreme Storms. Idk what could cause this. Please help, this is game breaking for me. http://imgur.com/iPt4DD8
  12. Hi, I've recently started modding Skyrim and I want a realistic night. I'm using Realvision ENB and tried CoT, ELFX and RLO and this is how my game currently looks: http://i.imgur.com/3sW97Mp.png?1 This night isn't nearly as dark as I'd like. I want lanters and torches to be a realistic necessity. My brightness is at the lowest possible, so what else can I do?
  13. I tried to use the "Realistic Lighting" mod with my Skyrim, but it didn't have any effect and so I downloaded the "Climates of Tamriel" Mod thinking it would work. I downloaded all of the patches for each mod I've downloaded and I know that it is Climates of Tamriel that is crashing Skyrim because when I launch Skyrim without it Skyrim works fine. I spent many hours ordering the mods manually until I gave up and used LOOT, which also did not help. This is the launch order you are looking at now. I appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you.
  14. Hey everyone, I am looking for a water mod that has good synergy with Climates of Tamriel. I really like the way Pure Waters looks but the lighting of CoT kindof ruins this water mod. I dont want to use Pure Weathers because even in the bright night edition its way to dark at night and espescially in dungeons for my taste(Im not craving for an ultra realistic gaming experience). Climates of Tamriel in default makes dungeons about as dark as I can handle it. Before I try every watermod out there and go to place to place to see how it looks in waterfalls, lakes, small rivers, etc. I hope someone can give me some advice. edit: just saw the "this forum is not a mod request place" thread, sorry..
  15. Hello, I'm trying to mod the lighting for my game. I'm trying to stay away from ENBs as my computer struggles with high shading and view distance, and I'm mostly looking to get my game's lighting to look realistic but now pitch black like it was before. My issue is my game is always extremely dark, I need to use torches and lanterns and sometimes even magelight to get around shops/houses, the overworld is usually okay but still pretty dark. I don't know what combinations of lighting/shading mods people would recommend, but my computer is fairly strong at handling skyrim so long as my view distance is down. I don't know if I need to change my Skyrim.ini values either, but if it helps I just did a fresh reinstall (deleted absolutely everything skyrim) yesterday, so my Ini is untouched, likewise with my data folder. If anyone has some tips, maybe some recommendations of what I mods I can use or combine to get a more realistic looking game without it looking like the abyss, i'd be grateful. Thanks.
  16. Hi, I have a problem with COT, the problem is not activated the .esm, I don't know why. I have installated the RealVision and my sun is not a beautifull sun because CoT don't work... I was installed CoT one of the firsts mods and never be activated the .esm. If somebody can help me.... Thanks a lot! PD: sorry for my english.
  17. Hi everybody, I have some bad "color banding" in the night, with Project ENB (Realistic) & Climates of Tamriel + Climates Of Tamriel - Weather Patch (Night Level 2). (Only using these mods for troubleshooting so no other mods activated) Here are 3 screenshots showing the issue (click to enlarge): The color transition should be smooth like on the left of this illustration, but due to color banding it looks like the picture on the right : If you don't know what the problem is, here is what I'm talking about. It is only visible on a computer's monitor, I can't see the issue on a mobile screen (But I don't think it is a screen issue as I tried with different computer screens) By the way, I don't have this issue with other ENBs like Realvision for example, and I have calibrated the brightness value as said by the ENB's author. Anyway thank you for reading this; And thanks in advance for any help you can provide :blush: 514Y32
  18. I have been using Climates of Tamriel for a while now but decided to try the winter edition. I installed the winter edition bsa and esp and organized with loot, the winter edition is the lowest of the cot plugins, yet when i go to play to try it out.....nothing happens.....the base cot is working, but nothing that the winter edition is supposed to do does not happen....from what it looks like is its supposed to make it snow all over skyrim not just the northern half, yet whiterun is still pale greenish yellow and everything is EXACTLY the same. The normal cot is all that runs, no winter edition. Main page gives no info or anything and half of the main complaints are people who have no idea how to install mods period. Anyone have any idea how to get it to work? Or is it a load order issue? all my lighting and other mods are all listed as compatible by the cot mod page. No other mods besides them.
  19. I want to run realvision, the performance version. Its the only enb that I can run in game with solid 60fps no matter where I go. But there are two things holding me back. When used in conjunction with Climates of tamriel and ELFX: 1) The weather seems a bit...off. It hardly ever rains, and the skies hardly ever change. Everyday is a sunny day. No doubt this looks amazing, but I dont want every day to be a sunny day. Though I'm not sure this is something I can change 2) No clouds at night...at all. I look up and see the beutiful night sky sure, but no clouds. I turn the end off using shift+F12 and then they come back. This never changed. Its ESPECIALLY noticeable when it rains, as the sky is completley pitch black as if it isnt there but when I turn the end off you can still see the rain clouds I have a feeling this has something to do with the fact that I'm using the performance version of this ENB, though after testing medium and full, I'd like to stick with performance. This is the only ENB I'm willing to run, all the others are either not my taste or too stressful for my GPU. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  20. Basically i want to play with Sounds of Skyrim and Climates Of Tamriel. I am afraid that im not using load order properly.. All looks like that: http://puu.sh/mfKAL/962ed7b5ad.png http://puu.sh/mfKBp/ccaecc7934.png I think these mods arent working. When i play skyrim with mods and without i cant see any difference. The same amount of fps and the same graphics. Is that normal? Is that load order good? Everything should work? Any ideas why when i turn on "Skyrim Flora Overhaul" mod the game crash on start?
  21. it is unrealistically dark on cloudy days. the sun unrealistically penetrates the clouds as well, but it's still too dark. in the morning when the sky is rising, there is but a blue circle above and the surrounding sky is yellow. i get a yellowish horizon, but it's too close. its like a drop of blue paint in a larger drop of yellow. is this just noticeable because im in whiterun hold? is my enb making it too dark when the days are cloudy in cot? how do i change it? im using realvision. anything i can do for better skies? if someone can tell me how to copy and paste my load order ill do that too. i cant upload all pics on here so heres an imgur link: http://imgur.com/a/sZmQV
  22. Anyone know how to do this? I use CoT and I've tried using the remove interior fog mods, but they don't work with CoT
  23. So i have climates of tamriel installed with all dlc patches and ETC, but when i downloaded the Climates of Tamriel Weather patch and tried to use it with the expanded snow systems, supreme volumetric fog, and supreme storms addons, it crashes skyrim on startup. Heres my boot order if it helps any:
  24. I have recently installed Project ENB and CoT-Audio-Weather-Lighting. I had the 2k HD pack by Nebula and the Skyrim unofficial patch as well. My only issue is, sometimes I can hear thunder and what sounds like rain or heavy wind, but no matter what I can't actually see any rain. It's starting to make me a little worried that something is wrong with my game. I loaded the enbseries.ini file and changed rain to disabled but that just made my game crash i turned it back on and went outside and there still wasn't any visible rain.. I also loaded loot and made sure it was accepting my load order (all of my CoT .esp's are at the top of my .esp's in my load order) I did everything correctly in the ENB's installation process (even copying the data from the data folder to my skyrim) and I can't find this issue anywhere online (at least not with the Enb that's supposed to run with CoT) I'm just very curious as to what's going on. It's not necessarily gamebreaking, but I'm someone who likes my immersion, and it's a little odd to hear thunder and rain sounds but not see anything happening. If you need any further info as to my load order or anything just ask, although I don't think I have anything that would interfere with it.
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