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  1. I'll start out by saying that I've lost interest in this whole 'debating' idea. Doing research into logical fallacies, and thinking about it myself, I've come to the conclusion that debating is limited in what it can achieve. For one, how can you really debate anything when you can't agree on basic facts? Could you use debate alone to prove that the earth is round? The only way to argue this is to cite physical evidence. I mean, if that was possible, then why would there be so many flat-earthers? Surely it would be easy to talk reason into them. Another problem I have is that debating relies heavily on speculation. Let's be real here, how often is it that speculation turns out right? In all my life, I can count on one hand how many times I've seen ANY form of speculation turn out to be true, from layman opinions to even scientific theories. I don't support speculation at all now; only hard evidence matters to me. On top of this, thinking about logical fallacies, they're not actually that reliable. Every fallacy has exceptions. At best, they're just an overly simplistic way to fix faulty thinking. Really, all debating is, is a highly methodical attempt to 'fix stupid'. Literally, you're telling people how to think in hopes it'll make them make less dumb decisions. Fixing stupid is obviously impossible, so then why does this field exist? I don't see any point in debating. Its nothing but an overly simple attempt to fix stupid. Besides, what about the hard evidence problem? You can't prove through debate that the earth is round. Such discussions always devolve into monty python arguments, and there's no way to avoid that. No south americans aren't lying, yes they are, not they're not, yes they are, etc... Discussions like these lead nowhere. So debating is pointless. If it does have uses, its clearly not a fix-all solution.
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