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  1. Theory time boys! So why did the Dwemer just up and vanish? I'm going to take some liberty and assume you already know the ins and outs about the battle of red mountains and jump from there. My theory hinges on a journal/book found somewhere in Skyrim but for the life of me I can't remember it's title, only the plot. I'm only going to need bits and pieces from it so I'll take what I need when we get there. Now we should all get ourselves familiarized with the concept of CHIM and GODHEAD. Yeah, reality is a dream and all that. Go learn about those then come back here because they're important too. Here we go So, in Morrowind we get to meet the last living Dwemer, Yagrum Bagarn. He tells us that he has no idea where the Dwemer went but he does tell us that he was in an outer realm when the incident happened. I'm going to take a leap here and say that the reason the Dwemer vanished had to do absolutely with The Calling, the Dwemer's ability to telepathically communicate over pretty much any distance, but probably not between realms. Now we get into the idea of Godhead and the journal I found. I'll explain how I came to this conclusion later but any mortal being in TES cannot comprehend the idea of Godhead without ceasing to exist. Not death, just non-existence. If one were to fully understand the concept they would simply do what the Dwemer did, vanish into thin air. My main theory here is that when Kagrenac used his tools on the heart he instantly gained an absolute understanding of reality and in turn of Godhead. Because that's the equivalent of a dream knowing it's a dream, he would have stopped existing, but through the Calling he let every other Dwarf on the face of Nirn understand what he was understanding and in an instant, they all vanished. Quick break to break down the plot of the journal: some idiots got hired by mage to go into dwemer ruins, many die, solid few sentences about some nord girl's tits, find green lexicon, mage touches it, vanishes. merc dude touches it, spews black s*** from his eyes and mouth and goes insane and mentions godhead right before vanishing. Now back to the theory, how do I know the Calling is responsible for everyone vanishing instead of just Kagrenac? Well the Dwemer aren't dumbasses who sit around all day, so it's safe to assume they would've created devices to harness the Calling, like leaving a voicemail. Well we've never seen a green lexicon before so I'm making the leap to say that the lexicon those idiots found had the full understanding of Godhead on it, received from Kagrenac himself when he used his tools on the heart. If that lexicon did, in fact, have that understanding engraved on it, that would explain why the mage and the merc vanished after coming into contact with it. The mage having more knowledge than a simple merc would've grasped the concept faster hence his immediate vanishing vs that of the merc who took a hot minute to understand what he had learned before disappearing as well. There it is. Full theory. No idea if anyone else ever came to this conclusion before but hey leave opinions. Peace.
  2. Duathfel is an upcoming quest mod that allows the player to join an expedition to a lost Dwarven city. The mod will contain a main quest line and several side quests focused on rediscovering the lost secrets of Duathfel and the Dwemer. Along the way there will be many discovers, obstacles, and surprises. We have a small team working on the mod already with a great team of writers putting together a compelling story. The mod already contains an enormous cavern, at least as large, if not larger than Blackreach. The main cavern contains an underground city, industrial complexes, and other varied locations. There are also many interior cells and locations. However, we are far from being finished and need *your* help. Please see the volunteer page of our WordPress site for details of what opportunities are available. If you are interested in helping, please fill out an application form and we will contact you within a week. For more information about Duathfel and to see our progress so far check out our WordPress site. You can also download a work in progress copy of the mod here on the Nexus. (Just FYI, the Nexus files are about four months old, and while there have not been any dramatic changes, they do not reflect the latest status of Duathfel)
  3. Do you Like Puzzles? Do you like VIOLENCE? Do you like being a godking ruling over a mystical kingdom?? Well...... This Mod aims to accomplish that I have been working on this giant city space for awhile now. Its inspired in design by The Myst Games D'ni, and Overlord 2's Netherworld Tower. The plot revolves around you being drawn to this underground city through rumors of wealth, power, magic, ect. But quickly are swept up in a plot involving a group of exiled radicals seeking to destroy it, the demigod king who went missing hundreds of years ago, and the power of the dragon. Just one problem.... I have well established plot written, most of the worldspace done, and some of the quest spaces done. AND THATS IT. I am a full time student who doesn't have all the time he needs to sit down and make a freaking Dlc for an old game right now. so..... If anyone is good with Papyrus, and or is alright at quest building we should communicate and have some fun. I am open to you helping to change the plot, and re imagine some of the space to be more inline with how you want to make it! If your good at puzzles/ making them PLS PLS PLS Contact me. If ya want more pics or info contact me!
  4. I know this is an old topic hashed over many times, but... For the first time in a long time I went back and replayed Morrowind, including the Tribunal part going down into the Dwemer ruins under Mournhold -- Radac's forge and all -- and I noticed something I never noticed before: there is actually evidence which might prove one of the theories about the disappearance of the Dwarves. In the Apographal writing in Vivec's personal library, "Nerevar at Red Mountain", it says that when Azura taught Nerevar how to use Kagrenac's tools to separate the Dwemer people from the heart of Lorkan, the Dwemer were all turned to dust. The exact quote (if I copied it right) is, "And on the fields, the Tribunal and their armies watched as the Dwemer turned to dust all around them as their stolen immortality was taken away." So down there in the Dwemer ruins beneath Mournhold, everywhere a Dwemer was, there is a little pile of ash -- on stools, beds, under the armor of sentries standing guard at doors... This is very consistent with the account in Nerevar at Red Mountain. Makes me think the Apographa tale is the true account of what happened, that Vivec lied is his own account of events, and also that the Dwemer were not transported away to another realm of some kind, but did in fact turn to dust.
  5. So, I am fairly new to the forums but have experience in modding games. Though I have very little knowledge on how to make mods myself I would like to see a mod I have yet to see come up. In the game there is an item in dwemer ruins called the Dwemer Pan. The idea for the mod is to make it into a one-handed mace like weapon. The way I would want the stats to work out would be damage equal to that of a dwemer mace but maybe the speed of an one-handed axe. Willing to do this as a commission and pay for the making of the mod. If you need to have anymore information let me know.
  6. I made a custom mesh of a Dwemer Dirigible based on its appearance from Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard which I plan to use in a future mod, and I need help trying to figure out how it would reasonably work as an airship (with crew and supplies and everything) within the scope of canon lore. As far canon sources go, we have: existing Dwemer airship blueprints (which the Dwemer had presumably built and flew)a working (and possibly reverse-engineered) airship had been built and used during the Tiber Wars (events of Redguard)another working airship had been built by Louis Beauchamp, albeit just a normal ship patched together with Dwemer machine parts that is "barely holding together" and eventually crashed itself on SolstheimThere are no official materials that show how an actual Dwemer airship operates, what its interiors are like, and how it could be manned (or merred). That is the part where I'm developing in my mod. And that is where I'd like to ask you guys in the modding community what do you think? Because I'm veering into non-lorefriendly territory. *cough*Spelljammer*cough* The following are available screenshots with some of my observations based on my Dwemer airship research that maybe these could be used as a jumping off point. Balloon and Boat Deck Observation Deck Bow (Front Part) Stern (Back Part) Other concerns: What do you people think? I'd really like to know what are your thoughts on this. Cheers.
  7. This isn't actually for a preexisting mod, and I'm instead asking for some personal advice in order to polish a mod of my own (Faceless Dwarven Helmet) The issue I'm having is that the NiTriShape of the Dwarven Helmet from navida1's Improved Closefaced Helmets mod is casting a very deep shadow onto an NiTriShape that I've added to the .nif file (as can be seen from the attached screenshot) All I'd like to know is are there any settings within Nifskope that I can play around with in order to fix the issue, because I've been wanting a mod like this for quite some time but nobody every bothered to make it, and this is the big issue that's keeping it from looking polished. I would test the mesh on a vanilla Dwarven Helmet, but I get errors whenever I try to copy the NiTriShape's branch into that .nif file, and I don't know how to fix them. ("failed to map parent link NiNode|Scene Root") Any input would be highly appreciated.
  8. Hello! Here is simple idea for ruin: What about making some sort of underwater structure wich would be traveled throgh only if you have enouth potions for underwater adventures, or are Argonian race? Ruin specificly for Argonian so they have more usage from their underwater breathing, but also some alchemist who can manage enouth underwater breathing potions to explore said dungeon? Alternativly for enchanters who can just make item to breath underwater and be done with... For theme of ruins themself - the best option would propably be Dwemer themed ruins, because of option to make puzzles (considering there would be not a whole lot options for enemies wich would be any fair underwater...). As a reward there could maybe be something related to water, or just bigger treasures. Perhaps shout wich would work only in closed area and fill entire dungeon with water? So you could for example reach specific places, as well as force enemies to swim and therefore not be able to attack you? Third word would additionaly give you water breathing for the duration of shout, and if you have mod wich allow you to fight underwater - give you an advanage in battle? If we are making shout - why not make three ruins in that case? Each ruin containing one of the words for shout. That would be obviously a lot of work, but it would be interesting to have this kind of option. Obviously if shout is too much - artefact or something like that would be cool too. Especialy apreciated if mod was made for Oldrim wihout any DLC. Thanks for reading and have a nice day. :smile:
  9. Project AHO — AETHERIUM HYPERSPACE OBSERVATORY http://tesall.ru/uploads/imgs/pre_1511101376__logo1.png by Haem projects Just over a year ago we announced the mysterious Project AHO mod. Unfortunately, the announcement was made only in Russian community and because of that it was missed by the English audience (we added english subtitles to our first trailer, so you can check it here; it's a bit outdated, but still interesting). Now we want to fix that mistake. Hereby present you the English version of our project. Welcome to House Telvanni! http://tesall.ru/uploads/gallery/category_86/med_gallery_95_86_349699.jpg Sadrith Kegran, the underground city, is one of the last strongholds of once great House Telvani. Built on the ruins of the extinct Dwemer civilization, the city is fraught with many mysteries. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the only one Telvanni settlement in Skyrim. Go through the fire and water to get the AHO — the great Dwemer engineering miracle — Aetherium Hyperspace Observatory. Features: A large settlement of House Telvanni on the eastern borders of the Skyrim province;The huge Dwemer city of Bkhalzarf;20 unique characters with the advanced behaviour system;More than 20 quests;The main quest with a linear start, but a non-linear end;About 8-11 hours of gameplay, depending on the playstyle;Each character has from 500 to 600 dialogues lines;AHO — Dwemer ship-house with many useful functions;Another player house — Hla Fang — available after the main quest's end;Unique soundtrack;Unique armor and many, many other things. MORE SCREENS REQUESTS: We cannot provide you with an exact release date, but under ideal circumstances, the modification will be available at the end of this year. We are translating books, texts and, of course, dialogues into English, so now we need voice actors in order to release a properly voiced English version. We'd like to have a fully voiced modification, so if someone is interested in this, have special practice or just want to help - please, contact us. We are also looking for the 2d-artist who can make some sketches for the project and native English speaker to check our texts for mistakes. We appreciate any help and will be grateful. But this is not all that we would like to present. As part of our mod we released Snippy - little dwemer droid-follower inspired by BB-8 from Star Wars. He is a non-combat follower with many functions and features: 128 unique voice reactions;the unique follower system;the manual control mod;will never get lost;has a flashlight;has a lockpick;has a scanner;And, of course, Snippy is cute. More screens you can find on download pages. http://tesall.ru/uploads/gallery/category_86/med_gallery_95_86_734252.png DOWNLOAD: SLESSEBETHESDA.NET PCXB1CONTACT: [email protected] DISCORD
  10. I'm a representative a group of content creators under the name Frontear. as part of our ongoing mission to create unique story-driven content, we are delving into the realm of modding, as such our first pick was Skyrim We are seeking members of the Skyrim mod community to help revitalize the game with more interesting gameplay and story content than what we were given at its initial launch or subsequent DLC's. The Storyline for Project Anumidium deals with the Dwarves and Psijic Order as primary points of focus. An Ancient Dwemer automation is awoken, its goal to become what it was meant to be a God. It's up to the Dragonborn to defeat this Dwemer machine and its ever-evolving army of automatons old and new. With New Weapons, Armour and Quests this lore friendly Mod will serve as an expansion to Skyrim and allow this game to enjoy even more longevity For more information email us at [email protected] or contact me personally on discord Bronan#4900
  11. I have recently obtained a few armor mods and noticed the lack of grandeur with simplicity in mage armor and items. Alot are too flashy or too HD to be a part of the game and looks out of place. The first idea is for a Huge book to be worn on your back, could have multiple sizes so that everyone gets what they need.. 1 size of the player 2 about the size of a great sword 3 the size of a backpack -The mod "MadMasker" provides coffins but i think books would be nicer. The second is a wizard hat, somewhere between the wizard hat from runescape and huge witch hats. Again, the sizes of it could vary. I have seen some mods with this included but the size is always too big or too small and causes clipping issues. The colors of both should also vary. color ideas- -black -red -blue -purple -green -dark green -night blue -gray Bonus- A robot eye with legs made by the thalmor that harness the power of the dwemers to spy on the rest of skyrim. Could be a cool enemy, with magic resist. The robot could be not made completely out of the dwemer artifacts like most are, but have some elements taken from then, like a trim or something. =i tried uploading pictures but they were too big=
  12. I'd like to send a request out to all you modders out there: a mesh edit or addition to the Dwarven Helmet that ultimately changes the human-like face to something more appealing. I, for one, don't really like seeing such a scowl every time I view my character from a 3rd person perspective, and I prefer practicality over appearance, although, there are many more like me who see it as nothing but ugly. So what I'd like to see is a simple mesh that borrows textures from the vanilla game to cover up the face (excluding the eyes.) If that's beyond your skill level, then It'd be more than enough to just edit the normal mesh so the facial area is flattened and smoothed for a more armour-like appearance. If this is the case, then would you kindly try your hand at adding a texture, "template" for me to add my own textures portions to? I ask for this because I use Cabal's aMidianborn textures, as many of you do, too, and the textures are quite different from Vanilla Skyrim's. If you need an idea for what I'm asking for, here are some images for you. (preferably, I'd like the appearance of the first image.) Thank you for your time. http://65.media.tumblr.com/e783c30d24d528cb698479917fc072f5/tumblr_n5f2cxmMBd1sxmx5so7_1280.jpg
  13. Hey I found this really cool armor mod by Danke called Dwemer and Daedric Alternatives, I love the armor style! However, there's a problem with the Dwemer helmet as it seems crash my game due to 'missing' textures. I think the problem is that the .esp is including a texture path that is not needed. It'd be cool if someone fixed this! Link: http://mw.modhistory.com/download-4-14394
  14. Genesis A Custom voiced Dwemer robot follower. You'll be able to find him in an undecided Dwemer ruin. Backstory: Genesis was once a prototype for a cutting edge Dwarven foot soldier before the Dwemer mysteriously dissapeared The mesh was provided from Vicn Creature Pack! Thanks to Vicn for this awesome mesh I then decided he needed a lil somethin somethin to make him stand out above the rest of the followers. He needs a weapon, hes a robot after all! Dwemer Arm Gun This arm gun was provided by Mahty I added the gun as like a cosmetic along with the mesh as well. The way he shoots is pretty much an invisible staff that you cant see at all! It even has its own projectile also made by Mahty! Genesis with Dwarven Armor I then decided that I hate lookin at his face and wanted to see what happen if I added the Dwarven armor to him Then I wondered what it'd look like with dwarven boots I then decided that he needed a way to protect him self since hes strictly range Class and just to make him more badass I have him a shield
  15. So I just started getting back into using mods for skyrim again, really enjoying it as opposed to previous attempted where I crashed and burned because I had no idea how to do stuff. But now I've succeeded (a bit) with weapon, armor, and overhaul perks all as stable as someone like me can get them, and I wanted some pointers on what the best dwemer related mods are, both questing and otherwise. Dwemer ruins were always my favorite part of skyrim, but I've done basically all of the canon ones and blackreach and the other "holy s#*!" dwemer areas really aren't as special now that I know they're basically giant empty wastelands. So what do you guys suggest? Also general mod suggestions welcome, I'm a massive scrub when it comes to this stuff so all points are appreciated. Current mods I have: PerMa (and all the s#*! that comes with it) Deadly Dragons Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch SkyUI Enhanced Blood textures Immersive Armors, Weapons and Creatures. Cloaks of Skyrim Bandolier - Bags and Pouches. Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim Run for your lives When Vampires Attack Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade
  16. i cant find a delete button so here's the script for Actual Cannibal Shia Labouf (I was to lazy to put it here)
  17. I just realized--and checked the Nexus--that except for the Aetherium Forge there isn't a single Dwemer forge anywhere in Skyrim, and no modder has created one! Seems odd that no Dwemer cities, not even Blackreach, contain a forge. And I have no idea what one would look like.
  18. OK so I've been brainstorming some ideas for me to create. I want to use the Creation Kit and finally give something back to the community that I've absolutely adored for the last 3(?) years, and I want to do something that I haven't seen. Unique and niche are my aims. :3 If you have experience with the CK and/or modelling stuff, go ahead and take these ideas and run with it. Mostly just here for my own reference :smile: Khajiit Ideas Craftable Khajiit Armor (Cloth, Light, Heavy) Thinking Aladdin, Pharaohs, and a bit of silken Asian flair. Mostly going with White, Gold, Red, and Blue for the color palate (feathery/beaded headdresses and circlets are bonus)Craftable Khajiit Weapons (1-handed and 2-handed swords, axes, maces, bows, arrows, shields) Curved. Swords. Maybe some Curvy Shields?Craftable Khajiit Jewelry (headdresses, rings, amulets, bracelets?, torcs?) Lots of gold, lapis lazuli, and heavy colors?Craftable Skooma, Coffee, and other addictive substances (a few different variations of skooma, coffee like Elianora's mod, Sleeping Tree Sap tea, sweets, food, maybe a few other things)Khajiit Misc items (scratching post, yarn toys, catnip, litterbox, etc.)Khajiit Village in Eastmarch's Hotspring area Dwemer Colors: Dwemer metal, Dark purple, browns, dark green, dark blue, dark red, bright blue (aetherium)Dwemer light equipment (maybe without the ridiculous helmet?)Dwemer Compass or other navigational tool (for use alongside Campfire and Frostfall and the like)Dwemer Clothing/robes and JewelryDwemer Prosthetics/Bionics/Augments (equippable 'injuries' that become permanent?)Dwemer Steam/Oil LanternDwemer Racial Features (to compliment Dwemer Beards) Hair, eyes, skintones pack for RaceMenu?More aetherium, stone, steam (the effect not software) integration?Dwemer Laboratory/Library/other scientific thing house Falmer Falmer Clothing, Light armor, Heavy armor (not that gross fallen falmer bs, but actual snow elf stuff)More unique set of Ancient Falmer Armor: add a new texture and some special enchantments?Ancient Falmer-style weapons learned with the obtaining of Auriel's Bow? all weapons craftable? Houses Khajiit House (Treehouse, Den, Stilted House, Pueblo? Mudbrick?) Indonesian, Egyptian and/or Hawai'ian theme?Khajiit Village in EastmarchWerewolf cave with lit glade and a shrine to Hircine (enough room for followers and kids?)Underground house based off of Bleak Falls Barrow?Dwemer residence with a bunch of Dwemer crafted animals (horse, dog, sabercat) Farm Simulation?Astrology house (star maps and moon charts and shiny things)Forge house (fire, molten metal, steam, stone, regular metal)Flop House Lighthouse home (Solitude, Dawnstar, Windhelm, Winterhold coasts)Better Hearthfire houses (Interiors?)Researcher's HousesPotion Bottle house for AlchemistsSoul Gem house for enchanters Assorted Heavy armor for Elven, Glass, Leather, Hide, Scaled, Fur, Stormcloak, Forsworn, Light armor for Iron, Steel, Steel Plate, Dwarven, Orcish (would orcs have light armor? lol), Ebony, Daedric, Wolf (Companions), Nordic Carved, Blades, Falmer (all variants)Soul gem use (House, Weapons, Armor?, Jewelry, Ammo) not just as a crafting component, as a model base (perhaps allows more potent enchantments + more charges?)Incan/Mayan/Aztec Armor (Cloth, Light, Heavy) Argonian racial armor?Native American Armor (Cloth, Light, Heavy) and Weapons (Sioux, Cherokee, Pueblo, etc.) Forsworn?Druid Armor made of Ivy? Wood? with Shield, Dagger and BowCelestial Armors 4 Sets: Stars, Moons, Sun, VoidPearl, Opal, or similar material gems and jewelrySomething with Soul GemsNew ores/ingots for new weapons and armor, etc. Rune's Backstory expanded (the dude in the Thieves Guild)Romance Quests/overhaul with more followers?Dynamic/Immersive Carriages (they show up on roads and move)Sea of Ghosts contentPrison Overhaul with needs-mod compatibility (so you don't starve to death in jail)Crossbow ironsightsUnarmed Overhaul Addon for Perkus MaximusImmersive Maps and Dwemer CompassSolid Textures for KhajiitMore Lore-Friendly mounts w/ armored options
  19. Skyrim is a rather expansive location, and since its release in 2011 we have seen mods made in every part of Skyrim and its DLC's. One location that I feel has been well and truly over looked is Blackreach. One of the coolest locations, and yet there has not been much done in the way of quest mods. This is my idea in a nut shell. The Dragonborn has recovered the Elder Scroll, but as he ventures onward something calls him back. An ancient presence demanding retribution for what the Falmer have done to this once great city, but to do this the Dragon Born needs help. Assemble a fighting force and take the ancient Dwemer ruin of blackreach. Once the city is yours, then comes the time to rebuild and colonize the underground ruins. Set up shops, establish trade, bring in settlers, exc. This could also include mining the mineral wealth from the stones, and finding the ancient secrets buried in the ruins. Fund the reconstruction project, find experts, build up your power base. Soon you gain the attention of those who want to take Blackreach for their own. The Thalmer, or some other organization. While they can not invade Skyrim directly yet, they wish to use Blackreach as a staging point to build up their forces, harness the magics of Blackreach, and then skyrim. They first come and try to use diplomacy to get you out, but when that fails they choose to starve you out by blocking all enterances and exits to blackreach. How to resolve this could include finding an ancient tunnel/portal that you might have been finding clues to. Maybe even the ancient force that called him to begin with helps him. Once you are out you could then reach out to any allies you might have. Maybe even require you to take over the Guilds in skyrim. The Companions, Mages Guild, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and perhaps which ever faction you sided with in the Dawnguard DLC. Build another force to battle the Talmer and break the blockade. Also the Blackreach Train mod would be interesting to use for this, or as an attachment. I know Skyrim is not as relevant to modders as Fallout 4 is, but I think this DLC sized mod would be fantastic. UPDATE: This could also be a good opportunity to explain that random Dragon contained in the Blackreach sphere.
  20. I've often wonder why there are not that many Dwemer based player homes. Recently while roaming around one of the few I found (Sleeping Tree Sanctuary) I thought that a Dwemer ruins that the player could rebuild and refurbish into a home would make a great mod. Unfortunately, after trying to make a simple follower mod, I discovered I have 0 talent in modding or just can't understand how it works at all. If someone could make an attempt at this I would be very grateful and will be willing to help in any way I could.
  21. Hello again fellow Skyrim lovers! So, after completing the College of Winterhold questline, I've once again visited Mzulft to investigate the Oculory. Yep. Nothing has changed with it. NPCs do not respond, and the Oculory's projection dose not change. So I got this little idea for the mod! The basic idea is a questing mod to continue to the story of the College of Winterhold. After becoming the Arch-Mage of the College, you can return to Mzulft and use the Oculory once again to locate magical artifacts. Surely it must be working properly now that the great disturbence (that is the Eye of Magnus) was taken care of? Use the Oculory to detect these artifacts and then fight your way trough dungeons to obtain these items! What could these items be? Well the possibilities are endless! Staff of Worms? Mankar Camoran's Staff? Bloodworm Helm? Sword of Jyggalag? The possibilities are endless. This could also opens are new possibility for a questline involving the Synod? I kinda thought Synod would be very angry with us, if they believed Paratus's story about the College intentionally undermining Synod's efforts. Perhaps one could throw College of Whispers in the mix. Now I`m not specifically asking for anyone to make this mod, but it would certanly be a nice addition to the status of Arch-Mage! What do you think about this little idea?
  22. You are exploring the ruins of Kzerthar, an obscure Dwemer stronghold, with some companions. Suddenly, you stumble over a hidden pressure plate and a large boulder crashes down onto the corridor where you came from. Great, now how are you going to get out of here?! Better head deeper into the ruins and see if there's a way out, and maybe snag some loot here and there on the way... Rules: Don't make your character overpowered, don't godmod, don't be a dick. Character app: Name: Gender: Race(only the races available in Skyrim): Class(Archer, mage, warrior, bard etc.): Personality: Skills(nothing too OP please): Other(this is optional): The roleplay will begin as soon as at least two other characters join.
  23. Hello, I have a rather large (lore friendly) DLC-sized quest mod currently in the works. I am a good portion of the way into it, however there is one major roadblock that I cannot get around: I'm not capable of making new armor or creature meshes. I am looking for a person/people who Can make new meshes and would be willing to help with the mod. If you have any interest in helping out simply respond on this thread or pm me and I can give you more details (ie: premise of the mod, what is needed, and an overview of what is alredy in the mod). For now all I'm going to say is that the mod is heavily related to Sotha Sil. I hope to hear from some of you soon, and look forward to working with some of my fellow modders. -HeirOfTheSeptems
  24. I have no illusions about this being made 3 years in, but I had a story I wanted to share that could provide more closure to the ending of the main quest of the vanilla game. Starts off pretty cliched, Courier delivers a letter where a mysterious stranger has discovered the location of a powerful spear (that could kill a God etc. etc... could you retrieve it from this dungeon for a great reward) When you enter the dungeon you trigger a scripted first-person animation; a spear is thrust through your back and out your chest. You fall to the ground and the screen turns black. With the screen black you hear all the lines spoken by the deadra and nightmother about how they own your soul and then a third-person animation is triggered; companion spirits appear around you and hoist you toward the sky which looks like it did in sovngard. As you near the vortex the screen fades to white. You wake in a landscape of glowing blue plant life and a swirling orange sky. It's the edge of Aetherius, a purgatory of sorts populated by the Dwemer, where they have lived immortally and peacefully for thousands of years... but not any more because what fun would that be?! You encounter a shade that looks like the shadow of a small ice-wraith; Alduin. In his corporal form he tampers with the dwemer technology and in the resulting chaos and death, feeds and becomes larger and more complex. There are plenty of Draman variants to go through. After seeing a couple of large scale Dwemer facilities backfire and learning how the dwemer spent the last few thousand years (time is relative) and taking in a bit of culture, Alduin makes use of a prototype device to return to Nirn (unhindered by his physical form he would grow bigger as he feeds and potentially fulfil the prophecy to devour the world)... You complete a short mission to recharge the (plot) device (and give Alduin a head start) and follow him to Skyrim, pulling the spear out of your chest as you wake... Cue the epic battle outside whiterun with drauger and a giant ass Alduin versus the Legion/Stormcloaks and you with the one weapon that could potentially kill him for good
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