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  1. [1] Trenchzone Troubles [1.1][1] Knight Major Saraa Maishan wondered if the interior, of her powerarmor, could get any hotter and stickier than it was. There were some Seekatechies close bye but they were very busy repairing powerarma and other scihitech. Oversized enemy bullets exploded into the earth banks at top-front of the trench causing some dirt to trickle down into it. A mutiroach fled past her but, sensing she was no threat to it, was clearly more concerned about the battle in general. The BDUs (big dumb uglies) were using slippipeguns made from special type piping invented 34 years before Doomsday took place. That was almost exactly 100 years after Warday that had ended WW3 (World War Three) just as Doomsday had ended WW4 (World War Four). Slippiping was very enduring, against wear, and projectiles were not reduced in speed as they shot along a slippipegun barrel. The odd weapons also used other techtricks designed by the same eccentric supergenius who had refused to believe that any other than 'good' people would use his remarkable survival designs. Half, of a Predoomsday plastic poster of overdone propaganda quality, showed United States of NorthAm (North America); it had a map proudly showing how it ruled all of NorthAm including Canada and Mexico. The original USA ended with Warday but in the Postwarday times the USNA had arisen to replace it, eagerly conquering Canada, and Mexico, in the process. Then it, in turn, had fallen when Doomsday took place or so went the general stories. NewWashington's South GrandMall was trench warfare raging but the trenches were much older than the current conflict; it was a savage fight between the SeekaChapterDC and HulkMarshal Smashbang's hulktant army from SBC1232. On the side of the Seekars were local volunteers including experienced, disciplined, fighters. Serving the hulktants were zytants, animatants and some pyskertants; the last with their narrow ranged, but dangerous, psychic based psyker powers. Knight Captain Venger cursed through the 2way radionet of the powerarmor suits. "We all need to get out of the hot, bright, sun or at least a few of us are going to get sick." Then it happened, all of a sudden, taking all by surprise. The flash of light filled the area, radiating out from Saraa herself, and then the two were waking up in improved powerarmor with just as enhanced other tech. They felt better of mind-body-spirit, the last being that which could not really be explained in reference to mind or body. A camouflaged roof, heavily armoured, and able to crumple to divert kinetic force, lay overhead providing shade. The irony was that it was no longer needed due to the improved powerarmor. Venger smiled. "Inbuilt tubes supplying fresh water, coffee and foodpaste." Saraa raised one powered hand, moving her large battlerifle to do so. "Everything has gone silent but peacefully so, not tensely so." At moment the mutiroach returned but now it was covered with flexible armour platelets above and a smooth plate on its belly. It was Saraa who, somehow, knew this to be. It came up to her and huddled down next to her taking it for granted that she would do it no harm. Then it began to suck on its own inbuilt tube of foodpaste. Venger showed his amazement in his voice. "I suppose we could call it an armorroach!" Saraa stroked the creature's back. "It is a 'she' and she is pregnant." ***** Celestibaby, as a Celestigod Baby, was awakening, sleepy still, but aware anyway as her mind reached out carefully explore the area. Thus she picked up the presence of the Seekars, off the mutageltants, of mutiradtants and other entities. She knew at once, easily, that some subtle factor linked her with all of the lifeforms there, some influence that had come from herself in the past but as yet she could define its true nature. Then there were the others...
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