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  1. Notes here under some possibly efficient order! SEEKATEAM Seekaplayers WOMEN Sharry, Shendy, Shurly, Diana Sculder MEN Charles Le'Nerd, Gavag, Machomuch, Professor Sagesmart, Rattanboy, Francis Foxulder ANIMAL CYBORGS Amphibioto, Gunclawdus, Wingfastus ROBOTS Robogirlie, MrCarryon, Trieyebot ELEMENTALS Airius, Fireini, Earthus, Electria, Waterari ANDROIDS Gunslingerjo, DocSmith, TechiSue, Junglejane, Sherlockmar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seekaservers WOMEN Shimmy, Shorey ANIMAL CYBORGS K9herois, Stanley ROBOTS Batmanbot, See3pio Seekaguards Seekafollowers Seekafans ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powertech Order as an aspect of the OrderhoodDC. - Brothers of Powertech - Sisters of Powertech Misfits of Powertech Mutants of Powertech Outcasts of Powertech Robots of Powertech (advanced smart robots) Greentech Order Industritech Order Steyletech Order (Smart Steel With Magnabots, Microbots and Nanobots). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSDC, Crime SyndicatesDC Syndicates Council DC - Assassins - Mercenaries (military) - Paramercenaries (paramilitary-security) - Slavers - Smugglers - Corruptors - Thieves - Spies - Miscellaneous Reregulators DC U6N, United Six Nations of the Leaderon Family Kingdom of King Joe Queendom of Queen Nancy Commonwealth of Prime Minister Pattie Republic of President Dennis Collective of Premier Karl Commune of Hippy Guru Sandy Also Neutral Zone of Guardian Bruce United Settlements Union DC, the USUDC (the name was meant to heavily emphasis the need for true unification). - Minuteman Service, of the USUDC. being a militia service with a regular core surrounded by part time irregulars and more casual volunteers. Often ended up helping to deal with emergencies such as fires, floods, cats up in trees, radroach infestations, assisting USUDC law enforcers and lonely widows. - Law Network of the USUDC as sheriffs, marshals, rangers etc. USUDC Settlements Cratertown Fivetowertown Greyburg Railtown Rivercity Shipscity Subwaytown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teknacorp (Tekna Corporation) Both in and outside of DC! Teknasites -Teknabunkers (military oriented) -Teknacomplexes (see also Teknaplexes) --Teknahabitats ---Teknahomes --Techvaults -Techshelters (civil oriented) - Techshelter001DC (Display Visitors Museum Techshelter liked to Techvault001C) Beyond DC!? NEC, New English Commonwealth TriquaInstitute Futuretopia Corporation Ghoulash Empire NRU, New Republics Union. NCR, New Calibraskan Republic NVR, New Virginian Republic Others!?
  2. I'd really like to see a mod add some of the less popular but still very interesting weapons. Some examples of the type of weapons I'd like to see are: -The HS Produkt VHS http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/HS_Produkt_VHS -The Izhmash PP-19 Bizon http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Izhmash_PP-19_Bizon -The Gepard GM6 Lynx http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Gepard_GM6_Lynx#Gepard_GM6_Lynx -The Desert Tactical Arms Hard Target Interdiction (HTI) http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Desert_Tactical_Arms_Stealth_Recon_Scout#Hard_Target_Interdiction_.28HTI.29
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