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  1. I have an exciting and unique idea for a mod inspired by revisiting the first Ice Age movie and exploring the ice caves of Skyrim. Here's the concept: a mod that introduces steep ice tunnel slides to existing ice dungeons or incorporates them into new dungeon designs. Players would have the opportunity to navigate these ice tunnels by interacting with them, triggering a fast and thrilling animation of sliding down narrow ice passages. Additionally, these slides could serve as convenient shortcuts, allowing players to swiftly return to the dungeon entrance once they've completed their exploration. While I lack the expertise to create mods myself, I'm curious about the feasibility of realizing this idea. I recently came across the Animated Trevesol Framework mod, which enables player characters to navigate through tight spaces in dungeons. I wonder if a similar approach could be employed to develop this ice tunnel mod. I'm excited about the potential of this concept and hope it garners interest from skilled modders who could bring it to life in the Skyrim modding community. Thank you for considering my idea!
  2. [0] Preliminary Background Notes [0.0][0000] Celestial Wanderer 13, CW13+ of: DocHoliday and 13 NurseHolidays RedWidow and 13 RedWidowers BlackWidower and 13 BlackWidows JungleJane and 13 JungleJills TechiDJ and 13 Techicadets KimPoss and 13 KimProbs ProffClever and 13 ScholarClevers SharpshotJoe and 13 SharpshotJacks CaptainHeroic and 13 SoldierHeroics TinkerJess and 13 TinkerJills AbleAdam and 13 AbleEves CasperGhoul and 13 CasperGhosts MachoManly and 13 MachoMannets -15+ Priders from Pride Citadel -15+ Ninjamans from Chinapan along with followers, minions and animals. -15+ Reregulators from Texanama along with followers, minions and animals. -15+Andromans from Androidia along with followers, minions and synthetic animals. -15+ Technomages from Futurepolis along with followers, minions and cyborg animals. -15+ Coreleaders from Corecity along with followers, minions and animals. -15+ Corecarers from Corecity along with followers, minions and animals. -15+ Coreservers from Corecity along with followers, minions and animals. -15+ Coresupporters from Corecity along with followers, minions and animals. -15+ Watchiers from Futurepolis along with followers, minions and animals. -15+ Spiers from Futurepolis along with followers, minions and animals. -15+ Guardiers along with followers, minions and animals. -15+ Workiers (blue collar workers) along with followers, minions and animals. -15+ Serviers (white collar workers) along with followers, minions and animals. -15+ Specialliers (miscellaneous specialists) along with followers, minions and animals. -15+ Troopiers (military) along with followers, minions and animals. Supercontinent of Centralasia Damaged, Reduced, Predoomsday Civilizations!? --United States of Columbia, USC --New Southern Confederacy, NSC --New Britain Commonwealth, NBC --NewSoviet Union, NSN --Etc to come New Civilizations!? --RepublicDC, RDC --Caesar's Dynastic Empire, CDE --New Hope Republic, NHR --Union of Settlements DC, USDC --Combined Enclavens of Enclaves, CEE --Etc to come FactionsDC (Domain of Columbia) -MultiOrderhood ---Pride Orderhood ---Steeyzn Orderhood ---Compassionate Orderhood ---Techtronic Orderhood ---Miscellaneous Orderhood -SyndicatesDC -GuildsDC -Technaplexes, Techna Complexes -Generic Factions ---Raiders, gangers, marauders, cannibals, ghoulers etc. ---Settlers, traders, tribals, scavengers etc. -Etc Features -Power Armour -Slippipeguns -Robots -Androids -Mutants -Ghouls -Cyborgs -Atomic Machines -Domes -Vending Machines -Comics -Smartmaterials -Conspiracies -Mysteries -Everyday Practical Pragmatic Prosaic -Etc. -SP15+ ---Shesh, Sharl, Shont ---Sabaa, Sabae, Sabai, Sabao, Sabau ---Samaa, Samae, Samai, Samao, Samau ---Saraa Sarae Sarai Sarao Sarau
  3. Welcome to Existential Alchemy! This thread is the current base of operations where I will post changes and offer discussion for the overhaul of the alchemy system. I am currently working on a satisfactory beta to give to the community, but for now it's in alpha as I am still in the process of analyzing the basics. Until the basics are solid, I will refrain from attempting more advanced features. If you wish to contribute and help, please message me or post something in this thread! (at the mercy of moderators.) My ears are open to suggestion and my heart is open to acceptance. Before I begin, let me give a brief rundown of what to expect from this mod and terminology... EXPECT This mod is an Alchemy Overhaul. This mod aims to be bug free and minimally scripted. (No problems so far.) This mod includes the rearrangement of vanilla alchemy and the inclusion of new alchemical concepts for balance. This mod includes new material by manipulating vanilla and custom material. (Work in Progress.) This mod includes changes to Vendors and Spawns for new ingredients. (Work in Progress.) This mod provides additional lore to Skyrim with new books and vendors, containing lore friendly tales relevant to vanilla and neo-alchemy referenced by the mod. This mod includes new effects and potions for more dynamic game play as an Alchemist. (Work in Progress.) This mod is balanced between 3 kinds of Alchemists: Novice/Talented/Master. (Work in Progress.) This mod includes toggle mode for potion making (VERY MUCH a work in progress, I'm still trying to figure out how to do it.) This mod includes diverse tasting effects. (Inconsequential and a work in progress.) This mod makes changes to the Alchemy perk tree. (work in progress.) This mod have a stratified model assignment for crafted potions and poisons. (Work in progress, not sure how to start.) TERMINOLOGY Effects = A unique magical property assigned as one of four features of an Ingredient. Magnitude = The specific power of a specific effect Properties = Reference to ingredients by purpose (healing vs poisonous) Pure effects = The combination of two ingredients with 1 effect. Combination Effects = The combination of 2 or more ingredients with more than 1 effect. Population of Effects = The number of effects of one kind available. Nerf = Reduction for balance. Buff = Addition for balance. Tricks = Concoctions with poisonous and restorative properties. (Damage Magicka Regen, Damage Magicka, Invisibility.) Stratified Assignment = Organization by magnitude, grouped properties of similar effects and magnitudes. DMR/DSR = Damage Magicka Regen, Damage Stamina Regen Time = Seconds/minutes Power = Scale, magnitude Price = value of ingredient property Preface I come before the nexus forums to humbly ask for guidance in making this modification to the game. I want to have a good first step if anything, to be efficient. If you want to see my imagination come to fruition or include your own imagination, I recommend you trade your hesitation for haste and contact me with your intrigue. I love alchemy, I am passionate for the game play including alchemy. I usually play as characters utilizing a lot of alchemy and I am very intimate with the vanilla alchemy system. The mods I used previously to provide the kind of balance I was looking for were: Brew a better potion, mini potion mod, Vinis Polished Alchemy Tree, and Skyrim Extended Potions. However, That's four mods for one system and I had to overlook the chaos from the four of them trying to work together. I've tried other alchemy overhauls already available, but I had several problems with them: Too many changes to vanilla alchemy, new overpowered potions, too many new effects, too many changes to user interface and alchemy system, portable alchemy kits? (not lore friendly and overpowered.) Too many changes to other aspects of game play (outside the scope: wacky.) Understanding Vanilla Alchemy for the elegance and insensitivity contained. Allow me to provide some disillusionment about alchemy.... 1. Is Alchemy is overpowered in vanilla? Yes, because you can level up very fast. No because that's all you can do with it: level up fast. And cry when you run out of River Betty. 2. I think vanilla alchemy got it wrong: Shouldn't all potions and poisons be leveled so my inventory isn't so cluttered?!!! (-victim of OCD.) A good alchemist shouldn't have a cluttered inventory. If you know what you're doing, you wont end up with an ordinal set of poisons and potions when you reach a higher alchemy level. Vanilla got it right. 3. Why does Vanilla assign the same bottle to every single potion and poison you make? I don't know, that's one of my pet peeves and I'm trying to find an alternative model assignment for that. 4. Is it weird for damage magicka regen to be so prevalent? Yes and no. Judging by the flora, Skyrim is not a nice place for mages, considering Damage Magicka Regen is one of the most populated effects. However, I do play to rearrange some damage magicka regen properties on some ingredients that have no business lowering the magicka regen rate of any creature and assigning more lore friendly properties to them. Yes, some of the vanilla ingredients are not lore friendly because Damage Magicka Regen is that one potion you brew a lot of to get rich quick. This is a huge issue because it's like the entire alchemy system is based around the effectiveness of DMR. I would rather base the system around Health Potions, since those are the most valuable and sought after items for everyone, where as DMR is just a get rich quick scheme for casual gamers. 5. So how are you going to balance an Alchemy system with hundreds of different effects and magnitudes?!! I'm going to centralize around several concepts. A. Mountain flowers will be my reference for comparison. B. Rarity equals Power. C. Combinations will reflect inherent effects (Damage health nerf for resist poison ingredients.) D. Intuitive changes for Harmony of pricing/population/power/rarity/properties/usefulness. E. Base potion effectiveness around Restore Health. (Concept that alchemy is the essence of life, the Conduit for magic and strength (stamina) F. Edit effects and magical properties one by one and spend a lot of time analyzing. G. Use previous Elder Scrolls Lore for Guidance. H. Help. (?!) From the community. Maturation of the Alchemist To give you an understanding of the Alchemy in way that is still akin to vanilla in a more elegant fashion, let us define and outline what is/is not an alchemist at various stages in the game. What is a Novice Alchemist? Level 10-30 in Alchemy. Almost all ingredients are a mystery to you. You have not encountered every ingredient and you have not experienced every effect. You hardly ever use poisons. Your inventory is cluttered. (As it should be, you are a novice alchemist.) You are usually low on useful potions. You collect every ingredient you can find to raise your alchemy. (This is balanced and the more ingredients you have = the more experience in alchemy you receive) Your potion/poison crafting is more of a supplementation to your skill set rather than a defining factor. (for example, 10 poison is assistance, 100 poison is assassination.) You SHOULD be poor, but not broke. (this is one of the things I'm trying to balance.) No snake-blood. You make simple potions for simple purposes. Experimentation not useful to you because you need to make potions with ingredients for skill. What is a Talented Alchemist? Level 40-70 in Alchemy. You've encountered almost everything out there and can take a gander at what effects new ingredients have. You use poisons occasionally to give you an edge in combat. Your inventory is less cluttered. (Restoration potions will not clutter your inventory but various poisons and tonics will.) You always seem to have one or more useful potions left over. You tend to avoid lesser ingredients when collecting but still grab a few reagents to experiment with newer ingredients. Your poison/potion crafting is useful as a skill and can assist you in combat, but it is still not a defining factor. You should have quite a bit of money. *enough to afford a house* You are trying to get snake-blood. You make more advanced potions, but they are still rather simple. Experimentation is becoming quite useful for you so you can make advanced tonics with more complicated effects. What is a Master Alchemist? Level 80+ You know almost everything about the ingredients of Tamriel. New ingredients excite you. You use poisons all the time. Your inventory is streamlined. (Nothing clutters your inventory and you always have what you want. You always got a potion/poison for the job. You only grab the ingredients you need for your next batch of potions poisons. Your poison/potion crafting defines you in combat and outside of combat. Poisons are lethal and potions are strong. You're rich from publicity and mercantile trade. You have snake-blood. Advanced and complex potions and poisons. Experimentation is useful for using ingredients on the fly and testing new ingredients to maximize available ingredient inventory. Detailed outline of Modifications ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modification of Vanilla Ingredients. Rearrangement of Vanilla pricing/EXP/magnitude/properties/effects/rarity. Focusing mainly on Restorative potions and Poisons. Fortifications and Alterations will be less tampered with. The goal is native harmony with lore friendly expectations. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Changes to Perk Tree Tree will maintain it's vanilla nature, new additions will be extensions of the current existing perk tree. These extensions will accommodate any new features. Purity is the exception, since Purity is a perk that doesn't quite fit in with the concept of alchemy. I find it hard to believe you want purity after all the work you put into experimentation. That just takes the fun out of making interesting potions. But I will leave a purity version there for those who want it, just in case. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Diverse Tasting Effects Aside from the grunt or circle of light that comes from tasting a poisonous or helpful ingredient, I would like to include more effects for different ingredients. This modification is purely for entertainment and should not have consequences. It might be intertwined with changes to experimentation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The complete inclusion or determination of possible new baseline effects will mark the first beta. Once the New baseline effects and balance is completed, Existential Alchemy 1.00 will be released. Inclusion of New Effects Spectral (Appear Spectral) Works Revive (Resurrect) WIP Atrophy (Crippling Effect) Not working Correctly Doom (Eventual Fatalities)Works perfectly Cleanse (Repellant for %leveled undead) Works Great Combustion (Offensive weapon coating against Undead and Vampires) Works but needs tweaking Coolant (Ice Flesh, elemental resistances) Works but needs testing. Adrenaline (short, slow time effect)Works but only on self (haha) Illumination (nightvision) Works Cure Poison : Works ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Transformations Monster Transformations through alchemical means. Concept very much a work in progress. Ideas include variation from Werewolf to Mr. Hyde. Choices will be given to the character to choose one or the other, though. Monster variations may also differ in Monster power, duration, and appearance. Consequences for transformations will be given for balance, lore friendly penalties and so on. Variations of monsters may include... ~~~~ Werewolf\Werebear\Werecat Abomination (Resembling human) Size Alteration (Shrink Potion or Grow Potion) Turn Zombie (poison to turn someone into a zombie.) Takes time. (?) ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Augmentations Permanent Alterations made by the character. Inclusion of alchemical rituals required to acquire augmentations. Augmentations are permanent powers displayed inherently or in physicalities. Augmentations come permanent at a permanent price for balance and lore. For the record, I presume anything altered or in the effect of alchemy to be within the scope of alchemy and this mod. However, steps will be taken to ensure anything seemingly outside the scope is brought back within the scope of alchemy. ~~~~ Electric/Fire/Frost Flesh Acquisition (Similar to Frost/Storm/Flame Cloak, but the effects display and sound will correspond with something more elegant befitting the skin. Open Briar-Heart Surgery (Embodiment of the Great Magical Power of Briar-Hearts. Physicality includes briar heart physicality. ) Magicka/Stamina Core (Trade one Trait for another more buffed trait.) Potion Amplifier (Physical appearance augmentation, potions now distributed (pretend they are) intravenous and are more effective.) Venomous (Drink poisons for health instead of potions. Role Playing possibilities and game play changes with health. Concept still a work in progress.) ~~~~ Experimental Concepts. (I don't want to have too many effects, so I'm sorting ideas under consideration.) ~~~~ Ethereal Embrace (Develop Spriggan type properties, nature powers.) Dark Embrace (Daedric blessings and transformations) Divine Embrace (Priest powers, ability to bless, unable to benefit from unholy powers.) Detect Life vision Bladed Hands ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Ingredients for new effects and some old effects. ~~~~ Hist sap Werewolf Hearts Bugs endogenous from mushrooms Silver Dust Oak wood Roots from Plants Eyes from Creatures Toes from Trolls New Bugs Tree Saps Dragons Blood Seeds Grounded materials ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stratified Potions Model assignment The concept is assigning poison/poisons to an appropriate model of effect with that potion or poison. For example, if you craft an Invisibility potion, you should procure it in a white bottle of sorts. If you craft a weak poison, it should appear in a large bottle (less is more). If you craft a deadly poison, it should be in a small bottle. If you craft a powerful health potion, big bottle. (more is more) Weak potion, small bottle. Crafted fear, frenzy, Paralyze and fortifications should correspond to their respective colors. (Black, Purple, Dark Red, Dark Green, Dark Blue, Yellow. Gray.) The assignment goal is to be stratified, meaning it is assigned on order of magnitude that I will set for balance. For example, I might set the magnitude to 20, so every twenty points of damage added to a poison will reflect the kind of model that shows up when you make that poison. This is an aesthetic modification, but I feel like it is important because you should have the same model appear for every single potion you make. If anything I will try to enhance the vanilla system of model assignment to be appealing to the minimum if I am unable to do what I originally set out to accomplish. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MCM menu modulation and adjustments The inclusion of an MCM menu is to facilitate another set of features called batch mode and dose mode. The feature will be on toggle in the menu. Batch mode is the default vanilla way of making potions. Dose mode is a detailed approach to making concoctions by the dose. Dose mode will include naming potions, modulation of ingredient powers and effects. (For example, trading one to greatly amplify another.) and it's own unlockable perks. This feature is very much a work in progress concept wise and implementation wise. I don't know how I'll do it, but I'll give it my best shot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Additional First Person Dialogue and changes This alteration is not meant to interfere with those preexisting "first person messages" mods, but to expand or explore alchemy in first person. For example, when tasting ingredients, the HUD will appear with a more personal response rather than "Discovered Weakness to shock from Giant Lichen" to "Shocking flavor from Giant Lichen" or "Feeling sick from tasting" or when lingering damage health is a first effect, "Feeling dizzy from tasting." This feature is for immersion and lore and will not impact game play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change log ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The change log numbers function as follows: Second number after decimal indicates number of completed features Third Number after Decimal indicates version number of featured stack of changes Any numbers after the third number indicative of a feature version number larger than 9. First Number before decimal indicates Beta version of Completed features. Second number before decimal indicates Official Release of completed features after beta is complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.01 Birth Modification Made intuitive changes to poisonous effects on all ingredients 0.11 Made Intuitive changes to every effect (some effects and ingredients untouched.) 0.12 Nerfed DMR Nerfed Slow Reassigned one effect to Alteration Reassigned one effect to Two-Handed Assigned new effect "Cleanse" to 4 ingredients Assigned new effect "Adrenaline" to 4 ingredients Assigned new effect "Spectralis" to 2 ingredients Assigned DMR to Luna Moth Wing over Regenerate health. Nerfed damage magicka poisons 0.13 Nerfed DMR some more Nerfed Slow some more Nerfed Adrenaline 1 time Nerfed Cleanse by 1 power Effect "spectralis" changed to "Spectral" Wrote Lore friendly skill book on Alchemy, The Unlucky and the Undead. Available at Merchants and Dark Water Crossing. 0.14 Created new ingredient Hist Sap. Should be available at Vendors. Nerfed DMR again... Nerfed Slow again... Edited Typos in The Unlucky and the Undead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: If you're reading this, it's because I have NOT posted this mod on Skyrim Nexus yet. It is still very much a work in progress and I don't want to release it to the public until I have a stable version containing a few advanced features. However, I could use some help theory crafting and getting some features rolling earlier. If anybody has any idea on how to execute some of the features I mentioned that have not already been implemented by myself, please contact me. I'm also looking for 3D model artists for the new ingredients and effects. There is no obligation to work endless hours, but if you want to contribute a flower or seed or whatever you come up with, I'm more than welcoming of that and will include your assistance in logs and credits!
  4. I find myself often saying "I wish there were a mod for that". so I'm pleading with mod-makers to think about these. idk if any of these may already exist, but these are a few thoughts i had for mods that could make things fun! if there are mods like these floating around please let me know. Thank you! 1. Different weapons that are added to the game, with special power moves, that might use a new "forest magic" mana bar. 2. Mods that are designed for a group to play the game competitively. Mainly a farm map with separate feilds for players to be "neighbors", with multiple exit paths near each house instead of just the host player having the advantage. This could also be done by Placing the exit paths in between each players territory... There could be other mods that support competitive multiplayer games as well to help keep a fair balance, Such as changing the traveling merchant, completing bundles, Or possibly creating a point system that actually keeps score on certain goals throughout the game. 3. Increase the speed of the Junimos working. it drives me crazy how slowly they harvest crops, they take so long that sometimes they can't even harvest everything within the huts range before they have to call it a day. 4. Make the Trains a lot more worth while. Not much else to say about that. 5. Add a radio that can be carried and play music that follows the player, similar to the jukebox playing music. Maybe create a radio station just outside of town, with a DJ that gives away prizes to lucky callers who can answer questions about the world. 6. A Detective NPC who comes to town to investigate a missing something. after you find the item for him, he becomes a quest giver for all kinds of unsolved mysteries around stardew valley. 7. Meet the train conductor, and then be able to actually use the train station as a way to travel to a new area far away, just like paying to use the bus or boat. (maybe where radio station is?) 8. introduce some new monsters, and boss monsters that drop very rare and valuable items. some monsters could drop a little coin money too. that'd be nice. 9. Create a Local Talent show as a festival. with judges from the city, and multiple villagers can show off their individual talents or hobbies to win a prize. you can also compete. just a thought, but when you reach level ten in a skill, you are then able to craft a special item to present as your talent. Each skill has its own special display item. 10. make the alter of Yoba do something. it seems like it could be made to have an effect or change to the town, just like the other alters in the game. you could make an offering and it might cause different effects depending on what item you put into it. Anyway, please consider these thoughts as potential mods for the future. Keep being awesome you guys!
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