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  1. I'd love a mod where you can basically float around and use laser eyes to blow things up. Throw in some tight spandex superhero suits and some super hero poses. Maybe even lightning hands to roleplay as Storm from Xmen or Palpatine even. Maybe take the Assaultron's face laser, make the beam smaller and make it fire from both eyes. I've seen a UFO mod that allows flying, just needs a super hero pose animation I guess. You could take the tesla rifle shooting animation, chain the animation to fire like a laser and make it fire from the hands. [input screeching about unlimited power here] Using the laser eyes would always splatter enemies to pieces and/or vaporize them to a pile of dust. Same for the lightning hands but the blue dust piles instead. Optional colored lasers? (green, white, red, blue, orange, etc) Bonus points if the aiming animation would make the eyes glow. Would be super cool if the capes would flap in the wind (but this is the create engine so that might be asking too much). Imagine a setting like Post apocalyptic Superman and Lois Lane (Piper) roleplay? It might not be Metropolis, but y'know with Piper being a news reporter and all. I don't want a mod that maxes out the SPECIAL stats, but instead leaves them for the player to make their own hero. Lore wise, this doesn't fit a whole lot into the world of Fallout 4. However.. There are comic book super heroes like The Unstoppables, so it wouldn't be too much off it's mark. And with all the radiation going around, Ghouls and Super Mutants aren't the weirdest thing that could happen. Although the flying would be a little OP when it comes to exploration. All in all, a Super Hero mod would fill a lot of players fantasies of either being the amazing hero good guy or the omnipotent god like blood thirsty piece of sh*t. As for inspiration I'd like to link to a video I found that inspired me to request this mod. These scenes might contain spoilers for those who haven't watched the shows or movies yet. I know this would most likely be a lot of work, but it feels possible with the methods I described. I know nothing about modding, so it's easy for me to say. But I'd love to hear thoughts and maybe other ideas on this.
  2. Basically I need a list of mods compatible with NMM, I just don't want to go through the hassle of setting up OBMM and Wyre Bash when I already have NMM ready.
  3. I once downloaded a weather mod, years ago, that I can't find and remember the title of. Hoping somebody can help me find it, or know how to make a new one - the mod made Skyrim weathers high fantasy, causing floating particles of light all over, and iirc made the sky Sovngarde's. I can't recall if it was regular Skyrim or SE, searched around in both for it for a while but came up empty. Can anyone recall that mod, and which weather it is in particular? To anyone wondering, I found it. It's called "Stardust" and it's for oldrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73053
  4. Pretty simple, if I can get some advice on how to accomplish it xD Just want to replace the items in the Legendary Chests with 12 of the Royal Arms from Final Fantasy XV; Specifically the following: Sword of the Wise Axe of the Conqueror Bow of the Clever Swords of the Wanderer Blade of the Mystic Star of the Rogue Sword of the Tall Shield of the Just Mace of the Fierce Scepter of the Pious Katana of the Warrior Trident of the Oracle As well as replacing one of the items with a copy of Poseidon's Crown (named The Lucian Crown & it will appear in all cutscenes), another item with the top part of the Kingly Raiment Outfit, another item with the bottom part of the Kingly Raiment Outfit, and the last item with the shoes of the Kingly Raiment Outfit. These will need to be able to be worn by Kassandra. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hello, No one else thought of doing Nordic runes or braids in the beard for male V? I believe we could come up with a cool concept for futuristic lights and metals in beards. However, I am not artistic at all. I would need help to make this. Do you require donation? Help in anyway? Please let me know. I think a lot of people would enjoy this little mod to make them look like a futuristic child of the mountain. -Blainman
  6. With the Wheel of Time fantasy series tv adaptation coming in November, I was always wondering if there is any Witcher wheel of time fans and if there is already any wheel of time related mods to the Witcher 3?
  7. Hey all, I've started working on some texture mods and am getting tired of having to restart the game to check the changes. There used to be a FFXViewer but all links I find are dead. I imagine it'd be much easier to load up one of the models and re-apply the textures in an app like that. Does anyone know how to do that or know of a way to force texture reload in game? I'm good with editing but not so the technical stuff. Please and thanks.
  8. High Fantasy Skyrim Overhaul Explanation Through my many years of modding Skyrim, making mods, and bringing ideas to the table for the modding community, I have finally came up with my most pristine idea. I would like to form a team of modder's to create the ultimate fantasy overhaul. "But, there are plenty of mods that turn Skyrim more fantasy like?" Well my friend, my vision for this overhaul will not be anything like you have seen on the Nexus, or anywhere else. I will try to explain this in a more simple way, and go into further detail later. Imagine walking on a polished white stone path in the middle of a forest, making your way to wherever your W key takes you. Then, you exit the forest, and you see the most magnificent kingdom in the distance, an absolute marvelous exploding-ly beautiful white castle glowing with a turquoise aura, surrounded by the most greenest grass and beautiful flowers, seeing citizens farming and talking with one another. Your eyes open wide, and you run as fast as you can through the wind to make it to this kingdom. As you run, you can see the paths are beautiful, and so polished, like the one you were just on. The trees in the distance are purely sakura trees, as they stick out, shine, and make your mouth fall open. The pink petals fall off the tree, gliding in the wind, brushing against your character, and falling to the ground. The excitement is unreal, everything is so beautiful! You cannot imagine what must be inside this beautiful kingdom ahead of you. Then, you finally make it. And man oh man, you can't get that smirk off your face. The steps to get to the front gate shine with white granite, and the soldiers greet you with respect, as they know how to really treat the dragon born. You feel ecstatic! The gate that stands so beautifully in front of you is decorated with gold designs, shivering through the large walls of the castle. You walk up to the door, and that's when it hits you. Everything.. comes together.. The little text says "Enter Whiterun" You say to yourself: "This.. This is Whiterun?" That is when your breath is truly taken, and not just the text in the mod description saying it will take your breath away, no. Your breath truly exhales out of your mouth, and your skin gets chills, and the goosebumps rise. When you enter the gate, and make it to the other side... Well, that's a whole other type of breath taking experience. That. That is what I want to create. The most exponential beautiful Skyrim overhaul, not only for the buildings and paths, but for the trees, the grass, the ground, the mountains, the water, the NPC's, the weapons, the armor, the enemies, dungeons, clothing, magic, and EVERYTHING that will make the player feel that they are in a polished, clean, and high fantasy world... This may sound unrealistic to some, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen. I want this, and I know a lot of others do too. What Inspired The Idea For This I have played Skyrim for 3 years now. I've downloaded thousands of mods, and have completely changed my Skyrim from what it was in vanilla. Yet... I still picture something more than what there is, or what I have. When I walk across the lands of Skyrim, I want to feel like a knight covered in purely white bad-ass armor, racing on the ground with my pure white steed. I want my sword to be absolutely holy and amazing, something straight out of a fairy tale. But what truly inspired this idea, is just seeing how dirty Skyrim is. I have grown tired of seeing the dirt and bland looking textures in the land. Everything is just so... Messy. I get that that's the way the game is supposed to be. The people in Skyrim live hard lives, the roads are made of rock paths and the houses made of worn down wood. I don't want that anymore. I want to feel like I'm in a movie, like the Elvish Kingdom in Lord Of The Rings. That place is breath taking! And not to mention how beautiful their clothes and armor are! Originally, the idea of this project wasn't taken from LOTR or anything else, just simply my mind begging for what it want's. But, through extensive research, I found the Elvish people / Kingdom is exactly what I'm looking for. I absolutely love the lore, look, and feeling of Skyrim. I really do. I just simply want to polish basically everything up, overhaul everything important, make it all fantasy, and bring a whole new atmosphere to the game. And I hope you do too. Where To Start I am reaching out to the modders who are dedicated, talented, and have past experience dealing with these types of things. We will start out forming a team, whether it be a large or small one. We will all discuss our ideas, share our thoughts, and bring new things to the table. Along the way, people can join in. The more people, the bigger and better our mod will be. We can skype, call, or just simply message each other. The rest will form together naturally from there. If you share the same wants, desires, and ideas as I do, please join me in this journey of creating the ultimate Skyrim High Fantasy Overhaul. ____________________________ I will provide some links of pictures so you can get the full idea of what I imagine. If you have read this far, thank you, and please consider what we can create. http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070719215456/lotr/images/8/81/Mithlondwide.jpg http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/2/1488/vlcsnap-2013-03-03-22h09m41s64.png https://www.wired.com/images_blogs/underwire/2012/12/Hobbit_Elfin_vista_660.jpg http://cdn.coresites.factorymedia.com/whitelines_new/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/lord-of-the-rings.jpg http://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1204/Kyonin_elf_town_1257234-1_1299443.jpg https://bplusmovieblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-fellowship-of-the-ring-900.png?w=590 http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131028115254/lucerne/images/a/a3/New_Avalon.jpg http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/a/ae/Blue_Mountains.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090906033914 http://www.allthetests.com/quiz32/picture/pic_1441984807_9.jpg?1441985736 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/1/11/Gondolin.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070407072723 https://projectedrealities.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/0e6c9d33-1658-4f7d-9a8d-980e1ac9562f_hobbit-trailer-15.jpg http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/4/4f/Roturn_King-Minas_Tirith.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100114191137 http://litcult.ru/u/dd/lyrics/36878/foto.jpg DISCLAIMERI am not trying to recreate or steal anything from Lord of the Rings, or The Hobbit. The links provided above are simply just to give you an idea to set in your mind what I picture in mine.
  9. Would it be possible to tweak circlets or similar headgear into upper half of the face masks, much like DC's Katana or say masquerade mask types? All there is on the skyrim nexus are the generic face masks that cover the mouth and nose area; one that would cover the forehead and eyes only would be nice for a vigilante playthrough or something. DC's Katana Mask: http://screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Suicide-Squad-Trailer-Katana-Sword-Souls.jpg
  10. Hi, if its possible would someone be able to make a full mod where it replaces all the Stormcloak armor into variants of the grounders armor from the TV show "The 100". I think it would serve well as the Stormcloaks are often referred to as savages or barbarians so make em look badass like the grounders do, thanks! If someone could please see this mod through I would consider it a personal favour, thank you :smile:
  11. I just wanted to comment that what's wrong with a lot of the arguments for Skyrim survival mods is that they don't understand the literature. Conan, Elric and Aragorn do not rest between fights - at least not for long, and they don't get Skeever Dickrot from scratching themselves on twigs in the forest. They can run for - literally - days at a time. Skyrim's immersion problems come from the fact that nobody acknowledges that you are a demigod, not because you don't have a piss meter. In this game you literally play a reincarnated demigod, if not a god outright. You are the Eternal Champion of Moorcock trope, and this is a 'thing' in Elder Scrolls. Those people in Riften and working at Battleborn Farm are the people who have to build a fire to camp, who worry about getting lost, etc. Through supernatural hardihood, divine luck and plain eugenics you are a person who is so naturally superior that you can not make a place for yourself in the world and are constantly at war with it, this is like the point of your character; conquest, ravaging not merely particular enemies but whole social orders and ancient traditions fall before you. Your character isn't a nameless soldier, he's not even Alexander, he's Anomander Rake. Of course he's better than everyone at everything. Now, Skyrim being an engine and an open game I can see that people may prefer to play it as a survival and crafting game, or whatever. But that's because they're not playing the character that TES are supposed to be about, not a fault of the game engine. Indeed, I generally find many of these so tedious that I question if real people (with stuff like spatial sense and rumble in their gut) would have so much difficulty getting their shite together as these modded characters do, but that aside, it simply is not in genre for your character to actually be threatened by the sorts of trivial s*** that other people are. You are, literally, better than them. Also, a lot of the characters are not even human - like half the races - what do you know about elf eating habits? If they're anything like mythical Sidhe/Oni, etc. they probably are made more of magic than not, and I've never heard of an elf with frostbite - they are nature gods, the Vanir at least. In fact, if anything the game engine underplays the inhumanity of the Mer, which the lore is much more keen to emphasize. Aside from Appendix N literature, Indo-European and Babylonian mythology will tell you a lot more about the logic of TES than treating him like a frail, merely human thing. These guys are hardcore compared to vikings like vikings are compared to fat Swedish bankers. Most people today underestimate the hardihood and chutzpah of the ancients (who couldn't just give up and get a desk job when things got hard), much less the mythological ideal of the Warrior/Mage who occupies so much of the literature of the ancients. There is a whole cycle of post-Vedic literature covering a mage who enslaves a race of demons, a man who is chopped to pieces and survives; Gilgamesh bodyslammed an ogre the size of a freakin' mountain. 'Realistic needs' are inaccurate to such a being, personally I'd prefer 'realistic responses to your being an invulnerable demigod who tosses off magical artifacts for practice'. Is your character an unstoppable badass? Well, that's how it's supposed to be. Even the part where you go nuts and kill your allies for trivial reasons is in-character. Herakles, Rustem, etc. it's even got a term in the literature 'the sins of the warrior'. You put up with the murderous Pelinel Whitestrakes because they're your only hope when slaying dragons and, also, because they will eat you alive if you annoy them.
  12. so i tried to make a mod for the first time today. to summarise how it went, i started trying to change stats on the fox race realized i needed to make a new race file to change the base stats, and then all the actors turned invisible. in light of that ive realised i may need some help. the basic idea of the mode is to include, at least, the iconic final fantasy summons in a quest to obtain them as conjuration spells. there would be tiers of power/usefulness for the summons that would be as follows. tier 1: carbuncle; fenrir; siren tier 2: shiva; ifrit; ramuh tier 3: leviathan; titan; garuda(not paricularly iconic but its the only wind one with similiar strength to the other two that i know of) tier 4: odin; phoenix; bahamut (i would put alexander but it seems like he would be far too much work.) eventually others could be included like diablo, anima, maduin, etc but for now i figured id mention the bare minimum of what i hope to accomplish. the quest would give you carbuncle at the start of it to give you a starting point and task you with defeating the others in combat to procure the right to summon them. doesnt have to be a quest, there could be just books hinting at their location. that seems more final fantasyey. if anyone want to get in contact with me to maybe answer some questions i have or maybe collaborate on it and make it a joinproject kind of thing thatd be great or if any far more talented modder wanted to take over the project and just let me help here and there on what i can thatd be awesome also.
  13. Originally part 1 was written for Skryim Romance readers as a fanfic and then Part 2 was requested by someone here on Nexus. I am going ahead and linking my fanfiction posts at my blog, for anyone else interested in a little romance or fanfic or happen to enjoy that mod. In the future I will post more fantasy fiction, whether based on Skryim or not. Anyway, Enjoy or at least try to. ;) https://wordpress.com/stats/post/2/samsaranights.wordpress.com
  14. I was writing a story, but since I got stuck I thought: maybe now is a good time to see if I can get some feedback. If you feel like, you could give feedback on: - language (English is not my native language) - storyline - tension building - music (I am not a music expert :tongue:) - characters - anything else really.... In short: It is a fantasy story about a conductor who lives in a culture where music is used as a weapon. Of course, there are some battles and a war, but I am still working on those... A couple of questions: What instrument (fictional or real) would you think to be a good weapon? What kind of enemies could you imagine would face a music-making army? What would you do if you lived in this world? Part 1: It was the year thousand-sixty-three, of the fourteenth era. A year that would not be lightly forgotten. Jorh is resting in his tent. He never drifts off asleep, although he tries. The sound of people walking outside, whispering to each other, keeps him awake. He can not understand what the voices say. He can not recognize them either. He spoke to most of the musicians, so these are almost certainly other people. The beds are of no help either. They are hard and filled with old straw. He pulls his woolen blanket far over his head in an attempt to shut out the sounds. Frath is sleeping with him in the same tent. His breathing is slow and his eyes are closed. Jorh's eyes wander off to his bag and belongings. His heart pounds faster. After tomorrow, he may never see them again. A gust of wind rushes through the camp. It makes the tent flap and slightly lifts Jorh's blanket. He shivers. What on earth was he doing here? In this cold and wet wasteland, among musicians and other people, almost none of which he knew very well. Of course, he started to know Frath, his fellow conductor, better after spending weeks with him in one tent, but still. As the first light of the upcoming sun shines through the fabric of the tent, Jorh decides he spent enough time in his bed. Slowly, he gets up. He stretches his back. All his bones hurt, but there will be barely any time for complaining. He picks up his thick cloak. It is not snowing yet, but here, the weather can change from sun to snow and hail in a matter of seconds. As he gets outside, he sees some people walking around. Some of them are feeding and grooming the horses, others are preparing breakfast on large fires. Jorh's tent was placed close to the tents holding the instruments. Merth, one of the only people he knew from his hometown, is standing guard at the entrance of the biggest of them. She holds her fist up as a greeting. ‘Slept well?’ she asks. Jorh shakes his head. ‘Not a minute.’ ‘In that case, I hope you are ready to lead the orchestra today. It always proved to be tough, but if you are not well rested, chances may be slim we make it through today.’ Jorh sighs. ‘We will see.' He walks to the large fire in their circle of tents. Two musicians are already eating. 'What do you think, sir? Will we succeed today?’ ‘We can only give our best. And I didn't travel for weeks without comfort to give up and lose at the very end.’ The two boys smile. They can't be older than 30 years. Probably just started playing music. Jorh picks up one of the baked breads and puts a slice of meat on it. ‘Deer, sir. Hunted it this morning.’ The cook smiles at him. He only nods and starts to eat. The Gihiir from the west side of the camp start coming as well. They agreed on helping with the moving and positioning of the instruments. They are a folk that is not so different from the Akashi to which Jorh belongs. The Akashi are slightly smaller and have a very white skin. Of most of them, their hair is also white. Only a small portion of their population has red hair, and brown or even black is very seldom. Their eyes are well adapted to the dark and they usually sleep at night and during the day. Their work-hours are at dawn and at dusk. The Gihiir are mainly people of the plains. They use big horses and sail-wagons as transportation. They have more muscle than the Akashi and a slightly darker skin. Some of them even have a scaly skin. This subgroup is the strongest of all of the folks and is said to know no fear, which is why they most of the time choose to join an army. The biggest difference between the Akashi and the Gihiir are their senses. While Gihiir have a strong eyesight for looking over the plains for prey, the Akashi have extremely well-developed ears. They hear broader ranges of sound than any creature known to people. This makes them excellent musicians. Jorh was a strange one in his home-town. His mother lived in the town her entire life, but his father came from the Silver Mountains. These mountains got their name from the silver hair of the Akashi that live there. Or at least so would some have you believe. Others say it's the rich silver-mines that no-one ever saw. His father told him it was the snow that gave the mountains their name. But whatever the reason might have been, Jorh's father was rich and had long silver-like hair. When Jorh was born, everyone almost instantly recognized he had even better ears than the best trained Akashi in town. At a young age, he could distinguish between every instrument and note in their whole orchestra at the same time. Their conductors would need years of training to reach the same level. It was then soon decided he would become a conductor as well. And now he was sitting here. In the early winter sunlight, under a furry cloak eating bread with deer-meat, waiting for the time he has to lead his orchestra. He would be the first to start today. Big and small instruments are moved by the strong Gihiir and placed precisely in the spots some Akashi show them. Some of them are so large that they require three big horses to tow them. More and more people wake up and eat or prepare for later this day. Many of the musicians already take their place or search for their instrument. They tune them very precisely. Everything has to be just right. By the time most of the musicians are sitting and tuning, Jorh gets up. He has to prepare now too. With a lump in his throat, he returns to his tent. He gets his plated armor from its stand. The light-weight metal feels yet heavy in his hands. As fast as he can, he puts in on, and then walks out of the tent. The sun is reflecting from the golden metal. Someone had it polished for him, but he can't remember her name. The members of the orchestra greet him as they see him. He gets his baton from his pocket. The piece of wood feels comfortably familiar in his hand. It gives him a bit more spirit to get started. Two large horns sound his arrival. This sound should be heard everywhere in the encampment. Those that weren't awake are now. Jorh raises his hands and gives the upbeat for his first piece of music in a very long time. It is surprising how people from all over the country can play music in such a collective way. Already after the first few notes, Jorh started to feel stronger. This piece was composed to bring courage to the listeners, while being hard to copy for anyone who wasn't a professional musician, as were most of the compositions. With rapid changes from three-four time and four-four time to five-four time and here and there even seven-four time, Akashi music was considered the most complex to be found. The horns and trumpets sound a lively, uplifting melody for those close enough. The strings in their turn calm the audience and give them the rest they need to think clearly about what's coming. The choir has the task of motivating everyone, whether they understand the ancient Akashi language or not. The words are hard to write down in the Latin alphabet, and are hard to translate into English. They are passed on from parent to child and from teacher to student. The most common translation given is the following: Another day has come To see the music have its rise Let mountains fall and walls shatter Let rivers dry up in our path The notes more pure than a winter's tale The sounds more clear than a spring's morning Another day has come To see the music have it's rise This translation does no proper right to the words that are actually used, however. Every person now stands around the musicians. Every Gihiir and every Akashi that is not playing. Determination is in all of their eyes. Now, the instruments work together to create a pounding melody that shakes the earth and moves the tents. The only thing to be heard is a rhythm. One that beats like a heart. Pounding ever faster and ending in a long note that takes every bit of breath of the wind-players. After the cut-off, all of the people shout in unison. They are ready for what is about to come. Frath sits on one of the big horses. He has a small group of musicians with him that carry enormous horns made of whole trees with them. Three of the large instruments that were pulled by three horses each stand behind them. Even the horses seem focused after the performance of Jorh and the orchestra. Even though Jorh knew the effect on people, he never knew it would work on animals as well. He salutes his fellow conductor as he rides away with his musicians. Jorh now walks towards the place where the wagons would be ready for him and the orchestra. Everyone takes his or her instrument with him on the wagon. The convoy is guarded by a group of elite Gihiir warriors. They all wear shiny silver armor with their weapon on the chest-plate. Two crossed, burning torches. Most of the other warriors wear armor that has been composed of many different types of armor. A lot of it doesn't even fit. The armor Jorh is wearing is of Gihiir making as well. It has been made to fit his house. A large cello adorns his chest-plate and it is golden rather than silver. In order to get such a type of armor, one would have to save a Gihiir warrior in a fight, even though not being a warrior yourself, or you should serve the king as a guard for at least a year. Buying any of these armors with money for your own use will make them useless in battle. Swords will swing through them just as easily as through butter. They can still be worn ornamentally. Jorh got his from a badly wounded soldier who was nearly drowning. He saved the soldier from the water, despite the risk of being discovered by the same scouts that shot the soldier in the first place. Now, this armor is his last line of defense, should the elite of the Gihiir fail. But if that were to happen, everything was lost. No armor could save you then. The first thing that made this day never to be forgotten, was the fact that the Gihiir and the Akashi were working so close together. Usually, the two folks were living separate lives. They even were a bit hostile towards each-other at times. But now, for the first time in history, people of both folks were walking and riding with one-another like they had no differences. This gathering of people had one very specific cause. Golor. Golor was a big man-like person. He is believed to be the only of his folk. His skin and eyes change colour as he gets into a different mood. He always lived silently in the High Mountains without causing trouble. He even sometimes helped people who tried to cross over the mountain-passes. Now, things have changed. For long, no-one came from the lands behind the high Mountains, until one day, a weary traveler made it to one of the small villages. It took him some days to recover and be able to tell his story. He was with a companionship of ten people. They tried to cross the High Mountains, as they were attacked by beings that looked like a crossbreed between reptiles, birds and people. The traveler only just managed to see that Golor was leading this army of creatures, before he stumbled away and fell down a cliff-slope. That was the thing that saved him, according to his story. But as he ran away, he saw thousands, if not more, of these creatures swarming the peaks of the mountains. Not long after, villages were raided. At night. No-one ever saw the enemy coming, no-one saw them going. Houses were burned, food and cattle was stolen and people died, although killing didn't seem to be their main interest. This went on, until one of the creatures got trapped underneath a falling tree. The creature died, and now one of the attackers could be seen. It had a large bird-like beak, but it had teeth as well. It's body looked man-like, but it was covered in short blue-green feathers. The arms looked like giant wings, with which the creatures could come and go unseen, through the air. The villages closest to the high Mountains were mainly Gihiir villages. As less and less save towns were left, they started seeking refuge in Akashi villages. They were not too keen on helping the refugees, but some of them accepted some Gihiir in their houses. In return they wanted the Gihiir to keep their houses and towns safe. For a while, this went rather well. The Akashi have better ears and could hear the creatures coming, while the Gihiir could not see them yet in the dark. With the Akashi sounding the alarm and the Gihiir fighting off the attackers, most villages were able to stand quite well against the creatures. However, this could not go on forever. That's when the leaders of the Akashi and the Gihiir gathered and decided to march on the High Mountains. This thread should be eliminated for good, and both folks would have to fight together. So here we are. Two armies marching together against the High Mountains. Today is the day of their first attack. They set camp near a small group of trees that was standing on the plains at the foot of the mountains. The small group of musicians that went with Frath has stopped a few miles before where Jorh was now with his orchestra. They are standing near the mountains. First, the horns are sounded. The tones can barely be heard by Gihiir ears. They are too low. They can be felt, however. The ground shakes as the short bursts from the horns pass by. Some small birds fly up from the trees on the mountainside. Then, the large instruments are prepared. The horses snort nervously. The horn-blowers climb the instruments. They are so large, that some stairs have been built around them so people can reach the blow-holes. The sounds these produce are so low, that even Akashi have trouble hearing them. They need three people to blow in the blow-holes simultaneously. The ground starts shaking vigorously and the Gihiir are having trouble keeping their horses from running away. While the horn-blowers keep blowing short bursts on the enormous horns, the instruments are moving closer and closer to the mountains. The sound waves are so powerful, that the trees in the distance start shaking and falling. When they get even closer, big boulders start falling down, causing landslides. These are the war-machines the Akashi use. It may come to no surprise that the use of music in Akashi villages is somewhat controversial. Music, sounds and instruments are commonly used in war as a weapon. Something not considered to be used in a town, and especially not indoors, except in very special locations. Most parents don't let their children play any instruments at ages younger than eighteen, even though it is not prohibited by law. From age twenty-five, people can be schooled in actual battle-music. This training takes long, and is most of the time not finished before they are forty years old. The tuning and the playing has to be perfect in order for music to be effective in battle. The war-horns that create avalanches and earth-quakes are delicate and precise instruments, despite their size. They take five years of hard work to create, and therefore only very skilled players are allowed to use them. They are the Akashi elite. By this time, the front of the mountain is a complete chaos. The landslides are barely visible behind a thick curtain of dust. Still, the war-horns are moving towards the mountain. Something is stirring behind the dust. Cries sound from afar. Nonhuman cries. A whole army of flying reptile people comes towards the war-horns. At the moment the Gihiir see them coming – long before the Akashi know what is coming – they gallop towards the war-horns. They have their longswords ready for attack. As the creatures swoop down to attack the war-horns, they meet the steel of the Gihiir. The musicians on the wagons grab their instruments as fast as they can. The all look towards Jorh. He shouts the name of one of their war-compositions to the orchestra. There are a few pieces every army-musician should know. The piece Jorh chose, is a piece that is meant for distracting the enemy. It has even faster changes than most other pieces and has some high-pitched sounds that people with normal hearing can't hear. The instruments have to be specially tuned to make it possible. This music would distract both friend and foe from battle, and thus, before the troops went to war, all the warriors were told to wear ear plugs. The effect of the high-pitched tones and dissonant notes has a greater effect on the reptile-men than expected. Some of them fall spontaneously out of the sky. Others bump into one-another in mid-air. It would seem to the outsider that this type of distracting music required no conductor, but it does. Even this piece of music has a melody and structure. As Jorh's baton slashes the air and the orchestra gives all it's got, the creatures start getting closer. The elite of the Gihiir grow restless. The perfectly hammered steel of their longswords glitters in the sunlight. Their horses snort and stamp with their hooves. Slashes fall behind Jorh. His heart starts beating faster. The enemy must be near now. The cries from the creatures appear to be above him. Then, in the corner of his eye, he sees Merth with a small goat's horn. She comes running towards the wagons, keeping an eye on the creatures above. Jorh and Merth make eye-contact and there is a small glance of a smile on Jorh's face, just before one of the creatures swoops down and smashes the leftmost wagon to pieces. There is terror on the faces of the youngest players. The older ones have seen more fierce battles than this one so far is. Jorh sees another creature preparing for an attack and cues Merth, who blows the goat's horn. A shrill sound comes forth. Much to Jorh's relieve, the creature tries to cover it's ears against the sound. It for a split-second forgets to fly and crashes to the ground where it is finished by one of the Gihiir. Then, everything happens at once. The musicians stop playing and look in terror. Battle-cries are all around the wagons, and then, Jorh feels a brute force coming from behind. The whole wagon is teared to splinters and Jorh is launched. He lands face-down on the grass with rubble of the wagon on top of him. He feels the weight of his baton still in his hand as he faints.
  15. Greetings, talented modders of The Nexus Forums. I come in peace. (lol jk) No seriously, I was just wondering if anyone knows what happened to the Fantasy Music Overhaul mod. It got removed recently I believe, 'cause I downloaded it like just a few months ago. And last year a special version called Fantasy Music Overhaul: Tropical Edition was removed as well. I used to have a copy of it on my system, but after my HDD died I lost it. Would anyone please be so kind to upload their copy to Mediafire (or any other file sharing site) and send me the link? I would be very grateful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDeT4_dLkH4 Fantasy Music Overhaul: Tropical Edition
  16. Greetings all! Let me just start off by saying thank you to anyone who shows enough interest to even check out this thread. Now, on to business. All of the items in this request have a very personal meaning to me, which is why I want them to become a mod so badly. The first two pieces are jewelry that has been a deeply personal image of mine since my high school days. For those familiar with the Final Fantasy series, particularly Final Fantasy VIII, will no doubt know the image of Griever, Squall's iconic Guardian Force and symbolic necklace/ring combo. Those two pieces have more meaning to me than a thread could do justice to. In 2003, Squaresoft and Enix merged to become SquareEnix, the company we know today. In commemoration of that merge the company released a redesigned version of the Griever necklace and ring. That particular ring is the ring I am requesting. Here a few links for reference photos: (http://afinalfantasyblog.com/2011/06/01/ffviii-squalls-griever-ring/sam_0472/) (http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Griever_(Final_Fantasy_VIII)) (http://www.deviantart.com/art/Griever-195672657) I can provide more pics from my own ring if need be. When I saw that redesign I was blown away by the level of detail and the overall look of it. Unfortunately, the necklace was a huge letdown to me. For the ring to be so beautiful the necklace was quite hideous. So, like any good artist I set out to design my own version to match the ring. Here it is: (http://thundergoddevo.deviantart.com/art/Custom-Griever-Pendant-III-382579805) The last item is a Tolkien-inspired, lore accurate weapon I have designed. I am currently working on a personal art project that focuses on the iconic weapons throughout all ages of Tolkien's world. While researching said weapons I had a desire to create my own weapon that would accurately fit into Arda. The idea grew and grew into something large enough to have it's own story. The result is a weapon I am incredibly proud of and one that I would LOVE to see made into a playable mod. Here is my creation: (http://s1021.photobucket.com/user/Alkariender/media/Laurelion_zps0cce4bfd.png.html?sort=3&o=0) I do apologize for the crude color work. Should someone be willing to pick this idea up I will send my full description of the weapon. Again, thank you for taking the time to view my thread. If someone out there does decide to make a mod out of these I will be more than grateful to you and even willing to discuss compensation if need be. To see any of these become a reality in a game I love so much would be a real dream come true.
  17. Hello everyone, I've greatly enjoyed sampling various mods and am thankful for this site and its contributors! I have some 100+ mods running and a level 64 Khajiit, sided with the Stormcloaks, etc.. What fun! Anyway, as much as I enjoy playing mods, I would love to see some of my own artwork in a future mod. The problem is, most of my weapon models are high-poly and were created in Bryce 7 using Boolean operations. Bryce supports exporting to .obj among others, but apparently Skyrim does not want to even try to think about Boolean shapes (I may be wrong here). I've seen and downloaded a few different "importing custom swords" tutorials that run you through the Nifskope process and such. No problems there. What I am trying to figure out is this: What's the best (cleanest) way to convert my Bryce files to low-poly / baked texture versions for use in Skyrim? One sort of successful approach I have found was to just trace a Bryce render of one of my weapons in Photoshop CS5 Extended and using the "repousse from selection" feature to create a simple version of the sword shape. I used the same traced render as a texture for both sides of the sword. When imported into Nifskope, it was messy looking (I need to flip normals?) and mega-gigantic in comparison to the scale of the vanilla iron sword .nif I had loaded. I got frustrated at went looking for any tricks I could use for the high-poly to low-poly conversion. It occurred to me that I should ask here, amongst the seasoned modding veterans. Any advice on a sensible workflow for the conversion would be super-helpful and greatly appreciated! If I can just get over this technical barrier, there are a lot of new models I would like to release here as a package mod, perhaps a little quest for each one / hidden locations + hints, etc.. Personally, I just have this persistent craving to swat a few bandits and draugr down with one of my own swords. I have ZBrush (but am noob on it). I suspect this program can do what I need it to do, but the interface is ..complicated.
  18. I have been browsing through the whole internet for the past 3 hours just to find a lightning face preset. and you guessed it, I haven't fount anything! I'm here kindly asking for someone to please make a face preset for Racemenu mod. even if you only give a .nif file is good enough. I don't really know where to put this post in the forum, but I decided to put it here, if an admin sees this, please just tell me so I can repost this somewhere, or you can just move it.
  19. I've looked everywhere, and I can't find any Final fantasy based armor. Nothing like "Squall Leonheart's Armor" or Cloud's Armor", but armor for the classes. Like the Red Mage, White Mage, Dark Knight. Black Mage, Ect. I would like to try and recreate the classes in Skyrim, but I can't find anu good subsitutes for the armor from Final Fantasy. So basicly, I would like the Armors (and robes for that matter) from Final Fantasy made into a mod for Skyrim. the only thing I ask is that they look like said armors/robes, but for fine details have fun
  20. Hey guys, I've been looking for some cool mods that will make my skyrim look more fantasy, more colorful, more magical, something in warcraft style, or torchlight2, or tera (I have tera armors already) I've searched a lot of mods here, but there's just too many of them, so I thought that maybe you guys could help me, if you know some mods, please tell me I would be very greatful. :) PS. sorry for my english :( (still learning)
  21. Hey there! So I am absolutely brand new to modding, in fact so new that I've never made one :p But thats why im here! to ask the experts :) Ive been playing the elder scrolls games for years and years, but within skyrim ive had the most fun thanks to all you wonderful mod makers out there. I originally played the game vanilla, obviously, and loved it. But then as i started adding all these awesome realism/survival mods like frostfall, realistic needs and diseases, hunterborn etc etc etc the list goes on, but those mods in particular have really tailored my experince in skyrim to be one based far far less in fantasy(glass/daedric/dragon/revealing clothing etc) and more in a .... hmmm ... i guess game of thrones-y feel. Magic and lore playing a huge part still obviously because its Elder scrolls <3 but really the armors in particular went from adored, glass armor used to be my favorite, to actually hating seeing them in game because im so into being decked out in warm, fur armors and realistic plate armors and such. ANYWAYYYYYYYYY onto my question, with this bit of backstory. I want to take a bunch of my favorite armors that ive downloaded and replace the armors in skyrim with them, so that no fantasy armors exist, and all the armor mods that i love and feel like are more skyrim-y then the stock skyrim :p I know its kind of a bizarre request, and i know there are a couple mods that just get rid of the fantasy armor stuff, but i want to essentially leave all the same varities or armor, just replace them with the meshes and textures from the mods i like. Thanks to anyone who cares to shoot me a line on how to get this handled :)
  22. So, I just saw a mod that's been on the Nexus for over a year and a half that contains Immediate Music, Two Steps from Hell and the like..... Well I was wondering if that's kosher? If so, oh boy have I got a mod!! I currently have a custom music mod I have put almost 20 hours into. I have over 115 songs! Each one carefully selected, clipped, edited, and enhanced. Mainly the files have been clipped to make it more difficult for someone to take the music if they tried converting it. Anyway, I used the creation kit, and followed their standard of music tracks in different areas. Like, forest daytime, night, mountains, snow, town, the reach, combat, forts, caves, and so on. I even have music specifically for certain cities like Whiterun, Windhelm, and Winterhold. Right now I'm working on what I call Scene music. These songs will play when you discover a place like "Sky Haven Temple" or confront Ancano and the Battle of the Eye. As well as music for dwarven ruins. Anyway I'll post links to some of the songs I've uploaded to Youtube so you guys can get a preview. ;) I'm uploading more tonight!! So I'll post the link as I go. Links: Dragon Battle 1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCE3ruqZRjg The Blades, (Sky Haven Temple Intro) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tsLVXb9ZPc Dragon_2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEoX_M57zQw Eastmarch_The Rift: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEKN9RWUiiA Enjoy, and let me know if this will work... :/
  23. Hey I'm a huge fan of the ''Black Bow of the Betrayer'' and the ''Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury'' bow's from World of Warcraft. You can review the weapons here: Black Bow of the Betrayer http://www.wowhead.com/item=32336#modelviewer Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury http://www.wowhead.com/item=34334#modelviewer I'm not sure if it's doable, but I was hoping someone could make a mod for these bow's. Let me know how you guys think about it! Cheers!
  24. I've been slowly modding my game into something totally not-lore-friendly, but bitchin looking nonetheless. I've been going for a high-fantasy, Eternia, Heavy Metal, kind of look, and I was thinking how cool it would be to change the ice in Skyrim to some amazing HD crystals. But alas, I don't have the photoshop talents for such, and worse, no one else already thought of this and made it.
  25. I've been searching for about a week and I'm pretty sure nobody has made this mod yet. I would love a mod that allowed a player to adjust or change the colors of magic (eg. Fire, Shock, Frost) Personally, I want all of my fire spells to be purple and my shock/lightning spells to be a nice yellow or golden color. But if a mod was made to make it as simple as inserting a hex code or adjusting a slider this would have implications on so many different types of role play that people might be interested in. I would imagine that it would target the magic based off of what it qualifies as instead of just by name. which would allow the mod to work with modded spells. For example, any spells that would do fire damage or would benefit from shock-related perks would have their colors subjected to the mod's settings. Honestly I just want purple fire and if possible yellow/golden lightning. A mod that could accomplish that would be stellar. If there's any mods I may have missed that would achieve similar results I would love to know about them.
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