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  1. there needs to be a mod that adds wasteland workshop cages for far harbor creatures. In my opinion.
  2. I know Far Harbor has been out for awhile now but I decided to make a cinematic-ish video of various places around the island. There shouldn't be any spoilers because it's just shots of the island and some interiors. I hope you guys like it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyv1qN898_g I also wasn't sure if this was the right place to post this but here goes nothing!
  3. The idea is to combine that snazzy new Marine Armor with the cool New Vegas Ranger duster, and have a beutiful new armor. I would try to do it myself but I really don't have the time to learn how to do this kind of work. If someone does this I'd be truely greatful.
  4. Hey guys, So I have pretty much no idea how to mod, model, so on and so forth (but would like to change it one day!). I come to you to see if it would be possible for someone, to re-add the foot to the Marine/Zealot armor from the Far Harbor DLC, as pictured below http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275096611235007758/D4EF0FBBCA4457F92F2EA613C179597E61156256/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275096611235023797/D4697537A7599BCCE2971CC8500EE948A4DCF00E/ I find the Marine variant highly frustrating, that over such heavy looking armor, you get such tiny damn feet. It screws with my proportion perception a LOT. Id appreciate it if anyone could bring these back!
  5. Hi guys, just wondered why there isnt the possibility in the game to throw a stone. basically i just wanted to improve my granade-throwing-skills without wasting actual grenades (just started the game... and i will sure not use the throwing ark!) and then i remembered that you could do it in far cry to distract the enemy. And maybe it could be a really cheap and funny weapon with some damage added. i thought about how it could be done and here are my thoughts: basically i would take a frag grenade and change meshes and textures to a little stone for example (there has to be a suitable in the vanilla esm). then tweak the weight, delete the explosion effect and change the damage to 5 or 10 and its done - isnt it? Unfortunately ive only taken one or two looks in FNVEdit (checking for conflicts, creating a merged patch sth like that) and have never made more with it much less Fo4Edit. Anyone interested in making this little mod? or giving some advice? Mike Grauohr
  6. It's not necessarily immersive, but for the sake of convenience (and because, until follower AI is improved I'll mainly just keep using them for pack mules to get their perks) it would be nice to have access to follower inventories from a greater distance. Besides, the fact that they can just teleport whenever pathing gets tricky is as unrealistic as teleporting items into their invisible pockets. Ultimately I want maximum realism, but until followers stop getting in front of me when I'm aiming, pushing me when I'm on narrow walkways and blocking my way in general, I just want to be able to make them as convenient and unobtrusive as possible.
  7. edit: realized this wasn't the right forum area to post this
  8. So, here is the situation. I have a beefy computer that can run several graphics mods very easily, including Purity, Skyrim Flora Overhaul, SMIM and most of the aMidianborn mods and I am still not satisfied. Why am I not satisfied with being able to use all these amazing graphics and still have an amazing frame rate? There is only one reason. THE MAXIMUM RENDER DISTANCE IS TOO FRIGGIN' LOW. I had every setting regarding rendering the world and its entities as high as they could be, and still could only see a good 40-50 feet in front of me. Personally, I HATE the incredibly low quality distant terrain and LOD that the game has. I have been looking for a way to increase the render distance of all the things in my game, but so far nothing good. The only thing I have found is to go into the Skyrim.ini and edit it manually, but there are some problems with that. Nothing in my game files is actually labeled Skyrim.ini, and the ini files that do exist don't have any of the things I need to edit. I don't want to risk doing irreparable damage to my game, so this my request. Amplified Render Distance (ARD) A simple mod that utilizes an MCM menu to multiply all of the rendering options by a certain degree. For example, one could multiply all of their current settings by anything from 1 to 10. Imagine being able to see the world 10 times farther than you could before with all those graphics mods installed! If anybody could even attempt this, that would be fantastic.
  9. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY I got you a Christmas present :D Before you download know that I EXPLICITLY FORBID any re-release/ re-publication of the mod before the full and complete version is released on NEXUS. Releasing other feature videos or presentations is totally fine. Use of resources is fine only after my explicit permission (I'll agree in like 98% cases cause most resources are my handywork or free resources). That being said, ENJOY: http://www85.zippyshare.com/v/eFhbF7K3/file.html (Manual Installation only for PC, Located near Longfellows Cabin in Far Harbor, Visible and travellable map marker) Content List of the update: - 4 new interior locations, Pub, Shop and 2 residential suites. - 2 new whale oil powered weapons (upgradable in the workstation) - 2 new potions (buyable and craftable via chemistry station in meds) - Guard Armor from Dishonored - Upgrated lightning. - Encounters of Pandyssian Rats in two locations in town. ... Best part is all you see and play-test is less than 20% of the mod I plan to officially release.
  10. Now first of all I want to let everyone know that I have the rick tools for the Dunia, and a ridiculous amount of modding experience, at least in getting the ones created to work in my games and even making a couple extremely simple ones. But that's mainly on games very simple to do this for. Nothing like Farcry and all this .dat/.fat stuff....I know there are a couple mods out there with the ability to change the timescale, as well as reports on how to add it to your gamerprofile.xml much like you would the oblivion.ini back in the day. Sadly none of this works for me. No added lines do ANYTHING to my gamerprofile.xml and if it's an already written mod it doesn't work because either the mod comes with a BILLION extra things that completely change the game, or (and actually in most cases) it requires me to use the dunia unpacking and packing method which would be great but it won't run on my computer no matter if i try to start it with a command prompt or in any other manner recommended across the web, at least not yet. So if someone who is kind enough and has the time would be willing to simply do the unpacking and packing for me, and add the timescale option that's in the "super file 2.2" or even just add all of "super file 2.2" (it appears all the extra things I talk about not wanting are on that file, but are on a disable/enable basis) then upload it here that would be great. I don't want any other changes tho please, maybe the "better sights" mod but please, nothing else. Even if it isn't done in a manner where you enable me to customize the timescale, that's fine. But if that's the case and someone does this, just make it so a day takes at least 3 or so hours...I just want the time between dusk and dawn to be long enough to experience the night time...preferably about an hour of dark and 2 hours of day..that would be amazing.
  11. I recently bought Far Cry 3, but since it has a one time use activation code I cannot return it if it does not work. So, can you tell me if it will work? My Specs are (I think I have what I need here): Processor: Intel® Celeron® CPU B830 @ 1.80Ghz 1.80 GHz RAM: 4.00 (3.89 Usable) System Type: 64-Bit Operating System, x64-based processor Tell me if I need anything more, thanks alot!
  12. I know there are "immersive sounds" and the like..but does anyone know how to just plain old turn the music down without turning any other sounds down?
  13. Anyone know how to disable the scan lines filter in blood dragon? i have no clue what hex values or file names to search ofr
  14. I love the wingsuit mechanic of the game, but I get annoyed that the chute is automatically deployed when I get about four feet from the ground. I want to be able to fly right up to the ground. Any ideas of how to turn off this mechanic?
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