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  1. This forum game is dedicated to food any kind you could think of! You can give a menu. You can make food jokes. Ask questions about food. Or just build an appetite for a meal!
  2. Hello, after playing for a while in survival mode I realize that food is not a problem, it is everywhere, it does not expire and it is cheap or free. However, in medieval times, it was just the opposite, it was not dragons or hordes of bandits that decimated the population but disease and hunger, peasants often had to abandon or sell their children to survive themselves and their other children, so seeing in Skyrim such an abundance of food at hand takes me out of the historical immersion. Before starting, let me say that this is a mixed post of search (in case what I indicate is already done and you can tell me which mods implement it) help (since I have downloaded many mods and this community has given me a lot and I want to make my first mod, so if you could tell me how to do some simple things to start and then I will complicate it) and suggestion, in case some expert modder finds interesting what I propose and what is going to take me several months between learning and testing he can have it ready in a few weeks. Next, I will put the points of what the mod should do trying to order them from what I think is simpler (I may be wrong since I have never created a Skyrim mod) to the most complex. 1. All food is expensive, very expensive, it should serve as a money sink (here I would need someone to explain to me how to modify the prices of the merchants' items) and it always has an owner, so it must be bought or stolen, no more serving yourself for free from the farms and having infinite vegetable soups. 2. To control this, entering a farm will be considered trespassing at any time of the day and night, during the day the farmer can see you steal and report you, at night when the farmer goes to sleep there will be guard dogs that will attack if you enter the farm and wake up the farmer who will report you and you will have a nice bounty. 3. No more having a rich vegetable soup in the middle of a fight, to eat you need tranquility and time a meal is not a potion and therefore, you must plan and take it outside of the fights, just as you cannot fast travel or certain actions with enemies nearby, that you cannot eat in those cases either, you eat before or after but not during a fight. 4. Food expires, it spoils, the days of creating 30 vegetable soups and having them tasty and nutritious 200 days later are over, food will have 3 states: Fresh, which will be the freshly harvested vegetable or freshly hunted meat and the one bought from merchants, fresh food will have all its properties and will be safe to eat. Past, the past food is the one that has lost some properties and is not so nutritious but is still safe to eat, this food is the one that is found around, on shelves and people's houses. Rotten, rotten food should not be eaten as it will not nourish the body and will cause diseases. Once placed in the inventory, the food will gradually spoil, that is, the first 2 days for example we will have fresh meat, from the 3rd to the 7th it will be past and on the 8th day it will rot. The idea is not to hoard food and that it has to be obtained constantly day by day in a struggle for survival just as the inhabitants of the Middle Ages had to do. There will be ways to preserve food, salting and smoking which will make it last longer, my idea is that one can salt the food by putting it in a barrel along with piles of salt, just like the fish barrels that are found in Skyrim that have fish and salt, in this way one can put a piece of meat in a barrel and a certain number of piles of salt and after a few days, the meat will be salted and will last much longer until we need to eat it, to put a handicap to this system I had thought: That salt is also expensive and difficult to obtain and that a certain amount of piles of salt are consumed (representing the one that has been absorbed by the meat) and also that if the barrel is not watched or in one of our houses, there is a probability that someone will simply steal our meat and our salt and we will find the barrel empty when we return. Salted food has the advantage that it takes longer to rot but will have lost nutrients (think of it as past food that lasts more than 5 days) and will give us more THIRST which we will talk about in the next point. The other option is smoking which must be done by experts so the player will not be able to do it by himself but will take his meat to a merchant or tavern keeper and for a certain amount of gold he will return it smoked, the meat to be smoked must have been legally obtained as we will see later or not only will they refuse to smoke it for you but they will report you to the guard. 5. Implement separate THIRST system, right now there is only a hunger bar that decreases quite quickly when a person can be weeks without eating but no more than 2 or 3 days without drinking, it also serves as an incentive to consume wine and other alcoholic beverages to quench thirst and thus activate other drunken mods and have a reason to do so, the idea behind this is that in medieval times everyone including children drank wine and beer instead of water since at that time sanitation was non-existent, germs were not known nor boiling water and the safest way to hydrate without getting cholera or parasites was to drink wine as the alcohol it contained made it a safer drink at that time so we should consume alcoholic beverages often to keep thirst at bay, but activating in the process if we have them installed those mods that will penalize us or create "uncomfortable" situations. Thirst will gradually increase over time but consuming salty foods will make us more thirsty, as well as if we are constantly running or after a fight we will need to replenish fluids. 6. Meat is a luxury, all big game hunting is owned by the Jarl, hunting deers and similar is forbidden and you need a special license from the Jarl for each piece, that is, no buying a license and hunting whatever you want, each license only allows you to hunt 1 deer, this point implies several subpoints: 6a. Attacking a deer without a license is considered a crime just like attacking a person and killing a deer without a license is the same. 6b. To watch over the deer there would be a new NPC (elite ranger of the Jarl) that would arise where the deer usually are and they would have sharpened senses to watch over the whole area so they would see you much earlier than you them and if you hunt without a license and without making sure there is no ranger in the area you can get into a mess, because even if you hunt in stealth, the deer will not be in stealth and the ranger will see it die and come to investigate (needless to say that the rangers ride on horseback and in pairs) and it will not be like the bandits that you put an arrow in the head and they surrender saying "it will be my imagination" these rangers do not surrender so easily so run away quickly or face them. Here I would like it to be realistic, that is, if you kill a deer and you are in stealth the rangers see the result (the dead deer) but not the cause (you) then they cannot put a bounty on you, if you manage to escape remaining hidden at all times you will not have a bounty, but if they detect you they will remember your face and you will have a nice bounty when you return to that area. 6c. Even having bought your license, there are requirements to meet, the deers will now have more life so it will be more difficult to kill them with a single shot, also the license you have is linked to the first deer you attack and wound so do not let it escape and chase it and finish it off because if it escapes and you go for another one for that one you will not have a license and you will get into a big mess. 6d. If hunting becomes too complicated you can also buy the meat from a merchant, but this will be more expensive than a hunting license since the merchant has to amortize the cost of buying his license, pay the hunter and his profit, so the price of the meat will be very expensive. 6e. If you manage to steal a venison or hunt a deer and escape before the Jarl's rangers arrest you, do not sing victory yet, as you can still be caught, if you think of cooking your piece in some city the peasants can smell your cooked meat and out of envy they can warn the guard to check if you have a license to possess that meat, either having hunted it legally, or having bought it, if they catch you cooking illegal meat they will take you to prison, so if you have obtained your food in a slightly legal way, better cook it in places away from nosy noses. 6f. If after all these inconveniences your reaction is: I pass on the meat, I feed myself on carrots and tomatoes, the idea is that later on it will be necessary to eat meat to have an adequate intake of proteins, that is, if you are a skinny mage you may not need meat, but if you are a warrior who is waving a heavy mace over your head with 2 hands you need muscle, a lot of muscle and to create and maintain that muscle you need a diet rich in animal protein so either in your daily diet there is meat or your level progress can be slowed down or penalized losing levels that represent the loss of muscle mass due to lack of adequate nutrition. 7. Food sources outside the cities. In old ruins forgotten for centuries, you might be able to find wine and drink but never food, as it will either be rotten or have disappeared over time, you will be able to hunt and find berries, but you will have to look for a place to cook the meat. The most likely way you will have to feed yourself during your journey will be looting enemies and bandits that you come across who probably carry some piece of bread or some vegetable or raw rabbit leg, so if you avoid confrontations to not waste energy and resources you can find yourself short of food, obviously the draugrs and other undead will not carry food on them just like the dwemer animunculus and the falmer will carry a disgusting food that should only be consumed in case of extreme necessity. At the moment this is all the idea is to do this little by little and I don't know if everything can be implemented, I would like to know if of everything I have put there are already mods that do some of this and as I would like to start with the basics if there is not already a mod that does it how can I use the CK to make the food from the farms the property of the farmers and change the price of the food. Thank you.
  3. Hey peeps, I wanted to just talk and work out some ideas about the Food and Alchemy in Skyrim. FOOD I'm sure some of you might know my Magic of Food and Drink Mod. Which I feel is a step in the right direction for food. Even with this I might have let things go a bit too far, it's hard to balance food with alchemy. Which is why perhaps, food is best used as a background element with need's mods (such as realistic needs and diseases and Ineeds), without having an effect on the game. Though if they did have effects i would want to limit that effect to 30 seconds (which would be like 10 minutes in skyrim time). This would more than likely be limited stat regen buff. ALCHEMY I've been playing a lot lately with alchemy in skyrim, using some of my favorite alchemy mods like CACO or Phitts Alchemy and Food Overhaul. But the one thing I've seen is that there is an excess of Potion Creation, which I don't really like. I mean I understand why Bethesda limits gathering to no more than 1 item from a resource. It does help limit how many potions can be created. But when you add in the fact you can find potions, I think it still allows the Alchemy to loose that special flavor. So some of the things I am thinking.. 1) Keep looting of resources to 1 item, though if I use some of the other things I've seen I could encorporate a limited harvest system. Maybe one that works better than that annoying Green Thumb perk . 2) I would like to encoporate a different alchemy system, that would require a recipe system instead of the system currently in place. There's a mod that does this called Alternate Alchemy, which is definetly a step in the right direction (it does modify the skill tree though). 3) Potions have a 5 second heal over time. 4) Poisons have a 5 second over time effect. 5) potions should have a minimum 1 minute duration, so there would be nothing less than this. I feel that potions like invisibility, would make it more worth the effort. 6) I would like alchemy recipes to unlock the recipe in the menu. 7) Find less potions and poisons in the world :cool: Make the potions you do make or find, more "Worth it". A inventory should not be bogged down by a ton of potions, unless he's been working at it for quite some time. 9) Allow characters to creation potions in the field. I am not even sure something like this is possible for me to create with my own limited knowledge, specially the alternate alchemy system. But at least this is enough to perhaps start discussing. My current load order to simulate some of this is Alternate Alchemy Campfire Realstic Needs and Diseases and Scarcity (the x2 version)
  4. More useful gardens for Hearthfire. There used to be a mod on Oldrim which allowed growing apple trees (green and red).Other fruit trees (pears, oranges and peaches) could be grown.They could be placed within the garden, or near the house outside the garden.The ability to milk the cow if you have one; and why don't Hearthfire chickens lay eggs. It doesn't make sense for the cow and chickens to have no useful purpose, and eliminates the need for an animal pen.Allow the milk to be used in the butter churns, and honey from the apiarys would be nice.All new food items could be added to the ingredients list for cooking or baking.IMO, this would be a great immersion mod, which would help Hearthfire become useful, instead of the lame add-on it is presently.
  5. Let's say I want the Player's carry weight to increase after eating Brahmin Meat. How would I go about doing that? I could theoretically make a script that just checked how many Brahmin Meat's were in the Player's inventory, and when one was removed, the script that increased the Player's carrying capacity would run. But in that case, I would have to pray that the player wouldn't discover that he could just get the carry weight bonus by dropping the Brahmin Meat from his inventory, or placing the Brahmin Meat in a container. So, is there a function I can use that will just get whether the Player has eaten the Brahmin Meat or not? Anything in NVSE? - This is for a new mod I'm making called "Survival and Medicine Revolution". If you play New Vegas, and you haven't seen my last revolution, "Unarmed and Melee Revolution", I highly recommend it! Thanks for the help!
  6. I have a problem . . . I'm obsessed with Cakes, Pastries and all manor of sweets. I tried to make a pastry chef character build and there are some weapons like the rolling pin and the knife that work for that kind of build but I thought it would be cool if a brilliant talented modder could turn the lab coat into a chefs jacket/coat with an apron that says " fear the sweet roll " and a retexture of the mini nuke to look like a sweet roll but still have the same punch as a mini nuke. The Pastry King/Queen character build would become the heroic saviour of the Commonwealth.
  7. I have a mod that shows the value per weight in the ui, I find it incredibly useful. I would love to have a similar mod that shows the HP per RAD on food and healing items. This way I would know exactly what to sell and what to keep without the guess work. It might be good if it also showed HP per Weight in addition to HP per RAD. Maybe someone could even add these features to the existing mod with permission. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/334/?
  8. I am currently making my own mod called Custom Food (Because I love food in video games). I was going to create a set of food that had visual effects (Ghost, Fire, etc.) However, I can only put result effects in. I did see a script option, but I don't know what to put in. Can anyone help me?
  9. I'm working on a mod and there are some things that I have managed to get working. I know how to edit xml files and change the various values there. However, there are a few things I'm not sure how to change. Here's a quick list of improvements I want to make, but have no idea how to go about doing it: Yrden- I've managed to increase the slow effect, but I haven't found anywhere that will let you change the number of active circles you have on the ground. Signs general- I'd like a way to make casting signs quicker. Currently it's just too slow for me. Alchemy- I feel like the alchemy system isn't very lore friendly. Geralt is one of the best Witchers around, yet he doesn't remember how to make potions and oils? Kind of stupid. So, I would like a way to have it so you start knowing all the recipes. (same goes with the bestiary) I would also like to make an edit to the way potions are refilled. Something like, you can either meditate to refill, and the ingredients will be used to refill the potions, or you can refill them manually by recrafting them. Geralt also doesn't seem very lore friendly himself. Why exactly does he not remeber how to fight or use signs to their full effect? I'd like a way to have him start with at least one point in the basic skills, and more skill slots from the get-go. Hunting for food is very random and sporadic. I would like to either add an area that reliably spawns deer, or add a way to track deer. Just, some way to make hunting a viable way to get food. Anyway, these are just some things that have bothered me about the game. What files do I have to edit to get these effects? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. P.S. If you know of a mod that does any of the above, I can open it up and see how it was done. So don't be shy! Let me know and I'll check it out.
  10. Hi people. Got annoyed with food/water use and penalty system. so couple of questions to mod guys: 1. is there a possibility to make PC eat and drink automatically when he gets hungry/thirsty? I hate to be distracted all the time with messages like "ME HUNGRY" when I actually have a backpack full of foodz. So he could eat something with low-mid "food points" value to get his hunger meter low again (idk if food actually works this way, just thinking). Maybe some holotape-type configurator item that would set params for auto food and drink use? 'cause now it really just breaks game flow, nothing else. 2. is there a possibility to DELAY thirst penalty after using stimpack or alcohol for some time? It's really irritating. I mean, they could give us some time to deal with bad guys. instead we have to rush in our backpacks in search of SWEET WATERZ in the middle of fight. Or after I drink some Vodka, same thing. Thirst just SHOULD be delayed. 3. Aand maybe hunger/thirst cure should also take some time and not be instant? 4. And how much water a human being needs per day? My could easily have ~10 bottles/cans. which is about 5 liters. Which is weird. Okay, found mod for that.
  11. So apparently in survival mode, the nutritional value of a food item is dependant on it's monetary mode. Mirelurk queen steaks with their > 100 caps value make you instantly properly fed, while the institute food packages with their meager 10 or so caps barely do anything. Is there any mod which somehow adjusts these values? I wouldn't mind paying more at the institute, as long as I don't have to buy that cafeteria synth empty in order to get sated. Or, even better, is there any mod which actually decouples nutritional value from the price?
  12. I would like to see some other food, like apples, pears, potatoes, etc added as plantable foods. Not talking about the fungi, hubflowers, bloodleaf, or cannabis (we got enough mods for that already) etc that other mods, like NX Pro Farming, provide already. I would just like some variety, like more fruits and vegetables, be great for cooking recipes
  13. 1. Add a new edible fungus to the game. When you eat it, it will either give you an amazing stat/health bonus or will badly poison you. The chances of getting good or bad effects is based on luck. (Bonus points if you add a rare psychedelic effect that messes with your vision in some way.) 2. Unrelated idea: the player may designate a single favorite food or beverage that when consumed, applies one of several possible bonuses at random. Could be an earned perk, or not. 0 Links
  14. Greetings all, I'm wondering if anyone knows or has a mod that is capable of altering all of the food items in the game like cooked, salted fish and water. I thought it would be nice to have since I've seen no mods on Nexus for Subnautica that actually edits the food. There is a really nice food mod that adds new foods and recipes but still. I have a tiny bit of modding experience with Skyrim and the Fallout series but I'm unfamiliar with json files so I can't do it myself as for the reason I am here. If anyone knows how to do this, has a mod in the works like this, please respond on here. Thank you. Even a guide on how to do so would be greatly appreciated and I would try that.
  15. Hello everyone, thanks for stopping by and trying to help me with my troublems. After blowing up the Institue I put FO4 aside for some time and let the fallout from the reactor detonation settle. Now, seeing that Bethesda has finally decided to give us mods directly through their site I figured to dive into the game again and finally giving my settlements a good makeover with all the fascinating new stuff that had been integrated by all the fabulous modders (or so I thought). First of all I realized that the most acclaimed mods were not available through Bethesda, but hey, I figured installing the mods through the NMM would be just as convenient (not being a big tech-head myself) - what could possibly go wrong! :laugh: After trying this and that mod I figured okay, now I have the mods I like, let's play. Sadly though, all of a sudden I lacked the structures tab. I have tried some fixes but have not been successful yet to bring the workshop back to full working order. Here's what I did: Via Bethesda: True Storms Enhanced Blood Atomic Radio Unofficial Patch Installed F4SE & used F4SE Loader only Installed Home Maker, disabled Bunker & Greenhouses (NMM) Installed Snap n Build (NMM) Installed Spring Cleaning (NMM) Installed Achievements (NMM) Tested Mods, uninstalled Snap N Build without following the instructions (did not hit uninstall in Pip-Boy, then uninstalled via NMM) Construction Prefabs Tab gone Snap n Build fix (Lost Sturctures category fix ) - crafted & used fix-drug - problem persisted Reinstalled Snap n Build - hit uninstall in Pip Boy - uninstalled mod via NMM - problem persisted Missing Settlement Categories Fix (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14589/?) - crafted & used fix-drugs - problem persisted Disabled all other mods - tried both fix-drugs - problem persisted Downloaded Settlement Objects Extended Fix via Bethesda - used drug, partial success (construction prefabs are back, but shops & food is still gone, some models of Home Maker Objects do not load, unsure if all objects from home maker are activated) Changed my .ini files as you normally should do to start with modding ... :geek: Changes Load order to this: Tested Drugs again - no success. So here I am, dont know how to get it all working again. Any idea how I can continue my journey through the wastes and building new settlements with food and shops with my lvl 99 adventurer? Your help is very much appreciated. :thumbsup:
  16. Hi guys, Been trying to use a custom potion (craftable at Chems bench) to trigger a scripted Magic Effect. While it works, it will only work like 5 or 6 times in a row, then I get the "You cannot do that now" message which prevents me to use it again for a few minutes, and than it'll work again. Just to be sure, I removed all conditions from my scripted effect, same result. Is there a cool down effect on all potion? Or is there some settings I should use to prevent that? Thanks in advance to any of you willing to share their experience!.. :) Cheers!
  17. Settlement fishing/ hunting. The main idea and purpose of this mod would be to incorporate a fishing/ hunting system into settlement mode as another way to get food, and other resources such as leather, bones, etc. The way i thought about doing this would to be able to assign settlers to an area where they would fish, and have the player be able to construct a port around a body of water to store the resources at. The idea i had for the hunting aspect would have the player assign settlers to a hunting party at a craftable hunting post in the manner you would assign a settler to a caravan, then select and area on the map for the settlers to go to hunt at, and then return at a random amount of time later with the resources gained from the trip. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to consider this idea, i would attempt to do this myself but i do not have any knowledge regarding this task, which is why i am reaching out to the nexus community for consideration of this request.
  18. After playing survival mode for a while, I started to notice something really odd. Honestly, it's down right lazy. It seems that in vanilla Fallout, no matter how hearty the meal, or quality of the drink. You always need to use 2 items to restore one level on Starvation/ Dehydration/ and 2 hours per level of Tired. For example, say you're on the 2nd level of hunger, 3rd of thirst, and 4th of sleep. You'd need to eat 4 food items, (regardless of the size) drink 6 items (regardless of the quality) and sleep for 8 hours. (which I'm fine with) I think, it's absolutely crazy that it actual works out like that. So my question is; "is there a mod that reworks Fallout 4 Survival mode?" Like making Brahmin steaks the equivalent of 2 1/2 food, or making crispy squirrel bits the equivalent of 1/2 food. and similar for drinks? I also feel like the survival mode kind of starts you on a downward spiral right from the beginning. We all know, you can only save on a bed. So we actively look for a bed to save in. But the downside comes when all the beds in the game (excluding player made beds) are made up almost exclusively from bedrolls, and mattresses. which have a high chance of giving the player and illness, make you more tired, and drives your food, and thirst up. Which just isn't fair. The player is already crippled with low carry weight, increased incoming damage, and no auto-save what so ever. We shouldn't be punished for spamming a save... I checked on the Nexus, and couldn't really find anything to great. So I was hoping somebody knew of one, or maybe, give someone more skilled than I an idea! lol. Regardless of, if you have anything informative to say, feel free to comment at your leisure.
  19. There needs to be chocolate in Skyrim. After all there is the headcanon that Skyrim produces a ton of chocolate products so why not add chocolate. We could even create leveled lists of chocolate: the finest chocolate coming from Jehanna with the second finest being from Skyrim and down from there.
  20. Yes, I know in the lore the Potato went extinct. According to one scribe, who may have been a bit dehydrated, and far from home. This mod request is simple. A potato plant. See, potatoes are actually pretty hardy little plants, and can grow almost anywhere. Their use as a survival food has been well documented in a very long study codenamed Ireland, as well as their commercial potential in a study codenamed Idaho. We had potatoes in New Vegas, but it appears that since that was an Obsidian game rather than a Bethesda, that idea got chucked out the window. Lore friendlier version: Extinct for many years until a wandering adventurer by the name of Carlton Ricks stumbled into an ASV (American Seed Vault), the potato seems to have thrived in the post-apocalyptic soil. With a resurgence not seen in a plant, it has adapted rather well. Or perhaps a new area? Maybe Nate/Nora (or whatever you've named them) finds the Seed Vault themselves? Stats: Weight: 1 (Reasonably good-sized potato) Food (for NPCs): 1 Food (Survival): Filling (whatever weirdass variables makes it that way.) After all, a 'standard' sized human can survive off potatoes for quite some time. Just potatoes. Value: 5 caps max? Recipes: Vegetable Starch, Stews, Mashed Potatoes, Baked Potatoes, Fries (Maybe?), and however many other combinations one can think of?
  21. I have seen this in other mods from Skyrim, so I am hoping something similar comes to FO4. I would like a shelf unit...like a metal shelf for my buildings I use as Trading Posts, Bars, Restaurants, or even Medical Clinics so that when I place as item into it...such as stocking liquor bottles that if I put some bourbon in, one bottle of bourbon shows up on the shelf, then same for whiskey, vodka, beer, wine, etc. I'm not worried about having EACH bottle pop up! Just one to pop up to show I have that kind of liquor stocked, and also the same for other storage themes, such as medical supplies, food items --- the mac n cheese, pork n beans, fancy lads cakes, sugar bombs sort of thing. I'd also like to see bookshelves that fill up as I add books ( yes I admit, all my books are crispy around the edges, i.e. burnt...lol) I know there is a mod called 'Functional Displays" but it seems to be really in flux to keep up with FO4 updates and changes, that I have been scared to try it in case it throws my game into a meltdown...lol. Does anyone know if this IS the sort of way that 'Functional Displays'; works; or is that mod just mostly for weapons?
  22. Hi everyone, Quite new to modding, I've just downloaded the Creation Kit beta (though I have played around in FO4Edit too) and wanted to make a little mod that would allow a player to craft Food Paste on the Chemistry Workbench. However, I cannot find any way in the settings of how to do this, no way to state what materials are necessary and which workbench it can be crafted on. I tried looking at other craftable items in the list such as Berry Mentats and Buffout but there is no indication or setting there which would suggest that it's craftable. I've seen many mods out there which include craftable items, so I guess there must a way of doing it - I just don't know how. Any help would be much appreciated, Thank you Michael
  23. Hey folks, I´ve been bothered with the fact that theres nothing like this in the vanilla game since i found Graygarden. I would like it to be possible the set up caravan that connect food and water supplies between settlements, so i can make economic settlements instead of having to plant hunderds of crops the serve settlers needs. Ofcourse you could cheat the supplies, but that would be boring, right? :D Also i would like those to be a separate from the normal supplylines, to make it feel less cheaty and more lively :) Sorry for bad english, I hope its readable ! :D
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