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  1. The objective is to find a way to argue with the person before you!
  2. Heya, if you're a big Khajiit fan I'm sure you know about the different forms of Khajiit, that the moon phase they're born under determines which form they grow into, such and such. If you're here, reading this on the Nexus forums, then you probably also know some talented people have already made some of the different bipedal forms of Khajiit as playable races. But there's not a mod that brings them all together, and they're in such a way as to be incompatible with eachother. E.G. It's either one form or the other at the moment. There is a mod that adds most of the bipedal forms of Khajiit already, but it doesn't use any of the graphics from the other mods that add one particular Khajiit form. So I'm hoping a modder could come by and merge some of the assets from the various Khajiit form mods and make from it one mod that includes all of the different bipedal forms. I have a picture already of what they look like, and which mods have the assets already made, but without the modding experience I'm unable to actually combine them myself. Here's the picture. http://i.imgur.com/fSkHnEN.jpg Here's some more to illustrate some of the differences between them: http://i.imgur.com/fiffWvS.png http://i.imgur.com/Ot8mbot.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hCIKagx.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UWPtTdS.jpg By the way, we don't actually know anything about the Tojays or Tojay-rahts, but I based that interpretation on some patterns of the moon phases in relation to the other forms of Khajiit, and I feel that seems to respect the patterns the most. The cat-ears aren't necessarily derived from the lore, but it's a popular moderation of the Khajiit from Dagi Raht Reborn, (although I actually think Dagi's look more like http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/37413-1-1371776007.jpg due to their mention of being able to climb trees well and being lighter than Bosmer, from Mixed Unit Tactics) and it makes them further unique from the other forms, so it works out quite well. I could go into more detail behind what brings me to this interpretation, and I gladly will, but I fear if I do this post will end up being 10x longer, so if anyone's interested in the idea I'll give more details related to the projects, as well as the mod list for the above pictures. The current caretaker/updater of Dagi-Raht Reborn, TheUnexpected, has also agreed and shown interest in the prospect of this idea, but I'm posting this idea here still in case others are interested in helping too. In an ideal world, this project would have two phases: Phase 1: Merging the assets from the various mods (After obtaining the permissions from them to be able to) to create the different sub-species of Khajiit as playable races. Phase 2: Changing the Khajiit NPC's around Skyrim to have a variety of forms, so they're not all just one type. The changes would be made based on what seems most logical, e.g. since Ohmes and Ohmes-rahts are the best with talking to other races due to their facial features being more welcoming, the traders at the caravans would likely be Ohmes and Ohmes-raht. The Caravan guards would likely be Cathays and Cathay-rahts, due to them being the best warrior form. Khajiit thieves and assassins, where applicable, would be probably Suthays and Suthay-rahts, with the rest of the Khajiit having a mix between all forms. Anyway I've rambled on enough, leave a comment or post if this idea interests you or you have something else to share.
  3. I'm having some issues with the many forms in the Creation Kit. More specifically; I'm unable to add new colors to the HairColorList or add custom spells to my custom race. We work with multiple people on a large project with new races and a bit of scripting. I was working on a new race which has its own collection of spells. The race is from an existing mod and I'm redoing the setup to make sure I can properly merge it into the master .esm. It has unique skin, head parts, skills and hair colors but I'm unable to add the two last ones. I'm also unable to remove the Presets from the race on which it was based. Here is the situation: I have Skyrim, Update and Dawnguard as masters. Our main mod is an .esm file and I work in a small .esp file with all the changes and additions to the mod. The new race I made was made inside the .esp file. The race uses NordRace as Morph Race and DefaultRace for Armor Race (This is to make it work properly with RaceCompatibility in a separate plugin, which will be done in a later stage). I've already added new head parts such as ears to the race and I've added several unique skincolors which it can use. I've also added several warpaints; they didn't show up when I created a Preset actor in the CK but they do show up ingame. I'm able to add new presets to the race, but I'm unable to remove the Breton presets that are present. When adding a new skill it shows up but after pressing OK and closing the skill is removed from the race. When adding new colors to the HairColorList the same thing happens; they disappear when the window is closed. I have Version Control active for the CK because I'll have to merge the many plugins the team members make. VC has given me some problems in the past so if anyone knows more, this could be the culprit. Another thing I suspect is the Morph or Armor Race but I doubt it because I've never had problems before with these. Anyone any idea what could cause this problem? EDIT: Added that the tattoo's do work in-game.
  4. My mod has a few form lists that contain base ids of various static objects. Originally these lists could be customized by the user in-game, but it was too much of a performance drain. So "edit mode" will be resurrected in the mod's forum section, where players can submit new base IDs to be included in the next version's default sets. In the top forum post, I will list the base IDs already included and update the post with new entries. Is there any way of sending my mod's form list information to a text or log file? I don't mind copying the information form by form, but I'm hoping a better method or tool exists. It's easy enough to view the information in FNVEdit for instance, but the program doesn't appear to feature any copy-to-text options. Ideas? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Okay, so I'm a bit of a noob with the creation kit, but I have been getting better. Well today I decided I would try to remove all bloody bones and bodies on spikes. It all goes well until I go to delete bonebloodyhumanleg and bonebloodyhumanskull. Attempting to delete either two results in an intimidating forms window to pop up. The one with the leg bone mentions Hjerim (I never go there) but the bloody skull entry triggers a lot more warning about forms. When I first tested this, I was at Falkreath Watchtower, and despite a form entry for that location when I removed it, everything went fine. I only ran into trouble when I attempted deleting blood puddles from the database. Then my game crashed as soon as I swung my axe at a bandit. Reloaded, successfully killed 4 bandits, then it crashed upon attacking a 5th. Okay so I shouldn't have removed the blood puddles :P So I removed my plugin and figured I should post here and ask what should I do when faced with the form warnings. With anything really :D
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