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  1. Went traveling or on a vacation? why not share it with your forum friends?
  2. I've been looking for people who share the same interests as me. I'd love to help you with your projects, and maybe I can show you mine. If anything we can just talk about mods and modding in general. I have Discord and stuff. Thanks for your time! Have a great day! <3 - - - - - You can just message me if you want! - - - - -
  3. Hey I would like to have a group of fellow skyrim players/modders formed over Skype so any problems that arise for someone we can talk about it and help eachother. Eventhough there are plenty of help forums and videos I think that it might even be cool to have a little group going, plus I would like to meet some of the community. My Skype name is bella.sames for anyone interested
  4. Hi all, I have just finished an armour for a mod of mine, and would like the hood to function the same way as the Ghoul Mask from from Fallout 3, only this version making Lakelurks friendly rather than feral ghouls. I have tried using the script from the actual ghoul mask, however Lakelurks were still hostile whether I was wearing the hood or not. If anyone knows another method to do this, or what I've done wrong, it will be appreciated. (Image of my script below) Thanks, bayk
  5. In my current run of Skyrim, I did not join the Dark Brotherhood, so I decided to use them to power the Ebony Blade. Everyone in the Sanctuary plus Astrid is 6. I also killed the 2 Argonians in Lights Out! Now totally 8. After I helped clear out Kolskeggr Mine, I killed the 2 miners. Now totaling 10. Mephala said some progression dialogue for every other kill. However, for the tenth kill, she did not say "At last, my blade is returned to its full glory. Now go forth, child. Continue your tiny subversions against the orders of trust and intimacy." And the Whispering Door quest did not update to "I have restored Mephala's Ebony Blade to its full potential." So to confirm the kills, I typed into the console "sqv da08ebonybladetracking", which resulted in ScriptState = "" ::FriendsKilled_var =10 ::GratsScene_var = (0010FAF2) ::MaxFriendsKilled_var = 10 - 1 Aliases for quest 'DA08EbonyBladeTracking' (0010FAEC)- REF 'MephalaInYourHead'-> " (0005BF3E) --Quest state-- Enabled? Yes State: Running Current state: 0 Priority: 0 From what I can understand from this, it says that I have currently killed 10 friends, but the quest is still enabled and running. In other words, it has not finished, despite the kills already hitting max. Here is my load order. Based on these mods, the only mod that ever touched the Ebony Blade was the Unofficial Skyrim Patch (unless there's another that I'm unaware of). Has anyone who recently updated their Unofficial Skyrim Patch encountered anything like this, and if so, how does one fix it? Testing this glitch was actually made a lot harder by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch (I know that this part is caused by the patch because it is in their fix list) because they made reanimation staffs cause the reanimated to turn into ash, like normal reanimation spells (before, if you had a reanimation staff, you could reanimate any individual repeatedly so long as their level wasn't over the staff's limit).
  6. So me and some of my school friends are organising a LAN party. There are about 8 of us getting together and I was hoping if I could grab some of that wonderful knowledge from you guys about some LAN-capable RPGs. It needs to be able to handle 8 players on 1 server (because we don't want anyone sitting out). Thanks for you help, -ImNoGhoul
  7. Hiii, my names eliasian and im looking for some friends. i never really interacted much in the nexus community (mostly been focused on my load order but now ive kinda settled for a bit) and that kinda sucks, so now i get bored often and would like some interaction with real people lol. it really doesn't matter what, whether it be exchanging ss, or just talking in general, having a friend would be really nice (im relatively new to pc but not modding in general) . im pretty social and this whole sticking to single player games thing is fun but i need some real human interaction in the mix. do respond any and all is welcome! ((im very active but i do go to HS))
  8. Hi there! I know there are mods that enable multiplayer, but due to many try's all failing, does anyone know of a WORKING one that would allow me to play with my friend on a different internet? Thanks!
  9. Hello, I am Sur Ole and I admit that there might be such requests, but I do not ask just about the posibility to play online with friends. I want to talk about some rules, which will make making the mod easier. 1. I think many mod-makers who were thinking about making this one met a problem with quest making, like what to do that there not to have problems with different bugs which can appear beacause of that. I offer the idea to make such a rule, that a quest would be able to make just one man. I mean, if someone take a quest then just he or she can make this quest, I mean to talk to people, taking quest items, using them and other things like that but for others just not to allow this things, and the characters united with the ques would talk to non-linked to cuest character like a simple NPC. 2. Dying in the mod should be like in the mod "Death Alternative. Your Money Or Your Life". You can oblige those, who will download the mod to install as well this mod or to unite it with your own one. I do not see any sense to die in other way. Character can be resurected either by a special speel which can be added in the mod or by reloading in the game,waking up in a nearest place starting the Deatha alternative quest valueable apart for every character. 3. New server = new companion. Yes, I understand that to create a server wit existin characters would be a real "pain", so the one who makes server can save it on his computer like save of the character, so that without him nobody can play the game with any characters, all the characters is new and their progress is saved on one computer. That will aavoid a lot of problems in making te mod. 4. Game starting. Ok. These ideas may be stupid, but we do not have what else to do. In very starting of the game there will be one more carrige with 4 characters maximum (I suppose a server with a limit of 5 characters will be more than enough). Everyone is seating in their place. The one, who made the server take place of the dovakin of non-moded game. When the one who askes the names will say the same words to the all characters. When the game starts. (There can be used any door to escape the Helgen, the door which will be used first will allow to either imperial or stormclock NPC to enter with you and the one left will stay outside in Helgen. When entering to the cave, entrance cannot be blocked until the last character passed through the entrance. For those who decided to enter later, when some quests are already done, he will be also obliged to start from 1st level, but he will start the game from one of the frontiers of Skyrim with leather armor set and steel blade. 5. Saving. There will be ability to save just for one, who made the server. Others would not be able to do anything. But when it will be needed to load the saving either waitnig or sleeping, it will be needed to ask the permission of all the characters. 6. When exiting the game without dying, the character who exited can be killed by random attack. There will be activated sleeping like in the RUST. So before exiting every character excluding the one, who made server will need to hide in a safe place before exiting if the server creator do not exit him- herself. That is all ideas for today. Who has more interesting ideas please write them on the comment, because online playng should be good one. Guys who are thinking to make this mod, I hope I helped you somehow in the theory.
  10. I just want to know, is there any mods in Oblivion that actually allow this that aren't super buggy? I looked around, and there doesn't seem to be one that works well, but I'm really knew to the modding scene of Oblivion, so I'm wondering if there really is (or isn't) a good mod that allows for online play with friends. Basically, Oblivion, but a friend is in your world.
  11. If you haven't seen it already, there was recently a companion mod made having Matt and Pat from the Machinima Let's Play Series called "Two Best Friends Play (Insert game title here)" . The mod is pretty well done, and after a Nexus member posted the link for the mod on their facebook page, they responded with glee and were willing to voice act for the companions. I'm think to take this even further... How about having a comical yet seriously dramatic questline for the two comedians? Willing to write it all. (Dailouge, Events, Story, some scripting) Just wondering if there is any serious pretty good modders out there who want to help. Full credit in what you do of course.
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