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  1. Hello! I was hoping that some brilliant modder here would kindly help me out with my mod idea! I want to play as a magic dog! the only way I can see it working would be to somehow combine both of the skeletons for the dog and the player! that way the player mesh could be made invisible and the dog would appear visually to be controlling weapons and fighting using advanced Telekinesis! I looked into doing this a few years back but sadly could not figure out how to do it! I tried to use the cute floppy eared white dog from this mod https://www.nexusmod...3752?tab=images (the 4th and 5th pic have the floppy eared baby) when I tried importing the skeletons for both the dog and the player skeletons it just broke! trying to merge a root bone just caused everything to explode for me... so I'm hoping someone here may be able to help me! I don't care how odd it looks playing as a dog in 3rd person... I think it would be super fun! just to summarize and clarify! both animation sets would work! so all of the animations for the player would stay intact! the catch is that the player model is completely invisible! and the dog it attached to the player character! so all of the dog animations are intact as well! the player moves and the dog walks the player crouch walks and the dog does... whatever dogs do...crawling? I don't know if there's an animation for that and I don't really care! if anyone here would kindly help me out with this (either telling me how to do it in nifskope or kindly making this a reality) I would be extremely grateful!
  2. Hello! I was hoping that some brilliant modder here would kindly help me out with my mod idea! I want to play as a magic dog! the only way I can see it working would be to somehow combine both of the skeletons for the dog and the player! that way the player mesh could be made invisible and the dog would appear visually to be controlling weapons and fighting using advanced Telekinesis! I looked into doing this a few years back but sadly could not figure out how to do it! I tried to use the cute floppy eared white dog from this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73752?tab=images (the 4th and 5th pic have the floppy eared baby) when I tried importing the skeletons for both the dog and the player skeletons it just broke! trying to merge a root bone just caused everything to explode for me... so I'm hoping someone here may be able to help me! I don't care how odd it looks playing as a dog in 3rd person... I think it would be super fun! just to summarize and clarify! both animation sets would work! so all of the animations for the player would stay intact! the catch is that the player model is completely invisible! and the dog it attached to the player character! so all of the dog animations are intact as well! the player moves and the dog walks the player crouch walks and the dog does... whatever dogs do...crawling? I don't know if there's an animation for that and I don't really care! if anyone here would kindly help me out with this (either telling me how to do it in nifskope or kindly making this a reality) I would be extremely grateful!
  3. You know you love the idea of being chased by a horde of Ghouls repeatedly yelling "SHAAAAAAAUN!!" every time they spot you
  4. i had an idea for a mod in skyrim a while back. what if we could replace the giants, with the amazons from futurama? they'd still smash the dragonborn and hit things with their clubs but instead of grunting they yell "IT TIME FOR SNOO SNOO!" their roughly the same size and they use the same weapon. and when you hide from them they yell "where go beautiful man?" just thought it'd be a good fit if someone could make that mod i'd be their best friend forever
  5. Made this wanted poster as a joke for my friend, but it got me thinking that the Coruscant public should be made aware of this absolute menace. https://imgur.com/a/nVwgQ0l
  6. Need a mod that makes Gale and/or Elminster, Lorroakan, have big melons. Ideally, all male wizard body types have them as well. It is funny. That is all.
  7. This might sound stupid but I want Kingdom Hearts 1 music to be playing during gameplay. The reason is because it sort of has the same story as Kingdom Hearts with losing hearts being the main focus of the story. Also I want to piss off my friend (who introduced me to this game) even more by making even more KH references throughout my time playing.
  8. I have been in love with a mod https://www.nexusmods.com/pathfinderwrathoftherighteous/mods/398 from Pathfinder wrath of the righteous and have been hoping for someone to make one.
  9. Hello, I would like a mod that allows you to tip people like the way you can tip brahmins when crouching lol
  10. So there's a level in the original Half-Life called "We've Got Hostiles". I've been playing through the Black Mesa rewrite of Half-Life and it occurred to me that it would be very funny to re-skin that level with lots of gorgeous outfits and call it "We've Got Hot Styles". Put little collars on the headcrabs and everything. This is probably something that is only awesome to me, but I am taking a chance to post it here. Maybe this has already been done. I'm always finding crap on the internet that blows my mind.
  11. Norsemen is one of my favorite comedic parody shows, and it's about Vikings. It would be hilarious to have Norsemen stuff in Skyrim. I'm thinking Orm as a follower/companion with funny interactions like he would go off and come back with a stick and talk about Nick the Stick. Or when in a heavy battle or when there is multiple opponents, he says something wormy like "I'm going to find a uhhh... better focusing point of attack" and he just runs away until the battle is over, then afterwards he comes back and he's like "They had a group over on the left... flank and I uhhh... managed to hold them off" or something.
  12. Hey, I was wondering if someone could make a "Staff of Sweets" mod for skyrim special edition pls, I need a staff to turn characters into sweets for a horror-based villain. Thanks for your time and have a great day.
  13. Post a funny gif, or a gif that makes you go wtf?! So easy a trained monkey could do it. Speaking of which, where has Jangles gotten off to now...? Oh, Jangles... http://img.memecdn.com/Machine-gun-cat_o_115072.gif
  14. I spent awhile looking for one of these for fallout 4 but it hasn't been done yet. I have a link with the audio here:
  15. Hello Nexus modders and mod community. For the longest time I've been scouring the internet to find funny companion mods for fallout 4. Even though I've found quite a few, I'm still yet to find a fully voiced Hank Hill companion mod. If there are any modders who have been considering to make such a mod and need a voice actor, then look no further. I've been told I can do a pretty mean Hank Hill impression and think it would be pretty cool to be apart of a mod project. Attached to this post will be a sample of my Mediocre impersonation. Let me know what you guys think, and if anyone's interested, contact me over the nexus dm thingy. Thanks. PS; Apologies if the "I'm gonna Kick your ass" sample is too loud. It's my first time using Audacity to record my voice.
  16. I remember playing Skyrim years ago using an awesome companion mod from the Nexus. His name was Throthgar, something like that. It's been so long but I still remember little bits of it. He is supposed to be a dragonborn too, fully voiced. He wore a complete set of dragonbone armor and used an enchanted 2-hand daedric greatsword as his main weapon. The first place for you to meet him would be the inn in Riverwood where you could hire him and have him become your companion. A little quote I remember hearing all the time: "Wait, if you're the Dragonborn and I'm the Dragonborn, one of us must be delusional." :laugh: I don't really know what else to put here, hopefully someone can help me find the mod or tell what happened to it. Thank you for the help! :happy:
  17. : I have a very odd request for a mod. I would like someone to make a parody on loot crates as a in game mod for Fo4 add a few tiers even ie Raider Gunner Railroad BoS Institute Enclave Lets poke some fun at these Full priced games with Free to play mechanics. =)
  18. Would love to see a mod that uses caged conveyor belts and specialized machines to take captured mole rats and turn them into suicide mole rats in an assembly line format. I've always wanted to have a living minefield around my base, and don't even get me started on the arena fights it would create.
  19. So I'm not sure if anyone else does this - but I have a drug using melee character, & and often I save up a ton of jet in order to make killing low level enemies funner. I'll often run into a bunch of low level raiders, wearing nothing but a smile and weilding my trust sword and start going ham on the dudes in slow motion. To further boost my enjoyment during this moments I often ether sing to myself, or quickly play on my phone Juice Newton's - Angel of The Morning Deadpool style to add to the themematic glory of it all. When super nuking a deathclaw after taking psycho jet, surrounded by the dead bodies of raiders who I had just bayonet changed, I was thinking to myself 'Wouldn't be awesome if someone made a mod for this?" Now other than installing mods - I'm not a modder at all (I seem to have the anti midas touch with mods, where everything I touch turns to s***!) But if someone were to make this a mod I would love them forever - I'd even name my child after them - and get a tattoo of them on my ass :ninja: Many thanks in advance - Thesp.
  20. In case this doesnt get done by Bethesda, I want to throw this idea out because it gave me a good snicker. Medium cages, yadda yadda, I want arenas for every enemy type. Heres some flavor text for them Children of Atom: Revelations of Atom here! (or) Find Atom Here (or) Free Division Here Synths: SYNTHS DISPLAYING FREE WILL Railroad: Lost Synths Here BoS: Free technology! Trappers: Free "Meat" Anyone else have some ideas like this?
  21. I want something that looks like the junk jet for companions to use that shoots newspapers.
  22. i was just playing around in windhelm the other day and i realized that his views really line up with trumps. i mean i just think it would be hilarious. sorry if this is out of place or anything.
  23. Looking forward to your additions! :D (But keep it spoiler-free, please!)
  24. Come up with a funny phrase to complete the sentence or make up a new phrase if you want.
  25. Does anyone else use this mod? That monkey can really hold his own, LOL:
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