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  1. Hey Guys, I am a Huge Fan of the Oldrim Mod "Religion" ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67663 ) So i would ask if someone could possibly convert this Mod to the Special Edition? Also, i have a Mod Idea for a completely new Mod. It's a Mod about Demigods and Gods. It would be a Race, Quest, NPC and Magic/Spell Mod. First, i would add the new Race of the Demigod. They would Generally have much more Health, Magicka and Stamina as Regular Charakters, but a much slower Regeneration Rate than Nords for example. For ex.: Magicka 1000, Health 750 and Stamina also 1000 but have they regenerate these only with 10-50% of the Speed of a regular Charakter. Then, with a additional Item or even a Quest (I'll explain later), they can choose their Aedric or Daedric Parent. They would then have additional Powers and Weaknesses. For example a Child of Molag Bal could Summon and Control the Dead but be vulnerable to silver because silver is more effective against undead. A Child of Arkay could Banish the Undead or something like this. Also, random Demigods would Spawn in the World, some would help you an become Followers or sth and some would try to kill you. For the Quest, i have an Idea where you can find out who your Godly Parent is, where you have the option to choose one at the End of the Quest. So that's all so far, if someone could help me with this (because i never made any mod or know how to) i would be extremely thankful. And sorry for my not so good English, i don't speak English often, so...sorry xD Well, thanks for Reading, Best Regards, gorenomisp
  2. I want to create and collaborate with someone to render a mod that would fully bring the Bosmer religion and Old Way to Skyrim through various questlines. It'd function a lot like the Daedric quests in the vanilla game. These quests aren't strung together - you slowly bring the Daedra (Or in this case, the Bosmeri deities) you know and love to life through your own will and thoughtful contemplation. I'm proposing a few different ways that these questlines can be accessed: Five or so extra Wood Elf followers with their own diverse backstories and reasons for being in Skyrim. Each of these characters has a patron deity - a god they most connect to, and thus, you to that deity.Books - only a few, but enough to eloquently tell the basics of the myths of Bosmer religion.Items/totems - maybe only one. Works the same as Azura's Beacon quest.I'm thinking this mod tells the story of the Bosmer through stories and motivates people to learn - so more of a minimalistic thing, unless someone wants to take the time to expand on it... I'm just trying to minimize how much work goes into this while still getting the clear point across. So! Few items. Small, small shrines - almost similar to the kind that involve being in a home. Lovely followers. Immersive quests. Maybe there could be parts included about the The Green Pact aka everyone's favorite fact about the Bosmer: they use/consume every bit of the creature they've killed. Please hit me up if you like the idea, have any suggestions, or want to collab with me on this! I'm a writer, so I'd be so interested in working on the characters, the dialogue, the quests... It's dreamy. Thanks!
  3. I recently read a post about who was the most powerful being on nirn. It seem that a lot of people seem to think that it's either Talos or Vivec. This was very odd to me, since I thought deadric prince were most powerful (jyggalag). But apparently Talos and Vivec both archives CHIM? So I read into it some more, and dam that CHIM thing is powerful! It seem to give the power to bend the universe to your will :O. Then my question is, if Talos achives CHIM, then why did he die and become a divine, I mean CHIM is already more powerful than divines? Why did he even need to fight to unite Tamriel? Why couldn't Vivec just erase Dagoth out of existence rather than sending the Nerevarine? Why did he surrender to the army of man and give them the Numidium? There's so much stuff that these two could have done if CHIM is really that powerful. I just don't understand, is there a limit to this CHIM thing? like one shot kinda?
  4. I've recently been interested in role-playing a mage character with a fascination/worship of Magnus. After I'd had the idea I started to look around on the Nexus and Steam but couldn't find anything to do with Magnus except a few spells and overhauls to the staff of Magnus, furthermore I couldn't find anything much to with any of the Aedra so I was wondering whether it would be possible to create a mod that adds in the ability to worship the gods in a more in depth manner than the basic praying at shrines as well as the implementation of Aedric quests. P.S. I may have missed a mod that does something like this if that's so could you please point me in the right direction thanks.
  5. NEEDED: Mod Makers to create textures, sounds, and meshes for a new mod my brother and I want to make. For more info, email me at: [email protected] or email my brother at: [email protected] Thank you, -Krimzon
  6. So I randomly thought of a good idea for a mod and got carried away. Ended up taking the entire day up with writing a quest. Then I remembered I know nothing about modding skyrim... at all. I don't even have the creation kit (some stupid javascript glitch that keeps happening) anyway if you have no life outside of skyrim like me then take a look at what I came up with, and if not then enjoy it anyway and hopfully one day somebody will make this mod.
  7. well I got this far and realized that I know nothing about modding... here you are for your enjoyment
  8. Let's say that my character wanted to wear the Armor of the Old Gods, but she focuses on illusion magic rather than destruction magic. Therefore, instead of wearing that armor, she wear a custom-enchanted Forsworn Armor of Illusion. Will that armor have the Matching Set perk when worn with the other armor pieces of the Old Gods?
  9. I admit, I'm new to the forums part of Nexus, and well somewhat Nexus site itself, but I did try a search, and didn't see anything like this, granted sorry if I missed it. None the less, on to the request. I think, it would be pretty amazing if a modder could create some amulets of the daedric lords. With some unique look fitting to their symbol if applicable and a unique blessing (most likely a small curse as well). A cookie? If random Daedric Shrines could be added throughout Skyrim too. Edit: Found out how to add tags, sorry I forgot that in the beginning. Now maybe someone else will see this and find interest.
  10. I'm looking for someone willing to do a charter model of the nordic god Shor, and make it a playable race. If you're wondering why I want to see this happen, it's because I want to use it in a video that I'm going to be making (provided someone actually does it). However, whoever would take up this task would have to use their imagination a little bit, as this is the only depiction of Shor that I could find: If anyone is willing to do this, that would be freaking awesome.
  11. Those who seen my previous posts, that was a mistake, I'm new to this. The Plot for having the Mod's creation : Basically, the Gods have planned to reveal themselves throughout all of Skyrim. As the Dragonborn, the Gods seem to be worse than Dragons trying to either take over the world or destroy it, Vampires blocking the sun allowing them to attack during the day, and a very envious Dragonborn who lives in a region of Morrowind where he wants to kill the Dragonborn and rule over the world. It seems like everyone wants to rule over the world right? However the Gods are not like this. Instead, Nuadha(Noo-Ah) has decided to allow you to become a God yourself! Isn't that exciting!? However learning more about Nuadha's intentions of trying to take down the other Gods and the Dremora that lurk Oblivion, his daughter Morrighan(Moe-rih-chawn), a Goddess of War and Revenge tells the Dragonborn about his father's intentions. What does this mean? A new faction is made! But how can you trust Morrighan, she is known for being very deceitful for those who are beyond the potential of mortals. Morrighan however has large respect for mankind itself but seems to despise demons. This is where another God comes right in, Cichol(KYEE-uh-kuhl), this God is the King of the Demons. His plot is to destroy the world of Skyrim and allow the Demons to rise above all. Now you have four factions : Nuadha(Easy Mode) -- King of the Gods :: Reward -> Robes of the Gods + Demi Powers Cichol(Medium Mode) -- King of the Demons :: Reward -> Demonic Robes + Demi-Powers Morrighan(Hard Mode) -- Goddess of War, Goddess of the People :: Reward -> Lugh Lavada Armor + Demi-Powers Dragon(Legendary Mode) -- You decide to help a nice Dragon just for now, you can kill him later if you want :: Reward -> Summon Dragon Spell, all reward above + Demi-Powers Along with four factions, you also have two Factions : The Corrupt Alchemist - Lead by Helvetius -- Rewards --> Corrupt Alchemist Robes + Corrupted Alchemy The Royal Alchemist - Lead by Lennox -- Rewards --> Royal Alchemist Bodywear + Royal Alchemy How do you start this quest? You will need to be Level 75 in order to start the quest : Must have defeated Alduin Must have finished the Civil War The College of Winterhold Must have finished Dragonborn Must have finished Dawnguard Quest 1 : Hiding in the Closet || Only the beginning || The Forsakened Crypts Some kid in Riverwood tells you about a dungeon just around Riverwood and how some Imperials were trying to retreat into the Dungeon while the Stormcloaks outmatched in numbers, it was also days that they never returned. You go on with all that you got and enter the Dungeon. The Dungeon is called, "The Forsakened Tomb", when you enter, you will suspect that you are walking on firm ground, but really you realise that you triggered a trap and you brings you down until you hit water. You will notice that the Stormcloaks were killed here and that the Imperials had the Advantage due to this spontaneous incident. As you enter the actual dungeon, and continue moving forward, you will notice that there are a lot of dead skeletons in the room. It will appear as if you enter a casual dungeon filled with draugr, Dragon Priest, Ghosts, Dremora, and giant spiders. The dungeon is like Labyrinthian, by size and difficulty. On the first Floor, there are just draugr, skeletons, ghosts, and giant spiders. At the end of the first floor, you will notice a giant dead at the last room along with two dead Imperials. Gong into the second floor, the difficulty of monsters increase as there are more Dremora and different variations of draugr and skeleton lurking about lurking about. Luckily the giants spiders decreased in numbers. At the end of this floor you notice ten Imperial Soldiers dead along with three pile of ashes of a Dragon Priest. Once you reach the third floor, you will see three Imperials left alive at the entrance of the first room. They tell you that they were fighting in the war against the Stormcloaks. They also mention they haven't ate in days. Of course, you could always tell them that the war is over. If you do, they will ask who won. If the Stormcloaks won, they would get angry at you and think that you are lying. You have the choice to tell them to calm down or to threaten them. If you try to calm them down they will try to go into their senses, with very little amount of food they ask if you have any. One might ask for food, if you do not have food to feed him, he will not come with you to find a way out of here. You could also try to persuade him to join with you to get out of here as well, but doesn't always work. The other two will come with you regardless as they seem to have the conscious to continue on. On the third floor there are Deathlords, Dremora, Nordic Armored Ghost, and higher leveled Skeletons. It doesn't matter if the Imperial soldiers die but they could be helpful for just a little while. At the end of the third floor there is a Mini-boss, it looks like it's the end of the dungeon but it seems like it's not. You can imagine a banquet room. Apparently, there is a Draugr Deathlord sitting in his chair resting with empty plates along with other Draugr who are also sitting by the table. But apparently those at the table are not the boss. It's also known that there are a lot of undead skeletons laying about all over the place. Apparently there is a powerful Necromancer who has the key to go to the fourth floor. Now you have to go through this big battle sequence and try to survive. Once you defeat them you get the key you can just go into the fourth floor. The Fourth Floor, this time there are only Dwarven Mechanics and Dragon Priests! Falmer have also been rumored to reside within the Fourth Floor. As you go through the Fourth Floor, you will get to the point where you reach the Mini-boss. The room itself is like an arena, you also need four Dwemer Power Rubrics to activate the gate to enter the Fifth Floor. You will have to face Four Giant Dwemer Sentinels at the same time. Along with the Sentinels are other forms of Dwemer also assisting them in battle. Once you defeat the four Dwemer Sentinels, you can now open the giant gate. Go upward to reach the final floor. The Fifth floor is basically more Dwemer technology. There seems to be only Dwemer and Detruction Ghost Mages that lurk the dungeons itself. The Dungeon also seems different from other dungeons, it seems to have an open space about it allowing flying objects to fly around. When you reach a certain point, you will face a Dwemer Dragon who holds a Dwemer Power Rubric and a Lexicon. Some might already know about the Dwemer Dragon Mod and seen what it does. If not I will present a link right now. The Lexicon will be needed later in order to finish the first part of the quest. Dwemer Dragon Mod - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24587/? Once you reach the Mini-boss protecting the exit to the last room which is the reason why you're here. You enter the room, leading you into a new area of the Dungeon. If the Imperial Soldiers are still alive they will look around the room, they will wonder where they are. One finds a Dwemer elevator out of where they are, however the others curious want to know what will happen. Yes now you have to do one of those Lexicon puzzles like you did from the College of Winterhold or from the Main Skyrim Quest. There seems to be something wrong with one of the mirrors and they might need to be fixed and repaired. Also, once you finish the puzzle, you will be required to get four more Dwemer Power Rubrics in order to continue further. What is worse is that four powerful Dwemer Sentinels appear from the orb area and start to attack. When you kill them you can attach the Rubrics onto the machines revealing the main purpose why you actually did that annoying puzzle. You finally discover the Wardrobe. If the Imperials are still alive one of them will get frustrated and then they all since there was nothing in value throughout the whole dungeon itself. Course you still want to check that Wardrobe, when opened it takes you to another world. The different world is this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS4kBB61Fek The place that you're in is called the Underground Waterway Passage. There is water all around you and an ancient, Marble walkway which leads to the location of the King of the Gods, Nuadha. You will notice five Psijic Mages trying to stop you from passing through. They tell you that the old order of Psijic have sealed the way to Nuadha by using the power of Morrighan the "Goddess of the People" as they say. The only way to break the statue is to get an Elder Scroll that knows about the Gods. This then goes to the concept of Elder Scroll (Gods), giving you clues of where you can find it. The Psijic Mages tell you that they will not fight but warn you of what may occur. Of course you ignore them and they do nothing about it. You leave the Waterway in search for the Elder Scroll. This concludes the first quest! Quest 2 : In search for the Elder Scroll Looks like we're on another useless quest to find the Elder Scroll. But I do this for a reason. Hinted from the Psijic they tell you to speak to a spectral spirit of great knowledge, a place where knowledge is kept under paper, or to speak with a Nord in the outskirts of Skyrim. Else they still warned not to continue further, but this is a quest so you have to! The Augur of Dunlain, being a slow talker, doesn't seem to know much about such Elder Scrolls, not even the library of Winterhold knows as well. Instead of wasting your time, go speak with the Nord by the name of Lennox the Alchemist in the Outskirts of Skyrim who lives South-East of Markarth. He will tell you about a place where once the Dwemer once held an ancient library underground using ancient dwarven technology. They scribed the information into code, luckily Lennox had the decoder himself but he will not give it to thoroughly as it was an unique and rare piece of history. He also warns you about the Corrupt Alchemist. The Corrupt Alchemist also seem to be wanting the information from the Dwemer Library to conjure up something powerful but he is unsure what exactly. You could always ask who the Corrupt Alchemist are but then he'll talk about how he use to be part of an old organization of Alchemist who wanted the power to become Gods. Sadly, it was said that few of the Alchemist became corrupt and joined aside with an old friend by the name of Helvetius the Corrupt. He tells that the Corrupt Alchemist have discovered a way to teleport themselves into something they called the Soul-Stream, allowing them to escape any battles or teleport behind their enemies for close combat attacks. But I will explain this later. Some question is that possible for a mod? Yes it is actually. Here is the Mod example : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15699/? There is power that can banish you or your target into a different realm. I use this a lot myself just for fun, it's great for teleporting to one place and to another. He gives you the coordinates to find this library which resides West of Whiterun, once you reach the area, this will have three floors. At the end you will discover the library. The only book you need is a book that resembles a Black Book except you cannot read what is said nor what it holds. Instead, you will need to go back to Lennox so he can decode it for you. As he decodes it, he asks that you read the book yourself, you can ask him why, but why ask when you obviously know you're going to go into a Black Book Mini-game again, except it's in the past? Anyway, the book basically that a powerful Avatar knows every location of an Elder Scroll but with a cost. This then tells you that if you were to fail, your body would turn into ashes as you enter the spiritual realm and face the Avatar's fierce challenges that only the most worthy can pass. You tell Lennox about this and he warns you the path I am taking may be a tough one and that I might not even come back. He asks for me to talk to him again if you've made your decision to continue further. This end this quest. Quest 3 : The Soul-Stream Once you accepted, he has no choice to allow you to do so. He gives you a potion and tells you that it can take you to the Soul-Stream. Once you drink it you will enter the Soul-Stream. You will make a blond, hot, sexy, chick by the name of Nao. You can ask her a lot of things but the main thing is this, "Do you where I can find the Avatar who knows where to find any Elder Scroll in the world?", she will tell you that she can take you to him. She can also take you back to the real world if you wish. Continuing on, you reach a hellish land, this is where you meet the Avatar, you ask for where to find the Elder Scroll the break Morrighan's seal. He knows where but demands that you challenge him. You can think this over or accept. Once you accept he will take you into a different realm. A realm within your mind, if you die, you will lose your soul, and your body will become lifeless. This was what he warns before you accept the challenge. There are ten waves : Also note that the battle arena is large and wide but you may possibly fall to your own death. Twenty Horkers Ten Ice Wolves Two Skeleton Mages, One Skeleton Warrior, Two Skeleton Archers Five Ghost Warriors Five Sabercats Five Trolls Five Giants, not really that tough. Five Deathlords Five Dremora One Alduin-Like DragonAfter the Ten Waves, the Avatar will speak once more and tell you that you can find the Elder Scroll from a Thalmor Embassy far away from Skyrim. This ends the quest. Quest 4 : Infiltrating Thalmor Judicial Island To start this quest you will need to speak with Lennox. This then allows you to unlock more about Lennox's past. He tells you that the Thalmor feared what the Alchemists were capable of so what happened was the Thalmor plotted to head to Skyrim to capture every Alchemist who knew about sacred arts that possibly scaled even greater beyond magic itself. The leaders of the Alchemist were captured and then the group was disbanded. This caused Helvetius and others to go into the shadows for revenge. However Lennox did not see vengeance to be a good idea, instead Lennox desired to use alchemy as a defense against evil rather than use the power of alchemy for becoming a god or using it for power. Lennox tells you how to get to this island without being caught. He gives you an enchanted amulet. He tells you that it has the power to make those believe you are physically a High Elf and have joined the Thalmor. Of course in case this fails, Lennox tells you about obtaining higher positions within the Thalmor, in order to do this, you will need to use a Remodified Soul Gem then use the dead body on the person you're trying to transform to. It's also mentioned that the amulet does not give you any special powers from whoever you used it on but only the appearance, therefore it could be used on anyone. You will need to go to the North-West of Skyrim to find the Thalmor ship, apparently they are preparing to leave for the Judicial Island. It would be best to go now before it leaves. Once you get to that location, Thalmor will recognize you as one of their own. As you board the ship and start to sail to the island, you are now inside of the ship. Feel free to walk around and see what's up. Be warned, do not attack anyone or else your cover will be blown. If this ever happens, you will be teleported back to the ship to redo the mission again. If you are unable to do this, then that would mean once you are wearing the amulet, you will not be able to attack whatsoever, meaning you only have the appearance. Anyway, you can walk around and check what's happening. You will notice in one of the prison cells on the ship, there is a Moth Priest. But that isn't all that is happening if you go to certain places where the Thalmor are at you can hear interactions and monologue of what the Thalmor are trying to plot at the moment. Right now the head of the Embassy is planning to uncover what is written under the Elder Scroll that they have found. In order to do this, a Moth Priest is needed and rumors said that there was a Moth Priest heading to Solitude so they captured him without being seen. The question is why do they want to know what is covered on the Elder Scroll? After 3-5mins it will be said that the ship made it to the island. Once on the Island you are ordered by the Thalmor to take the Moth Priest to the prisons. You have no choice but to do so for now. Once you take him to the prisons, you will notice Khajit and Nords. Sadly, the prison is guarded by Thalmor making it impossible to make a conversation. This means it would be best to use the amulet to the test. Ensure that no-one is watching, you will need need to lure a Thalmor Representative where no-one will notice you attacking them. After this, you must kill the Thalmor and use the Remodified Soul-Gem to mimic his body and take his keys. Because of this form, you seem to have more political power under the Thalmor allowing you to order Thalmor to do as you please. Speak with the Moth Priest and tell him that you're here to help. Suddenly a Thalmor Official and Thalmor Guards enters and you turn around, they question you, "Where are the guards?", you tell him, "I ordered them to take a five minute break," the Thalmor Official confused but accepts, "I care less of what happened, I have a mission of my own," , "And that is..?", "To collect the Moth Priest of course!" You could take this time to allow him, the Thalmor Official after retrieving the Moth Priest looks back before leaving, "Hmm, since you forgot about the special meeting about learning about the Elder Scroll already, I do suggest you show up, else you'll miss opportunity," After they leave you speak to one of the Nords, his name is Leymore. You tell him that you are not actually Thalmor but really an illusion of one. Leymore tells you that he already knows and that he himself has a plan. You ask what the plan is, he first requests you unlock the prison cells in order to engage the attack. You however give a counter plan instead telling him to collect the supplies first and head back to the cells, when the Thalmor Guards won't know it will kill them. Your reason is very simple, you want to know what the Elder Scroll says. Leymore agrees and goes with your plan. But before you go, he gives you something that the Thalmor failed to take from him, he shows to you a cylinder and magical gems(100 of them). He tells you if you charge it long enough, you can unleash a powerful attack. This means it's like a crossbow or a bow except it has magical capabilities. The more you charge, the stronger the attack. You are given 25 fire, water, sand, and wind gems. The fire gem shoots out a ray of fire. The water gem shoots a ball of water. The Sand Gem can blind the foe while cause slight damage. And the Wind Gems can blow your enemies away. You go to the Special Meeting Room, Thalmor Representatives, Officials, and a High Elf Elite are presented in the room. As you sit down, the Moth Priest reads the Elder Scroll with every requirement that he requires in order to read without any consequences. Once you find out about what is on the Elder Scroll you can either fight everyone in the room or wait what will happen. Before they were able to take the Moth Priest back into the Prison Cells, a Thalmor enters the room in panic. With the panic expression he warns that the prisoners have escaped from prison. One of the Thalmor look at you and calls you a traitor, you prepare yourself for battle and start to fight. If you want to cause critical damage, try using the cylinder, it is probably the best item against the Thalmor, issue is the gems are like ammo so you would have to change them each time, so making them favorite items may be suggestible. Once you leave the meeting room with the Moth Priest, Leymore will appear, he tells you that they need to get out of here quick before reinforcements come by from the upper-levels of the embassy. He tells you that his ship is by the docks, if we were to take his ship we could make it back safely. After going through the waves of Thalmor trying to stop us we finally reached the ship. As we returned back to Skyrim, the Moth Priest gives me the Elder Scroll explaining that in order for the prophecy to work, one must use the Elder Scroll by Morrighan's Statue in the Underground Waterway in order to know where to find Morrighan's Feather. Leymore reveals that he knows who made me that amulet and tells you that it was his father, Lennox. Suddenly a new character appears revealing Cai who is trying to found an Alchemist Guild with Leymore. The Quest is finished. Quest 5 : Finding Morrighan's Feather Leymore and Cai ask that you bring them to Lennox immediately. Course you have no choice you allow it. As you venture back to where Lennox is at, when Lennox sees Leymore, he grows frustrated. He looks at you, "Did you have something to do with this?", then you would have a list of options for that answer, the main input answer is, "Why is there a problem?". He will close conversation and talk to his son, he grows insults his son as if he does not own him. Cai tries to step in buy Lennox tells him to be quiet. After everything calms down, Lennox requests that he brings Leymore and Cai with you when you go to the Waterway. You have the choice to bring them or not, not like it really is necessary. Anyway, you head back to the Waterway, as you use the Elder Scroll near the statue, the Elder Scroll tells you where you must go. Once you find the location, the Order of the Psijic re-appear, warning you not to continue on. Of course you will just ignore them as usual. Continuing on, you head to a place by the name of Alby Dungeon. Alby Dungeon can be found West of Helgen. The Dungeon is five floors. Floor 1 : Spiders, Cobweb Mummies(Dragon Priest), Spider-Humanoids Floor 2 : Giant Spiders, Spider Wolf, Spider-Humanoids, Cobweb Mummies(Dragon Priest) Floor 3 : Spider Bear, Spider-Humanoids, Golden Giant Spiders, Bug-Wolf, Cobweb Mummies(Dragon Priest) Floor 4 : Larva(Cobwebs), Bug-Wolf, Spider Bear, Spider-Humanoids, Golden Giant Spiders, Spider Wolf, Cobweb Mummies Floor 5 : Cobweb Armored Deathlord, Cobweb Armored Spider-Knight, Armored Spider Wolf, Cobweb Mummies, Larva(Cobwebs)At the fifth floor, there is a boss, Arachne Hagraven. It can summon Giant Spiders to fight with her. Within the chest, there is Morrighan's Feather. Once you retrieve the Feather go back to the Underground Waterway and use the feather on the statue. If Leymore and Cai were with you they decide to go back to Lennox. The Statue will tear itself down allowing you to pass through. This isn't even the end of this quest! Continue the path until you reach the end. There you will be in a place where there is a broad-looking man with large dark wings and a robe is standing at the center of the area. The man you see is Nuadha look at the pictures to see more. Also, there are also those by the name of Daol. Think of them as Angels that serve a God. For pictures best to look at this link below : Visuals of Daol : They are like Bird-like creatures at best. Heck, you can ever turn them into a birdman warrior if you want! Anyway, you speak to Nuadha, his voice broad, strong, distinct (powerful), and filled with hubris (pride), he intellectually admires you as looks at you as if he too was mortal and not a god, "Ah you are what they call the Dragonborn, those surpassing the physical form of a mere mortal have spoke much about you," if you ask a question about "you know about me?", he will answer, "Of course, though you may think these barriers seal those within Morrighan's power, I can still feel what is beyond these realms," if you ask something more obvious like, "Wait who are you?" He will have a slight chuckle, "Ah Ha, my sincere apologies Dragonborn, it is not likely you would ever see a God beyond your very eyes, I am Nuadha, the King of the Gods," , this would then have a list about asking Nuadha questions, course you could always end the conversation by saying one of the three, "Well I better be going then, I only wished to see what was behind that statue," his answer would make him laugh, "Ah ha , ha, go to such conclusions when you can be rewarded," this adds more dialogue. If you said, "Well even in freedom, there's always a price," his answer, "That may be true, but what price is there when I reward you with something that is far from priceless?" This will add more dialogue. But if you said, "Well this was a waste of time, I'm going to go," his answer, "Though your journey may be tough, but I will repay you for your deeds," this adds more dialogue. So anyone making this can be creative with it, such as adding comical remarks. Whatever the answer is, if you denied or not, "Regardless of what you say, you will become a god, this is my gift to you. Of course, it is in your decision to take this gift for yourself, but for now, when we meet again, I will await your answer," Suddenly, a scene appears, an unrelenting force pushes you down to the ground. As you gaze up at Nuadha, he opens up a portal behind him and enters. Also the Daol also make their own portals as well. You get back up and the portals disapear. You are left alone in Waterway and the quest ends. Quest 6 : The Corrupt Alchemist Upon leaving the Waterway, you appear back out of the Wardrobe, this time you are surrounded by Corrupt Alchemist. One of the representatives of the Alchemist appears, a subordinate of the group, Jarlath talks to you warning that the Corrupt Alchemist are watching you. He adds, "If you ever want to meet us face to face, we will be camping out near Ciar Dungeon," the Corrupt Alchemist disapear as if they banished themselves into oblivion. What actually happened was the Corrupt Alchemist teleported back to Ciar Dungeon. You have two options : Speak to Lennox about this.or Go to the Corrupt Alchemist Camp near Ciar Dungeon. Joining The Royal Alchemist Upon going to Lennox would mean that Lennox has decided to re-establish the Royal Alchemist once more. He will also invite his son and Cai to join up with him. Lennox also requests that you look for these five people, as he feels that they might be able to help. The first is Sinead, Lennox says that Sinead was the daughter of a great Elder Royal Alchemist in the day, Sinead was also taught how to use Alchemy when she was only four. The next Jenna, someone that Leymore has acquaintance with, course she isn't a Royal Alchemist, but her Archery and her swordsmanship may be needed. Another is Dorren, an elderly lady, she wasn't part of the Royal Alchemist but, with her expertise alchemist skills, she can provide with more impressive forms of alchemy techniques. Eabha, a mere child and apprentice to Dorren seems to be also a helpful suggestion to bring, is it the best? We are not sure. Then there is that elf, pretending to be a human, they call her Andras. She once was a former general during the good old days until the war between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials began. And then there's Padan, another great General who surpasses her. When the Royal Alchemist, Andras' and Padan's forces, and Jenna procede to attack the camp, they apparently are not there. They continue into the dungeon, the dungeon is filled with Corrupt Alchemist guarding the area. There are also Bug-Bears lurking about in the dungeon. The Dungeon is also three floors long. As they reach the end of the dungeon, there is no-one in the room but a letter. The letter says, "To the Dragonborn who failed to take our message, I thank-you for being the first to take part in a special experiment of mine! You see, when you and the Royal Alchemist finally entered here, we suspected that it would not be an easy fight. Which is why I did not bring my best men to go into battle with you. As soon as you reached this point it is already too late, you will all die here for I have created a Homunculus. Similar to the previous designs of Glas Ghaibleann, a creation with bones made from Adamantium, allowing magic to go right through it! But fear not, this beast is not what you believe it is, for it is only an experiment. The question is, what am I plotting? You will see when we first meet," after reading, gigantic metaliac, skeletal, sword-winged, humanoid appears," the object that you see appears to look like Glas Ghaibleann, however it is not, for the real one is far more stronger. Magic doesn't seem to work on it. Very little damage is shown when Melee, Ranged or even Alchemist fight against it. The beast wields a giant sword, once slung, he can push away all his foes while causing a large amount of damage. It also wields two of these swords making it hard to face him. The Glas Ghaibleann can also spawn Crag Cows, Small Gargoyles, and Large Gargoyles making the battle hard. After defeating it, speak to Andras, she will tell you to go speak to Lennox about what has happened. Joining the Corrupt Alchemist Upon going to the Corrupt Alchemist Camp, you meet with Jarlath, as he is interested in you he tells you the exact location of their secret base. Which resides within Ciar Dungeon. The dungeon is only one floor apparently. At the end of the dungeon, their leader Helvetius is there : Visual of Helvetius : With a dark, deep, yet tragic voice he introduces himself, "Greetings Dragonborn, I have awaited your arrival,", you can do one of the many following, "I'm going to kill you!", his reply, "Just wait for just a moment before you do any harsh actions, I am merely trying to give aid to you," he explains that he wants you to help him to take down the Thalmor once and for all. Added to this, he warns joining him would mean that Lennox may possibly be forced to recreate the Royal Alchemist to fight against him, this means the Royal Alchemist will also be a huge enemy in their path. Finally he makes his third point, he desires to finish a certain experiment of his. The list of questions, "Why do you want to take down the Thalmor?", "Why don't you make friends with Lennox again?", "What is this experiment of yours?", he explains that it was because of the Thalmor that war has risen in Skyrim, he also states that his entire face was scarred by the Thalmor. By obtaining the powers of being a God would make it possible for him to destroy them completely. The reply to why he doesn't make friends with Lennox is for one reason, they always disagreed with one another, they never had any similar relationships except for using alchemy to rise to higher levels. Of course, even going to higher levels kept them apart as well as one used it for defense and the other for power. And his answer to what his experiment is is this, "I have always craved the power of the gods, it has always been my dream, when I learned about the King of the Gods, I wished to learn more about him, but what kept me away from him was an Elder scroll. Now that he is free, my goals are too late. But this doesn't stop me from doing my experiment," you ask the same question, "You didn't answer my question," he talks back to you, "Oh Really now? And why should I trust an outsider of my intentions? The only hint I'll give you is this, I will create a weapon made from the gods! Doing this I must practice creating my experiments as best as I can until I create a perfected version," Now you have the decision : You are now given a task, to kill everyone in the Alchemist Guild in order to join. Join with Helvetius, you are given a task, kill everyone in the Alchemist Guild to prove yourself. Deny Helvetius' offer, he will banish you from the dungeon taking you back out of Ciar Dungeon. If you were to enter, you won't be able to enter completely as it was sealed. Whatever you did, the quest is complete. (Notice all Alchemist Quests are Side Quests, for side Quests please wait) Quest 8 : The Dream Quest 9 : The Message Quest 10 : The Gold Dragon Quest 11 : To Falias Quest 12 : The Decision ------------------------------ Cichol Quest 1 : Cichol Quest 2 : Cichol Quest 3 : Cichol Quest 4 : Facing the Gold Dragon Cichol Quest 5 : A battle Between Two Lovers ----------------------------- Morrighan Quest 1 : Morrighan Quest 2 : Morrighan Quest 3 : Morrighan Quest 4 : Facing the Gold Dragon Morrighan Quest 5 : A Battle Between Two Lovers ------------------------------ Adniel Quest 1 : Adniel Quest 2 : Adniel Quest 3 : Adniel Quest 4 : Taking out the Goddess of War Adniel Quest 5 : Taking out the God of Fomors(Demon) ------------------------------- Nuadha Quest 1 : A God's Request Nuadha Quest 2 : Facing Adniel Nuadha Quest 3 : The fight against Demons Nuadha Quest 4 : Defeating Morrighan Nuadha Quest 5 : Obtaining the power of God -------------------------------- The God and Dragon Faction Quests must be finished before proceeding. The Brioniac Quest requires that you finish the Alchemist Faction Quests Quest 13 : The Brioniac Quest 14 : The Scavanger Hunt Quest 15 : Returning to Falias Quest 16 : The Final Battle Side Quests : This is basically the Shadow Realm, it's very small and possesses most of the Hold Areas on the game. There are two Holds that do not exist, Taillteann(Corrupt Alchemist) and Tara(Royal Alchemist) The Royal Alchemist Quest 1 : Entering the Shadow Realm The Royal Alchemist Quest 2 : The Shadow Alchemists The Royal Alchemist Quest 3 : Finding Fallon The Royal Alchemist Quest 4 : The Capture of Shadow Morthal The Royal Alchemist Quest 5 : Capturing Shadow Riverwood The Royal Alchemist Quest 6 : Capturing Shadow Markarth The Royal Alchemist Quest 7 : The Capture of Shadow Winterhold The Royal Alchemist Quest 8 : Facing the Army of Darkness The Royal Alchemist Quest 9 : The Creation of Claimh Solas The Royal Alchemist Quest 10 : Taking Down the Thalmor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Corrupt Alchemist Quest 1 : Entering the Shadow Realm The Corrupt Alchemist Quest 2 : Taking Control of Shadow Realm Whiterun The Corrupt Alchemist Quest 3 : In need of Fallon The Corrupt Alchemist Quest 4 : The Capture of Shadow Riften The Corrupt Alchemist Quest 5 : The Shadow Alchemist The Corrupt Alchemist Quest 6 : Taking Shadow Solitude The Corrupt Alchemist Quest 7 : Taking Shadow Windhelm The Corrupt Alchemist Quest 8 : Facing the Expeditionary Force The Corrupt Alchemist Quest 9 : The Creation of Claimh Solas The Corrupt Alchemist Quest 10 : Taking Down the Thalmor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Better Alchemist Quest : The battle between the Corrupt Alchemist and the Royal Alchemist are now amongst. Whatever side you are on the battle will be determined. Helvetius/Lennox will tell you to go to Shadow Whiterun, this is where the final battle is to commence. In the of the battle, both Lennox and Helvetius die as they both spar to the death. The war between the Corrupt and the Royal Alchemist comes to a close as there was truly no winners. The Dragonborn must now confront Nuadha once and for all. There will be more to this later on, for now I am going to take a break. I suggest you look up more about Mabinogi, maybe you could add in some ideas of your own. Also they must be based on G10-G12 concepts from the game itself. Visuals of Falias - The World of the Gods : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SkVYJW565g Shows You more about Falias https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE8N-8roddU Visuals of Nuadha : Basically Who Nuadha is in-Game : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDwYxY0WCt4 You'll have to watch the video about him to learn more about his attacks, animation, movement. Nuadha Theme : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3EEAFNUcVA Boss Theme Music : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YcIMT2hTeg For Those wanting to downloading the music for this project : Message me about that, I have the mp3 files, if you need to convert them however you need to convert them yourself.
  12. Notes that will be edited, extended and hopefully improved. Noted Factions, Great and Small! Also locations, some being also factions related. 13Chosen13x13 being named so far as Jesdha, Marsha of the SangaScavvers, the MaishanQuins , Antidimensionites being 'reversed' rogue Dimensionites. Antimimicites and Antiblackgloites are two examples of those always negative karmic, evil, entities. Mystery was what created, creates, such entities though it is feared that the Malignamasta, also known as the GreatEnemy, is behind it along with much else. Atomicus Templedom of the Knights, Followers and Children of Atomica, Atomice, Atomici, Atomico and Atomicu being AtomDemigod Followers of the Great Atomicus Pantheon of AtomGods. The Fissionifusioni Faith of distorted pseudosciencentific worship of fission, fusion and related technologies imbued with twisted religious theological philosophies. Bearclaven of the Bearclaves of the Arctic supercontinent of at least half ice. Part of the Grandclaven. Bethebastada Gaming Production and Testing Complex, the BGPTC or the Begaprotestcom. Known to be infested with monstrous mutiradbugs. Blooded Five Families of living vampire cannibals. Brownstone Family, Cratertown Brownstone Goods and Services, Ashton and Avaria Brownstone. Caria, Daria, Maria, Saria, Taria and Varia Brownstone of the Excellent Inventive Goods Emporium, the EIGE. Professor Patrick Brownstone of the Big Fuselage Laboratory Workshop being based in a section of a lightly crash landed, monstrously sized, rocketplane. CelestiOnoyes RainbowTinzi Centered CelestiRainbowFollowship in CelestiRainbowHome. Celestibabys and Rainbowbabies. Celestifollowers and Rainbowfollowers Celestiminions and Rainbowminions Celestial and Rainbow related others. *RainbowAcci, RainbowEcci, RainbowIcci, RainbowOcci, RainbowUcci. *RainbowTraki, RainbowTreki, RainbowTriki, RainbowTroki and RainbowTruki CelestiYanroa and CelestiOanroi being hateful sister Celestigoddesses of CelestiOnoyes; they are older than she but less powerful and 'gifted' with far less potential than her. After betraying CelestiOnoyes that have been forced to become ever fleeing-hiding rogues. Centrogon Military Command, Administration, PR, Archives, Museum etc. Centrolis3DPBT (3D Public Broadcasting Tower) of 3DTV, 3Dradio and 3Dcable Services. CentroMall of CentroMonuments, CentroGardens, CentroMuseums, CentroArchives, CentroGalleries, CentroDome, CentroTower, CentroArcadia, CentroNetwork (mostly underground) and more. CentroCastle: The heavily fortified PrimePresident's working residence of CentropolisCR. ConglomerateCR of the 10HighFamilies, the SyndicatesCR and the GangstersCR. 10HighTowers (settlement actually has 22 towers but 10 are occupied by the 10HighFamilies). Cratertown being an DRCR (see below) settlement based on three very big, smooth bowl disintegrated craters whose hard surfaces were slowly, steadily and patiently worked on to allow for drainage, tunneling and other important construction to be carried out. One massive atomic powered rocketplane of lightly crash landed with its resources being used over the centuries. One subway transport hub station. One military bunker complex with some unusual features. Cyborgperium of cyborgmans, cyborgnoids, cyborgdrones and other cyborgni. Special human clone cyborgs, being mostly clone. Cyborzperium of cyborzdrones, cyborzjets, cyborzdroids, cyborznoids and other serving cyborzor. Hybrid human-alien clone cyborgs, being most cybernetics. Democratic Central Republic (DCR), DR Parliament, DR Government of Ministries of Departments Settlements Network CR (DCRSN) DCRGuardia, DCR Law Enforcers CR (DCRLE), DCRGuilds, DCROrders, DCRUniversity, DCR Faith and Service CR (DCRFS) and DeepRegulatorsCR etc. DCRgov is based primarily in Quadtowertown. DCRGuardia (DCRG) has many smaller outposts but only a few, larger, forts across the DCRSN. DCRLE based across the DCRSN as Sheriff Offices, Marshals, Rangers and Swattacks. GuildsCR are based primarily in Quadtowertown. DCROrders are based in Quadtowertown and primarily in the settlement of Orderstown. DCRUniversity is based primarily in Quadtowertown. DeepRegulatorsCR (DRegsCR) are based primarily in a hidden Central HQ being DRegsHQ1. Dimensionites. DigitechCircus DizzibroWorldCR! Production studio complexes, museums, gardens, shelters, administration etc. Populated by five factions including the criminally insane Dizzyguru Following. Dizzywizzyland Theme Park of 13 Theme Zones and 13 Specialty Zones. 13 Theme Zones: Pirate, Fantasy, Medieval, Roman, Wild West, Oriental, Arabian, Jungle, Scifi, Gangster, Dizzywizzytown, Adult Casino Town, Adult Erotica Gardens and Adult Fight Arena. 13 Specialty Zones: Cultural, Carnival Games, Administration, Staff, Commercial, Research Development, Security, Safety, Tech Service Support, Personal Service Support, Recruitment, Public Relations and Training. 13 whispered about 'secret zones'. Eagleclaven of the two Eagleclaves of Calibraska of North West Centralia. Part of the Grandclaven. FindaSeeka being FindaSeekars of Saraa, Sarae, Sarai, Sarao, Sarau, Dawn, Venger, Polabe, Redsmith, (others to be added). GloryParadise, settlement based on the old GloryParadise Hotel Shopping Casino Theatre Resort Complex. Grandclaven Greyimassari Ironsides Mercenary Cooperative based in Fortress Freedom. Jesdha and his family, friends and followers. Jesdha is a behamoth hulktant as is Lilly, his adopted daughter. Lillyland of Homecaverns of which one is Lillycavern where Lilly dances before gathered crowds. Mutigelclans (Mutigeltants Clans). ScitechplexCR083 based Mutigelclans. Nazzins - Nizzans Orbisquadnet with the Orbisnet directing-coordinating-supervising the Earthseanet, Aerospacenet, Deepspacenet and Miscelnet (Miscellaneous Network). Unnamed Shadownet. Orbisclaven!? PlasutonNet of PlasutonMentality directing-coordinating-supervising PlasutonMinds being both subdivided into PlasutonSubminds with PlasutonSemiminds directly linking PlasutonMinds while PlasutonDemiminds acted as PlasutonMinds but in a lesser, more numerous, fashion. Quadimodubots. Eccentric robots of mysterious origin and technological make having AI personalities designed to make them more interestingly individualistic but instead makes them highly annoying. Pakvaders Raiderlords of Raiderpacks being brutal, superdrug addicted, mutiraiders of mutigeltants, mutiman and mutihumans etc. ScitechCorps created Scitechplexes of the Scitech PlexCorp. It is unknown if any of the ScitechCorps have survived. Scitechdom of ScitechOrderhood and ScitechChapterCR Quinkars of Findkars of base research, Seekkars of field missions seeking special goals, Supserkars of service-support, Comkars of command-administration and Forcekars of protection and field combat. ScitechOutcastsCR, ScitechMisfitsCR, ScitechHoodCR etc. Shagrastra Spacetimelords! Tacticacorp Mercenary Corporation based in Fortress Patriot. Timespacelords. TriInstitute Infiltrator Androihunter Androiseeker Force sent from the TriInstitution in NewBritain. UnderUnion, of the Underworld, of the Radghoulified being based beneath one of the CentroMall Museums. UrbanRangers based mainly in Centropolis Luxury Gardens Circuit. Vengencers: superheroes and superantiheroes along with their followers and minions. Massatrio or Massaman of Massalow, Massamid, Massahigh. Widowers of Widowman, Widowwoman, Widowboy and Widowgirl. Anthrofamily Splittergirl Battafamily (others to be added to and changed) Vengers Bounty-Hunters. Westwing Family, Cratertown, being scribes, teachers, tutors, writers, scholars, journalists... Lucybell Westwing as a freelance journalist. Yayekdominateum of Yayeki (Yayeks in smaller groups and Yayek as singular), Yayekbots, Yayekdroids, Yayekpuppets and more such as Yayekclones of Yayekmans and Yayektors. There are also Yayekmotes 'roboremotes' and heavy duty Yayetrons. Zizianetoress! Ziziane ETs along with their ziziaboms, zizinoids, zizimans, zizidrone and zizibots. Zizitop is in command.
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