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  1. A modern take on the Combine Assassin from Half-life. Only thing that would be a nice change would be an optional regular boots maybe a blue color scheme as well but, love the design by Kirsan Pavlov.
  2. Hey everyone! What about a combination of either the Grunt or Ordinal from Half-life Alyx with more of the look of LUPO from Resident Evil. The goal would be to make a combine Female armor/clothing mod that looks amazing and believable. Objects such as radio/backpacks need to fit the female form as well. Extra wish list- Combine themed posters and objects such as yellow barrels or buildings parts. Combine weapons also a huge item on my wish list. Just an idea that sounds cool for Fallout and Half-life fans. Male outfits for Combine have already been done on other sites. Or maybe just a Combine themed helmet you can use with another armor/clothing mod bare minimum? Thanks everyone for stopping by and reading my idea.
  3. So there's a level in the original Half-Life called "We've Got Hostiles". I've been playing through the Black Mesa rewrite of Half-Life and it occurred to me that it would be very funny to re-skin that level with lots of gorgeous outfits and call it "We've Got Hot Styles". Put little collars on the headcrabs and everything. This is probably something that is only awesome to me, but I am taking a chance to post it here. Maybe this has already been done. I'm always finding crap on the internet that blows my mind.
  4. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to port this mod to FNV, but I have no experience with using models, all I know is that Oblivion and FNV use different skeletons and that the mod I want to get the meshes from uses a custom skeleton mod. If anyone has any information on how I could convert the model to be compatible with FNV, it would be greatly appreciated.
  5. HEK - Hazardous Environment Kit This mod is currently work-in-progress. Once released it will allow you to upgrade your Pip-Boy to give you audio warnings when facing hazardous situations. Upgrading requires a lot of materials as well as ranks 1 in Science and Medic. It will alert you to radiation, biohazards (bug toxins etc), unusual temperatures (fires, frost attacks), loss of health in combat etc. It also adds a minor damage taken reduction and some minor healing when badly hurt (12 in-game hour cooldown). This is mostly for cosmetic purposes and isn't strong enough to really impact the balance of the game. The audio warnings can be switched off with a holotape controller. If you lose the holotape you can craft another one. The holotape also allows you to choose between 2 voices: Crissa Nog and RaDOS. Inspired by the hazard suit from Half-Life and no it doesn't use any sound files from Half-Life.
  6. With Black Mesa 1.0 (Xen) just released and HL Alyx just around the corner, my mind has been thinking about Half-Life elements in Fallout 4. It honestly started thinking about having a domesticated Houndeye, but then I thought about the existing HEV suit mod getting a Power Armour HUD and having to build an HEV suit charger in workshop mode (within radiant power) to fill the 'fusion core' charge. I've seen plenty of Star Wars and Halo crossover stuff, and even an Alien quest mod that takes you to the moon, so I thought it was at least worth trying. A teleporter that brings one Houndeye from present day Xen might be the way. If anyone is part of or friends with the Black Mesa team this might be plausible. Some other throwaway ideas are; (-Houndeye) -Tau Cannon -Gluon Gun -Atlas and Pbody Automatron parts -Personality Cores (Eyebot propulsion (Lego Dimensions)) -Bullsquid (ranged mirelurk attack) -Black Mesa Turret -Combine Turret -Aperture Turret -Sentry Turret (?) -Long Fall Boots -Anything from the old Aperture section.
  7. Is Nexus Team thinking of adding support for source games to Vortex?
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