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  1. I wanted to give hats to my cows and sheep and pigs and chickens and stuff, in the same way you would for a pet, but it doesn't seem to be possible. I've seen people make similar mods before (one for turtles?...), but I can't find any that let you put hats on Barn/Coop animals! I wanna get into modding but I'm starting off simpler with a dialogue mod so I can get used to the code and stuff. If anyone else is good at modding and wants to make this, I would be soooo happy!
  2. Copy and pasted from Reddit as I'm looking to expand my search for this issue. I'm having this issue in the game that's causing the vanilla headwear to either cause me or NPCs to go bald, be invisible, or be bugged in my chest (at least from what I've seen with the bowler hat). Very few have hair clipping, but that's mainly with the modded headwear which seems unaffected. I've tried disabling and re-enabling mods on my list with little to no effect. Yes, I did configure the ini's as the mods have instructed me to, and yes, I did try to set them to "just read", didn't work. I'm honestly not too sure what could be causing this as I've never had this kind of bug before other than in Skyrim (I remember it when I've modded Skyrim before but don't really remember the cause). If anyone could possibly help me or knows what the cause of it might be, please let me know. Any help is appreciated. A heads up; this is a long mod list as this was something I was building in my own spare time, so I will understand if there are those of you that may be a bit resentful to that fact. I'm a bit of a mod fanatic, and I do apologize for that unfortunate trait of mine. I am done modding the game though, just trying to clean up anything that's not working for me (like the issue here). I'll provide a Google Doc link for the list and images (bottom of doc) to get a better idea of what I'm dealing with here. Commenting is enabled in the doc if anyone wants to highlight a certain part of it.
  3. As the title says i want a big stupid witch hat for my character. I know dumb witch hats are in the game but they're seemingly random clothing just strewn willy nilly about. I just want a mod that adds them to the tutorial chest at the start of the game, maybe a few custom enchanted ones for funsies but nothing crazy. (IDK jack s#*! about modding so i can't just do it myself) I just need me my Fashion's Gate.. Or.. Baldur's Fashion? whichever..
  4. In the game hats often hide short or updo hairstyles, is there any way a mod can be made to show the hairstyle instead of hiding it?
  5. I am hoping one of our awesome Modders could make it so we can wear Bill's hat and make it in different Colors as well. Thank You, Shawker
  6. I really like the Outfit Switcher mod's idea, and was thinking how that could be built upon. What if a script was added to it that automatically switched to a civilian outfit when you entered Diamond City (or vicinity) or Goodneighbor, or an owned settlement. Same with during conversations. The conversations option can be set to: Only in cities Not after combat etc. It would also have a togglable option to automatically remove hats, glasses, bandanas / generally any facial items during conversations. Another option is to ONLY remove facial items (keep combat armor on). Or ONLY glasses, only hats, only rags, etc. And, of course, the option to switch to combat gear out in the wasteland, or triggered just when in combat (not realistic, just nice). --------------------------------------- Another, alternate solution is to use HUDframework and DEF_UI and create two (2) checkboxes next to each wearable item: 1. One that marks it as an "outfit piece" (so that normal outfits / clothing can be worn underneath any armor) 2. And another that toggles its visibility. So you can throw on an outfit or underarmor and still wear your full set, but mark it invisible, and have it automatically appear during combat or toggle it with a key. Still should include a headgear option for conversations (like Mass Effect does). --------------------------------------- Other ideas (that I'm not sold on): Individual conversation and civilian outfits. Outfits to switch to when traveling with each companion. Companion auto outfits!
  7. Tittle is self explanatory. I dont care for New Vegas but at least these are canon stuff to put in a Fallout game.
  8. Hello just on here asking for advice on adjusting a headgear mesh so it doesn't clip with my character's head http://i.imgur.com/DXAMFTy.png
  9. wanna know what i think would be cool? More mascot heads! The bear hat is a popular hat among the community but what if you don't want a bear? what about a wolf or a bird or a lion!? :D ..or what about a deathclaw mask? ayeee personally i want to see a chicken or a rooster so i can feel like jacket from hotline miami I looked on the nexus today for reskins/models of the bear mask but there wasnt any at all and i would love to see some new animal masks sometime in the future :D
  10. It would be really cool if there was a mod that lets you shoot people's hats off. and you'd gain xp everytime you did it too. I think i have a rough idea how this can be done. as soon as someone recieves a headshot, a script can run on the actor wearing it, the hat would be removed from their inventory and dropped on the ground(target.dropitem 2301345), if the player does this to an npc they'd gain xp (player.modav experience 50) . but I'm not that experienced with scripting and I dont know to make this possible
  11. Hello, I prefer to play an Archer in Elder Scrolls games. I was an avid Runescape player for about eight years, I still play it on and off. I would love a little Runescape Homage in my game and I was wondering if any mod makers would like to, or already have made a Robin Hood hat from runescape, or one that looks very similar. Below I'll paste an image of exactly what I mean. If someone is willing to make this, I'd prefer if it was light armor and gave a damage bonus to bows. I'd also prefer if it could be used across all races and for both genders. I don't expect anyone to actually make it but hey, thought it'd be a cool little thing to bring up, leave a comment below saying what you think, or if you found a mod very similar to what I stated put it on down there. Thanks for reading and have a great day. http://englishstudentlivinginwales.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/20111127190704robin_hood_hat_detail.png ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Robin_hood_hat Click on the person wearing it on the wiki page for a bit better view.
  12. I've been looking for a mod that adds fedoras but have yet to find one. Are there any and if not would anyone be willing to make one?
  13. I mean seriously guys, how dope would it be to play as a mage that looked like this? (Big hat Logan) Would be so cool.
  14. So i was looking around nexus when i found craftable hats, which is a mod that adds the bowler hat, ironsides' hat and the chef hat to your automatron crafting menu, then i noticed that these are for the handy,sentry, and protectron, in that order. I thought to myself, "why isnt there hats for assaultrons, and why not add more variants to hats, so that protectrons, sentries, and handies arent limited to one hat?" Thus my mod request is simply, hats for assaultrons and maybe add more avaliablity of hat options for the protectron, mister handy, and sentry bot. If i knew how to mod, i'd make this in a heart-beat, it's upsetting that the hat love doesnt spread to the assaultron, one of my favorite robots in the game.
  15. I know what you're thinking, "Really??" Well during my second playthough of both Fable 1 and 2, I made my character use the chicken hat and would like to do the same thing except for Skyrim. Would it be possible someone to make this? Any responses would be appreciated.
  16. So I've though of a mod for FNV from Raiden's HF Blade since I can't seem to find if anyone has done anything like that then please leave a link but I can't seem to find it possibly because it hasn't been made yet. If you need games to refer to use MGS 2 Sons of Liberty or MGR Revengance. Also some other idea would be like the Patriot ( which has been done but no overly accurate ) or the End's Sniper, Snake's "Hushpuppy", even things I can't thing of atm. If you have some ideas post below, if you think you can make it ( Whenever I try to use GECK it crashes when I open the files, don't know the reason but i'll look into it. ) please post. Thanxs!
  17. Hello all, This is my first posting, so please be gentle. :biggrin: I am working on a mod to add twileks (from Star Wars) to Skyrim. I have a current working version that allows me to make twilek characters. Before I upload it to the nexus (my first upload!), I want to add one extra layer of coolness: I want to make the lekku (the head tails) move with the body. In other words, when the character runs forward, I want the lekku to trail behind them. When the character jumps, I want the lekku to bounce as well. I have an idea of what I need to do... In that I know I have to set its weight comparable to some bones so that it moves with those bones. I have NO idea how to do that however. I have the basic setup done (I have Nifskope, Blender, and the Nifskope tools script for blender). Can anyone help me out here? I also have the Skyrim version of bouncing breasts installed (whatever it's called nowadays), so if I can use the breastbones as the reference bones, that would be fine with me. Thanks in advance everyone... Zminer123 P.S. To prove I'm not bs-ing, I attaced a screenshot.
  18. looking around some of the mods recently thought of somethings maybe considered missing (this is just a suggestion): Consturction helments (we got welding helms) Football helmets heavy work boots not attached to an outfit rain poncho like modren military one, a rain slicker if youd like to call it that shatterable windows inside old vaults (didnt know that bullet proff glass was something needed) firemens coats (we got the hats) hubcap throwing weapons stun gernades farm tractors
  19. You know what I'd like? What I'd really like? Of course you do, it's right there in the title. I would like someone to make a hat. A normal, brimmed hat. Not a cowboy hat, not a hood, not a nightcap, a normal, old fashioned standalone brimmed hat that doesn't ruin your character's hair. It doesn't have to be armored, or look unusual or overly cool (although that's never a problem, of course). The hair part might be a little dificult to pull off, but I know it can be done. And in case anyone doesn't know what a brimmed hat is: http://i37.tinypic.com/15z2peg.jpg This is.
  20. As the video puts it, "the Americans are doing it, the French are doing it, even the Hessians are doing it." The historical fashion of wearing your tricorn would be tilted off somewhat to the left. This was primarily to ensure that, when carrying your rifle, you wouldn't bump your hat and could more easily turn your head. It was even mandatory for a lot of armies. So, it would be nice having a mod that edits the model of the Minutemen hat that Garvey and players who are the MM's general get to wear, making it emulate that cocked-to-the-left style. Video explanation of why they historically wore it sideways, which is what made me want to request this: "Why Is Your Hat Sideways?" - YouTube Image Example:
  21. Headslide and Headwear Studio. Headslides, make hair and headwear fit together. Like Bodyslide, but with hair, heads and headwear. I use custom characters, when playing Fallout 4. Unfortunately, some of the Hair clips through some of the headwear. A custom Hair fitting mod, would be good. Features... - Hair can curve around Helmets, naturally. - All Hairs fit bodies and helmets. - No bald heads, when wearing headwear, or clipping hair, if its turned on. It would need to be a tweaked Bodyslide and Outfit Studio. It would be good for Skyrim as well...
  22. I love my afro and therefore I don't wear hats but I noticed when I equip then unequip a bandana there is a split second where the bandana is just across my forehead WITH my afro. Is this possible to mod? Pretty please
  23. The game really needs more floral hats and fantasy hats. I've always wanted to wear a butterfly or butterfly wings in my characters hair, something off to the side NOT on top of the head... Different types of flowers and leaves worn as headbands or hair clips. If a mod could do this I'd really appreciate it. I'd even be willing to pay for the work.
  24. I tested disabling all my mods, didn't work, Still showed. I even disabled ENB, didn't work either, I've had this issue for a long time too but never looked into it as it was never a problem and only ever witnessed it on Nick and other NPCs with hats like this, I'd barely see it but when I did it'd be a bit irritating but would try to ignore it. https://gyazo.com/512fb4738b3fa344e7e5f7c786121b0b
  25. Are there any modded female hairstyles that don't badly clip through cowboy hats?
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