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  1. I've had this problem before, and seen other people have it to. I have screenshots of all water effects disabled, and all of them enabled. It's an annoyance. I also have a problem when swimming. Where instead of water trails, there is just a solid surface displayed instead. I genuinely have no idea what is going on. This seems to be the worst part of lake mead. Here are some images and some links I've found on the problem. https://imgur.com/a/cwjM6iX https://steamcommunity.com/app/22380/discussions/0/4111168970099031043/
  2. Share things that make you sad, upset, or angry could be anything.
  3. So, Here's the thing, If I had my own computer set up I'd do it myself, But with taking care of my family and all the bills included with that I don't have the money to drop on a set up just for 2 outfits. The 1st outfit is a recolor of Delgado's Outfit with a slight twist, Shoulder plates on both shoulders not just the left shoulder, Gloves on both hands not just the left hand, Either the same scarf or some kind of skeletal design with the same color, Instead of the blue recolor it a deep/dark shade of crimson and also hopefully cutout the satchel or whatever it is on the outfits left hip. The 2nd Outfit is the exact same thing but with the UC Vanguard Officer Uniform, the Uniform is pretty much untouched except to redo the shoulders to match the Anti Xeno Spacesuit Tiger Stripe while keeping the vanguard emblem. I am willing to pay for anybody's efforts and time taken to do this Please Help
  4. How does one change what animations play for a spell? I use CFPAO for the spell animations but there is one destruction spell from Triumvirate (eldritch blast) that would fit better with illusion school frenzy animations from CFPAO. So far I've tried adding the spell to the conditions ini from the animation mod and changing what perks the spell benefits from in SSEEdit( as that was the only indicator I've found as to what school the spell belonged to) and that hasn't done anything. Is there something else I can do or is there no way to do this?
  5. Hi all, I have a large list of mods, as most of us probably do. So I'm coming to you to see if anyone has also encountered this same issue and has been able to identify which mod or mods are causing this issue where NPCs with dialog get stuck in this loop and I can't continue the conversation or the quest. My current mod list is attached for reference. I would greatly appreciate any help on this. cyberpunk2077__Modlist.txt
  6. Started a new playthrough of New Vegas and came across two doors I can't open. The door of the watchtower near Little Yangtze with advanced LAER on it in Old World Blues. And then the door in the Ashton Missle Silo after riding the Elevator in Lonesome Road. I've reinstalled the game and verified the files on steam but that didn't fix anything. When looking at the doors, I get no prompts to open the doors.
  7. I've been trying to make a new shield for Oblivion which uses the texture and shape of the Fighters Guild wall decoration. But now that I'm finally making progress, I try to export the shield to a .nif and it doesn't let me. I'm not entirely sure what it means by "'Object' object has no attribute 'face_maps'". Anyone know how to fix this?
  8. I recently got into modding and just tried to make my first item; a playable version of the Fighters Guild wall shield decoration. I was able to separate the model from the swords, made it the correct size, and gave it the texture from the actual decoration object (I copied the textures and made a new directory for them under "Armor" in textures). For some reason though whenever I go into the CS and create a new item and click my .nif file in "WorldModel" and "Male Biped Model" I get the error that states "Invalid Directory". Does anyone know how I could possibly fix this? My mesh is under "Oblivion/BSA Commander/bsacmd/meshes/armor/mymod" and my texture is under "Oblivion/BSA Commander/bsacmd/textures/armor/MyMod".
  9. My door teleport marker is missing in the creation kit for skyrim se please help
  10. I have wanted to replay this since i bought my new pc November 2023, but i get instant crashes when I'm not on low quality settings. system specs below. I'm running this from Steam. Its a new machine and should run this with no problems. I've read several threads pointing it needing to be installed on a Hard Drive verses Solid State drive(unfortunately I didn't read about this issue before i decided to purchase this machine or i would've made sure I bought a machine that had a hard drive already in it...) i bought this thing and an extra SSD card to put in. It has SATA cables and I can install my old hard drive into but i was really hoping someone had made a mod for this issue by now. Surely I thought, someone would've made one to stabilize the crashing. I tried both the DirectX9 and single core allocation fixes but neither worked. I don't think the directx9 fix even did anything because when i looked in the game configure file program is said it was running directx 12.... I can load the game, and repeatedly crash upon arriving to Ostagar, usually around the place where the save is triggered. A couple times went to an older save file and loaded in from that and it was fixed for a bit but then returned to regular cashing, I also read that being logged into your EA account would be ill advised(but i never had it logged in to begin with)
  11. I am seeking assistance in interpreting a log file to diagnose an issue. Despite extensive troubleshooting on my end, I remain uncertain of the next steps. My current options are to either re-download each mod and hope for resolution or convert all ESL files back to ESM format Manually. This issue has persisted despite dedicating over a week, including late nights, to resolve it. Specifically, I encounter crashes to desktop (CTD) when starting the game, navigating from the vault to Sanctuary, or near Lexington. While disabling certain mods temporarily resolves the issue, these same mods have previously functioned without incident. here is the log file too long for the character limit
  12. Hey, I'm relatively new to modding FO4 and mostly followed The Midnight Ride for my modlist, went and added a few weapon mods and seem to be getting a weird bug with weapon names aftwerwards. Saw in some forums that this issue could be caused by either item sorting mods or mods like fall ui, although I don't think that I'm using any mods that should be messing with that. Only first started noticing this bug after adding West-tek optics, service rifle. Here is a screenshot of the bug I am referring to. Anyone who might have some idea as to what might be causing this and can give me some insight I would greatly appreciate, at first I thought this was pretty funny but its starting to get annoying Here is a copy of my modlist, although it seems like it is inversed. # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. -Service Rifle - Unofficial Update +Service Rifle West-Tek Optics Patch +No More Green Dot for Deadpool2099's Service Rifle +More Legendary Effects +Power Armor to the People +INSTITUTE TECHNOLOGY OVERHAUL - Weapons +Cut Weapon Mods Restored +Dak's Assault Rifle Replacer Patch +Dak's Assault Rifle Replacer REDUX (remesh) +Service Rifle+Assault Rifle Reanimated - (Fixed)+Assault Rifle Reanimated +The Humble Hunting Rifle+Makeshift Textures - Far Harbor Patch+Makeshift Textures - 2K+Right-Handed Hunting Rifle +VWR - Minigun +VWR - 44 Magnum +VWR - Deliverer +Laser Reanimation Update 1.2 +Laser Rifle Reanimation +10mm HD retexture +10mm Anims +ScratchMade - New Combat Shotgun and Rifle textures +Reanimation Pack for Combat Shotgun and Rifle +Better Locational Damage - Robot Edition +Armor-Upgrade Overhaul +Capital Wasteland Robot Pack +Better Aim Models +BLD - AI Tweaks +See-Through-Scopes +Better Locational Damage +Weapons of Fate (Ballistics Overhaul) +Better Casing Ejection +Bullet Casing Redone +Munitions - An Ammo Expansion +West-Tek Optics Pack +Tactical Reload DLC Weapons +Tactical Reload Vanilla Weapons +Tactical Reload Framework-Weapons & Armor_separator +Terrain Undersides - 2 Million Sunblock +Remove Ironsight Blur +Goodneighbor View +Diamond City Billboards +Sniper Scope Overlay And Reticles Replacement +First-Person Running with Hands Animations +First-Person Swimming Animations Tweak +Hair Specular Map Removal Thingy +Enhanced Vanilla Armor and Clothing - EVAC +WAVE - Wave Animation Vanilla Enhanced +WET +Fallout 4 Particle Patch - No More Glowing Object s+Targeted Textures - Vanilla textures upscaled fixed and sized +Gloomy Glass - All transparent materials revised +Lightweight Lighting - A weather and interior lighting overhaul +Visuals_separator +You And What Army 2 +Legendary Mutation Messages Fix - Cut Content Restored +Attachment Pack - Description Tweaks and Fixes +The Attachment Pack +Content_separator +Salvage Beacons +No Sneaking in Power Armor +Legendaries They Can Use +Molotov Cocktail Nerf +Who's The General - Minutemen Quest Cleanup +Encounter Zone Recalculation (Continuous Level Scaling) +Keep Radiants in the Commonwealth UFO4P Version +Vish's Patch Hub (UFO4P) +DLC Timing +SPARS - Simple Power Armor Reduction System +Chemfluence - AI Combat Dynamics +Blocking Overhaul +Complex Vendors +Gameplay_separator +Outline Workshop Highlight Only +Crafting Highlight Fix +Extended Dialogue Interface +MCM Settings Manager +Mod Configuration Menu +User Interface_separator +Dogmeat Follow Behind +Faster Workbench Exit +Simple Offence Suppression F4 +Deadeye Weapon Effect Fix +To Your Face FO4 +Less Annoying Berry Mentats +Remember Lockpick Angle - Updated +Remove Ammo from Dropped Guns +Classic Holstered Weapons System (CHW) +BCR- Lever Action Rifle +Bullet Counted Reload System (BCR) +Unlimited Survival Mode - F4SE +Tweaks_separator +Godrays Performance Fix Redux - ESPless +Weapon Debris Crash Fix +Simple Puddle Reflection Flicker Fix (Water and Blood) +PRP Plugins +PRP Resources +Flutter Flicker Fixer For Foliage +NPC Drinking Fix +Marine Wet suit Material Fix +Marine Combat Armor Material Fix +Fixed Gobo Effects +Fixed Protectron Textures +Wetness Shader Fix +Reload Fix +3rd Person Behavior Fixes +Long Save Bug Fix +Interior NavCut Fix +Outfit ReDress Fix +Energy Weapon Calculation Fix +Armor Penetration Bug Fix - F4SE +Jet Script Bug Fix +Combat Shutdown Grenade Fixes - F4SE - Garden of Eden SE +Companion Jump Fall Pose Fix - F4SE - Garden of Eden SE +Hostile NPC Respawn Fix - F4SE - Garden of Eden SE +Sprint Stuttering Fix +Buffout 4 +Community Fixes Merged - Weapon Mod Fixes Patch +Weapon Mod Fixes +Misc anim tweaks and fixes +The Midnight Ride - Glitchfinder All-In-One +Community Fixes Merged +Ownership Fixes +Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - UFO4P +Bug Fixes_separator +Achievements Enabler +Leveled Item Framework (LIF) +HUDFramework +RAW INPUT - The Ultimate Mouse Sensitivity Fix +Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender +Lighthouse Papyrus Extender +Random Encounter Framework +Baka MaxPapyrusOps +RobCo Patcher +High FPS Physics Fix +Better Console - F4SE +Console Commands Extender +Address Library for F4SE Plugins +PrivateProfileRedirector F4 - Faster game start (INI file cacher) +Utilities_separator *DLC: Automatron*DLC: Contraptions Workshop *DLC: Far Harbor *DLC: Nuka-World *DLC: Ultra High Resolution Texture Pack *DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop *DLC: Wasteland Workshop
  13. no matter if i have 1 or 0 mods i cannot approach ada or anything near Lexington im wondering if its a elsify problem but even after a fresh install i still have the issue im playing a downgraded version i even tried buffout etc mods but no luck dose this mean i have to give up mods and play the update?
  14. i keep crashing at the exact same place and i'm not sure why. the crash report i'm getting claims that the sandbox module is the only involved module but, well, i can't exactly do anything about that now can i? here is the crash report. i don't understand anything that's being said here, nor do i know where to send this report to. the crash report doesn't tell me where i'm supposed to go, so i figured i'd just come here. it seems to happen every time i target desert bandits or am just moving around the southern part of aserai. any ideas? is my save just randomly broken now?
  15. I’m using the latest version of vortex, modding BG3, I had 503 mods installed but only 20-30 mods enabled, I’m using windows 11 pro with x64 and 64 GB ram with 63.7 GB available. My issue is that whenever I launch vortex, it launches, then why’re screens, boots back up after that saying it crashed, and does it continuously. Below is a video I took on my phone of it happening. Well I would’ve attached a video if it wasn’t above the file share limit. I’ll send it to whoever can help me via email or something. Thanks.
  16. Good evening Forums. So, I've been having issues with this for a bit and I cannot for the life of me figure out what I did wrong/what needs to be fixed in version 1.6.1170 (Issue appears to be version independent, so screw me). The issue: I'll drop from say, 60+ frames, down to twenty in a flash. The FPS randomly drops. I can handle a little drop, but we're talking 50+ frame type drops. It seems to do it at all at once, the FPS dropping a ton repeatedly spiking at times. It usually starts with blips, dropping fast then going back up. Generally it has been an issue in exteriors. Before I reset everything currently, interiors even were having some issue but I haven't checked. I suspect if that issue still exists, it is related to this. I'd like to ask myself 'did I install/forget to uninstall' something that hurt my computer, but like, I've now reinstalled the game fresh in a portable instance. I care less about the game being at 60FPS than just being stable. I've tried setting up Vsync, and FPS Lock, in Display Tweaks, ENB, and also Nvidia Control panel (Not all at once) and disabled both it and FPS lock in the Game ini's. My specs: Running on MO2, portable instance. I have an RTX 3060 and AMD Ryzen 9 5900 HS, with 24 GB of DDR5 Ram. I have run Skyrim Performance Monitor, the issue is not Vram maxing out. I can provide screenshots. I am running the game at 1080P on a 144HZ monitor. (I have a 2021 Model G14 Zephyrus laptop) My mods *Ehem* ENB (Just the binaries), Address Library, SKSE, SSE Engine Fixes, SSE Display Tweaks, and SSE FPS Stabilizer (Which sadly has not helped me thus far). I can confirm this issue persists in pure vanilla. It might not be as horrible, but it still happens. I get this is an old game, but I know I can run this with stable FPS on this PC because I have in the past. I have also run BethINI with the 'high' setting. This FPS thing seems to happen quicker/harder with more mods of course (I have a large load order but they're not even managed by MO2 right now). I do have some CC: The free ones that come with the game, most of the alternative armors, Saints and Seducers, the Vampire House, Pets, Farming, What I've done: Alright so I've been messing around a bit: Tried using reshade as an alternative (Gave better frames than ENB but still drops a lot) and also installed the DLSS mod from PureDark (Which again, gives better frames but doesn't fix this). My game does this with every performance mod, regardless of if they work: EFPS, Scrambled Bugs and the like. Thing is, I've had this issue going on since the start when I first began modding. It persists between game versions: Currently on 1.6.1170, but it happened on 1.6.640 and 1.5.97. I'd like to blame the game version but this still happened in 1.5.97. At one point I thought I fixed the issue, when I unlocked my frames with Display Tweaks but alas. (VSync is currently on in Display tweaks, off everywhere else; Nvidia control panel included). Drivers: G-Helper says everything is up to date. Also, for redundancy, I uninstalled Skyrim SE completely. I have it on an external drive (This issue also happened when it was on C drive but not in program files FYI) along with MO2 which I also uninstalled and reinstalled. Please help. I know this game is *checks notes* held together with duct tape and prayers to our Lord of the Brie but uh...I think it's a very reasonable belief to think my GPU (Which is at a 50 degrees Celsius at idle) and CPU (Currently 58 Celsius) should be able to handle this game in, if nothing else, Vanilla. I used to play Oldrim on a GTX 660 (Yes it still hurts when I think about it). Sincerely, a guy who just wants to finally play modded Skyrim
  17. Hello, I've been having trouble with vortex not implementing the mods I've downloaded into Fo4. Before I reset my computer, Vortex seemed to work fine and was implementing the mods into fo4 normally. I've tried resetting my computer (Again), reinstalling vortex, and finally downloading the newest version of the Microsoft Visual C++. I've downloaded the unlimited companion framework mod (Unlimited Companion Framework at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com), which worked previously before I reset the computer but now does not work when I launch the game. Whenever I launch Vortex, an error message pop's up which I provided as an image. Thank you. 
  18. My door teleport marker is missing in the creation kit for skyrim se please help, i need this marker otherwise you can't control where you appear after opening a door.
  19. Help! "Someone do something" When I fast travel in falkreath or just manually enter there, my game just crashes immediately and my crash log is not generated! Even on a new savegame! Is there any idea what's causing this. After completing the Thieves Guild Questline, Falkreath hold just starts crashing when you enter manually or fast travel there. Please help someone do something! I don't want to take too long on fixing this! I already have FNIS, and SKSE64 AE installed. Here is my mod order that is organized from the Load Order Optimization Tool.
  20. I am looking to make a semi cheat whimsical weapon as a high level craftable add-on to a gun for my "Gnome Warfare" mod that shoots homing bullets, is this even possible? Can I clone a script from the rocket launcher?
  21. Hey all. I'm by no means a skilled modder or good at computer stuff, but I've successfully ran Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4 with hundreds of mods, no issues there. But for Fallout 3: GOTY in particular, nothing seems to work. I have ran the game directly through Steam, ran the .exe directly from the files, and mods worked, but weren't perfect; When I try to run the game through Vortex, or even attempt with the FOSE loader, it doesn't recognize my game's version. I'm curious if this is because I ran the Anniversary Patcher. The Patcher says not to load the game with FOSE_loader, which seems to be how Vortex runs the game. Nonetheless, it frustrates me to no end and I really just want to play the game properly. Thanks in advance for any and all help.
  22. Two cell interiors in my new vegas are broken so far with this issue. The Goodsprings Gas Station and the Abandoned Shacked near the memorial. I have no idea why but every NPC and moveable interior item is stuck at the front door and I can only move using noclip. Anyone know how this can be fixed?
  23. Hello I don't know how to make races for the creation kit and I would like education especially with the fact I have 3 new races in my mod (Highfell) They are: Leal (The Spanish Race) they are very brave and excellent thieves. there increased skills are pickpocket, lock picking, sneaking, speech, and smithing, but they are weaker in block. This race is a thief's dream race. Jagoda (The Croatian Race) they are the main gypsies of tamriel. they love using fabrics on their buildings making all Jagoda occupied areas quite colourful. They have higher stamina, restoration magic, destruction magic, and they have increased alchemy, but they are weaker in two handed as well as a slight bit less in Illusion magic. And Direnni (Mediterranean French Race Also with elven ears) they have much higher stamina one handed and two handed skills but are much weaker in health making them deal the most damage possible in the least amount of time, this race is good to have as a follower. For these to become a reality I need to learn how to make races. I need to learn first how to do face meshes before I can make my races. If anyone can help with quests to it would be great!
  24. I am currently looking for talented 3D modelers and artists. Specifically, we need help with creating: New weapons and post-apocalyptic hybrids New armor sets Contact: If you are interested in contributing to this project, please reply to this post or reach out to me directly via [email protected] or telegram: @ar1ma_rench Thank you!
  25. I'm using Vortex version 1.11.7 and recently updated it after a few months of not using it, maybe 2 or 3, and am modding Baldur's gate 3. I am using Windows 10, x64, and I have 8gb of RAM. Last week is when I updated Vortex and some of the mods, everything deployed fine and there were no issues. Last night, when I tried to purge my mods so I could play multiplayer, it would say it purged everything but BG3 insisted I still had them downloaded. Not even uninstalling Vortex fixed the issue so I deleted all the mods one by one so I could play (This worked). However, upon reinstalling the mods from Vortex two of the mods are refusing to deploy and suddenly I'm missing symlinks. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, then moving the vortex folder to my hard drive where BG3 is downloaded instead of the default folder vortex choose but the problem remained. I am only using 13 mods and here is the error screenshotted alongside my vortex log.
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