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  1. I have wanted to replay this since i bought my new pc November 2023, but i get instant crashes when I'm not on low quality settings. system specs below. I'm running this from Steam. Its a new machine and should run this with no problems. I've read several threads pointing it needing to be installed on a Hard Drive verses Solid State drive(unfortunately I didn't read about this issue before i decided to purchase this machine or i would've made sure I bought a machine that had a hard drive already in it...) i bought this thing and an extra SSD card to put in. It has SATA cables and I can install my old hard drive into but i was really hoping someone had made a mod for this issue by now. Surely I thought, someone would've made one to stabilize the crashing. I tried both the DirectX9 and single core allocation fixes but neither worked. I don't think the directx9 fix even did anything because when i looked in the game configure file program is said it was running directx 12.... I can load the game, and repeatedly crash upon arriving to Ostagar, usually around the place where the save is triggered. A couple times went to an older save file and loaded in from that and it was fixed for a bit but then returned to regular cashing, I also read that being logged into your EA account would be ill advised(but i never had it logged in to begin with)
  2. Sped up, 720 video of what is happening. It runs like normal for a little then white screens, crashes, and restarts. I've uninstalled and reinstalled vortex but that didn't help. Any help would be appreciated. Vortex crash3.mp4
  3. Is there any way to undo the death flag for the Emerald Groove so that I may recruit Karlach? Early in my run, I killed Dammon the shopkeeper and forgot to load in a previous save. I then went on to free Haslin to stop the ritual. 20 hours of gameplay later I go to recruit Karlach and she gives me the same dialogue when you kill the Druids, making it so I can't recruit her. All the tieflings escaped the groove except Dammon, whom I killed. Was wondering if there were any mods I can use to either revert this, or am I out of luck?
  4. Hi, I am looking for an armor/clothing mod that will fit with this play through (and others later on). First time playing as a vampire and I really want clothing/armor that will just look downright mean and badass but still sexy....not naked. I am a female and normally play as a female and I like some modesty so I don't have my characters running around in string bikinis and such because I want immersion, realistic look that looking at it your like oh yeah that is pretty cute/sexy but she won't freeze to death the second she steps outside....but this time as a vampire the cold really doesn't matter. I still don't want string bikinis and thongs but I do want something a little more seductive, maybes robes that show legs, arms and back due to tattoos lol (no point in having them on her if I can't see them) I've seen a few mods that could do what I really want but it's either the wrong color (needing all black or black with red in it...ok not needing just really wanting.) or it was just awkward looking. Warhammer Sorceress Robes I love love but they don't fit with color and then I found another armor that was beyond perfection....but from the looks of it the mod is very big and taking some major time or it's dead (I will post a pic below for some sort of reference). Ok anyways if anyone has seen, uses, used or created an armor mod like this pleeeeeeeaaaasssee give me a link. I am a major perfectionist with stuff like this so it's driving me nuts because she just looks wrong lol. I know it's stupid but yeah. Clover
  5. Hi, I need a little help I am trying to learn how to mod and it is coming along well but I have hit another wall. I am trying to take a mod that adds legendary effects to gear and a mod that makes them detachable and re-attachable to share functionality. I needed to make a change to one of the in game mods from legendary overhaul as it shared the same name and functionality as something from Legendary modification. However when the new in game mod is not attaching a Effect name to the gear piece. in other words, I take a piece of armor, say a leather chest piece, and apply the legendary effect to it called Cavalier the armor is now labeled cavalier leather armor. Mine does not, actually it seems to be with some of my attempts to be just not attaching the the word, or some of the edits it seems to be called by one of the other effect names. After looking back at my most recent work, it seems all of the effects from legendary overhaul are using the incorrect name:( For reference the name I am changing is acrobat's to tumbler's, so it should be tumbler's leather armor instead it is defiant leather armor. Defiant is a legendary effect name from one of the mods. I think it's legendary overhaul. SO the big question is What am I missing? where does the naming occur and what do I need to edit that I have missed. these are the mods for reference http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4042/? , and http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15959/? , that's legendary modification, though I am using the update that the original author suggest as made by another use, and legendary overhaul respectively. Again these are just for reference.
  6. pls someone tell me what mod use hair like this one! or maybe make new one for us especially me :pinch: you know...... it really my type... im new to this game and it suck only use default hair. (gonna check this post tomorrow -24-11-2016-) :sleep: if not forgot about it lol. Alert :nuke: you gonna like her i think :
  7. Okay, I've been trying to mod my recently bought Fallout 3 GOTY edition and have installed all of these mods through the Nexus Mod Manager but can't seem to get them to properly install (I.E. The message came up that they were enabled but upon starting up the game/looking at the Plugins screen they didn't show up) and I've been trying practically everything to get them to work (Untrue, I've only tried uninstalling, and then reinstalling all the mods) and I decided to turn to the forum where I might receive some help. The offending mods are: Fallout 3: Reanimated, Hi-Res Weapons v3, MTUI, NMC's Texture Mod. Thank you for your assistance commenters.
  8. So nearly all day I've been trying to make a mod that replaces male soldiers with a sneaking suit and SP-Headgear to an XOF soldier. While messing around with GzsTool and MGSV QAR Tool I managed to get it with Snake, though his head and hair was clipping through the soldier's, and his Primary Hip gun was sticking through his crotch. I then messed around with it more, finding out that pl_parts_ddm_venom is the male soldier's sneaking suit. So I replaced the normal venom with the 'ddm' venom, and now when I select the sneaking suit for a male soldier, the game freezes. (when I check the task manager, it doesn't say it's not responding, just freezes, music playing and everything. So I have a few questions: How on earth do I at least get it to not freeze, and how can I get it ONLY when using the SP-Headgear?
  9. As the title says my right hand won't work unless I do a power attack. No spells no nothing, and the left gets buggy too sometimes but I think its the same problem. I have all of the DLC's and the newest version of Skyrim, BOSS, LOOT, SKSE and TS5Edit. I have attached my load order below......now for the sys specs.......*I hate this part Y_Y* ok I exported my MSINFO32 to a txt doc it has all my specs. I hope someone can help me and thank you in advance. EDIT: here's my specs <script src="http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=cuuYJsLg"></script> and here's my load order <script src="http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=CJMB5BvZ"></script>
  10. SO, I'm making a follower mod and I'd like for said follower to have a doggy companion. Is this something accomplish-able? I tried looking up tutorials, but alas no luck. Thank you to anyone who has any idea of how to get this to happen.
  11. why won't vortex find mass effect legendary edition? how do i add it on?
  12. Hey I wanted to post a question here since I didn't want to bother Apollodown to much on the matter since I know he is busy or likely not going to respond all the time to my multitude of problems. Recently I downloaded the EGO pack from Apollodown's Nexus download page. And the mod worked well at first but I began to notice a multitude of bugs that just kept coming. Here is the list I was hoping to get some help with, and I hope its ok to post about this mod here. I'm aware there is another posting area for this and I may move this over to there but I figured it would be best to address it all together as a new problem. 1. Stormcloaks seem to not know their own AI package. They randomly will run or stop and do nothing for a long while allowing me to kill them easily. They will eventually return to fighting, but this is not really a problem since this is a rare occurrence. 2. There were no giants that spawned for the Stormcloak side. This again isn't really a problem, but I just thought I'd put that out there as another thing that is suppose to appear, but it doesn't. 3.Legate's do not give me the correct quest path. I was told to attack Dawnstar as soon as I came to the Legate Rikke, this resulted in bugs, I came to Apollodown for this and he told me to re-load to a save before that mission. This temporarily fixed the problem as she gave me another quest to attack the fort instead. 4. A new problem occurred after this solution where the battle for Dawnstar began but it never ends! Its a never ending battle, I kill the attacking enemy, more appear I kill, more, I kill, more. I sit down and type "kill all" 35x +++ more and more and more. It just never ends. 5. When I die, it goes black and says I can no longer fight anymore. I know this is part of the mod, and I'm SUPPOSED to be brought to a nearby camp, or faraway camp and told I failed the mission. INSTEAD, I end up just dying anyway OR the script fails and I'm stuck lying down on the floor with imperial's running around threatening the air. 6.Eventually, while fighting the endless battle for Dawnstar, it says that I randomly lost at times, even though I just arrived, or am winning. The stage however continues to go as the never ending battle continues. 7. There is no 7, but at this point with all these problems, is it really worth trying to fix the mod or should I uninstall ego pack and just use his other mods? I really like his mods but the CWO is very very buggy to the point of being unplayable since I cannot continue. ========================================== Additional information: Below i have listed some additional information that could [COULD] be useful to anyone who may have experienced the same problem or not and fixed it, or not. At this point I see little reason to keep the mod aside from how epic it could be without the bugs occurring. BOSS LOG ApolloDown's Checklist EDIT*** Recently tried StartQuest CWOApolloFixMe it does complete the quest however NOW my controls have been disabled and I can do nothing...
  13. I've got a small problem. When I launch NMM, it wants me to log in. When I write in my information, the small window disappears, and appears again shortly. It tells me that my NMM isn't supported anymore, and I have to update to a newer version. But since i can't get into my NMM (except in offline mode), I don't know how to update my NMM wothou un-installing everything, and then re-install it with the new update. This process would take alot of time, since I have alot of mods installed. Is there any way to update to the newer version without having to un-install and re-install everything? Please let me know.
  14. Sorry if this is a topic which exists in existing tutorials, but I haven't been able to find *any* relevant information. To make a long story short, there are some great weapon mods out there, but more than a few suffer from one notable flaw - the running animations are wrong. They're either incorrectly implemented or are using the power armor running animation which looks and sounds completely wrong when used on foot and is pretty immersion breaking. And I haven't been able to find anything towards fixing this. I only know the basics of using the Creation Kit and am completely lost when it comes to animations for which I've found virtually zero useful info on getting started. All I want to do is edit some weapons with custom animation sets in order to fix the first person running animation. Is this even possible? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Sooo after trying to get into Mods, I've gotten SOME to download. A lot of them for many games (some obscure, mostly AAA Games though btw: Fallouts, Elder Scrolls, etc.). I guess I'm asking for help???.. but mainly after simply 'downloading' Mods and then trying to use the Manager to "Turn Them On" or whatever, their has been obstruction or straight-up lack of ANYTHING to happen. This is suppose to be the easiest to Mod these games, but theirs always an error here, this n that there, and somehow Mods just DONT WORK ON HERE. Idk, if someone feels they could maybe help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it. Due to the fact that people act like Vortex is the BEST & EASIEST place to Mod games on PC, although thus far no Mods have worked (if they're even downloadable). It's all just so frustrating, and I'm not sure if I'm to simply uninstall Vortex & the Manager, err what, idk. If some1 were to aid me in something and it turns out to be my doing and lack of knowledge, I'm all for learning, so pleeaassee somebody respond if u can help in anyway. ~ Thank You & Thx ahead of time if anybody/you do end up helping me in any way. God bless You All ! ! ! ~
  16. Do you know how to make a power animate like a shout? I don't. I'd like to. I'm making a custom race for Skyrim SE. Everyone has one. Mine are suppose to roar, but they don't and I've spent a week trying to figure out how to make them. Any help would be appreciated. Even sarcastic help.
  17. Hello! I am a Skyrim player and a mod-user, I am also an artist and have started noticing discrepancies ingame with how some things look... For example(this is the project Imean to start with), the Moon Amulet you get for Kharjo looks like a regular silver necklace, not exactly my idea of an amulet devoted to the two moons. I'd like to learn how to re-mesh items; I have Blender and Nifskope, I've seen tutorials on how to make objects, I just.... haven't really seen anything on how to take an existing object and give it a custom mesh instead of the default one. Is it even possible to give items like the Moon Amulet custom meshes? They seem to rely on meshes already ingame (for example, the Moon Amulet uses the Silver Necklace mesh), can this be overridden? Thank you for your help!
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