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  1. Anyone have a clue what is happening in my Riverwood? It only happens in this spot. If I go around the buildings from the other side, everything is fine. It occasionally causes a CTD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EujvUQyOolA Follow the link for the Loot Order. https://gist.github.com/rasellersjr/4835fc0a62f955f5e76af2353e9320e2 Running Windows 10, Core i7, 32GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB.
  2. One thing that I have always wanted but have never seen in Skyrim, is changable decorative banners inside (and outside as well, maybe) player homes. What if you could have your own estate with your family by your side while proudly boasting your dynasty's allegiance to any visitor who enters your domain? What if you could switch between these banners to passively show your support for either the Empire, the Stormcloaks, any of the other holds or, hell, why not a personal dragonborn banner? Or none at all, if your dragonborn is completely neutral. ^^ Or, if not possible with the Hearthfire-addon content, then at least as a quirky feature in any privately-created house-mod. The banners would add a little extra to us roleplaying buffs and give modders a suitable challenge. ^^
  3. so i have White cottage and i absolutely love it but there's one problem, when my male followers use the pool they never pit their clothes back on! Does Anybody know of a house mod that has good follower room, no indoor pool/bath,and lots of displays, preferably in the area of falkreath or Whiterun holds
  4. So I downloaded Sjel Blad castle because its one of my all time favorite player homes, but when I tried to reenter it today my displays had been moved and there were invisible objects every where making it hard to move around. I thought it was a bug with Sjel Blad so I downloaded a new player home and reverted to a save before i had entered Sjel Blad, but it happened in this new player home too... Is this a known bug for skyrim and is there a fix?...
  5. It'd be great if we could get a mod that repairs the sanctuary houses (and roofs) so they aren't full of holes and have collision (rain doesn't fall through). Options for pre-war textures and post-war textures would also be nice. There is a mod that sort of does this, but it's very broken and the mod author seems to have abandoned it. Even if you get it to work, you can't place any furniture on the floor. Hopefully now that the creation kit is out, we can get a working/more flushed out mod that does this.
  6. built a home using every floor possible my character keeps sinking into the floor please help.
  7. I've looked pretty much everywhere for an actual simple home (built just to be a home, not to be fit for the ultimate adventurer) for my family, but the only ones that exist have only one or two beds. I have the multiple adoption mod for hearthfire, and I want a simple home that can fit a large family, while still not being a mansion. It doesn't seem anyone else has made one like that yet. Including maybe 8 or 9 beds. 6 for kids, double for player character, and one or two for followers. I tried to do it myself, but I fail miserably each time I think I'm getting close. It would be pretty nice if there was a simple home for us who don't like mansions and overly fancy houses, but can still fit and be built for our families. Such houses definitely exist, as I live in one. :P If anyone knows of such a house (and I somehow didn't find it), I'd also appreciate being linked to it.
  8. Could someone please make or direct me to a mod that plays this in player homes, both hearthfire and vanilla. Link to the Music:
  9. hey i'm willing to provide some models and new items to any modders willing to do the code and upkeep as i do not have the time to do so i specialize in item design but can do full sized houses and towns
  10. On PC. I bought the plot of land in the Pale, built the cottage, main hall, converted the entryway, added the kitchen, trophy room, and bedrooms, and I have finished building literally every little thing besides mounted heads and shrines. I did build the children's beds with the chests AND the wardrobes. Everything is finished and I removed the workbenches from every room. I still cannot move my child into this home, there is no dialogue to do so. I even tried to adopt another one and when the dialogue comes up concerning where they would live it does not show Heljarchen Hall as an option (only Whiterun which is my only other house at the moment). The game stats also show I only own one house (Whiterun). So I guess the game isn't recognizing it as a home and I can't figure out why. There are no other issues anywhere in regards to homes in my game; no freezes, no glitches, no disappearances...nothing else suspicious. I've tried to look up this issue, but nothing that is similar to my problem.
  11. hi so in the vanilla game you're allowed a limit of only 2 kids, which is dumb when each of the 6 vanilla houses can house 2 children, which means the cap should be twelve. and with Hearthfire each of the 3 properties can potentially house even more.. there's just so many empty beds, its sad. im aware of and have TMPhoenix's multiple adoptions mod, which increases the amount of adoptable kids to 6, but still all the kids are forced into the same household. if i tell one child that we're moving to riften, all the children move to riften. is there a way to make this not happen? to tell 1 kid to live in riften and 2 kids to live in solitude and 2 kids to live in whiterun, etc.? it makes sense since each house has a steward to look after them. it would just be like that simple dialogue "live in my house in x city", except it would only apply to that one child instead of ALL the children. i've looked all over for a mod that allows this, but none seems to exist :sad: is it just impossible with the game's engine? it seems so easy and doable. if anyone could tell me some pointers as to how to start making this mod (i have 0 experience), or if it's possible, or if you want to do it yourself, please respond! thanksssss
  12. Have you ever seen the TV show "Flip This House" on HGTV? I don't tune in to it, but it is on one of the TVs at my gym. I know there is a mod that allows the player to clean up Castle VolkIhar, but what if there was a NPC/crew you could hire to repair and furnish old castles in the game? Other than perk purchases (50k each at the top of the thief tree in Ordinator), there isn't much worth spending money on. The hookers are cheap and the skooma ain't blow. I'd like a mod that charges on a per ft2 basis to repair and remodel castles in Skyrim so I can give them to my Fertility Mode kids.
  13. Unsure if it's even possible, and searching resulted in plenty of requests on Reddit but nothing else. It would be amazing to be able to assign someone to one of your owned houses so they can actually live there like a true wife/husband!
  14. Hi, First off I want to thank all the people who make mods. I know just enough about that to know how hard it is and how time consuming and frustrating it can be (I failed miserably). So thank you. Without you, Skyrim would not be as popular as it is today. With that being said, I can't believe no one has t hought about this. Or maybe someone has and it's not possible, I don't know. But here is my idea. A player home (doesn't need to be fancy) that is set up specifically for follower/companion storage when not in use. Yes there are mods that are like that, but I have something a little unique in mind. Have the home set up and safe for at least 10 followers/companions. Here is what no other mod has that I am aware of. Is it possible to set up a gong or something that when rung, summons everybody in the home. They drop what they are doing and run to the gong location. Kind of like the bell is supposed to summon settlers in fallout 4. Is that possible in Skyrim? Thank you for your time
  15. Hello all, I was curious if there exists a custom player home with multiple master bedrooms. Most player homes have one master bedroom and then barracks-style dormitories for your followers - I'm looking for a mod that would allow a few followers to have a bedroom as lavish and impressive as the master. Thanks!
  16. Hey all! I'm looking for home/estate mods that give you a hearthfire-like option to build them/repair. So far I've only found three mods like this: 1) Millwater Rertreat by Darkfox 2) Riverside Shack by Darkfox 3) Build Your Own Home by Supernastypants I love being able to build up your place, it is more satisfying to me than just having a home poof into existence. I also have the Home Construction and Decoration mod and thoroughly enjoy that as well. I've looked at Pocket Empire Builder and it doesn't quite fit my criteria due to the fact it can infinitely spawn anything after for a one time price. If anyone can point out some others, that would be great. And on a semi related note: One mod I dream of coming out at some point is one that replicates the strongholds of the Great Houses in Morrowind. More to the point, Uvirith's Grave of the Tel'Vanni. I LOVED that stronghold dearly (especially with the mods that expanded it).
  17. If you're are anything like me, you're constantly shopping around for bigger and nicer homes on the nexus. And they do get better and better! One things strikes me as odd though: Most mod-pages list stuff like crafting stations, npc's etc. Nowadays steam baths seem to be pretty common too. Usually there are some pictures that also show what great views you get. Only rarely, however, does it say how many companion or followers can live there with you, Wouldn't it be great if every house, castle, mansion or village mod would also list the number of follower beds? Information for abandoned mods could be supplied by users. Cheers, Liz
  18. In all of the main holds, I've gotten myself to thane status, I've finished the civil war quest line. I can't buy any of the main homes. I talk to the steward after the Jarl tells me I have permission to buy a home and the dialogue to buy never shows. This all started after I got Hearthfire. I've seen other's around the web with the same problem but I can't manage to find a solution. Does anyone know if there's a fix for this? So far I've tried the following and nothing's worked: gone after knowing I have enough goldgone during regular business hourstried deactivating hearthfire (game CtD upon loading main menu)buying all three hearthfire homes, main hold homes still unavailableHelp would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
  19. Hello! I am normally not one for player home mods, but I have come across mods like Haven Bag(http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21454) and FC Kagrenac's Instant Fortress(http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17835) and been incredibly attracted to the one attribute they have in that they are Item-triggered locations. I really really love the thought behind these mods. To be able to take one location anywhere you go is great, however, I did not find either of these mods to match what I would Ideally desire from this idea. Furthermore, I am requesting that some one creates a mod similar to this, but instead of a fortress or a bag, it takes the player to a secluded plain of grass, ocean, and mountains with an outdoor amenities in an outdoor-cell cottage. Since this is meant just to be a small player home, it would be okay for there to be invisible barriers preventing the player from walking too far away from the cottage/cabin. My general image in mind would be inspired and reminiscent of the Secluded Cabin from Howl's Moving Castle. I.e. - http://tinyurl.com/dxlv5re Finally, I think it would be best if the way to access this area was through equipping a ring or necklace of some kind. I thank anyone who reads this and urge you to consider my request! Thank you!
  20. Over time I've noticed that various strongholds in Skyrim are built in such a fashion as to enable the player to climb onto cliffs and whatnot which then puts the player above the hold and enables them to fire various noxious and pointy missiles down onto/into the vile heart of darkness. This enables the player to be much more secure as he/she picks off the neerdowells in a relatively leisurely fashion. These are bad tactical locations, which any right thinking medieval lord would have worked to avoid. Of course, from the view of an ES player it's a lot of fun and is likely to have been something which the game designers did on purpose. Fortunately, the various mod dwellings that are located in the same fashion don't have bitmaps with evil intent that are programmed to climb onto the mountainside above in order to rain down death and destruction...but that might be an interesting mod. Anyway, as a result of my own particular way of looking at dwelling mods, I generally shy away from those that do the following: 1) Locate smelters and forges in places that have no way to vent poisonous fumes safely to the outside. I'm going to try applying this bit of reality to Hearthfire if it can be done sensibly. 2) Have locations that cause them to be vulnerable to plunging fire. (Makes the self-preservation drive itch. Can't help it.) One exception being a mod that also has outerworks located in such a fashion as to defend against evildoers intent on occupying the high ground. 3) Have interior arrangements that are open to the elements. I mean, who wants to crawl under the furs while exposed to a raging blizzard? I know Nords are tough but seriously... ? 4) Have big/huge open interiors that have no feeling of warmth or humanity. Frex, I find it nearly impossible to like Dwemer holds. I loot'em and leave'em. Don't want to live in'em. 5) Have no provision for retainers, merchants, or other bitmaps that provide a lived in atmosphere. I'll be the first to admit that I have no modding skill at all, and truly appreciate any and all modding efforts but I can't build a car either though I still want to drive one that appeals to me.
  21. I have noticed an incredible lack of horror/scary mods avaiable in the skyrim nexus. i am quite the horror enthusiast, so i'm looking for more atmospheric mods that make the game a lot more creepy. i'm not asking for a complete game changing mod, because that would take a lot of time and resources. i am however asking for someone to make a horror themed dungeon or hamlet, or even a player house that has to be explored before it can be claimed. Regarding the house, i want a realisitc feel to it, i dont want tons of manequins and chests all over the place, and it would be nice to have it keep the horror vibe even after i claim it. i really dont want to see vanilla skeletons lieing around, those make me laught instead of scaring me, so i would like to see some unique decorations. a mod that really sounds promising is The Stretch, avaiable on the steam workshop, check it out so you can see what i'm looking for. That house is still being worked on though, but it already has a nice feel to it.
  22. Hello all! What I've been looking for is a home in the hot springs area, I literally cannot find anything. What is love for this to be like is mill water retreat by darkfox127. His is perfect but everyone tends to put a home on that lake. Bugs me. The hot springs however are up for grabs. I'm a hunter and I feel the springs would make an excellent location for an I game hunter, plenty of wildlife. So please if this can be done, I'd consider you a god. If DarkFox127 picks this up then your my hero. Edit: maybe a small quest to get the house also... Trying not to push my luck. Sincerely, Ghost :)
  23. Hey there, I've yet another idea for a mod, surprise surprise. I'm going to keep this one short and sweet. I've always thought that, as the Dragonborn, you'd want your family protected rather well. I went searching through the Skyrim Nexus and found fortifying mods for the houses that are available in Heartfire, but, as good as they were, they still did feel right for a DB that has saved the world. My idea is a simple one, I think. I'd like someone to add a questline that makes it so the owner of the home can build walls around and start their own little village, or an estate, that can be filled with new NPCs or old NPCs. It wouldn't be a big city like Whiterun or Solitude, or any of the hold cities really, but would still be on the map and known to the world. Some buildings to go up should be Weapon shop and smithyA small Inn and tavernA farm and stable (also where the cart driver would he housed)A general storehouses for the NPCsThese should be decently spaced out to make it less crowded, and a surrounding wall with patrolling guards would only be logical. So, has anyone done this? Or is there someone out there willing to take it on? Thanks for reading, Chaie
  24. hair,player homes, or quest mods will not work everything else i have installed will though ive even turned all other mods off and still didnt work
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