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  1. 1.1[1] 210 years after the 3Doomsdays the Wanderer wandered across the desolation of the Wastelands, teleporting from point to point across the world. Sometimes he visited the dome sheltered Havens of the Havenfolk, the big underground Enclaves of the Enclaven, the edges of the Doomlands of the abominations and other zones. The Brotherhood of Steel had long arisen in the Lost Hills of California. The Minutemen had arisen in New England as did the TriInstitute and the FreeRailroad. The DCRegulators had arisen in the Wastelands of DC centered in the cracked dome covered WashingtonDC. The Followers of the Apocalypse, Ceaser's Empire of animal-humanoids, the Children of Atom, the Eurasian Dynastic Dominion, the British Imperia, the United Civilised Citystates and others had arisen across the world. There were also the TechVaults and much else besides. Mostly there were such as radghouls, radhumans, trogs, radbeasts, wraiths and other entities of the Wastelands while the Wastewaters had their own fair share of threats. Not all common entities were threatening and a few were only lightly so. The Wanderer had tricks of rejuvenation-regeneration of devices, lifeforms and some interesting other things like replication, teleportation and telepathy along with others more exotic and less used. He used them, as much as he could, to turn sometimes dangerous radghouls into friendly, fixed up, radrhouls, doing similar things for other entities. Yet his great secret was that there were four of him and soon to be more, some being female. In the Wanderdomain radrhouls, robots, some androids, animals and plants thrived.
  2. This is a big puppy as for my large story arc concepts. As you probably don't know as of yet, I am in the process of writing a story based in the Elder Scrolls universe, called Elder Scrolls: Anomaly. Although the story is only in it's draft stage (I may even re-write it with new concepts and updated characters), the story is vast, and explores the mysteries of what created not just the world, but all of existence. The original story follows Amuil Geeltus, an Argonian who was freed from enslavement by the Ebonheart Pact during the events of Elder Scrolls Online, on a journey to discover who he really is, and to retrieve his stolen soul from Molag Bal. On the way, he met the kind-hearted but mysterious Imperial Maxwell Collins, the shadowy Kajiiti Assassin Zeon Solspoor, the loyal Breton Achin Vallas, and learn of the mysterious "ninth" (because there were eight at the time) divine, Terra, the Divine of Hope, and the malevolent force of pure darkness, Anima. Eventually, his journey finds him far outside his own time, released from a frozen time vault by the Thalmor of the Fourth Era. He learns that he had been given a soul, but not his own (he gained the soul of a dragon). On the search for this "gifter", he stumbles back into an old friend's arms: that of Maxwell Collins, defending Amuil's descendants. He also encounters Zeon, who has lived via Vampirism. Eventually, he finds an unexpected truth that not only forced him to question his purpose, but also change everything he thought about the realms beyond, and unlocked the hidden secret behind the creation of all worlds: the mysterious energy known as "Aether" This story is a long line in the planned stories of the Aetherborn Trilogy, a string of stories that spans multiple franchises, all connected under one, complex idea. Now, the mod details. Obviously, this will be a long story mod, drawing directly from the source material. However, the story will have to be adapted (as the current version contains vanilla characters and a mod follower, to be changed soon), and there are definitely tons of plot points to cover. To start, the story arc will expand on the mod concept presented here, using many of the equipment found within. The mod will also add several new spells relevant to the story, a few more followers, new powers, new locations, and an extremely unique dragon follower, Ohm the Devout. The current line up for followers is: Zeon, a Vampire follower with a unique stealth AI and Vampire Lord Form; Maxwell Collins, who is practically impossible to kill and has unique powers and AI; Dagrlaf the Lion, a Nord Paladin with unique defensive powers and protective behavior AI; Zoena Lemes, a Breton Cleric with a special Healing AI and a Marriage option; Teegul Metus, a custom Argonian follower who wields a Bow and is a typical Ranger character. Some of the new locations should contain unique puzzles linked to the story (and may even appear in the new version), and a few locations act as a way to gain new powers. Every new spell, location, character, and voiced line would be custom made, using new textures, effects, models, animations, designs, and custom lines made by voice actors. The new version of the story will be released in due time, and when it does, the real progress can begin. I will link the new story once it has gains sufficient progress...
  3. So I installed a few ENBs lately (Sharpshooter, RealVision, A Realistic Hope) and I noticed that I couldn't get the God Rays to work! The sun looked very static, bFloatPointRenderTarget is set to 1. All the solutions online that I found pointed to that line, but I already had it set to 1. Using d3d9.dll 0.243 Some pics: http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac138/3l1t3_b34st/2013-12-31_00004_zps5db94667.jpg http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac138/3l1t3_b34st/2013-12-31_00008_zps73515b5e.jpg http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac138/3l1t3_b34st/2013-12-31_00001_zps4ac1b595.jpg http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac138/3l1t3_b34st/2013-12-31_00003_zpsb27d0db7.jpg http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac138/3l1t3_b34st/2013-12-31_00002_zpsd05bb85d.jpg
  4. So I go through the "media" section of both LE and SE on a regular basis. In a recent visit it occurred to me that if we took all the wonderful images and put them together, it would make a grand skyrim film. Some of our screen archers (who thought up that name ??) have done some incredible work at least equal to what we see in some films and would it be incredibly fantastic to see in a film. Of course, once you start down that road one of the questions becomes who should play what Skyrim characters. So I am proposing a contest to name actors for each of the character roles in Skyrim . Maybe our fearless leaders will make it official at some point and give away some great prizes to those with the best ideas but maybe they won't . Either way it sounds like fun to me so reply with character name and who should be cast in that role ! I mean we're all supposed to be staying home anyway so lets put the little gray cells to work. I will start you with a small list of characters to think about who should play them but do not feel limited by this list . Any character in Skyrim would qualify. Serana Harkon Cicero Brynjolf Ulfric J'zargo Balgruf Aela Farkus Elisef Belethor Esbern Delphine Malborn Falion Danika Calcelmo Wuunferth Melborn Wujeeta Balimund Siddgeir Tolfdir Urag Faralda Astrid Hammal Kodlak Ysolda Karliah Nocturnal Ok that's enough for a start :) My apologies if I left out your favorite but feel free to add them in with the actors name. Have Fun!
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