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  1. I love TTW. But I've always been disappointed that the companions from the Mojave Wasteland can only be collected in Lucky 38. Companions in the Capital Wastes don't have a base to gather and rest together. If you've played the game, you know that when you disband your companions, you can send your Mojave companions to Lucky 38, but your Capital Wasteland companions scatter to their favorite places. I think that's a bit of a shame, because I think we need our own secret base where we can gather our friends from the Capital Wasteland together and relax. The best thing would be to have our own secret base where we can gather all of our Mojave and Capital Wasteland friends together, I really want that.
  2. I’ve been thinking about getting back into modding. I tried it when I was a teenager but was never good at it. I have an idea for a town in Fallout New Vegas, and the Cabin Home by Lonewanderer87 is perfect for it. I could’ve sworn I saw that model listed as a Modder’s resource years ago, but I can’t find it now and I think I should be certain before using it. The cabin does not require a separate space to load into, it looks better made than the usual shanty wooden shacks while simultaneously looking like something made post-war. I can’t get into contact with Lonewanderer87, it appears he has not been on the site in years. He did credit the cabin model to “Sandro T,” but I can’t find a user by that name. I’m unsure where to go from here, does anyone know if this cabin was a Modder’s resource, or am I thinking of something else?
  3. i want to request a Predator-yautja player home, it doesnt need to be big or super detailed, iattached some pics for inspiration and here's a description: The entrance should be justan average cave entrance, next a tunel with the 1990 predator textures on it, and next a rounded igloo type of vault with the predator ship textures on it. The vault should contain: -a wall full of those weapon racks but for skulls from this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77899/? -alchemy station, cooking station, tanningrack -a redish lighting -a smaller vault in the bottom with the same feature as avobe but for predator masks from here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24543/? Here are pictures of the original 1990 ship: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-QeWHA4Z2SJ4/VTYe3mKfEXI/AAAAAAAASzg/ZPy3pw4EDmA/s1600/predator2%2Bship%2Binterior.jpg http://www.avpgalaxy.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/p2-ship02.jpg
  4. This is my first time doing a mod and I need help with something. In my mod, i need my character to go inside an Dragon Skull that I placed in Tamriel. For that, I used de object "LoadScreenDragonSkull" but there is no way to gain acess to it, like if the empty space inside the dragon mouth is part of the object and it's invisible, so I can get inside, there's an invisible wall. Can someone help me?
  5. First, a little reasoning why I want this, if I may. If not, skip to the details at the bottom. I want to learn to code, to mod, and basic graphic design. So this is technically more of a tutorial mod request rather then me simply wanting a personal home. (Or just watching some random YouTube video.) I would consider myself knowing my way around a computer. However anything relating to code is currently beyond me. I don't know where to start. I figured Skyrim modding might be a good place to practise, and this house would be the basis I built my other ideas off of. Details of the request: 1)The exterior of Natsu's house. (from fairy tail) Location doesn't matter, wherever you think best for the feel of the home. 2)The interior can be left empty, except if possible I would like a tree and furnace type thing, so it fits with the outside model. 3) If anyone is actually interested in making this house mod, but not in doing the tutorial, this can be skipped. I would rather have the house and no tutorial then nothing at all, but this was the main reason for the request. Nothing elaborate, anything as simple as just recording how you make it works. I'm unaware if we are allowed to offer payment for requests on the forms, but I realize how much work modding can be and don't expect this service for free. Thanks for your time!
  6. hello friends, i have this problem in skyrim with the shadows. i have i5 2400, MSI AMD RADEON 7950 3GB. 8GB RAM DD3 1333http://imageshack.com/a/img924/5868/GgGJlx.png http://imageshack.com/a/img924/4240/CmRzMm.png
  7. I would like to create my own home in whiterun. Could someone give me tutorials or something?
  8. I don't know if this is a good place to ask for this but I have been searching for player home in skyrim that has what I want. And I realized I want very specific things. If anyone know of a mod that has this specifically or have the ability to make one I will be immensely grateful. I would make my own but I do not have the time to learn how to and then creat a mod myself. Basically I want this: * One bedroom for me - only for show but It feel good to have one, don't need to be much in there. * Kids bedroom - with minimum of 4 beds, preferrably 6 or more. * Display room - with ALL special item displays and I mean ALL. even necklaces and yes, weapons you get from jarls etc. etc. Really ALLLLLL! * Mannequin room - this is not that necessary but a small number of mannquins, like 15 would be fine, no need for plaques and lots of chests. * Crafting room - alchemy, enchanting and every other crafting station there is. again no need for lots of storage. one chest is enough, takes forever to pick out what you want so I just grab everything and then put it back. thx * The house/home to be compact and not a frickin castle with endless halls and doors, please just everything crammed together in all rooms mentioned to be only for one thing and thath thing only in that room. i.e. I don not want dispolays in my bedroom or mannequins in the display room * Easy access would be nice and if there is teleports to cities I do not mind but it is not necessary, as long as the fast travel point to the home is not 100 meters from the front door it's fine * Obviously must be compatible with the children mod where you can have more than 2 children * decoration can be whatever, dwemer, wooden, whatever, maybe not boring old stone walls from castles but hey, I take what I can get! If anyone feel like they can help me please answer this post. I hope there are some good modders out there or that you have found on for SE that fits my needs (that I have missed). Thanks in advance! With regards, Charlie
  9. first thing you must know that i'm not too good in english actually i have several problems 1. I have buy 4 house, in falkreath, solitude, whiterun, and markath i ask my spouse to move to another house but only my house in falkreath and markath that appear in options it's also happen when i want to adopt a child, only house in falkreath and markath that appear in options 2.i ask my spouse to move to house is markath and she agree to move, next time i check my house is markath she not appear and when i check my house in falkreath, she stil there 3. my child live in falkreath but she often said "i like it here, the park is so pretty" 4. when i talk to my child, there's no option to move to other house i own please someone help me fix these bugs
  10. Hello to everyone. So you might be thinking the title is a bit strange, but... here is the deal. I've almost finished my quest mod (well it is 50/50 quest/house mod indeed). By that I mean everthing: locations, plot, scripting, quest implementation and stuff. I even have 2 voice actors apart from me, working on voicing the NPCs. Some topics were already recorded, edited and put in game, but the thing is... these are the male characters. Bottom line. Could really use some help of ladies, willing to do a voice acting for Female Player Character. The role itself is not huge, it's not even big. It's only 70 dialogue lines so this won't take much of your time. But at the end of a day you will be putting your efforts into a quality, funny and advanced scripted quest mod. Anyways, thanks for your attention. If you decide to participate in this endeavour, please post here or send me a PM. I'll show you all the context you want abiut the characters and the sutiotion. Credits will be given, out of a question. P.S. In case you're still thinking the title is strange, I'm not giving here a project name, because it is still a project and I haven't come up with the name I wanna use for it))
  11. Hi. First of all I wanted that you know this is my first topic here so please don't burn me alive if i make some mistakes xD So, I installed some weeks ago the "Underground Bathouse and Paradise Valley" mod and I found in a chest the "Andragons Kimono" and the "Andragons White Tabi" (two pieces of a light armor). The kimono had very good statistics for a beginner so I took it on immediately also because it has this enchantment that offers some features including that increase the carryable weight by 1000 and the Tabi by a 400. Going forward into the game I found better armors so I thought about destroying a kimono and a tabi at the "enchantment station" (i don't know how is called in eng) to learn the enchantment and applying it on the new armors. But here I found the problem: i couldn't trasfer the kimono one :psyduck: , only the tabi one! I searched a way to resolve but I didn't find it :wallbash: Can someone help me in this ? Thanks in advance :thumbsup:
  12. Hi guys, I thought it would be a cool idea if someone would recreate Dark Souls 3 shrine bonfire as a player home. It doesn't have to be 100% identical regarding the absence of the household items. such as beds and storage. I think it would be a pretty good and popular mod. And sorry for retarded tags my first time posting a topic on the forum ever. Best regards, Mark
  13. I tried so hard to work out Creation Kit but I have zero talent, so I'm here to beg the awesome home-makers to try their hand at this. I've been wanting a player home that's werewolf-themed but not too dark or gruesome, and which features a lot of unique displays without being too big since I love the magpie/museum type homes. I'm thinking something like this home, using the resources of the Thieves Guild headquarters, but with these details: - A shrine to Hircine (when I tried to figure out CK, I was going to put the shrine where the Nocturnal Shrine is in the Cistern but...yeah, I'm an epic fail) - Follower beds so that Moonlight Tales/AFT users can have their pack staying with them. Four to six beds would be good. I'm not really bothered about spouse or child beds - Some non-follower non-hostile werewolf NPCS sandboxing around in werewolf form. Maybe one can be a merchant who sells meats and leathers just for lols - A decent-sized bookcase/library area - One of the offshoot rooms as an armory with mannequins (10-15) and some displays - One of the offshoot rooms as a unique display area with displays for as many unique items as possible. Bonus would be a special display area for Hircine-related items - Small trophy room - Alchemy, smithing and enchanting areas - Cooking pot or kitchen area for all the iNeed necessities - I don't really mind which part of the world this underground home would be set in, but it would be great if it had one hidden entrance and one link to a nearby town or city Basically, a small magpie home for a werewolf pack.
  14. I have been working on a mod for some time now and gotten pretty far and now i have encountered my first problem. I have used the Custom Material Swap few times, have always made a copy and then edited the objects the objects is a wall, wall with windows, wall with door opening, roofs and such so i can make different building layouts and have different material on them to get as much diversity as i can but for some reason when i copy something too many times with different material some buildings get different colour schemes. The buildings are the one in the main game "decohouses" 1, 2, 3, 4 and the decogarage I usually use the "DecoMainC" objects and just change the material on them. But this should not make the houses change colors unless there's a limit in the creation kit. Here's a link to a picture that sums it all up. https://s31.postimg.org/ptkrkfuh7/Deco_Houses.png Also add that i have copied the decogarage few times and changed the material on that aswell and they are also changing the material colours.
  15. Aloha, Newb here. 4 years I didn't wander in that beautiful Skyrim. Decided to play again. With a modded game. Here's the list : Everything was fine. Til I met Camilia. She had only her mouth and body. No face at all. Like an invisible woman or sort of. Then I went to Whiterun and its Tavern. The Redguard wanted we meet in a private place. The 1st floor was missing top of the stair. So is the floor of the 1st floor of Breezehome. What's wrong ? Does anyone have a clue ? I installed mod that seemed strong and verified. I play on Win 10, with a GTX970 , 12Go Ram. Thanks in advance.
  16. I'm willing to send a nice hefty donation to whoever takes up remaking this mod! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is this mod called "The Tesseract" ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24967 ) that I have used for almost every Skyrim playthrough I've ever gone through. It's a house mod, but it's more than that. It changes how you play the game entirely. With the ability to be in a dungeon and suddenly be at your house just by equipping a ring... Being able to teleport the entrance to your house all across Skyrim like some kind of Tardis... This mod is truly unique. In this mod, there are custom-scripted mannequins that hold different poses, a sorting vat that sorts all of your goods into specific containers instantly or just puts away a certain section of your goods, the ability to have followers be staffed in the house and patrol it and do jobs, a custom-scripted shooting range that spawns little red orbs that can be shot off the pedestals of which they are spawned, a little "crafting font" that adds a 15% boost to crafting skills for 5 minutes upon use, and sooooo much more! The thing is: the mod had an issue here and there. Scripts not firing for random reasons. Mannequins forgetting their positions. The issues were always tiny, but they happened fairly often. I'd love to see a re-iteration of this mod in SSE. Not necessarily a port as much as a remake that is just as good. Maybe include the ability for the sorting vat to put books in a bookshelf and scrolls in a scroll bin, non-favorited armor in a chest and non-favorited weapons in a weapons chest. Maybe have the sorting vat right inside the area that you teleport into when you put on the special ring that teleports you into your home, just for convenience. There's a lot that can still be added to this home. I'll list a whole bunch of possible things that could be added to this home below. - More default places to teleport the house door to in the Core Room - An unlockable spawning space/room that allows you to spawn different mobs in the game. Possibly by using different loot that you find in the game, you can spawn various mobs and NPCs to fight, kind of like the atronach spawner in the midden. - The ability to save places that you set your door at. You'd be able to move your door back to these places in the Core Room, manage the locations you've saved, delete locations, etc. - A respawning garden room versus the little garden room that is currently there; have the ability to have a follower "manage" the garden and gather ingredients. (Currently followers in the mod can cook for you, slowly adding food to the "Timelocked Pantry") - A fix for the script that the "Timelocked Pantry" currently uses so it actually works - Automatons that can act as followers like the little "Riftling" follower that is currently in this mod, but also act as guards of the place. (Mini dwarven centurions would be damned awesome!) - More dwarven decor and less Nordic decor, as the whole house would be more lore-friendly if it didn't have all of those animal heads and skins around... - Any other ideas of your own that you can come up with as you make this mod! Seriously, go to town! Hidden passageways and other bizarre additions are always cool! If you decide to make this mod, please do let me know! The original mod author seems to have abandoned the mod, and this mod idea has a LOT of potential. So, I'd LOVE to see it appear in SSE. I have almost no knowledge of how to make a mod myself, but I do have a wallet with a fat wad of cash that is ready to go to the person that makes this mod. Because I'm desperate. I guarantee it will be worth your time...
  17. Hello! There are currently no mods for the Special Edition in Skaal Village. I would like to own a Player manor / mansion there, with everything included (stable for horse, etc.) There were many mods for Skaal Village in Skyrim, but None for the SE. If someone could do this, I would be very happy! Kind regards, David :thumbsup:
  18. I'm fairly new to modding as I've only made a dungeon/quest mod. I am looking to make a player home mod but I don't know how to start. I have the interior cell made but I don't know what building parts I should use. I also don't know how to connect the house to the outside world and have a map marker either. Thanks in advance! Side note: How can I load all the DLCs so I can use that content as well?
  19. Hi everyone, I know this is a pretty random question, but does anyone know a mod in which there exists a wall remotely similar to this one? As in, even just a square stone pattern of light-ish color? I'm going to recreate Deckard's apartment...I'll make do with whatever else I have but it would be neat if there's anything that looks similar to this...thought it'd be worth a shot to ask you. Thanks! -luxhttp://mirror80.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Deckard-apartment-1.jpg
  20. I've created a shack and a small map. The shack is open and I don't need the teleport door thing. I want to export somehow (here i don't know) the open shack so I can simply place it in my small map, just like placing a tree. *can it be that simply btw? All the tutorials I've watched were doing the same thing, placing a fake exterior and connection the created interior with the teleport thing.
  21. Hi there, I'm wondering if there's already a mod to add more mannequins to your house or maybe replace some items of the house with mannequins. Maybe something like Jaxonz Positioner would fit my needs (and not only mines I guess). Thanks for help in advance.
  22. I've been searching for mod house near this location, which for me is the prettiest area of the game. I'd like to know if someone made a nice and lore-friendly house by the lake, if so, I would be so greatful. Thanks! EDIT: I mean the lake by Riften, or Heartwood Mill. Sorry for the mistake
  23. Hi all, this is a fix for Breezehome mod by Elianora: The mod has been stated as incompatible with saved files where the player has purchased and decorated vanilla breezehome already. I found a way to fix this issue! Follow the steps below and use ACTUAL hard saves. Takes less than 5 minutes! 1.) Download your breezehome mod NMM 2.) Download Wind District breezehome http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7918/? 3.) In NMM, activate Wind District Breezehome - do NOT activate Elianora Breezehome 4.) Run your game, go to Whiterun and save a new file - do NOT enter the wind district breezehome 5.) Enter Carlotta's new home where your breezehome used to be then exit right away. Save a new file, close the game. 6.) In NMM deactivate Wind District Breezehome and activate Elianora Breezehome 7.) Load the last hard save, enter your new Breezehome! -Best!
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