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  1. is there any mod to change other clans banners?
  2. Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to edit the loot (meat and other items) animals drop when they are killed. When I click on the inventory for a specific animal, such as a radroach, I don't see any meat in its inventory. Could anyone explain how I could do this? Thank you, Plarux
  3. I'm wanting to make a music overhaul for Hogwarts Legacy, that replaces the music from this game with the music from the older games. However, most of my modding experience comes from the Skyrim Creation Kit, so I don't know how to go about it. 1: Do you use a special program to mod the files? What is it? 2: Where are the music files, if you know?
  4. Hello is there a way to disable the interface sound?? Or any sound mod that make able to do it? I use 7th heaven but cant make a mod by my own. Thanks
  5. Anyone here understand how you place a corpse? I'm trying to make it look like he shoot himself and he slided down the wall to a sitting position. Are there any tutorials on it? If you know of any please link me because I can't find it. Thanks!
  6. Hi everyone I started my journey through modding recently, so I kinda a newbie in this area. But I have some knowledge. I have been working with Maya 2016, Mudbox, Photoshop, Unreal and others for a time now. However, modding Skyrim uses very diffente and new tools for me. Alright, I have been working on this Greatsword mod for a time now, I already finished the 3D model (including UVs). And this sword its a magical type, and I want to create an animated texture for the blade, I know its possible, in the vanilla game there is some animated weapons(like Miraak's sword), and there are several mods of animated armors and potions, the question is: How do I create it? I googled on several places, but I cant find it. Can someone point a website/video with a tutorial? Thanks!
  7. So, i have made a rifle in 3ds Max 2016 and I am soon moving on to the low-poly/texturing steps. The tutorial I am following is not for Fallout specifically. In fact, it is a professional tutorial made for a modelers personal portfolio. But walks through these steps (Base controls, high-poly, low-poly, unwrapping, texturing). What exactly, if any, things need to be done to get this gun into fallout? I'm speaking of course in regards to size and the such. My gun looks the right size in its parts, but should i be importing a weapon asset to scale my rifle too? that way i can use similar reload animations in the game? Or is this unnecessary with nifskope? (which i also have to relearn) Also, should certain parts of the rifle be connected? I have the stock, lower receiver, magazine (with 2 separate bullets inside the mag), the upper receiver with the barrel unattached, the sight, and the trigger group are all separate pieces.. Invariably, I intend to add mods for this gun..i.e. stock variants, sight variants, barrel variants..i'm not sure if textures can be changed in game also, but if so those as well.. I just have no idea how to go about these. Do i make them a whole separate model project? or maybe make them along side the rifle for scale...I'm confused.. anyways, any help would prove very useful, and i look forward to helping make mods for those who need them. ' Thanks
  8. Problem: I need to make my npc equip a spell because, I’m shooting a scene where this character talks while having spell ready(not charged, just in hands). So I need to speak AND have spell equipped in hands. BUT the player character can equip spell into the hands, but can’t talk(or atleast I don’t know how to make a dialogue in CK for player character), and the npc I created and made dialogue for, can talk but will only draw his dagger, bow or bare hands. So I’m asking you, how do I equip a spell to an npc via console? Or how do I make him equip a spell via CK(AI packages maybe? I’m new to this..) Thank you for your responses!
  9. I just cant seem to get Really AEVWD to work, nothing more seems to show up even after I run LOD generator. I use OBMM to install and run my mods, and I really want to avoid manual installs as much as possible. Does anyone know why this wont work? Please let me know if any more information is needed.
  10. *I posted on the wrong forum earlier so reposting here* Hello, I have this mod follower mod installed ( http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/37803/? ) and I'm trying to copy exactly how she looks onto my character. I am a real noob with this and have looked around. Nothing seems to be too helpful, because I usually only see people use advanced terminology that confuses me. If anyone can post the steps on how to do this, I'll be very greatful. =)
  11. Hello, I have this mod follower mod installed ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37803/? ) and I'm trying to copy exactly how she looks onto my character. I am a real noob with this and have looked around. Nothing seems to be too helpful, because I usually only see people use advanced terminology that confuses me. If anyone can post the steps on how to do this, I'll be very greatful. =)
  12. I want to mod this game so bad but I don't know what i should import the files into. I downloaded unity and ran into a wall and don't know what else to try
  13. I have NVSE, FNV4gb, ENBinjector, and ArchiveInvalidation all installed correctly. I have shortcuts for all of them on my desktop + the Vanila fallout. Never played New Vegas b4 but have a ton of mods already (I played skyrim so I know how to install them correctly) and some of them use them. How do I start up Fallout NV correctly so that all my mods work right? I know that I open up both ArchiveInvalidation and ENBinjector, then I open up Vanila NV, but I'm not sure what to do after that? On skyrim what I did is I would open up ENBinjector, then open Vanila skyrim to start menu (where is says "play, options. Data files" etc), then start up skse (which is nvse in new vegas) and I can play. But on new vegas since I'm using nvse and 4gb there are now 3 launchers instead of 2. So after I open up ENBinjector, ArchiveInvalidation, then Vanila fallout nv, which do I open up and what all do I do?
  14. Ok well the females in skyrim have a neck seam. The only two mods that I use are better females by Bella and cbbe. I use no other face or skin texture mods. Most people say use calientes texture blend. Would using texblend fix the problem, if so, how do I use texblend? I have never used it and don't know how to fix the problem. Also, would this mod fix the problem: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29809/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D29809%26preview%3D&pUp=1 I don't use navatseas or any other textures besides better females by Bella and cbbe. A picture is attached Pleas help
  15. Could anyone please tell me what exactly i should do to replace my female breton character's powerattack/hit voices with custom sounds? I've tried browsing in voices2.bsa to know the names, then placing the custom sound file (mp3) in the same path with the exact name of the sound i want replaced. But it doesn't play ingame. Is their anything else i should do like placing .lip files or editing esp's or anything like that? I know bretons use the same voice as imperials so i tried placing my file in the same path(imperial/f )with the exact same name as the one in the bsa.
  16. Hello! I am not exactly an expert when it comes to using the G.E.C.K. or modding in general. I basically want to combine parts of two different armors. I would like to combine the upper part of this armor: http://static1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/40227-2-1312024065.jpg (third armor from the left) with the bottom part of this armor: http://static2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/44711-4-1320978995.jpg (third and fourth from the left). Both of these armors obviously come from armor mods (http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40227/? and http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/44711/?). It would be great if it was possible to merge them into one armor, but I also consider the option to make the upper and the bottom part "armor addons" (I believe there is such an option in the G.E.C.K.). and then just wear both parts together. I would really appreciate any help you guys can offer. A detailed description on how to do it would be the best for me. If you have any questions or did not understand what I mean, just ask me. Thanks in advance, Grizzly (who hopes it is not that complicated)
  17. So my idea is this.. I have retextured the default mainframe (the large red glowing computer terminals) to make it green. I am trying to add a results script to a terminal option [sTART REACTOR] to do the following: -close terminal -replace the terminal with my one (lights on it turn green). So essentially im wondering if theres a script to replace 01mainframeRED with 01MianframeGREEN and have it on the results script of the 01MainframRED. Thanks
  18. I want to write a script on a container that goes along the lines of: begin OnActivate if (players inventory has a certain note) then add a different note to the containers inventory new to scripting help appreciated thx
  19. so my custom roboscorpion companion cant used ranged and melee together...he will only use melee if I remove the laser stinger embedded weapon from his inventory. If it is in then melee just makes him flee and hide. I have no idea why he cant use melee while a ranged weapon Is present
  20. What script would I use on a terminal to swap a specific light in a room with another one? also a script to change a specific item like a desk into something different from a terminal results script any help would be great thanks in advannce
  21. Recently, I downloaded this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57417/? I found that a couple of the rings had typos in their name, so I used TES5Edit to correct them. However, I later found out that the mod had a few other glitches (none caused by my previous edit as I tested it with a backed up original). Also, so far, I have just used the Weatherward Circlet and Aesliip's Ring. First of all, none of the rings that I currently have show up on my characters, in either third person or first person view. Secondly, neither ring seems to take up the "ring slot". When I equip the rings, I can see their effects in the active effects window, but I can still equip other rings on top of them. I'm guessing that these glitches are related. Because the ring does not take up the "ring slot", it cannot be seen, and other rings can be equipped on top of it. First of all, is my theory correct? If not, what is the glitch, and does one fix it? If so, I'm guessing that the solution is to use either the CK or TES5Edit in order to make the rings take up the "ring slot", which should fix the issue. At this point, I can try either the CK or TES5Edit, but in either case, how does one use the software to fix the issue? Both rings show up fine in my inventory visually, so I don't think that I'm missing any meshes or textures (I hope).
  22. Hey I was wondering if anyone knew and was willing to help me add ambient sounds into skyrim? Could you pm me or comment how to do it? Thanks
  23. Ok well I released a mod a few hours ago, it is a savegame of a really good looking character. I have 1 endorsements and 70 downloads. How many downloads should I expect? Is 1 endorse and 70 downloads good for about 4 hours? Will my mod probably get featured or popular? It's my first mod so I'm not sure what to expect. I put a lot of work into it and made about 200 screenshots (only like 40 are uploaded tho). Btw, here's the link to my mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/42664/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D42664%26preview%3D&pUp=1 Thanks, Snow
  24. Hi guys, I was just wondering if it is possible to make all the armors of Skyrim gender specific. I mean all the armors have special meshes for male and female and most of the time they don't even look a like. How immersion breaking is it to take the female liutenants armor with the bewbs and stuff and wear it and PUF! Bewbs are gone, metals are wider, sometimes even the matterial becomes different. Can it be done without breaking the games engine?
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