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  1. Anyone know If there's a mod that makes ice and/or crystals see through or semi-transparent? When I mean crystals, I mean any of the blue/white ones like soul gems, azura, or others. Wanting to do something cool but I need this for it to work.
  2. My game at night is looking ugly and I wonder if there is any good mods to help/fix this. :yes: <--- Funny looking
  3. FO4 - Panorama - Glowing Sea with ICE = Image Composite Editor (V. - 64 bit) from 5 x 30° screenshots or
  4. I usually have 50-60 FPS at all times, but I've noticed that whenever I enter a dungeon with ice in it my drops to 20-30. Walking around in the winterhold and dawnstar areas in the snow biome doesn't seem to cause any fps drops, but dungeons with a snow+ice theme make my fps drop so I'm led to believe it is a problem specifically with ice texture. For example, I was in the midden beneath the college of winterhold and experienced no fps drop UNTIL I wandered into one of the areas that was covered in ice and fps dropped immediately; I tested this by walking into and out of the area. I also teleported to a few ice cavern dungeons to confirm and experienced the same 20-30 FPS drop in every single one.The only graphic mods I am running at the moment are "Dragon Warrior Effects" and "Skyrim Flora Overhaul" and disabling those hasn't helped. I have also tried running vanilla game from steam without mod organizer and that ran perfectly normal without fps drop in ice so I am lead to believe it is a problem with one of my mods, but disabling them doesn't help either? So confused. Could it be some hidden trace of a mod that I uninstalled that has managed to stay in my settings (project ENB, climates of tamriel, realistic lighting overhaul)? Has anyone experienced something similar or know a fix for this problem? Please help.
  5. Hello! Is there a way to remove Ice floes? maybe with console? (ive tried clicking on it and then "disable" it) because i have an Boat Mod installed, and I want to be able to move from Windstad Manor to Soltitude easily but there are way to many ice floes in the way to drive properly. Any help is appreciated :laugh:
  6. Skyrim mod idea. Someone should make a simple mod that allows the user to seat a small dragon of any variety (from vanilla/dlc) on their sholder as a cosmetic item. The mini-dragon could also possibly shoot flames from your shoulder, but maybe more like the adept fire spell like a souljem would do. Not caliming or requesting credit for this idea.
  7. I usually have 50-60 FPS at all times, but I've noticed that whenever I enter a dungeon with ice in it my drops to 20-30. Walking around in the winterhold and dawnstar areas in the snow biome doesn't seem to cause any fps drops, but dungeons with a snow+ice theme make my fps drop so I'm led to believe it is a problem specifically with ice texture. For example, I was in the midden beneath the college of winterhold and experienced no fps drop UNTIL I wandered into one of the areas that was covered in ice and fps dropped immediately; I tested this by walking into and out of the area. I believe it may be due to the "Ruffled Feather" mod I got recently that includes "Better dynamic snow" and "Just-Ice" mods which change snow and ice texture, but seeing as I have uninstalled it since and nothing has changed it might have altered some kind of .ini setting that I have to revert manually? The only graphic mods I am running at the moment are "Dragon Warrior Effects" and "Skyrim Flora Overhaul". Has anyone experienced something similar or know a fix for this problem? Please help.
  8. I get a bug with a guard, who keeps asking me "You there. What do you know about this?" Even though i have completed the quest ages ago. What's going on?
  9. Hello everybody! I would like to ask if you can make a completely new spell with CUSTOM effects and everybody's welcome to give a tutorial,answer or explanation for that.If it is possible i would also like to ask which software to use. Thx for the answer! :)
  10. So i was playing today and just loaded up my save. All was going well until i went into an animation that involved me going third person (smithing, killcams, and everything inbetween) and started shooting out ice from myself (like a blizzard) the blizzard sound was there as well. I did the "sex change" command twice which stopped it but every time I switch to third person it starts again. I find it to be similar to the steam emitting glitch that is so common amongst Skyrim players. I hope it is visible in the picture P.S this is my first post here so if I have done something horrifically wrong i apologise in advance
  11. When you interrogate Wuunferth about necromancy during Blood on the Ice, he will sound very offended saying that he is a member of the College of Winterhold, in good standing, and that the College has not allowed necromancy for hundreds of years: http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Wuunferth_the_Unliving However, if you talk to Phinis Gestor, he says that the College never enforced the Imperial Mages Guild's official ban on necromancy. Was Wuunferth just BSing, in order to placate the muggles?
  12. Hello I've been playing Skyrim for a while now and I've experienced hundreds of bugs and glitches troughout my gameplay but this one is the most annoying one yet... So I have a constant ice/frost sound playing, it's louder in 1st person than in 3rd person and I can't get rid of it! I have mods so I'll put my load order in this topic, maybe a mod is causing this? I have a pc that's more than good enough to run Skyrim, the game is installed on the D drive, I have the Legendary edition, I use NMM, SKSE and Boss ( all the latest versions ). I tried many things, installing the mod for the chillrend bug, dispell commands, etc.. The sexchange command worked for a few days but now that stopped working too... It's becoming maddening and I'm afraid I'll have to stop playing Skyrim if I can't get this fixed :/ Thanks in advance! -Denwijnen
  13. Okay! So I have a great idea! How about using ice magic to create a sheet of ice across a river! In other words, create your own ice bridges! And this would be brilliant for Frostfall.
  14. Could someone please point me to some mod changing effects of frost spells ( or create one, it would be even better I think )? Especially effect of frostbite, it looks just like cold shower with "clouds". Is it possible to add maybe some frost shards or some kind of impact when it reaches target? Any help will be appreciated. And please forgive my mistakes for english is not my native language.
  15. I just saw a video on the Fire and Ice overhaul and I went to download it but it was hidden. I want it because it makes fire stay around for longer and that would be very helpful for me since I like to take a lot of screenshots and I have an idea for a particular shot of my char standing in front of a burning building. I know about the console comand "TFC 1". I've actually did some test shots but by the time I get the fire in the spots I want on the building and posistion my char, the first flames start to dissapear. I was just wondering if there was a way to make the fire last longer. Thanks.
  16. Alright so in Oblivion, you went into the staff shop in the Imperial City, you could buy or steal a staff that was one of the best non player made staves. Apotheosis, It dealt 33 damage of Fire, Ice, and Electricity. It was always fun to steal if at the beginning of the game and romp around Oblivion blasting everyone with it. I would love to see a mod maker recreate this staff for Skyrim SE, but rather then 33 damage, having it deal 50 damage per element. Please if someone could design it and use the original staff design for it too it would be wonderful. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Apotheosis_(Staff) (manually moved from the Oldrim forums, because I just noticed SSE and Oldrim both have seperate forums.)
  17. There was this one cool mask in the game PAYDAY: The Heist called the Moderator Mask which was similiar to the Ice Hockey Mask I wanted to be made, also I didn't like the look of the original Fallout hockey mask soo.. :P. But when I searched it up on the nexusmod websites it didn't pop up. Some of the mods that were similiar to the hockey mask [ Ballistic Mask, etc ] didn't fit my taste, so are any awesome modders out there care to make a simple small mask mod, which is the Ice Hockey Mask. Won't take that long right? :biggrin: Cheers! Here are the Images :smile:
  18. Like the tittle says, hopefully a modder would be capable of making stalhrim weapons possess the dry ice- like effects. The sublimation would greatly increase the look of the weapons and be more immersive and logical than just having plastic like blue weapons. Would be greatly appreciated :)
  19. So, fort of all I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong section, but I'mely new to this relatively new to this forum. I have a bug that appeared today on my character and won't go aay even with the sexchange console command. i must find the spelleffect's ID and remove it but i don't know what may it be. I'll post a picture, so if anyone knows what is this bug's ID, please tell me. It's driving me insane!
  20. I would like, for whenever you enchant your weapon instead of barely being able to see the effect the weapon like fire, ice, storm, etc. flaring off the blade of the weapon.
  21. I have a Idea for a sword called Excalibur, I know there are others like it, but this is what I would like -normal attacks freezes opponents -power attack while standing still creates a frost nova blast -power attacks while moving right or left creates a ice wave (bloodskaal blast effect) -power attack backwards shoots 3 ice spears -power attack forward uses the frost breath shout I don't know if this can be done, but if it can I would really appreciate it, thanks :)
  22. A request to change the vanilla Ice Spike and Icy Spear to deal non-elemental damage, with an additional, small amount of frost damage. It always kinda bugged me how they were seemingly very physical weapons, yet anything with frost resistance can shrug them off like a cool breeze. Damage summary Ice Spike: 25 non-elemental 5 frost Icy Spear: 60 non-elemental 15 frost
  23. Hello! I will be very happy if someone do a Sub-Zero mod of his armor from Mortal Kombat: Deception! I collected some images for help: Full Body: http://imagensface.com.br/imagens/diversas-fotos-do-sub-zero-94b48e.jpg Back: http://www.mortalkombatwarehouse.com/mkd/frost/end2.png Zoom (Face) http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110826180314/mortalkombat/es/images/6/62/Mortal_Kombat_Deception_Loading_Screen_Image_Sub_Zero_1.jpg Side: http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090903213414/mortalkombat/es/images/d/d4/Mka_mug_darrius.jpg So... that is! I hope you guys make this mod! and i will be very grateful!
  24. Hi everyone, I'm planning on starting an rp sometime soon and I would really love to include the Fire and Ice Overhaul mod as part of my load order. However, whenever I try to get the mod up and running, the ice feature consistently doesn't work while the fire feature always does work. Any ideas how I could fix this? I would provide my current load order, but I just reinstalled the game and I've only installed SKSE, SkyUI, and Fire and Ice Overhaul for troubleshooting purposes. Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated, and I hope everyone is doing well :) Thanks!
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