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  1. I can't add images to my mod description using the insert image function nor with ] link [ /img. How would I go about this so it actually works? Tried adding .png to the end of the link per this video, just ends with a broken image icon in the mod description. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AthrjVTljak&ab_channel=CrispyChrispy I've searched reddit, the FAQ, these forums, nothing. Help plz.
  2. Hey, I'm planning on creating new cards for my Gwent mod in the future. I'm not much of an artists though, but the new "Gwent Witcher Card Game" has a lot of great cards in it. Sadly, all the images I can find of cards from that game have marks on them showing their power, lane, etc. Does anyone have access to a version of these cards without clutter on top of the background image? Just to clarify, I'm not talking about the Gwent cards in the Witcher 3, I'm talking about the card in the new Gwent standalone game. Thanks.
  3. Hi! For some reason I can't select a new image for the Background Image and Top Image from my mod. Everytime I try and click save, the page loads and shows the old one. Anybody know how to fix it? Thanks.
  4. On the image uploading page you exemplify "wearing so little that they might as well be naked" with "1 pixel wide thongs", but I wonder how skin-tight closing is judged by moderators? Just like 1 pixel wide thongs, skin-tight clothing can make so the character may as well be naked. On the other hand, I've seen plenty of such skin-tight clothing in the regular (non-supporter) image library. Still, wanted to ask before I post anything of that nature. Better safe than sorry. Attaching an example. Always easier to discuss with examples at hand. In it, the character is clearly clothed but still has her breast very clearly defined through the fabric. (EDIT: Removed attached picture. Guessing this part of the forum isn't protected by any filter.)
  5. Hey, I just finished my mod. I was wondering how you put gifs and images in the description. Elianora did it in her OWB sink mod. If I put this in the wrong category, sorry (correct me.)
  6. Hey, I'm kind of new to this place and had a question. Is there a possible way I could add my own custom images to an armor? Example: Add image to the back of the dusters. I posted the image I want added and the duster I want to add it to, possibly changing the color of the duster would be great.
  7. Hello everyone! I am attempting to upload an image to a mod I'm creating, but I get this error: Wrong exif_imagetype.Error saving 67962-0-1437776225.jpg I am not sure how to fix this I: I took a screenshot in-game (Skyrim), and it comes out as a .bmp file, so I attempted various ways of converting the file to an acceptable form to upload (.png or .jpg) but no matter what I get this error. If anyone could give me any tips on how to fix this, it would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Hello, I have a question and a problem in the Morrowind Editor and I was hoping someone could help me please. My question is, how do I get images to appear in books in the game (e.g. a diagram or artist's drawing)? I also have a problem where my game doesn't like having new soundtracks added to it or the current files changed in any way, and I'm sick of hearing my current MP3 files. But every attempt I have made to change it thus far has been met with an error message while playing the game and a refusal to continue. Does anyone know what might be up with that, or is it looking like I'm going to have to put up with it? Thanks for any help. :happy:
  9. I recently asked a question regarding why my screenshots were low quality... and i found a way to increase the resolution to fix that... but now the screenshots are now all corrupt when I make new ones. ...that is, screenshots taken in the higher resolution always end up corrupt. Attempting to open these bmp files results in the viewer saying that it can't open the file. I have looked online for bmp repair software, and to test it I used a demo. It did indeed fix the image but the software is not free. That stuff is meant to repair recovered files... not game screenshots because the game can't seem to save them properly. Has anyone ever had this problem? I'd love to get into screenshotting... but if I can't quite save my work. EDIT: I tried to upload my corrupt screenshots to an online image converter site, and it showed strange distortions to the image. The image was indeed very recognizable but it was slanted to the right and highly desaturated.
  10. Hey guys, it's my first request ever so... Yeah ! xD To begin with, I'm a big fan of girls with mechs as guardians, and lurking around on the net I found this beauty: http://cache.desktopnexus.com/cropped-wallpapers/1513/1513573-1920x1080-%5BDesktopNexus.com%5D.jpg?st=8vaZyOUPnKsjedyvj5VqnA&e=1445630625 Which made my new desktop wallpaper ! Look at the armor of the girl, I'd like to have one like this, it would be awesome... P.S.: As it is my first request, tell me if I asked how it is supposed to be, if I need to add more detail, less story, image in spoiler or anything, greatly appreciated.
  11. Just curious: I changed my profile icon here (the Nexus forums) while trying to change my profile icon for the Nexus mods site. It hasn't reflected the change in the mod site, but it has here, even though clicking 'change picture' redirected to the Nexus Forums... is this just a delayed account change going from the forums to the mod site, or did I overlook something? Any help is grateful, Thanks! **UPDATE** I guess it should automatically update. No further assistance needed. Please close thread.
  12. I know that there is a mod in the community in Java format to partially accomplish this task. But I believe that there is still nothing within the game itself to help the player. Link to the author of the aforementioned mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/219 Would it be possible to create a mod of this type but in text format to show the values ​​to the player? Similar to the example of the images that I put below: Mod author link: https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/6 If anyone knows what editing tools are used to specifically edit the game's text I believe I could make it and distribute it to the community. If you know and can share the name of the tool with me it would be of great help. Even my knowledge being newbie in this area of ​​mods. Thank you for your attention :wink: --------------------- @edit ~ April, 27, 2023 The request may be closed if any forum moderators see this topic. [delete / close the topic]I researched further and made some changes on my own and the results were satisfactory. Exactly as I had described before.I believe that when I finish the project of all FromSoftware games I will make it available to the public. Anyway thanks for understanding :)
  13. I rarely bother to look at the images people post on the front page for either version of Skyrim. Its nothing but porn. Looking at it just now, which I rarely do, I saw an interesting image of a giant. That got me thinking, I would probably be looking at that section far more if I could filter out all the repetitive garbage and just see the genuinely interesting things. Besides, I'm tired of seeing that stuff whenever I have 'hide adult mods' enabled. If I can hide adult mods, then why can't I hide other adult content? Don't you think that would drive people away from the site? I realize this site is primarily about mods, and its not hard to evade the image section down below, but if the site is willing to host such content then they could at least do more to moderate it. Again, I rarely feel inclined to look at it myself due to its content, which is surely drowning out the people who want to upload genuinely interesting screen shots. I dislike accidentally scrolling down too far and seeing that content when I have adult mods hidden. And a lot of people, including most women I would presume, would clearly prefer to never be exposed to such stuff. If you're going to let people host images on this site, at least give users a way to filter out the porn. Besides, let's be real here, its cheap and extremely repetitive. I'd much rather see more images like that giant screenshot that was uploaded than what is normally seen there.
  14. At the moment I am trying to take some covers from vintage gay pulp novels and books and make them into posters because the the lack of any and all NON-explicit material to decorate an interior with and I was wondering if I could get some assistance. I have looked at Candora's Box but it has the limit of the size of the image and causes it to stretch if I make it fit into their pre-made mesh. I have made the images into dds files but am stuck on how to proceed. For my purposes I am looking for this: ability to change the image of an existing poster and create a new file so it doesn't overwrite the existing poster, just to use the size to my advantage.Am I able to make these changes in GECK or Vortex, or do I need another mod managing system? If at all possible I would prefer to not have to switch over to a different mod manager...
  15. Hi, I'm new, this is I have many new ideas for stardew valley and I want to create a mods and created forks of many mods of which obviously I do not have authorization but that has taught me how to create them my problem is that I am HUGE I SAY MALICID with the sprinter and I would like to know where I can download them? Thank you
  16. I just want to change the description of the screenshots of my mod, but when I try it says: The mod you are trying to edit doesn't exist. How does the mod not exist if i just downloaded and used its file 5 minutes ago and the mod page is right in front of me?
  17. Hi, I've played Skyrim for 800 hours in total. That lead to some cool discoveries. I will share some of my images here but it's mainly to showcase the diversity of these tips and tricks. I don't want to sit on such awesome findings on my own. :D Text tutorial covers the same things as the video but it's good to see it in action as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiE04EH0ObQ I apologize if the voice over is a bit on the bad side. I talk quietly, rarely do voice-overs and I also didn't bring water :sad: Useful mod: Decorator Helper by CDCooley or a similar mod that enables you to decorate/freeze stuff in place. Useful Console Commands(remove " " in console): " tai ": freezes the clicked target. Also seems to remove their collision(mostly). You can use this to pin people to walls with arrows, make fun scenes, cool combat scenes etc etc. Works on animals as well. Dragons included :D" tcai ": Makes actors unable to attack. Affects all actors though, can't target a single npc and stop them. " tfc ": toggles a free moving camera. With this one the game still runs. " tc ": and clicking on an npc or animal etc makes it able for you to control them. Doesn't work well with dragons, I've tried. " tfc 1 ": Same as above but with a twist. Toggles a free moving camera but also freezes the current scene. You can still move around at will as a flying camera. Like I mentioned in the video you will disappear if used in 1st person but not in third person. You can use that to hold items in the air since tai doesn´t affect items. That's how I made my image "Thief vs Kettle" back in the day. But now that Decorator Helper exists I don't need to use such tricks anymore :smile: Another good thing about this command is that you can unequip and equip stuff while the game is frozen. So you can f ex equip other armor pieces, unequip your currently held weapon and equip another one(although it will end up sheathed but still.) " tm " : removes UI. A word of warning though, the console also disappears. My recommendation is to write tm, press enter, take the screenshot and press arrow up and enter to get the ui back. " player.setscale # " : scales the player. setscale # and clicking on an actor scales the actor instead, also works with player if clicked. Replace # with a number. 1 is default. " tim ": health will never reach zero but you can get staggered and lose health. Which in turn enables you to f ex get decapitated but still alive and able to move around. " tcl ": Toggle collision. Didn't mention in the video but only click the player with this. It may cause you to have nightmares on npcs. A note on dragons and freezing them: It doesn't seem to be possible to freeze dragons as well as I had hoped. They seem to withstand it, it works for a few seconds but eventually they will have disappeared. So the way I've had to do it is use toggle combat ai(tcai) and toggle ai(tai) for all actors so that the dragons stand still. Not sure how well it works while they are flying though... Example images of what is possible I'd love to see what you come up with! :D
  18. Quick question... What mod (s) are the images used on the Background of the Nexus site from? The guard on the left looks like a young Sean Bean :D and I REALLY like that design of the faceplate on the right!!! Thank you,
  19. Hello, though I have posted this issue in the VR section already, I am posting it here as well, as not many people will frequent the VR section, and this is a question that could be very well answered by someone knowledgeable who only mods for SE. So sorry for reposting. The original post: I'm working on a mod that involves drinking a sleeping potion, and before the player passes out, I want there to be some heavy visual impairment. For this purpose, I made modified versions of the dragon shout modifiers, going heavy on double and blurred vision. This works perfectly fine in SSE, but in VR, only the shade and brightness aspects of an image space modifier are ever applied. None of the other effects. Now, it is pretty clear that this was changed by Bethesda in their worry about us poor players not getting sick. And that may be the case for most players, but I have a steel stomach, and I can take anything for any period of time. Being sent on a ballistic trajectory by a giant? No problem for me. In fact, I enjoy it. So it is really frustrating for me that I can't enjoy the full trippieness of image space modifiers, especially in mods like Skyrim on Skooma. Now, as I see it, there are several possibilities of how the original modifiers could have been changed. Either it's some ini setting, or another (I found one but that one was set the same as SSE), or it is by replacement of some files in the bsa archives – if this is the case, I really don't know where to begin to look – or, worst case scenario, it's a change in the executable itself, in which case it's probably hopeless. Can anyone help?
  20. Hello, I'm working on a mod that involves drinking a sleeping potion, and before the player passes out, I want there to be some heavy visual impairment. For this purpose, I made modified versions of the dragon shout modifiers, going heavy on double and blurred vision. This works perfectly fine in SSE, but in VR, only the shade and brightness aspects of an image space modifier are ever applied. None of the other effects. Now, it is pretty clear that this was changed by Bethesda in their worry about us poor players not getting sick. And that may be the case for most players, but I have a steel stomach, and I can take anything for any period of time. Being sent on a ballistic trajectory by a giant? No problem for me. In fact, I enjoy it. So it is really frustrating for me that I can't enjoy the full trippieness of image space modifiers, especially in mods like Skyrim on Skooma. Now, as I see it, there are several possibilities of how the original modifiers could have been changed. Either it's some ini setting, or another (I found one but that one was set the same as SSE), or it is by replacement of some files in the bsa archives – if this is the case, I really don't know where to begin to look – or, worst case scenario, it's a change in the executable itself, in which case it's probably hopeless. Can anyone help?
  21. How to set "hot files" preview image? In old version of Nexus there where an option for Hot files preview along with a mod's decription banner, but now it's gone... So how to set it? Anybody knows?
  22. Hi! I would like to have a full-resolution image of the complete in-game antique map (all areas unlocked) but without the text overlay and the red circle. Right now the only one I have is a screenshot I took within the game, but with both, text and ugly red circle... I don't know if modders can yet access image assets and such, but, any help is appreciated!
  23. I don't understand why I'm getting these artifacts when saving normals with BC7. The normal itself looks fine; the alpha layer looks like crap. https://i.imgur.com/EjfS68P.jpg
  24. Hello, i'm new here and i start doing skins i tryed something simple first: changing the leper defence, make him try to doge instead of T-posing But in game i have some kind of after image from the image i used to do the new one and i don t know how it is possible and how to correct it pls help <3 new leper defence -> in game ->
  25. what mod is this armor from? http://static2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/35998-1-1290079191.gif it looks really bad ass and I really want it but I have no idea what it's from.
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