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  1. So this started happening a couple days ago. It's an odd issue. I've updated Nexus and everything. It also happens to mods that are also not installed via the Nexus. One, it doesn't do a mod limit anymore. It's been running fine up to this point. I loaded a save, and everything modded was unequipped, and my settlement objects were gone. Everything. The mods had loaded up, seemed like they were there, BUT they also seemed to go through the in-game reinstall process (Like Snap-n-Build had the pop-up saying it successfully installed despite it had not been reinstalled). The DLC had popped up with the quests as if they were reinstalled. My character had lost her hair, equipment, everything, although I could still respawn it via the console commands and re-equip it. I figured I just had a corrupted save and just made a new game. The new game worked fine... until I started it up again. Same issue. I've looked everywhere and it doesn't seem like this issue had been brought up in other forums, and I had updated the Nexus, restarted Steam, reinstalled F4SE, and I hate for my last resort to be to reinstall the game and reactivate all my mods... especially when it isn't guaranteed to fix the issue.
  2. Good day everyone, keeping it short, this video shows my problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTsoovPgyLs After changing an option in the mod configuration menu and loading the save file nothing is saved. This is very annoying, does anyone know what the problem could be? Thanks in advance. Cherusker
  3. Hi everyone I just got DA:I for Christmas and while I do hope it is a rush on the servers I have been unable to login to origin from within the game itself all day =( I heer the default world state is quite, Un pleasant. and while I've spent 5 hours playing I do love the game I want to make sure I get all I can out of the game. My Issue: I can't use my custom World State due to the game not connecting properly to Origin. My request: Would anyone mind creating a world state / save and sending me the save file ? I know it's troublesome but I would highly appreciate it I already looked around the nexus No character visually is to my taste and the ones that are I find out don't take my choices I wanted them to. If someone says they'll help I'll gladly get screenshots of the character design I like it doesn't need to be perfect, and I'll list all of the options / choices for the KEEP. thanks for reading, If I can connect to the servers I will come back to delete this post but if it's here I'm still hoping for that dream save. UPDATE/EDIT: I found that I can share my World state via friends on Origin No other way I see so that would be easiest on the choices! Why in bloody hell didn't they include a comic like they did Mass Effect 2 and 3? ;(
  4. Hello everyone! I don't exactly know how possible and/or hard it would be, since I have absolutely no experience with modding, so I'll just ask. I recently started playing a hybrid character with http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37658/?, and I'd like a feature I didn't find anywhere. (Neither Nexus, nor Steam Workshop, etc. Extensive Google research was done, believe me.) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9891/? This mod is sadly not updated anymore, but its functions still work with the newest Moonlight Tales Essentials and other mods, and are exactly what I'm looking for. Meaning: werewolves can loot, interact, open their bag and the map, and keep the items on the character pre-change equipped, though said items don't appear visually, but their bonuses and enchant effects are given to the werewolf. Is it possible to either port these functions to the Vampire Lord as well, or make something exactly like this for the Vampire Lord? Another possibility is to use this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21631/? as a base, and add the functions to keep equipped items equipped, and to open bags and other menus. This mod isn't updated anymore either, and older versions aren't on Nexus anymore (he did say "added an SKSE plugin" to do it, so it might not be that complicated) ... of course, the 1.3 version seems to be exactly what I needed. Thank you in advance for any replies, or help!
  5. Hi guys, I'm new here, i hope to get it right posting here. Well, my problem is about the Grey Wardens' quest. When I ened it, I continued with other quests, but only recently i noticed i still have a quest talking about Grey Warden's history. I have to enter again in the Warden's Keep but I can't. So i wonder if there is a way to succeed. Maybe there is a mod (but i don't find it) or maybe continuing with the story there will be a new possibility to enter again? Thanks for your attention.
  6. In most of my playthroughs as a vampire, I notice at least 2 or 3 female cattle in the Volkihar Keep. However, in this playthrough, all but 1 of them were male. Is this because distribution is random, or is there a mod (adding or removing one) causing this?
  7. Yo of course my first post is an issue.. :laugh: After I denied Lord Harkons offer to become a vampire and got banned from the Castle I let Serana bite me instead before entering the Soul Cairn. After "Touching the Sky" and recieving Auriels Bow which started "Kindred Judgement" I fast travelled to the Caslte. Now when I'm there everytime I go towards the entrance the Gargoyles wake up and start attacking. However there are absolutely NO vampires coming out of the castle, thus I need a key for going inside. Is there any way I can get this key OR use the console to trigger something so the vampires come out? I really wanna continue.. Peace
  8. Hey modders/creators! I've been looking for a small keep to have a player home hidden in the forest. Maybe in Falkreath or The Hold, but I can't find anything. Nothing big. Just a basic foyer, bedroom or two, small library, and a small armory. A stable and/or outdoor forge would be phenomenal. Gardens or something would also be nice to liven the place up. Having a steward and/or a couple of guards wouldn't be bad either lol. There's no end to humongous castles with extensive battlements, armory rooms, throne rooms etc. Those never interested me; they just seemed large and empty. If you need any more details let me know! Otherwise just get creative with it! Pryinglion
  9. So I've been enjoying these build your own homes, some customization options are awesome but in the end I still am not fond of the wood cabins. I think a castle builder would be epic, make a majestic castle of beauty or a fortress of doom. There maybe one out there but I'm thinking bigger... more customization options. Hire your guards, give most NPC's an option to be recruited. Able to put one distinct armor set on your guards of your choice. Issue orders on where they stand guard, watch tower, wall, entry, etc. Choice of where to put what building addon (always killed me putting something in a set location) ((I don't mean free pick but something in any slot would be nice, even double up on smithy or alchemy garden)). Design choices for wall/floor/ceiling textures. Location choices (Not saying to plop one down where ever the player feels like it, just a nice selection would be great - mountain top, river, waterfall, hell inside of a cave) Visitors, people coming randomly to dine, shop, clean, pick your herbs, invade, steal. (Wouldn't you adore the panic of coming down the road and seeing barbarians trying to storm your keep? Maybe the Dawnguard if you're a vampire?) New room types of quality standards - dungeon, a "bat cave" type room, massive dining hall, etc (some of the rooms listed as those I've been overly disappointed with). If there is something like this, point me to it. I'm terrible with designing mods or I would've jumped on this when hearth came out. Just putting that out there for whoever is feeling a lack ideas. Make that and you would be my hero.
  10. So long ago, when Oblivion was still all the rage, I started making a mod for it. I got quite far with it, but never actually finished it. Anywhoo, I'm now thinking of re-making that mod for Skyrim Here are some images from it: http://imageshack.com/a/img109/6415/swords.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img337/8725/screenshot678km.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img121/1696/screenshot1046ig.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img110/1756/screenshot875sp.jpg https://imageshack.com/i/5cscreenshot84b3qfj http://imageshack.com/a/img480/7716/screenshot947cy.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img152/6610/screenshot237ch.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img124/5430/helemt14em.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img77/2858/screenshot176vb.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img151/3568/screenshot263zg.jpg Now naturally, there will have to be some changes for Skyrim. I have already added a few custom NPC's and tested them, now adding the location is the challenge. So, a walled keep. Not too big, but not to small. It consists of a keep (with a temple/chapel), mansion and courtyard. The mansion is for the player and can be come his home if he buys it from the keeps current owner. It used to be owned by a duke who built a mansion as his private retreat. However, the duke fell on hard times and eventually sold it off to a rich merchant...who later decided to sell it himself. the current owner being an Order of knights, similar to the Vigilants of Stendar. Anywhoo, I'm asking for any advice in regards to picking the proper tilesets (or modders resources) to make it, and any advice in regards to actually moding the external area. Many tutorials cover creating interiors, but not exteriors. The keep itself is a home to an order of holy knights, so the interiors should reflect that. Well lit, windows, spacious. Looking into various tilesets I like the ones from the mage college, but you can't fit them into anything other than a circle. Solitude looks promising, but it rather dark and gloomy. So any ideas? As for the mansion - it's a players home and it's built separately from the keep, so a different style is valid. Maybe Strotis mannor resource? Or something simple and wooden
  11. My problem is that Alea the huntress keeps following me everywhere as my follower and I cannot send her home by talking with her ('It's tim for us to part our ways...') or by consloe commands ('set playerfollwercount to 0') and I cannot kill her. It's very annoying because she ruins all my sneaking quest. The other one is vilkas. Whenever I go near the companions house he comes out and doesn't stop talking to me. I saw on other sites that my bounty can be a problem, but I have no bounty in Whiterun so it can't be the reason. Please help if you know the answer. this totally ruins my game experience.
  12. Hey! I would like to get a mod where whenever you are in a keep, the first guard that sees you will escort you in the keep. This would, in my opinion, create more challenging thief gameplay. There could be a feature where if the guard loses line of sight to you, it would start roaming the nearby area trying to find you. Also, being a Thane could give dialogue option to use bribes or speech skill to get them to leave you alone. This could be implemented into an already existing guard mod, Suspicious City Guards, in which guards start to follow you whenever they see you sneaking.
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