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  1. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/117685
  2. I make videos heres my link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBtE4pMXhuuVz8EPWZIrUmQ Hope you like them let me know if i need improvements it would be greatly appreciated
  3. Have you tried Uvultak baby dragon follower? Nexus link https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/107336 Bethesda link https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/36889/Uvultak_Baby_Dragon_Follower watch this video for more information, don't forget to like and subscribe.
  4. Hi, could someone make a moustache mask like this for Skyrim? Thanks
  5. Hello, sorry for my broken english and here is my concern: I cannot create a kingdom, a level 4 clan, more than 200 troops, a castle and I am independent. When I go to my clan window, there is no button. Can anyone help me figure it out?
  6. Forging your own bandit clan, name and camp, gaining status across skyrim as a dragon would, and raiding to high heaven with your brothers in arms! This mod should be about building a powerful clan over the blood of your fallen brothren, and gaining repuation across skyrim as having one of the most powerful raiding bandit clans. There could be two ways of raiding a town or village. One way is to send an ultimatum and depending on the players repuation as a bandit they could refuse or accept. The ultimatum is there so when you raid, villagers know that there will be a raid and they will be inside their homes so they wont be caught in the bloodshed, and if you raid without warning anything goes including the death of a lot of npc (i believe dead npcs should be replaced with random generated ones so the town can keep on being raided) The ultimatum could be money, slaves, jewels, weapons, armors, or being able to walk around a city or town without being attacked by guards. If you successfully raid a city or town so much the town can send out a courier who will offer the player a tribute to not attack the village. Your village should also include beheading sites so you can send those you don't like to their deaths in the most cruel way. A prisoner is bad mouthing you? OFF WITH THEIR HEAD! As you gain more repuation and power, your bandit camp becomes bigger, gaining more followers too! Perhaps into a bandit camp/town deep in the forest/woods secluded from the public. If you have the money you can set up a small prison which can hold hostages and slaves. As guild leader you can give quest to your bandits! You want them to find you a nice wife from riverwood, they fetch you one! You want more money they get you it! You want your name to be spreaded across skyrim for more reputation they will do it! The journey to power should be a tough one. Maybe random angry villages want to raid your camp (when your power is at it's lowest) and when you get more powerful mercanaries, guards, and heros will be sent forth to your camp/village. Bandits are categorized as recruits, regulars, veterans, and sub leaders (meaning a selected bandit who you can order to bring a few dozen bandits with him to raid and bring home loot without you being there). Also as a bandit leader you should be able to make captured women/men into your spouse by force, and having the ability to decide if you want your to family reside in your camp should be an option. Other features: There should also be more beheadings and perhaps hanging. It is well known that many bandits and highway men were hanged to death when caught. There should be events like this more often to make skyrim seem more dark. I have no idea if there are any mod which includes hanging(probably will need new animations) (i will update this if possible, i wrote this when i was tired, so i will organize and fix this when i get rest, just had to write this down before i forget). Maybe have a mercanary version with altered features Some interaction with other lesser bandit clans Maybe bandit clans can have war over territory Thanks in advance! If i had money i would pay someone to make this mod!
  7. Alright before I begin I just want to point out that I have basically no knowledge of alot of programs out there. I have Blender, but I don't know anything about it. I don't know how to use Niftools, or SKSE, or BOSS, or any other modding program. Armor: Alright, so I want to upload a model and textures into Skyrim and use them as full body armor. The models files are .obj and .mtl and the textures are all .png images. My main question is there a way where I can just download a program, click upload for the file, and then be done with it? I know there are tons of tutorials out there to help, but they are usually four or five pages or hour long videos with all these multiple programs. I just want something simple. I know I'm probably asking the impossible, but I really want to find something that can help me. I already have the model files now I just need to know how to add them into Skyrim. Also I want this to be it's separate armor, no retexturing of vanilla armor and such. Also I don't want to ask or request someone to do it because frankly I might want to do more and I don't want to spam a person's inbox with requests. Also I don't want to wait, because I'm afraid it may take to long. Weapons: Same question as above. Is there a program to help me add a model and textures into Skyrim without all these other programs and/or retexturing? Thank you to all for looking this over and really I probably already know the answer to these questions, but I thought I would ask just in case there was some hope of finding a program to help.
  8. Alright I've tried making this mod, but there are too many steps to making a mod and I'll admit I'm not the brightest when it comes to this stuff. So I want to make it a request, I've seen alot of people have requested this mod, but no one has done it yet. So I'm asking please someone make it! I would really like to play as Sora (KH 2) in Skyrim! :D I would also like to add a side request for KH Squall/Leon, Cloud, Jack Sparrow, and Jack Skellington. I already have all models available so if you need the models themselves I can send them to you or upload them to mediafire and send you the link. I will also post a link on where I got the models in case anyone is interested. Please someone make this mode! Models Link: http://www.models-resource.com/psx_ps2_ps3/kh2fm/
  9. Hello! Does anyone of you know the Old Kingdom trilogy by Garth Nix, consisting of the novels "Sabriel", "Lirael" and "Abhorsen"? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Kingdom_trilogy Well, if not: Read them! They're awesome and I think their content would perfectly fit into the world of Skyrim. In detail, I'm thinking of the mechanism to bind the undead with powerful necromantic bells and travelling through the Nine Precincts of Death. The new equipment and spells could be introduced via a new questline similar to e.g. "The Void Walker" aka Dishonored in Skyrim by Madrilous. (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38009/?) And maybe Mogget could be implemented as a follower, simply because everyone loves Mogget. :D I know this is a lot to ask, but I'd be so pleased! Yours truly, Abhorsen211
  10. I was wondering if there will or ever can be mods for the game Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. It's been out for some time now, I realize that but I just recently heard of it and got it. I was looking around for mods for the game because it could use a better UI. Especially for the bag and viewing items (controller friendly). All I found were old postings about a possible creation kit for the game.
  11. Tldr: port skyrim items, textures and buildings into fallout 4 client while keeping settlements system. I am eagerly willing to help anywhere i can. Long story: So I just checked to see whether or not the geck for fo4 was released and saw that bethesda has recycled the tesv creation kit for it. I will admit I put all gaming aside for awhile as the past few months have seen long hours of studying and research projects culminate in my long awaited degree in History become a reality. However, now begins the real challenge of finding a serious job. In any case I'm currently forced into a type of winter vacation and I've come up with an idea! I've grown bored with the likes of warband and total war. They lack a certain depth that bethesda games always seem to have. I love fallout 4 but as a history nerd i sometimes wish it had a medieval setting (striking similarities between dark age europe and post-apocalyptic Massachusetts btw). Also, the countless hours i spent in Skyrim had me wanting one final feature: customizable settlements and a dynamic kingdom. In fact I got my hopes up with hearth fire and when that let me down i even tried learning scripting and making a skyrim mod to allow buildable castles at Helgen (i failed at scripting). FO4 has the settlement/kingdom and crafting systems i dreamed about for skyrim but not my beloved swashbuckling nordic beast-man! Now there is a quasi-medieval mod for FO4 but that modder seems to have gone the lore-route of in the future things become medieval-esque again in a sort of circular timeline. That's not exactly what I have in mind. Idea 1: since it would probably be easier and quicker than starting from scratch, transfer in weapons, armors, items and corresponding textures from skyrim into fo4 and smooth it out as much as possible as far as dialogue and plasma gun references. Also, while keeping the settlement system from FO4, make it feel more TESV lore-friendly. For example changing chainlink fence textures to wattle fence and replacing tato crops with leeks, etc. I can't imagine that this would be impossible, and I'm sure the fact that the two games use the same creation kit can only help the matter. Of course I would be absolutely willing to help in any way I can, in fact I am going to try to start this myself but i have very little experience with any serious modding. I suppose this post is more of a request for help and/or guidance and also to see if anyone else has an interest in the idea. Idea 2: Of course bolting skyrim parts into fallout's engine is a ginormous project in and of itself, I know. But I would be remiss if I didn't mention an even loftier goal: historical accuracy. It is important to remember that bethesda is going to release the next elder scrolls game in the future and it will undoubtedly have the settlement system from fallout if not an improved version. Of course this would mean that the aforementioned port/mod would instantly lose a lot of popularity if it had any and would become effectively obsolete. With that in mind what if there was a longer-term development goal? Perhaps this may be a less interesting idea among other gamers and also likely impossible to do completely, but hey, i shoot for the stars. I have a serious interest in realistic games and i suppose a respectable group of people do as well, given the success of the genre. So what if there was a mod for fallout that made it into a realistic medieval world? No dragons, no spells or magic. Just a realistic map with various little villages of peasant farmers and men-at-arms linked to one another via routes of trade and common enemies in a feudal landscape plagued by the constant threat of random attacks by rival kingdoms (factions) or marauding bands of exiles, criminals and raiders from the wilderness (raiders). Of course in order for it to be truly accurate there would need to be some loose parameters in place as far as time period and location (e.g. 14th century england, etc.) So that there aren't samurais fighting conquistadors or something. Not to toot my own horn again, but if a $38,000 university degree is good for nothing else, I can certainly decipher what is and is not historically accurate for a specific place and time in history and I can help in that capacity as well as historical context for a given time (eg pre-columbian european cuisine, etc). Maybe this is stupid or it won't really be fun for anyone else, I don't know. Just another idea, more of a history-nerd project dream of mine. As stated before, if this seems doable or interesting please let me help! I really want to be a part of it if it turns into anything in any way i possibly can. I can't guarantee that I will check messages on here often so the best way to contact me is email at [email protected] P.s. If you've read this far, I salute you. You deserve an award or something.
  12. Hello, i had idea for this mod for quite a long time but its something way way out of my league, perhaps its un-fesable all together. The idea is to put in game option for player to form an actual government, like the provisional government they had in the past. There were similar mods made for other bethesda games, for instance there is this well known mod for skyrim that allows you to become the high king, it even spawned a meme. The idea would be that after you reach certain threshold, become general of minutemen, have control over majority of the in game settlements and such, you could arrange a government. While creating government player would have choices as to what kind of government they want to make, depending on some factors, for instance overall happiness in the settlements, living standards, security and such, and maybe quest and faction statuses, player could choose between more or less anarchistic rule. The least demanding type of rule they can set up would be something like an alliance of free settlements, and if player have maxed out happiness in all settlements and support of major factions an such they could even create kingdom and crown them self absolute monarch. In between those there would be other options depending on the support, like elective democracy, council lead association, constitutional monarchy, presidential system and so on. This could be interesting new mechanic in the game, would be great to be King of the Commonwealth lol, but would probably require a team of modders, talent and lots of programming and time. I'd love to hear any comments, opinions and ideas so please do comment.
  13. Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders /Heroes are both original xbox strategy games from back in the early 2000's, not to be confused with the newer Kingdom under fire: circle of doom of the same franchise. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_Under_Fire:_The_Crusaders https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_Under_Fire:_Heroes I was hoping that someone out there who knows about the series would be interested in making armor, weapons, clothes, creatures, spells, races, etc. From it. Maybe even some quests. The lore is very compatible with Skyrim and I would love to see this game come alive in Skyrim. There could be new Races and hair added (Bersian, Hexter Orc, Half Vampire) New Creatures to fight (Giant Scorpions, Ghouls, Ogres, Wyverns, Storm Eagles, Swamp Mammoths, Ice Maidens, etc.etc.) New and Unique Armor sets (Regnier's armor is what comes to mind most) To basically sum up the plot of the game, there's a war between the races of humans, elves, dwarves, Dark elves, orcs, and ogres on the continent of Bersia over land and politics that comes to a head when a special artifact of great power known as the ancient heart gets destroyed and unleashes the god of darkness and threatens to destroy the world. I want to see this on PlayStation one day but i dont know much about modding rules and regulations. At the very least, if someone could point me in the right direction to a guide on making my own mods and all the software/hardware I will need, I would appreciate it. I know it's a big request
  14. Hello :smile: i hope someone can help me. (Sry my english is very bad) Im looking for one (maybe two Mods) the first mod is a Armor/Clothing mod. From the Game Kingdom Hearts. Pictures are attach And the second is the wappon. The Keyblade from Master Xehanort. I hope someone can help me :smile: if the hair possible too... this would be great :smile:
  15. My idea/request is to create an open, clear island where you can build stuff for money/resourses. It can be done like Tale of Kingdoms (mod for minecraft) where you just pay money/resourses to build/update buildings in predefined places, or even full SimCity-type buildstyle where you can build roads/buildings/decorations (with money/resourses). (Don't really need to go deep in micromanagement aka house-internal design - it should be predefined) All houses should be open to enter and work like houses in skyrim: shop, castle, townhall, clanhall, Forge, Mine shaft, lumberjack, Rich house, wealthy house, poor house, etc.. You should be able to make profit and make sence, for example: Mine shaft requires 6 poor houses and 1 Rich house or 3 wealthy, Clanhall requires Townhall, more buildings require bigger/upgraded Townhall, etc.. - build mine shaft = provides iron(depends on placement) - build forge = takes iron(or whatever) from shaft and makes weapons/armor/other - build shop = takes weapons/armor/other from forge (and other resource chains like alchemy/hunting) and sells (stable money provider) Caste/big townhall takes money to maintain, rich houses give more taxes, etc.. i think you get the idea ;) (obviously SimCity should not be in the title of the mod, because EA is such EA)
  16. The point of this request is to allow you to take over the mojave township after township and allow you to restore the roads the signs and the houses and allows you to build upon current communitys such good springs should allow you to restore the town and then allow you to take a occupying force such as patorling grunts and soldiers on your own and the sort of soldiers you can have in your gang should be able to be multi racial or discrimitve just like the big league factions you have humans which will give you people armed form leather armor and convetional firearms all the way up to brother hood of steel tech and if you pick the super mutants then you should be able to have super mutant soldiers patrol your town ships under your control and robots can have maintance droids and securitrons to patrol the area and you should be able to have civilians of each type say you build a house or apartment building you can have super mutant civilans and etc etc. you could make it so if you are idolized people follow under you more easily and your ideals because they trust in you where as neutral people have to be convinced a little more say doing special quests for the community or if you have a large enough force you can enforce your will you should also be able to gain caps from taxes and sales on production builds say a food farm produces food for your settlement e.g. good springs but any extra food can be sold off to other communitys so your caps increase x amount per hour another cool thing to have would be your ability to open up a school and have childeren goto school but from the different races such as super mutant children and human children as the population increases you should be given the option to build apartment buildings, food buildings, educational buildings, public services and more with all there own community benefits. basically a mod that lets you be your own good willed mr house or your own arsehole like caser but ending the game should be able to be done off your own back e.g. killing all other faction npcs and leaders that combined with the game doesnt end at the end of the game mod you could esseitally kill all other factions in the game giving your faction 100% domination and run the mojave how you want to . add that with the terrible super mutants mod allowing you to play as a super mutant you could be a super mutant mayor that runs the mojave and lets you have an SM domination victory ending. In-depth ideas: Buildings and effects Basic farm: produces small amount of food good staring income Moderate farm: produces moderate amount of food double income Advanced farm has crazy growth upgrade uv lights specail soil marajuana set up but for food produces food very quickly and gives a strong flow of income Reaserach lab: Ballistics : learn how to outfit your soldiers with assualt riles and tnt moderate Ballistics: learn how to make frag grenades laser rifle and plasma rifles Advanced Ballistics: grenade launchers rocket launchers plasma grenades pulse guns Armor: randomly outfits your guys with leather armor Moderate armor: randomly outfits your guys with moderate light and heavy armor Advanced Armor : randomly outfits your guys with power armor and other highly upgraded armor Medicine: outfits your guys with healing powder and rad x Moderate Medicine: outfits your guys with a stimpak and a radaway each Advanced Medicine: outfits your guys with stimpaks and a super stimpak and a couple of radaways and drugs such as Med-x and pyscho Restore and build roads increases income and happiness of locals Restore buildings increases happiness makes people idolize you if there is a particular type of advantage building e.g. Goodsprings school gives you the a cheaper school. Schools increases happiness slightly improves reasearch speeds Barracks Human quarter allows x amount of human soldiers to be garrisoned and avaliable in the area super mutant quarter allows x amount of SM soldiers to be garrisoned and avaliable for attacks and guard the township Night Kin Quarter allows night kin Centaur pit allows centaurs to accompany SM partols and squads Attack Dog pen allows attack dogs to be added to human patrols and squads Recharge stations allows for multiple robot types squads guards and patrols Water Sataion replaces good spring source with a water plant that produces a larger amount of water for a bigger population Mojave express outposts increases tradeable goods income Appartment's for humans increases human population Appartments for mutants increases mutant population Appartments for robots increases robot population
  17. I had some ideas for music mods I was curious if anyone that is knowledgeable with KH mods or at least to give them something to consider. Replacing Xigbar and Saix's Data Battle Themes with The 13th Dilemma from KH2.5 Replacing Luxord's Data Battle theme with The 13th Struggle from KH2.5 Replacing Larxene's Data Battle Theme with The 13th Struggle from Re:CoM or 13Th Reflection from KH2FM 2.5 Replacing Marluxia's Data Battle Theme with The 13th Reflection from KH2.5 Replacing Young Xehanort's Data Battle Theme with Dark Impetus from KHBBS Replacing Xehanort's Data Battle Theme with A Battle of Great Valor from KHBBS Replacing Vantias's Data Battle Theme with Enter The Darkness from KHBBS or Unbreakable Chain from KHBBS Replacing Terranort's Data Battle Theme with Rage Awakened from KH2.5 Replacing Dark Riku's Data Battle Theme with The Force In You from Re:CoM Replacing Xemnas's Data Battle Theme with Disappeared from KH2.5 or Darkness of the Unknown from KH2.5
  18. I just finally made my own kingdom and we can't even make an alliance????? Wow.. so you're either at war or nothing.. kinda lame. Not sure if anyone has a mod for this yet?? Thanks.
  19. This was in a mod for Warband: https://www.moddb.com/mods/custom-troop-trees When you created your own kingdom, you could create your own troop tree: slots to fill creating the equipment for every troop tier, its abilities and depending on the equipment, its cost, in which units will be able to evolve to, etc. This troop tree was part of your culture, which once conquered a settlement (town, village) and after a while (being able to invest in culture conversion). You were able to recruit your own troops in your faction's settlements.
  20. This was on native or mod in Warband. When a settlement (town, village) was conquered by other faction, after a while, also being able to invest money on culture conversion, you were able to recruit your faction's troops at that settlements.
  21. Hi, I'm enjoying the editor a lot, I had a problem with the lighting, until a few days ago everything perfect, when activating the Total Illumination V2, everything looked perfect, but at some point I stopped working, I have no idea if I change something unintentionally. But even if I activate the lighting again, it doesn't work anymore, creating super black shadows, in principle I think something has happened in Cryengine itself, since if I create a new level the problem persists. Difference from a video I recorded a couple of days ago and the current render: Anyone have any idea what is failing or what I have broken? Thank you!
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