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  1. Hello experts, I would like to see an outfit that is stylized after Roger Moore in Live & Let Die. Black long-sleeve turtleneck with leather holster, black pants/boots with belt buckle. The holster could either be integrated into the outfit itself, or possibly a secondary apparel item Ex: http://thesuitsofjamesbond.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Live-and-Let-Die-Polo-Neck.jpg Another holster shot: http://www.imfdb.org/images/b/b1/Lald-mag2.jpg Ideally, this would also include a Nickel plating retexture to the .44 pistol, or a new standalone Nickel .44 Ex: http://www.imfdb.org/images/a/a4/Lld-sw29a.jpg I would like to try this myself, but am terrible at creating textures. Any idea how difficult this request is?
  2. So, weird idea i just had, what about an alternative start mod (or addition to existing alternative start mods) that makes you an actual Dragon-born. You would start the game and get out of a big egg with a bunch of dragons around that are your dragon-family. I actually thought this is what the Dragonborn DLC would add.... just kidding, but i think it could be an interesting alternative start.
  3. I really like the look of this mod but I have a few questions regarding its relation with the main quest line. I know this is explained in the readme file but I still don't quite understand. So, assuming I picked the 'shipwrecked of the cost option': 1) how do I start the main quest, and how does this play out? you rock up at Helgen and then what? Do you meet ralof/Hadvar? Do you go to riverwood with them? Do you see Alduin at all? And are thee any other changes to the main questline after that? 2) are there any changes to the civil war questline or any other guild questline? 3) I heard that this mod delays the thane request somehow, does this only affect certain starts? 4) Overall, do you recommend this mod? Thanks
  4. One thing that I missed during the server issues was some kind of direct intuitive feedback, having a "Server Status" page or even just some text near the top would help a lot. I believe such a function would decrease the negative feedback as well, seeing as lazy users (/new users/returning users such as me) would not have to guide themselves through the forums to find the news thread. Basically what would be ideal would be to have a *Status and news* button near the top somewhere so that people could get directly to the information. In my opinion that area should optimally contain one list of online/offline servers, and possibly in the same list (or next to) there should be a list of offline/online services (NMM and whatever else). The third (and last) thing available there should be some kind of admin text, possibly the optimal thing would be to have a link to the latest admin news post so that people could give some kind of feedback. It is a bad time to suggest even more stuff, seeing as you already have some problems wrapped around your heads considering the NMM issues, but please give me some kind of response that you have read this when you can. :turned:
  5. This isn't so much as a mod request, as It might sound like one. I'm just simply looking for a way to fix the camera at a certain height, keep it there, and still be able to move my character. I need it for a machinima project, and it's kind of important (I was automatically volunteered for this and there's a deadline. :|). So yeah. Is there some way to do that? Or to fix the height of the camera when it's following the character? Say: I want to focus on the side of the character, at their feet, and I need a dolly pan camera that can do that. I don't know if console command can do it, so now I'm looking for the mod. ANY help would be greatly appreciated. (And yes, I already know about tfc 1 and 0. Neither of those has what I'm looking for.)
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