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  1. Ola, Basically I am in semi-rant mode: once what was working perfectly, now is just stupidly on non-obvious way won’t work. I used to use mono to install Unity Mod Manager on my macOS to be able to install mods in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous... Until recently. Instaling mono on 64bit went fine, I compiled some small stuff just to prove myself it works, but once I hit that part where you choose Console.exe (instead UUM.exe on 32bit systems), and it gave me option to show the path to the .app – it just says “no path“. That simple. Made me insane. Tried every possible thing I could think of, consulted all search engines, and... NOTHING. So, well, maybe people lurk here, who knows, maybe I find my luck if someone know what is this all about. Thanks for bearing w/ me through this... Rant, me guess. Cheers to all! All help welcome (much so!), – Axie
  2. Could MLOX ever be setup as an online web form utility where you could paste/load a mod list and have it run a load order and then output for download/copy to be used for manual ordering for non-Windows/OpenMW users? This would resolve issues that Linux and non-Windows users face and also users of OpenMW as well. :thumbsup:
  3. I cannot figure out where to put the override folder on MAC, with a GOG install. I have copied it to: com.cdprojektred.TheWitcher directly. Also under that folder in AppDataLocal/TheWitcher. Also in GameDocuments/TheWitcher. Also in DataChanges. Do mods work on MAC for TheWitcher?
  4. Hi! Are the mods also for Mac? I mean the app game for Mac and NOT Steam and GOG. I'm trying to use some of them, but nothing happen. Can you help me?
  5. This has probably been asked before but I could not find where after searching for a couple of hours, so just going to ask again. Are there plans to take Vortex to other platforms other than Windows? Android, Linux, Mac? I know Windows is the "top dog" for computer systems, but there are plenty of players who have ditched the desktop and laptop computers for mobile devices where you don't find Windows nearly as much. Instead you find Android, Chromeos (with Linux in newer models), Mac, and iOS. So any hope us mobile players will get to join in the fun anytime soon? Thanks
  6. First off Sorry for using a crack i would have bought it but if i did i couldnt run it cause im on a mac. So I really want to get alot of mods that require the latest skse and also lastest skyrim, I wanted to get race menu and alot of new companions, which i cant cause its :sick: Anybody Could help me update and kinda give me instructions it would be great because im quite new to the modding and stuff cause ive never done it because of my mac. All help is greatly appreciated thx!!! :smile: Banned - TVD.
  7. I was modding my skyrim on mac and I come across a mod file with just esp files and some folders that I don't think I am supposed to put in my data folder, what do I do?
  8. Hi, forgive me if this is posted in the wrong place: I downloaded the Mac App Store version of the game. Installed the Restored Content Mod and it's worked fine until the point I'm at now. I'm on Dxun for the second time, in the Sith Tomb and the party has split up. As soon as I walk down the ramp for what I assume is the last battle there, the game shuts down. I have a number of mods installed, but I've even tried playing with ALL of them removed and it's still the same. Is it the restored content mod doing this? Should I start again without it? I just want to finish the game. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, - JP
  9. I have been trying to figure out how to mod on my MAC. I know that most smaller mods can be added by dropping them into an override folder, which is pretty straightforward. However, I am having trouble with installing the larger mods, specifically the Restoration mod. I understand I have to use something called a TSL patcher? And that I can only open this .exe file using Crossover? So I downloaded Crossover and the TSL patcher download from Nexus, but nothing happens when I try to open the file using Crossover. I'm just pretty confused on the overall concept of using TSL patcher on a MAC via CrossOver to download the Restoration Mod and others like it. Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Hi everyone, I'm running XCOM - Enemy Unknown on Mac using Wineskin wrapper. I tried installing the Long War mod running the .exe in the wrapper (drive_c/Program Files/Xcom Enemy Unknown) using Parallels Desktop but the game crashed at startup. Can anyone help me on how to install this mod? Thanks!
  11. I have been playing Long War for months on my Windows desktop without issue. However, I recently got a Mac laptop and wished to install Long War on it as well, as after playing Long War its very hard to return to normal Xcom. Anyway, after installing Xcom through Steam I began looking for Long War Beta14 for Mac, and while there is indeed a download for the supposed Mac version, it doesn't work. It downloads the file, but it contains all of the Windows files instead of the Mac .dmg file. I have had to install Beta13 instead as I wish to play the game now, but it annoys me as I have Beta14 on my other computer which I now rarely use. I hope that this is an issue that can be solved soon, as I would love to be able to play up-to-date Long War.
  12. Hi, I've searched all around internet, looking for answers. tutorials or explanations. Nexus Community : your my only hope. I've got Skyrim installed on My Mac. I loads perfectly and I made it to work with some mods but I want to go to the next level. In order to get SKSE loading, I've follow the instructions of changing in info.plist ''<key>CedegaGameName</key><string>C:\Program Files/The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim/TESV.exe</string>'' to ''<key>CedegaGameName</key><string>C:\Program Files/The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim/skse_loader.exe</string>'' In order to get the skse_loader.exe to run. What I see is 2 icons of skyrim running and when I try to verify if SKSE is running in game with the command GETSKSEVersion, it shows that it's an invalid command. Is there something I can do? Please help me :)
  13. I'm having an issue with Long War EW and OSx. For whatever reason when a soldier is promoted I am unable to select anything but the right most perk for them. For example: When a soldier gets the required experience to move into the scout/sniper perk tree I will select Lightning Reflexes and click to confirm. Once that is done the game prompts me with the (paraphrased) "are you sure you want Squad Sight" message. This happens with every class. This means I'm going to be unable to fight the alien scourge and defend humanity. Please advise.
  14. I've been having serious problems with my PC and it eventually broke down. Since the "solution" (note the Turian airquotes) involved erasing the primary boot drive, I just wasn't in the mood to do a complete reinstall of my system, especially since it would require me to purchase the latest version of windows (because the old one no longer functions with newer games). But I still wish to play Fallout New Vegas. I've been doing some investigating on this topic and apparently, it is possible. But so far, I haven't managed to find a way to do it properly. The number 1 proposal has to be use Wineskin or Winewrapper, but I can't wrap my head around the technical process to get them to work. Before my PC took a nosedive into silicon based oblivion, I made sure to do a complete backup of the Fallout New Vegas folder and all the associated mods with it. And for the record, that is a legally purchased copy. What I am looking for is a simple way to boot up the programs inside this folder without having to do something overly complicated. I primarily want to run the game itself and have it use the installed mods (because my savegames won't work without them!). Hopefully I'd also find ways to use FOMM and GECK as well, but not sure if that is possible. Basically, I just want a program to access the FNV exe program and boot it in mac. Something quick, simple and easy to use whenever I want. Please let me know if there is a way to do this. Or alternatively, if it isn't possible, I'd appreciate knowing that too, so I can stop trying something that ultimately cannot be done. Oh, and please don't mention Bootcamp. I've been down that road and it never works. Especially since it makes you use windows and I don't want to do that again! Plus, I'm getting rather annoyed that 97% of the responses to this problem is some PC user who's never touched a mac in their life always invevitably thinks Bootcamp is the magic solution!
  15. hey so I bought skyrim on Steam, knowing I couldn't play on a mac However I have a macbook air which I'm much more accessible to than my pc (My laptop v. my desktop which I use rarely) So I just need help figuring out how to get game using bootcamp or something because I'm fed up with it already :x Thanks
  16. Hi! I wrote a little script to install the XCom: Enemy Unknown mod Long War on the OS/X version of XCom, and with it I created a little Mac-specific distribution of Long War. I've emailed it to the mod maintainers (johhnylump, in particular) and they've uploaded the file to the files section. The only hiccup is that the distribution I created is originally as a .dmg file, but I guess the site will only accept .zip files for uploads. For now johhnylump has just zipped the .dmg file and uploaded it, which is fine, but it would be nice if the site would just accept .dmg files for upload directly, since that's the format most Mac users are used to getting software in. For non-Mac users, dmg is short for "disk image", and when you open one on a Mac it creates a little virtual disk image with your installation software on it. It's basically just a bunch of binary data, and it can be compressed much like a rar or zip file is. Again, it's not a big deal, Mac users can just decompress the .zip file and open the .dmg file inside it, or if need be I can repackage the distribution as a .zip file instead, but since it seems like this wouldn't be too hard to change, I thought I'd ask whether someone can just enable uploading .dmg files directly to the site. Thanks!
  17. Hello, i found a very big bug in The Long War Mod with mac. this bug basically makes the game unplayable for me. mac stats: brand: macbook pro version: OS X 10.9.2 maverix memory: 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 gpu: Intel Iris 1024 MB cpu: 2,4 GHz Intel Core i5 (dual core) display: 13-inch retina how to solve the bug (temporary) and when it happens to break the game 1.(re)install the mod 2. Play the game (works fine) 3. Save the game 4. Quit the game 5. Play the game (does not work) to solve it (temporary) 1.(re)install the mod 2. Play the game (works fine) 3. Save the game 4. Quit the game 5. (Re)install the game 6. Play the game (works fine) (only happens when quitting the game not when i just load a save without quitting it) i also had a short chat with the main mod developer he send me to thither than i had quite a long chat with him until he send me here. Video with all bugs and issues!
  18. I downloaded a version of Skyrim for Mac that is wrapped already and runs perfectly. But it skips over the initial launcher screen and takes me right to the in-game launcher where I only have the options "Play" "Load" "Credits" "Exit" and can't change anything. I need to activate some of the .esp files for the mods I downloaded but cannot since I have no initial launcher screen. I assume the original maker of the version I'm running has a mod installed or something that skips over the initial launcher. I've been screwing around with it for a few days but can't figure anything out. Does anyone know how to get the initial launcher to load? Or activate the .esp files without it? I provided a screenshot of where I assume it must be, stored somewhere in one of these areas? Hopefully? http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p671/cylesheppard/ScreenShot2013-12-17at114750AM_zps5e847da0.png
  19. So I've been playing Skyrim on my mac with a cider wrapper and i've been able to install quite a few mods manually. But now i'm wondering if there is any way to get SKSE to work with my game/install SKSE in order to run some of the cool mods like dual sheath redux or SkyUI i've been looking into. Any ideas?
  20. So I'm running XCOM Enemy Within through Steam on my Mac and I wanted more of a challenge so I installed the Long War mod, and needless to say it's pretty freaking sweet! I wanted to take Long War to the next level so I downloaded about 5 of the texture mods that have been created. The only problem is that I have no idea how to install them on my Mac. I researched texmod and couldn't find anything else to help me with the install. Is there anyway to get the texture mods installed on my Mac and have them work through Steam? What do I have to do to make it happen? I'm not super computer savvy so layman's terms would be helpful. Thanks!
  21. So in the past two days whenever I try to downlaod a mod I get a message that says "incomplete file" or "no file found" I'm useing firefox on a mac and the program izip to open the files, anyone know what's wrong?
  22. After installing Moonpath to Elsweyr on my Mac, Skyrim is crashing at the main menu. It is the only mod I have, so it isn't a conflict. I'm a noob at modding, so the error is probably user-caused. If anyone could give me some advice, that'd be swell. Thanks guys.
  23. [NOTE: I use a Mac] Hey there, I've just recently started looking at mods and I have NEVER had a mod on Skyrim before. I decided to start simple and install the Sword of the Ancient Tongues mod, by Corvalho1. I followed the instructions from this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlUlMd1jdt8. WHAT I DID: 1. I put the meshes and textures folders in my Data folder. 2. I put the AncientTonguesSword.esp document in my Data folder. 3. I went to my %USERPROFILE% folder, opened a new textedit document, made it plain text, copied AncientTonguesSword.esp in it, saved it as Plugins.txt in the %USERPROFILE% folder. [NOTE: when I saved the Plugins.txt document, it showed up as just Plugins, so I added .txt at the end.] 4. Opened Skyrim, went to Daedric smithing, only Daedric stuff was there. No mod. Help please. Is there something I need to install? What am I doing wrong? Should I try this with another mod? UPDATE: I have version 1.1 something, I'll upgrade to 1.9 and try again. Please do still post potential answers, though. [NOTE: Do any of you know a reliable torrent of 1.9?]
  24. HI, I've been trying to launch the mod, unfortunatelly I have got missing meshes/textures for hair and bodies. I don't exactly know where I should get the files known as "FFHair01" FFHair002" etc. I have checked and re-installed all required mods by author and still got the missing meshes and textures. When I went into 1 NPC's file using FNVEDIT (something like that), i found out that there are hair name meshes that are required (screenshot below) http://3.ii.gl/v_69xLUA.png After installing all required mods I was trying to search the "FFhair01" in my Data folder, however there was no results. This is how the NPC looks in-game. http://3.ii.gl/2CiBHFl_.png -------------------------- For some other characters that are included by this mod, are missing textures as you can see on screenshot below. http://2.ii.gl/7ERl5mql.png ------------------------- The official link to MOD: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/46538/? I hope that somebody know what is the issue as I don't really understand what to do in this situation. I am looking for any help/tips that you can provide.
  25. Hey all, First off I am using a mac with a cider wrapper. No, I am not a pirate. Yes, I know Skyrim is not supported on mac. I am having ctds very randomly, usually very soon after load up, sometimes on sleep or wait. Beacause I am on mac, I cannot use BOSS. However, I think I have managed to create a sort of good load order based off of forum recommendations. Here it is: Skyrim.esm Update.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Dawnguard.esm Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Hearthfires.esm Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm Falskaar.esm Wyrmstooth.esp ClimatesOfTamriel.esm Better Dynamic Snow.esp AdvancedKillMoves.esp Brawl Bugs CE.esp SMIM-FarmhouseFlickeringFix.esp SMIM-DragonbornTernFix.esp SMIM-ShackRoofFixes.esp SMIM-ShackRoofFixesDragonborn.esp SMIM-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp SMIM-DungeonsCliffsIceSkirts.esp Immersive Patrols Merged All.esp PilgrimsDelight.esp Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and Booze.esp Prometheus_BeastSkeletons.esp Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp SFO - Dragonborn.esp Grass_On_Steroids_SFO.esp- Grassification_SFO.esp- WetandCold.esp Hvergelmir's Redesigned Housecarls - HRH.esp Cloaks.esp Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp Dragon Falls Manor.esp wood elf lodge.esp hobbithouse.esp elvenwood.esp GypsyEyesCaravan.V.2.esp Inconsequential NPCs.esp Headtracking.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp- dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp- EnhancedLightsandFX.esp ELFXEnhancer.esp ELFX - Exteriors.esp ELFX - Moonpath.esp- ELFX - Dawnguard.esp ELFX - Dragonborn.esp randomthunder.esp DeadlySpellImpacts.esp DeadlySpellImpacts - Two Fire.esp Magelight Multi Cast.esp Beards.esp Brows.esp Book Covers Skyrim.esp 3DNPC.esp RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp RND_HearthFires-Patch.esp RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp FalskaarRNDHotfix.esp Inigo.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-2.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp Supreme Fog - CoT.esp Solstheim Climate Overhaul.esm Solstheim Climate Overhaul - COT compatibility.esp ShootingStars.esp GreenWaterFix_v2withDawnguard.esp dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Medium.esp SkyFalls + SkyMills.esp WATER.esp WATER DG.esp WATER Falskaar.esp WATER Plants.esp WATER DB.esp WATER DB Waves.esp Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp More_Saddles.esp AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp Expanded Thalmor and Arcane Clothing.esp isilNarsil.esp DreamBurrowsRegalHuntsmanArmor.esp BosmerArmorMATY743.esp ArchmageTolfdir.esp GauldurAmuletBoost.esp skyrimaguas_Reforestation.esp WVExpansion.esp Hunting in Skyrim.esp Hunter's Mod.esp Hunter's Mod - Dawnguard.esp RealisticHumanoidMovementSpeed.esp BFT Ships and Carriages.esp tSSSSS.esp Conjuration & Summoning fixes.esp BetterDualCasting.esp BetterMageArmor.esp BetterMagic_FULL.esp BetterMasterSpells.esp BetterSpellFinishers.esp BetterSpellMastery.esp Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp BFSEffects.esp Horsemen.esp SoS - The Dungeons.esp SoS - The Wilds.esp RealShelter.esp posesivecorpses.esp Skyrim Scaling Stopper.esp Skyrim Scaling Stopper - Misc Edits - Dawnguard.esp YES IT IS A LOT OF MODS. They all usually work, but ever since I installed amidianborn texs it keeps crashing. Funny, because I have had amidianborn before without crash. Plus they are just textures. I don't know all of my textures, but I have like, 20 that have overwritten those before. All 1k-4k textures. My computer is a 2012 MBP 8gb ram, intel hd graphics 4000. The interesting part is that if I remove all the mods it runs fine, or if I remove all the textures and meshes it runs fine. But for some reason, I cannot have both mods and the textures. I can also start with textures and gradually add mods, until I ctd, or start with mods and gradually add textures until I ctd. It sounds to me like Skyrim is running out of memory, but I can't see how that could be since I have 8 gigs. BTW, I have iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=4000000000 under papyrus. If anyone could help me that would be much appreciated.Thanks. [EDIT] I have no idea why the colors mean in the load list so ignore them.
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