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  1. I have a general idea of how media location controllers function and I've put many to use in reworking the atmosphere of the game, but one thing that continues to escape me is how the Enemy, Neutral, Friend, and Allied faction sets work. I've tried setting the PlayerFaction to an enemy and ally of the faction picked out on the controller, but that doesn't seem to change anything - it still defaults to the Location set. Does this function off of reputation, am I using the wrong faction, or what? If this functions off of reputation, how would I go about setting the player to use specific sets (mostly with regards to exact reputation values) depending on circumstance?
  2. Greetings modders, I'm seeking a person to perhaps do me some nice shiny new media for the sisters of battle mod. I'm currently adding more skins so I will defo need new screenies to show them off. Here is a preview of one of the orders been added. Work in progress Please contact me here or discord to discuss this project if you fancy helping me out. :smile: Thanks!
  3. How to set "hot files" preview image? In old version of Nexus there where an option for Hot files preview along with a mod's decription banner, but now it's gone... So how to set it? Anybody knows?
  4. Had a great time playing through the main storyline of Skyrim not long ago and made a video of various edits that i found interesting. Its about 5 minutes long and has some commentary.
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