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  1. Hello guys, I hope you can help me. Every time I edit an ms2 file with Blender (Blender 4.0 , Cobra Master Tools Blender Addon 3.0.2) or just import it and then export it again without editing or changing it, the changes are applied in the game, but the objects disappear as soon as you scroll to the right or left edge of the screen. Or have an acute angle to the respective object. As an example, I have two pictures for comparison. The model was the TV screen (C5-Environment-Facilities-BB_Billboards). I hope someone can help me to find the reason for this. Is there perhaps another program for editing the ms2 files? PS: All my graphic drivers are up to date and my settings set to ultra!
  2. https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Ankheg_Plate_Mail
  3. Hello there! I'm currently in the process of attempting to rip a few companion models as well as my own tav's parts for use in blender, but i've run into a bit of an issue with faces/hairs. I'm exporting with the Modders Multitool and am on the latest version so I'm unsure if this is what's causing the issue but when I export the heads and hairs, the UV maps seem to be broken and completely unworkable. Everything else works fine; bodies, clothes, etc, it's just heads and hair. Is there a process for fixing this? Or another tool recommended for ripping these specific parts? Thank you in advance!
  4. Hi everyone. Lately I have been trying to properly add a collision mesh to a simple tower I made, for no avail. Most tutorials are pretty outdated and many tools no longer available. I make my models as clean as possible in 3dsmax 2018 and export them to nifs using this plugin. They show in NifSkope_2_0_2017-12-27-x64 with no problems. I managed to get hold on NifToolSuite and ChunkMerge, and after properly setting them up and picking the target nif, collision nif and collision template (with all the steps from the niftools wiki), both just crash soon as I hit the proceed button. My question for those in the know: What is the proper way of doing this for SSE? Which tools should be used? Any hint will be greatly appreciated.
  5. I’m planning add variants to ever weapon tier of the game and add unique effects for each material type. I know a mod that does roughly that but if you try to match all the weapons with all of their materials you end up with a huge amount of assets to make and nobody have time to spend to make each item look like as good as they should. So, what is my solution for it? Each weapon tir will have its very own procedure and may even have unique maps and passes. There is an example of how it should look like one of the software inputs/output. I will make each weapon high poly meshes. bake the normal map to vanilla meshes. separate the base meshes by pieces and classify then using the name or vertex color by what will processed by Houdini fx and how. make a procedural modeling of each weapon tier unique aspects in houdini fx. (im pretty rusty in houdini but i'll learn it again) create tier based reusable smart materials in substance painter/design. create a id map for each possible combination. mostly using the paint bucket tool. batch all the models/textures. add them to the game. create leaved lists that the most exotic the weapon are rarer it is to find. add some hand picked ones to specified locations of the game. if possible: upgrade the crafting system to better accommodate the weapons variants (you chose the weapon that you want to create then the material like the enchantment system).
  6. Sorry if this has been asked of before, but could someone please make a mod that changes how the werewolf looks according to the players race? for example.. A Nord, Breton or Imperial Werewolf would be like Vanilla, slightly buffer of slimmer depending on the chosen weight of the player. Nordic wolf would be the largest/tallest of the three naturally. Breton the smallest. perhaps have some other visual differences between the three. A wood elf Werewolf would of course be the smallest variant of werewolf out of all races like normal. A Dark elf Wolf would have more narrow features on its face, Darker fur than most other wolves and red eyes and longer pointed ears like there mer counterpart. A High elf wolf would be the Tallest verient of all the wolves. not as buff as most, would have narrow and slender features on its head and body and long pointed ears. (Perhaps white or Blond-ish fur?) here's where we get into the crazy looking wolf variants. An Ork Wolf would be more buff, have a wider head, have Blue-ish grey fur and have wild yellow eyes. its teeth would be its most noticeable feature, before it chews your head off that is.. it would have its races signature under canines. truly fearsome. D: A Khajiit Wolf would be, odd to say the least, it would be like an imperial Wolf except it would have cat like features, with wolf like features...yeah.. its snout would be shorter than most wolves, the fur around the Khajiits neck would be bushier than most wolves its hands and feet would be more akin to paws but still have digits. its tail wouldn't be as bushy and wolf like them most other werewolves. it would still look like a wolf tail but it would be narrower and a bit longer. An Argonian Wolf would be the most differential veriant then all the others. it would technically BE a werewolf (Not a werecrocodile) but since it's basically a reptilian species it would have some reptilian qualities. It would somewhat share the head shape of the argonian, it wouldn't have wolf like ears like the other wolves, if the Argonian had horns or fins it would share those features. It would, like it's Humanoid counterpart be able to swim faster* and breath underwater. its tail would be long and scaly, its teeth would be narrow and sharp looking. it would have fur running down its arms and some on its wrists. fur on its shoulders and around its neck, and fur going down the sides of the chest and abdomen, and some fur going down the legs facing outward. the rest would be green and/or greyish scales. Its eyes would be reptilian and have a silvery tint to them.
  7. Hello, Nightmarecrow here. I've played Skyrim and finished it before with steam. But that was long time ago on a different account but I lost that one. So with my new account here I wanted to play the game in a way that I can enjoy it even more. I've gotten my Gaming Rig in another level that what I used to have. Now I've got Nvidia GTX 1060, SSD 500GB, 4700k i7, 16GB RAM, and 24' monitor and other gaming peripherals. Now, I just realized that I can try to be more immersive with the game. So I wanted to start with something interesting with character models. So I have downloaded mods to change how things looks with the models and the NPCs. But after some time, it ends up with one thing to another. When I mean by that is that one requirements ends up and another and another and another. Overall I've been doing all of these for more than 3 days already and I have been stumped. Everytime I've tried to run the game it ends up opening the game and once it goes to the starting menu screen it closes the game and that's that. I've been trying to turn off and on some mods but it still ends up the same thing. I am starting to be stressed out. I wasn't expecting to be having a hard time with this. I've been trying to follow things through but I am just confused now. So I wish for someone like me who has barely knowledge of doing this kind of stuff. Oh. When it comes to just environmental mods I don't have any problems but when it comes to models its a whole different thing. Please. I would like to require some assistance. Its hard for me with the nexus mod manager because its not telling me if there would be something missing or there would be a conflict with the mods that I have. So far, I have no errors showing just having the Skyrim opening then it closes.
  8. Hi, I can't use 3D-programs properly and right now I don't have time to learn. There is lots of great hairmods available, but more medieval style hairs would be welcome. Could someone for example port these hairs to Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42799?tab=posts&BH=0
  9. The Idea is in the title, Prewar Houses in sanctuary, Postwar textures. Dont get me wrong i love the nuked look, but as for using it as a settlement and decorating, there is no way to fix the broken down shelf's interior roof tiles, walls leaning into the rooms ect. Just an idea thrown out there :)
  10. So I'm trying to help somebody make a mod that adds a helmet to the game and I went through all of the trouble of converting the FXB files they provided to NIF files and I built the game data to a point where I just need to change the textures and meshes of the objects, but whenever I try to change the mesh the CK crashes. I'm assuming the problem is something wrong with the mesh, but I searched around and haven't been able to find a solution. The only things I can think of is that I either messed something up in NifSkope, or the problem lies in the fact that the mesh contained multiple separate parts in one file. I don't know what to do here. I'm going to attach the nif so if you want to help you can check it out yourself.
  11. Hi! I have an issue with the GND models of a standalone mod: these are not shown in the game, nor in the Creation Kit. They were models of an old mod that worked well and, when I modified their meshes in Blender 2.79, no longer load. However, in NifSkope they show up without problem. How can i fix this? PS: Sorry for my bad english :$
  12. Hey guys, I'm new to BodySlide presets, but the tutorials I have looked at say nothing about XML to JSLOT file conversions. I'm trying to install this preset for my Imperial character: https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87671 The body presets that I want seem to use an older ".xml" format and that the Nexus' most popular mods have updated them to switch over to ".jslot" file format. How to I convert an XML to JSLOT? Current release of BodySlide will only accept JSLOT files. #DownWithTheThiccness
  13. Hey, I'm a somewhat experienced 3d artist, currently using Blender as main package. I'd love to find someone to work with regularly in order to learn the ins and outs of modding this game. I have some projects of my own that I need help with and I'd love to help out with anything. Attached is an image of a current project. I'd welcome collaborations with anyone, but I'd likely be a burden to veteran modders. This would likely only benefit beginners like me.
  14. While working on my mod "Cold Steel" I ran into this issue. For starters, the mesh worked in the preview window IN the GECK. But once applied to and NPC or myself (In GECK or in game) certain parts disappeared. I'm not sure how to fix this. Images: https://servimg.com/view/19429805/236 https://servimg.com/view/19429805/235
  15. I would love it if someone could make this facial hair style. I used a mod on Fallout 4 that added this style and I also wear it on my own face. I absolutely love it. If anyone could make it, I would be grateful.
  16. I have been trying to export a model/meshe from blender so that I can use it in skyrim. I havent been able too. I keep getting this (the image) everytime I attempt to export to .nif.
  17. Hey just wondering if anyone has managed to get hold any of the textures or meshes for items for ESO ? I know they'd be saved on some server somewhere so I thought I'd ask incase anyone managed to get into it?
  18. hello i get a new hair but when i put it on the char it looks down on the floor anybody know how i can fix it??? see the image thanks.............
  19. So I was thinking whether would be possible to change darkspawn models with those used later in DA2 and DAI. At first I wasn't quite a fan of their new look but somehow I got to like them eventually. So would it be possible? Is that even workable? Now I would welcome a mod like that - continuity and immersion stuff you know.. Since I know nothing about moding I cannot help or contribute in any way unfortunately.. So I just roll ideas around.. Thanks for your responses. Therim
  20. I have not seen A SINGLE MOD on the Nexus that introduces new creatures. I mean, NEW creatures, not old creatures with different names and stats. I want new models, new AI's, a lore-friendly version, a non-lore-friendly version, backgrounds and logic in each new creature, new drops, new items, unique inspirations, and maybe even new locations. I am sorry if I sound demanding and pissy, but this is LONG overdue. I mean, not even ONE? It is sad. There are only 53 creatures in the game, and I'm pretty sure most of those are just variants of the same things. (ex: Ghoul, Feral Ghoul, Glowing One, et cetera) Now, you don't have to add in too much, but I don't understand how we have just Yao Guais, Super Mutants, Mutant Hounds, a few canines, some humanoids, and some insects and arachnids. A mutated cat would be cool. Or maybe a double-mutated cow. (Brahmin + FEV = ?) Just make this happen. I am sorry for going on a tangent, but this is so necessary it is a PROBLEM. Now, I am done. Maybe. Just do it! FROM YOUR IMPATIENT, MOD-GREEDY ACQUAINTANCE, (Insert my screen-name here. What? I can't help that I'm bad with names!)
  21. So I installed 2pacs Skimpy Armour Replacer and it replaces the armour files, I am clueless on how to revert this, uninstalling the mod does nothing and I want the original files back :(
  22. I am currently working on my first ever mod for skyrim but I hit a snag when it came down to textures. I am desperately trying to find some textures off the internet that isnt terrible. I was wondering if I could perhaps get some recommendations to some good texture websites. I literally have about 10 weapons models already made on blender and ready to be textured and would absolutely love to put them in the game! :D Thank you for the help :)
  23. What I'd like to ask for is a proof-of-concept mod. I will feign ignorance in regards to how Oblivion handles character models. However, a type of mod that I have rarely seen is what I'd call an "Aesthetic Overhaul". By this, I mean altering or outright replacing the vanilla art-style into something else. Overview In particular, I would like to request a mod that add/modifies at least one character (preferably Khajiit) with the art-style of Kazerad's PREQUEL webcomic. Not an 'overhaul', by any stretch. But, as mentioned above, a proof-of-concept. Show us it can be done and...if the idea gains enough traction, expand from there. As a suggestion, if ToxicSpooon gives permission, modify their Katia Managan character in this mod to look like Katia in the comic. Optional Since this is a smaller request, these are not necessary to what I ask, but what I would love to see: More expressive facial animationsOther characters of other races, to see how it would pan out across the racesA follower
  24. hello i only wan change the vanilla hair of the bandits, with some ks hair model any body know how in ck???
  25. So, because skyrim special edition came out today, I wanted to get back into skyrim. This meant playing the game, and , well, modding it. I'm a new modder, but I enjoy doing it. So an idea popped in my head. I wanted to extract some dark souls 3 armors and (somehow) get them into skyrim. However, the first step in doing so is something I can't seem to figure out. I've searched almost everywhere and I cant find a way to extract Dark souls 3 Models and textures. Does anyone have/ know of a way to do this?
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