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  1. Recently, SMAPI for Stardew Valley had an update. The way mods are ordered in the Stardew Valley Vortex are by when they were downloaded. This is a massive issue when in order to update a mod, you need to completely uninstall and reinstall it. SMAPI needs to be at the top of the load order, but in order to make that happen, I would have to get rid of all of my mods and then reinstall them in the exact same order as I had them when it worked. There is no Plugins tab in Vortex for Stardew Valley, which is how I've seen people online explain how to redo load order. Is there any way around completely wiping and redownloading all of the mods I have in order to get the game to even launch again, or do I just have to suck it up and do it?
  2. In this forum game you just chat with your forum friends there is no rules at all so free chating!
  3. Heya everyone As we've recently received the Collections, which can be found on https://next.nexusmods.com/fallout4/collections there are a great many collections available for you to choose from! But as it is with life and gaming, preferences are highly individual, so are available storage, bandwith, mod slots and whatnot.... What I'm refering to is that not everyone wants a load order of 200+ mandatory mods. This has brought me to the idea of using a Modular approach to collections, where each module serves a specific and focused task or preference. The end-goal I want to achieve is that everybody can get a highly modded game of their liking, while beeing able to switch between preferences, and not have a bunch of mods they dont want to use, but are forced to anyway, just because they are part of a 200+ modlist. In order to achieve this, I want to ask you, fellow community member, to join this effort and share specialized Modules of mods that you love and play with! However, before we start, please make sure you have set up Vortex as good as possible, check this ->> steam guide <<- of mine. Each module should consider the following: Be as minimalistic as possible (mod count & filesize wise) while providing "enough" varied options Handle depencies (see below) Handle DLC (see below) Handle Language (see below) Handle NSFW taged content (see below) other Be fair! Be Minimalistic For very obvious reasons, the fewer mods you have, the smaller the module remains, and the less incompatabilities may ocour. Also, consider other - already existing - modules to build upon / to add later. However, some tasks require more mods than others. Provide enough varied options This statement is mostly on clothing mods. If you like 4k clothings, consider creating a collection that only adds 4k clothings, likewise for 2k - not everyone has the same machine. Furthermore, as hard-requirements (to be installed), one should prefer mods that offer choices but do NOT overwrite defaults. So while one may include "replacers", weapon, clothes, textures within a suitable collection, those should not be "required", unless the collection is labled/named "overhaul". Examples: Module 20 - Synth Overhaul Module 40 - Warhammer 40k (ok this one is not named overhaul, but it should be clear that it is implied) Handle dependencies Basicly, add the patches, and make the tweak mods optional. Some mod conflict with each other, without raising a conflict message in Vortex (example: some LooksMenu mods / options are not shown when in wrong order) Be sure to drag+drop the symbol of the first mod to the second mod so they are loaded properly (do NOT use hard slot number, this can and will cause issues in the long run) Handle DLC / Language While one should always use the "Same Installer Option", the exception to this rule are mods that allow for DLC / Language configuration, for which you should choose "Fresh Install" - while providing any possible steps in the "About" section of your collection. Because if you do not, not everybody has all DLCs, or can speak german, chinese, russian or wants to play with english texts If there is just a small DLC related mod, it can be included, but MUST be made optional, as it might otherwise causes the module to be unplayable for users without that DLC. Handle NSFW While there are mods that are flagged NSFW, it is my believe, that just because someone wants to have a customized body, they might not want skimpy clothing. So please consider doing seperate modules focused on NSFW taged mods. This said, there are exception, like - but not limited to, Heather Casdin - which has an optional mod to enable nudity for her - such a mod (specialy since both are provided by the same author: llamaRCA) should/can be included in the same collection, but MUST be optional. Just like stated within "Provide enough varied options", make sure that replacers are optional, unless the collection is labeled as an "overhaul". About / Description While in most cases only the first few mods require manual steps, one might come across mods that are added "later", that do need manual tweaking as well. Make sure that manual steps are as "high" as possible within the description text - at the very least, make a note on top that one has to follow manual steps one finds after scrolling down. Also, make sure to give a special note to optional mods, describing them. As well giving instructions on some required mods, as in, where to find that NPC/Weapon that is beeing added, or where that quest begins. Stay fair! Allthough Vortex allows for direct downloads, just because on can, does not mean one should. For every other website that one has to login in order to download, you should tell the user to create an account there in advance. Other websites, just like Nexus, might rely on the ad revenue in order to maintain their servers and storage space - which otherwise is free to use. This specialy applies to mod that are available on pages like Patreon - but are not hidden behind a paywall! Respect and honor that! ---- Special note for Collection-Curators If you have had to setup your computer again from ground up, or got a new one, just download your collection, hit that "Clone" button that appears after installation or use the drop-down you find on the right hand side of the collection edit screen. After that, you can delete the "Downloaded Collection" and the "Workshop" (which is cloned) will be kept. (Source: Discord "Next") Discord: If you want to join me on my discord click here: --> https://discord.gg/jvsQcGE <-- If you have made a modular collection for Fallout 4, please post its URL as reply to this thread. Thank you
  4. I'm surprised that with so many mods, a scorpion skin from MKX has never been added. I hope someone will make such a mod for SHIFU
  5. I have an idea for a mod: the Spider-Man 2099 costume from the game Spider-man: shattered dimensions. This variation came to mind, as it seems to me the most successful: without the ugly translucent web cloak and with wings between the arms and body. The costume had an interesting feature: the pattern on it shimmered in the form of blue waves. But I think that's too complicated, so you could just create a texture of those patterns or something approximate like that. If you create similar wings between the arms and remove the cape, Batman would essentially open his wings by spreading his arms when planning
  6. I am seeking assistance in interpreting a log file to diagnose an issue. Despite extensive troubleshooting on my end, I remain uncertain of the next steps. My current options are to either re-download each mod and hope for resolution or convert all ESL files back to ESM format Manually. This issue has persisted despite dedicating over a week, including late nights, to resolve it. Specifically, I encounter crashes to desktop (CTD) when starting the game, navigating from the vault to Sanctuary, or near Lexington. While disabling certain mods temporarily resolves the issue, these same mods have previously functioned without incident. here is the log file too long for the character limit
  7. Hi all, i beg up your pardon, i don't know if this is the right section, but would you be so kind to explain me how to update automatically installed mods on vortex, if possible, please? Thanks in advance!
  8. I have a bunch of mods not running saying no longer compatible but they are up to date. I think I'm missing something. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling mods but I haven't figured it out. https://smapi.io/log/0757924523734295b3d692253695ad84
  9. no matter if i have 1 or 0 mods i cannot approach ada or anything near Lexington im wondering if its a elsify problem but even after a fresh install i still have the issue im playing a downgraded version i even tried buffout etc mods but no luck dose this mean i have to give up mods and play the update?
  10. I know titans of the west mod is pretty close to the classic power armor but i just watched a Fallout A Hollow Flame on youtube which i recommend watching. anyways i love this guys model of the t 51 in my opinion i think it looks really close to the t 51 from fallout 1/2 even if it doesnt look close to the classic fallout i still think dis model is amazing so will any talented modders out there make this a dream come true only problem is that u have to remake the model from the pics because no one has the 3d model video down below for more pics of the model
  11. Anyone that plays Palworld on the Steam client notice how the mods no longer work? Or how after they did that recent BUG FIX patch regarding the Arena now the game does not open at all and crashes back to client? Well at least to me it does that from what I heard experience varies for others.
  12. Hello, I've been having trouble with vortex not implementing the mods I've downloaded into Fo4. Before I reset my computer, Vortex seemed to work fine and was implementing the mods into fo4 normally. I've tried resetting my computer (Again), reinstalling vortex, and finally downloading the newest version of the Microsoft Visual C++. I've downloaded the unlimited companion framework mod (Unlimited Companion Framework at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com), which worked previously before I reset the computer but now does not work when I launch the game. Whenever I launch Vortex, an error message pop's up which I provided as an image. Thank you. 
  13. Not sure it is possible to do but adding a 5th slot in each spell set would be a game changer. Fighting would be a lot more enjoyable, combos would be a lot better too! They're way to many spells to be limited with 4 spell per set, I feel like 5 would be a sweet spot, wouldn't make it too easy, just more convenient. I'm surprised there isn't a mod out for it already, hopefully someone had the same idea and is going to make one. Its the only mod I can see me using as the game is pretty good on most other mechanics, only thing that sucks imo about it is not being able to move traits around on gear or being able to upgrade defense/offence on gears.
  14. Greetings. I am requesting help from scratch to be able to install Toolset in 2024. I would be very grateful if someone with experience on the subject could advise me, since when I manage to solve an error, another 10 appear.
  15. Help! "Someone do something" When I fast travel in falkreath or just manually enter there, my game just crashes immediately and my crash log is not generated! Even on a new savegame! Is there any idea what's causing this. After completing the Thieves Guild Questline, Falkreath hold just starts crashing when you enter manually or fast travel there. Please help someone do something! I don't want to take too long on fixing this! I already have FNIS, and SKSE64 AE installed. Here is my mod order that is organized from the Load Order Optimization Tool.
  16. Hi All, Just wondering if someone who's familiar with the PoE1 modding environment can confirm if it's like the old IE games (BG 1 & 2, PsT, IWD 1) and doing any patch updates after mod install risks breaking or corrupting mod changes or data? Or if it will is there a way to identify which mods are at risk of being affected? I'm hoping it's a cleaner system for modding so you can patch safely over the mods? I saw there was a new (alpha) patch out, and although I have played PoE1 since 2017 it's only recently I returned to it (after a break of 4+ years) and started using mods. Many TIA.
  17. USFIV is probably the most complete of Street Fighter , even more so than SFV (far too many important characters are missing in the V , like Elena, Gen, Fei Long, Dee Jay, T. Hawk, Guy, Rolento, Adon, Gouken, Decapre , Dudley, Sean, Hugo, Abel, El Fuerte …). ¤ But even in USFIV some outstanding characters are sorely lacking for this game to be truly complete (notably Q and Oro). Skins adapted to characters with similar combat techniques can (a little) fill this gap. ¤ Terribly Missing Skins for USFIV : ¤ Skins => USFIV characters ¤ Q (SFIII) => Cody (remove his handcuffs) Oro (SFIII, SFV) => Akuma or Oni or Gouken/8th color (do not forget to hide an arm from him in his cloth for most attacks) Karin Kanzuki (SF Alpha, SFV) => Makoto Rainbow Mika (SF Alpha, SFV) => Cammy or El Fuerte Birdie (SF Alpha, SFV) => Hakan or Cody or Balrog or Hugo or Zangief (with Balrog replace the gloves with chains on the fists) Rémy (SFIII) => Guile Twelve (SFIII) => Seth Necro (SFIII) => Dalshim Sean (SFIII) => Dan ¤ Some other characters that may be interesting to add. ¤ Gill (SFIII, SFV) => Evil Ryu (if possible replace the classic powerball with an ice ball) Ingrid (SF Alpha) => Rose or Crimson Viper Maki (Final Fight, SF Alpha) => Decapre or Poison or Rolento (replace the gauntlets or the whip with a tonfa) Dean (Final Fight) => Oni Carlos (Final Fight) => Rolento (replace the staff with his saber) Lucia (Final Fight, SFV) => Chun Li Roxy (Final Fight, SFV) => Poison Juni (SF Alpha) => Decapre or Cammy Juli (SF Alpha) => Decapre or Cammy Sodom (SF Alpha) => Blanka or Balrog Violent Ken (USF II) => Evil Ryu or Oni Blair Dame (SF Ex) => Elena or Juri Doctrine Dark (SF Ex) => Rolento Darun Mister (SF Ex) => Zangief Pullum Purna (SF Ex) => Elena Garuda (SF Ex) => Seth Cracker Jack (SF Ex) => Balrog Shadowgeist (SF Ex) => M. Bison (Dictator) Restu (SF I) => Gouken or Akuma Geki (SF I) => Vega (claw) Lee (SF I) => Yun Mike (SF I) => Balrog ¤ It’s less important, but there are also a few SFV characters that are easy to adapt into Skin for USFIV. ¤ Laura (SFV) => Crimson Viper Rashid (SFV) => Dee Jay or Cody or Dudley Fang (SFV) => Gen or Yang or Vega (claw) Azam (SFV) => Zangief Kage (SFV) => Oni or Evil Ryu Zeku (SFV) => Guy Abigail (SFV) => T. Hawk or Hugo or Zangief Menat (SFV) => Rose Falke (SFV) => Poison Akira (SFV) => Decapre Ed (SFV) => Balrog or Sagat Necalli (SFV) => Blanka Aprile (SFV) => Decapre or Juri ¤ The number of Skins is limited per character, maximum 5 or 6 Skins and even if we manage to have all the DLC. We need a system that allows you to have an unlimited number of Skins. Or at least a maximum of 12, as for the colors.
  18. I am using MO2 and F4SE all the time for years. 1.0.163, no updating to nex-gen. yesterday when I using F4SE, the Dos pop-up shows weird message, instead of loading numerous mod. it says: F4SE runtime: initialize (version = 0.6.23 010A0A30 01DAC0DA1A34814A, os = 6.2 (9200)) imagebase = 00007FF7D51B0000 reloc mgr imagebase = 00007FF7D51B0000 plugin directory = C:\Games\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\ config path = C:\Games\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\f4se.ini init complete and then after the loading screen, I find out all my mods ain't being loaded. I was using F4SE in MO2, all the MODs are failing loaded. Only original game runs. How could I solve this? to make F4SE can load all MDOS again? Thank you!
  19. My game is not working with mods. hangs on the intro or loading bar. I tried with the empress version and the dodi version. And none worked.
  20. I don't really use Vortex all that much. For one reason or another, Vortex doesn't use the mods when I play Elden ring. I set up a Launcher under the tools tab and it launches it fine, but no mods will load. Anyone know why.
  21. ATCHUNG! For those who have downloaded the cbbe knee fix for the Animated Mannequins mod (can someone please port it and its armed mannequins addon to Skyrim for f*#@ sake) and are experiencing CTDs when selecting female or armed mannequins take note: The reason is because the female mesh is missing. (I found that out by going into the CK and seeing that instead of the mesh there was that red diamond exclamation point thingy.) It turns out the culprit is the cbbe knee fix, which requires the Skeletal Adjustments for CBBE - Knee Fix - Legs for Days - 3BBB mod. Now what the knee fix does is redirect the mesh path to that of the skeletal adjustments mod. However, neither the game nor the CK are aware of this and try to look for it in the original directory. When I actually took the time to read the knee fix description I knew that would explain why the female mesh was missing, so I uninstalled the knee fix and the skeletal adjustments and PRESTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The female mesh shows up in the CK and no more CTDs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Anyone ran into that that the 'TAB' key does nothing when trying to open the monowire's quickhack menu? (either from inventory, or at a ripperdoc) I hear the sound of the button when I press it, but nothing happens. I don't think I have any mod that changes cyberware or quickhacks.. but here is the list if anyone can spot something: Songbird Hair, HystBodysuit, Custom Hairstyle-Rasberry, HystEroticLingerieSet, HystEBB, Hyst NPC Enhancement, Immersive First Person, FreeFly, Quieter TV Ads, Kwek's Simple Stewardess Thigh High Heels, More Blood Splatters, PL Vanilla Refit EBB, Ragdoll Physics Overhaul, Reset Attributes, Silent Silencers and Throwing Knives, Unlock Me The Mods, Vanilla Refit EBB, XRX Tactical Leotard EBB, Player underwear removal extended CET, Kiroshi Night Vision Mod, TweakXL, redscript, RED4ext, Native Settings UI, mod settings, material and texture override, Equipment EX, cybercmd, codeware, ArchiveXL, CET
  23. Is there a way to stop tracking all mods at once or more than one at a time?
  24. Hello i'm having trouble with getting my meshes exported to the creation kit. it looks fine in nifskope but when i export to the creation kit it crashes every time i can send the file if you need it. My original topic is here with an image of what i'm exporting: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/images/225861 Hope somebody can help so i can make good quality meshes for my mods
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