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  1. Notes here under some possibly efficient order! SEEKATEAM Seekaplayers WOMEN Sharry, Shendy, Shurly, Diana Sculder MEN Charles Le'Nerd, Gavag, Machomuch, Professor Sagesmart, Rattanboy, Francis Foxulder ANIMAL CYBORGS Amphibioto, Gunclawdus, Wingfastus ROBOTS Robogirlie, MrCarryon, Trieyebot ELEMENTALS Airius, Fireini, Earthus, Electria, Waterari ANDROIDS Gunslingerjo, DocSmith, TechiSue, Junglejane, Sherlockmar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seekaservers WOMEN Shimmy, Shorey ANIMAL CYBORGS K9herois, Stanley ROBOTS Batmanbot, See3pio Seekaguards Seekafollowers Seekafans ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powertech Order as an aspect of the OrderhoodDC. - Brothers of Powertech - Sisters of Powertech Misfits of Powertech Mutants of Powertech Outcasts of Powertech Robots of Powertech (advanced smart robots) Greentech Order Industritech Order Steyletech Order (Smart Steel With Magnabots, Microbots and Nanobots). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSDC, Crime SyndicatesDC Syndicates Council DC - Assassins - Mercenaries (military) - Paramercenaries (paramilitary-security) - Slavers - Smugglers - Corruptors - Thieves - Spies - Miscellaneous Reregulators DC U6N, United Six Nations of the Leaderon Family Kingdom of King Joe Queendom of Queen Nancy Commonwealth of Prime Minister Pattie Republic of President Dennis Collective of Premier Karl Commune of Hippy Guru Sandy Also Neutral Zone of Guardian Bruce United Settlements Union DC, the USUDC (the name was meant to heavily emphasis the need for true unification). - Minuteman Service, of the USUDC. being a militia service with a regular core surrounded by part time irregulars and more casual volunteers. Often ended up helping to deal with emergencies such as fires, floods, cats up in trees, radroach infestations, assisting USUDC law enforcers and lonely widows. - Law Network of the USUDC as sheriffs, marshals, rangers etc. USUDC Settlements Cratertown Fivetowertown Greyburg Railtown Rivercity Shipscity Subwaytown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teknacorp (Tekna Corporation) Both in and outside of DC! Teknasites -Teknabunkers (military oriented) -Teknacomplexes (see also Teknaplexes) --Teknahabitats ---Teknahomes --Techvaults -Techshelters (civil oriented) - Techshelter001DC (Display Visitors Museum Techshelter liked to Techvault001C) Beyond DC!? NEC, New English Commonwealth TriquaInstitute Futuretopia Corporation Ghoulash Empire NRU, New Republics Union. NCR, New Calibraskan Republic NVR, New Virginian Republic Others!?
  2. Good day, I was hoping if anyone had seen a few weird goings on. I came across a book in riften today, in the orphanage, it was called the woodcutters wife. Here's the story. Legend tells of a woodcutter who built a shack deep within the pine forest. There, he hoped to live in peace with his family. The woodcutter's family lived well for a time, but without warning, the weather turned bitterly cold and spoiled the harvest. Before long, with their meager supply of food all but gone, the family was starving. Late one snowy night, a traveler knocked on the cabin door seeking shelter from the biting cold. Always generous of heart, the woodcutter welcomed the stranger into his home, apologizing that he had no food to offer. With a smile, the traveler cast off his cloak to reveal the garments of a mage. As the woodcutter and his family looked on, the mysterious visitor reached into his satchel and withdrew a scroll tied with a silver ribbon. No sooner had the wizard unfurled the scroll and read the words aloud, when a great feast appeared from out of thin air. That night, nobody in the woodcutter's cabin went hungry. Day by day, the snow piled up. Every night, the mage produced another scroll from his bag and read the words, each time summoning a new feast. On the fifth night, the woodcutter's wife awoke her husband to confess her mistrust of their magical guest. Surely, she argued, there was some price to pay for the magical feasts that everyone enjoyed night after night. The woodcutter would have none of it. After nearly dying from the lack of food, his family was eating well. The Divines had sent them a gift, he explained, and it was foolish to question their wisdom. But the woodcutter's wife would not be persuaded. Every night, she grew more fearful and more desperate. She was certain that the family had entered into a Devil's bargain, and the time would soon come when the mage would ask for something unspeakable in return for his gifts. While everyone in the cabin slept, the woodcutter's wife snuck out of bed and took her husband's axe in hand. She crept into the traveler's room and with one swing, lopped off his head. Suddenly, the wizard's disembodied head awoke. His eyes opened wide and when he beheld his maimed body, he let forth a terrible cry. Awakened by the horrified scream, the woodcutter and his children rushed into the room and gasped at the terrible sight of the decapitated mage. With his last gasp of breath, the traveler laid a fearful curse on the woodcutter's wife. After her mortal death, she was damned to rise once again and walk the woods alone only to burn at the rising of the sun. To this day, those who walk the pine forest late at night tell tales of a weeping woman glimpsed between the trees. She carries a bloody axe, the stories say, and is terrifying to behold. Now, it is possible to find the cabin, thus inside it hints of the story, a bloodied axe stuck into wood is there, and a atmospheric tune is played. It has been recorded that some players in the rift, around 11 or clock or so, see a woman, a apparition to be more precise, stumbling around with a bloody axe. This woman is mostly introduced with a horrendous screech. I must say I have never seen the woman, but I have heard screams, and these screams aren't like any I've ever heard. So I was wondering, do you have weird sightings, or myths we should go exploring for, ready for you to tell. I want full stories, no rubbish. And maybe we can find out what this is...also, to add, the headless horseman, maybe this is the Mage in the story, with no head, traveling on his horse for eternity...also on the fith night of the skyrim time range, is the summoning date for the woman to wander around riften...
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