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  1. Is it possible to port the next-gen CC quests over to nexus preferably in one mod so I don't have to get the update to play them? I don't want to break my other mods just to play a few quests.
  2. De-capitalist helmet as Automatron head, including the additional faces pretty please.
  3. When I play in fullscreen (1080p) the fps is unlocked and I can get upwards of 60-70+ fps but whenever I play in windowed (720p or 960p) mode I rarely ever reach 40 fps and the game usually stays around 23-38 fps. Since I use MSI Afterburner and RTSS I can clearly see that when it happens, the game is only using around 40% of my GPU! unlike in Fullscreen where it uses more (60-99%) I never had this problem before the next-gen update. https://imgur.com/a/4Ke7erV 1080p screenshot
  4. I am in the middle of a pretty stable game, and I don't want this next gen update thing to screw up my game if mods are suddenly not compatible. In Steam, the game is set to auto-update and I can't seem to figure out how to turn that off. Any advice? Or is this a non-issue?
  5. Hello, I'm trying to uncook the witcher 3 files with wcc lite but i have the OUT OF MEMORY error, with the next-gen the new textures are in high quality but how can i uncook them?
  6. So, what are peoples thoughts on Destiny? I am level 23 Hunter as of writing this and have played a fair amount of both the story and crucible modes. It is very repetitive. There are basically only two story missions types: kill this or scan/interact with this. The didn't even go to the trouble of recording different lines so when you accept mini sidequest missions in the games free roam 'Patrol' area you will often just hear the same lines. Each planet has one or two sidequest boss battles and they all follow the same basic formula of 'go here and fight three waves of enemies while the door is opened. Go fight one mini bosses, then go fight the main boss. Profit.' Some times it is 'kill these three enemies to open the door' or there might not be any mini boss but other than that they are the same. All the boss aren't even different, they are just bigger versions of a regular enemy. Having other players randomly populate areas you are in (I think the maximum is 16) is pretty cool and novel but they rarely don't make a difference to you. You will usually just pass each other without any kind of recognition, each of to do their task. Finding people in game to play with and join your Fireteam is very hard so you will generally have to rely on people you already know and that are a similar level to you to help you do hard missions. The Crucible can be pretty fun. Higher level people don't really have any real advantage in terms of damage but they might have unlocked more of their classes abilities and so there is a slight advantage there but it can be easily overcome if you are better at FPS. Some of the classes abilities are very OP and very infuriating if you don't have a similarly OP super ability. I was a Hunter and the Gunslinger is useless in Crucible. The Golden Gun depends entirely on your precision aiming in close quarters and you only get three shots. Maybe if it made you resistant to damage it might be better but as it is it is useless. On the other-hand the Hunter Bladedancer will annihilate you. Their super is a timed knife attack that makes them run faster, teleport around, and chain knife strikes. If there are a group of enemies reasonably close together they have no chance of stopping you. The only gun you can really use as a primary is your AR. The key to victory is being able to do as much damage in a short amount of time and the other primarys (single shot, burst fire, revolver) don't do enough damage to overcome their slow rates of fire. You can still get kills with them but it is just harder to do. I feel like the FOV isnt wide enough. There was many a time in Crucible where I watch players literally run straight past each other and once you get close to an enemy you pretty much start blindly firing and hiting, just hoping to shoot the other guy. It looks pretty great. I rarely just stop and look at scenery in games but there were a few time while on Venus that I just stopped to look at something but sometimes the artsyle doesn't seem particularly original. The Hive base on moon looks exactly like the Locust underground in GoW. Some of the armor looks just like stuff you would find in Halo (I honestly saw a Titan with armor exactly like Halo EVA armor) Some of the songs in the soundtrack sound like they were made for Halo but used in Halo, but maybe it is just me. It is the same composer so I guess it can is somewhat understandable but they could of been In Halo and I wouldn't of know the difference. I'm probably not expressing my feelings very well and I always recommend playing a game your self to form your own opinions. If I had to give it a score I would give it a 7 or 8 out of 10. It is just to repetitive and too much like other games (Some Halo, some Borderlands, I think some Mass Effect, some of the art style is remarkably similar to GoW) that it is only really unique in that it is a mash up of different games. It has no real character of its own.
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